Odds Are Against Us

By t0ki0h0tel

28.7K 701 445

Avery, a 24 year old girl, had just moved to LA to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. Unfortunately, ever... More

A taste of freedom
Bad Dreams
Safe and Sound
Let me disarm you
Is it love?
Safe Haven
Threat & Trust
Not fine
Vegas, baby
From New York to Paris
A sweet goodbye & an unpleasant hello
Trouble in paradise
Spilling secrets
The Truth
Wrath day
Back to hell
The odds are in our favor
To new beginnings

Odds are against us

832 20 28
By t0ki0h0tel

– I'm off to pick up Joan at the airport. – I told the twins as I grabbed my car keys.

– Don't take too long or Tom will miss you. – Bill said, earning a rather mad look from Tom.

– Miss her? I'll be glad she's gone so I can finally rest. – Tom said, walking closer to me.

– Yeah, sure. – I said and giggled before opening the front door and heading towards my car.


I arrived at the airport and waited for Joan for around half an hour before I finally saw her and nearly ran towards her, pulling her into a tight hug.

– I missed you. – I said, well aware of how tight I was hugging her.

– You're choking me. – she said coughing slightly. I chuckled before she hugged me back. – I missed you too. But just a tiny bit. – she joked.

– Stupid. – I smiled at her once I let her go.

We both walked to my car and I helped her put her bags in the trunk before going inside and driving towards her house.

– So, how was the trip? – I asked.

– Great! Minus the business part. – she said as she wrinkled her nose.

– Obviously.

– We should go out tomorrow night. – she suggested.

– We really should. – I agreed and smiled.

– Okay, it's a date. And the twins should come as well. I'll give a call to the rest of the group. Have you seen any of them lately?

– Not really. Since what happened with James and stuff I haven't really hung out with them. – I shrugged.

– Oh, right. How's that going by the way?

– He got notified. We're going to trial. – I sighed.

– That's good, right? – I gave her a look. – No? Okay...

– I'm just scared. What if he goes free?

– He won't. Stop being such a pessimist. – I rolled my eyes. – No one will let him hurt you again even if he goes free.

– You and the twins are constantly saying that but you know that's not true. You can't just follow me everywhere and protect me at all times. It's impossible.

– But we'll always do the best we can to prevent anything from happening.

– I know. – I said as I parked my car in front of her place.

– Are you going back to the twins'? – she asked.

– Yup. – I nodded.

– Okay. I'll catch you at their place tomorrow night.

– Sure. – I said as she grabbed her bags.

– See you tomorrow! – she waved and I waved back at her.


I got dressed in some jeans and a top along with a pair of sneakers. We were heading to the center of the city to a small party, which didn't require us to dress anything fancy, but rather some comfortable clothes.

– Guys are you ready?! – I yelled at them from the kitchen. I had been waiting for them to get ready for around one hour when I heard a car honking. – Joan's here! Hurry!

I sighed and texted Joan, telling her to wait inside the car for some minutes. Then I heard Bill walk down the stairs.

– I'm ready. – he said.

– Finally. Where's Tom?

– He said he didn't want to come. – Bill shrugged.

– What? Why not? – I frowned.

– He didn't tell me.

I groaned and walked upstairs to Tom's bedroom. I opened the door without knocking and saw him on his laptop.

– Why aren't you coming? – I asked him.

– I don't feel like it. – he shrugged. – I think I'm getting sick. – I rolled my eyes at his excuse.

– Whatever. I'll see you later. – I said and closed his door.

I walked downstairs, grabbed my jacket and dragged Bill along with me to Joan's car.

– Finally. – Joan complained.

– Sorry. You know how long Bill can take to get ready. – I sighed.

– That's why I look better than the both of you. – he said, making me and Joan laugh.

– I wouldn't be so sure. – Joan said as she started driving.

We arrived at the party after a while and stepped out of the car.

– We should wait here for Tiffany and the rest of them. – Joan said. – They'll be here any second. – as she finished her sentence we saw Nathan parking his car next to Joan's.

– Literally any second. – I said and laughed.

We all greeted each other before going inside the party. We immediately started drinking and having fun. I hadn't remembered what it felt like to have fun in more than two weeks.


Around four hours of partying later I sat down on a couch feeling completely wasted, watching Bill stumble around and Joan laughing at him. I started laughing when I saw him falling onto the same couch I was sitting on.

– You done for today? – I asked him.

– I don't know. – he sighed, earning another laugh from me. – I have- – he hesitated. – I have something to tell you. – he said, moving closer to me.

– What is it? – I raised an eyebrow at him.

– I think I'm drunk. – he whispered in my ear before I burst out laughing.

– You're definitely the most drunk you've been in a while. – I kept laughing.

– What's so funny? – Joan moved closer to us.

– Oh, nothing. – I told her.

– I'm so tired. – she said.

– Me too. Should we get going? – I asked.

– Already? – Bill complained.

– Yeah, the rest of the guys have already left.

– Okay. – Bill said with a disappointed face.

We both got up from the couch stumbling a little but we managed to get to the car.

– Can you drive? – I asked Joan.

– How much did you have to drink? – Bill asked her.

– Not much, I'm fine. I can drive. – she said.

– You sure? We can call a cab. – I told her.

– I said I'm fine. – she said as she got inside her car and started the engine. I got into the backseat with Bill and we both put our seatbelts on.

Joan started driving and we were going through the highway in no instant. I noticed how Bill had already fallen asleep. I couldn't help but close my eyes and lean my head back against the seat because of how sleepy I was.

I was seconds away from falling asleep when I suddenly heard a truck honk and hit the car with immense force. I heard glass shatter and I hit my head. Then everything went dark.


I opened my eyes suddenly and felt a mask on my face. I looked around to try to know what was happening but all I could see were red lights everywhere and people talking to each other.

– She's awake! Take her in the ambulance now! – I heard a man scream.

I was so confused, until I saw people in red pushing me into what looked like an ambulance. Only then it hit me. We crashed. I started breathing faster as I panicked. Then another stretcher came into the same ambulance I was in. I could see Bill's face for a second. He was lying there, but he didn't seem to be awake like me. I tried to reach for his hand which was fallen over the stretcher.

– Ma'am do not move. – I heard a paramedic talk to me.

– Time of death 04:37am. – I heard another voice.

– Bill- – I tried to speak, but nearly no voice came out.

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