Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

By _raxeira

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Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... More



3.3K 129 110
By _raxeira

Frisk's eyes widened. "Wait, what? People are after me and you want to have a chat about G?"

Undyne burst out laughing. "He's my friend, you know. And so are you. I'm just trying to look out for ya. Frisk flushed. "Okay, okay. You were saying?"

Undyne poured tea into their cups.

"I knew it the moment it happened. I've spent 3 years studying human and monster behavior, Frisk. You may be intelligent, and you may be able to read people's expressions, but I can look deeper than that." Undyne cleared her throat and took a sip of tea, signaling to Frisk that she was going to talk for a long time.

"The moment he stepped out of the police car was important. If you had met under any other circumstances, he would've judged you as weak. Capturing that criminal made him impressed. Your spunk and sensibility made him amused- as well as attracted." Frisk blushed at that statement.

"There was also the fact that you bore a resemblance to Kitty Cat, which made him feel soft towards you. The scars on your wrists,"

Frisk's face morphed into one of shock as Undyne went on.

"Don't think I didn't notice those, too, and I'm pretty sure he did as well, assuming he wouldn't tell me. Anyways, the scars made him feel pity to you, which made his protective instincts kick in, but the way you handled them proved to G that you are strong. He also appreciates the way you get flustered at his teasing because he knows you're not dumb, but he's the one in control."

Undyne took another sip of tea and waited a few seconds, letting all the information sink in.

"The fact that you risked yourself for Kitty Cat was when he really fell. Kitty Cat is the most important thing in his life, and you realizing the importance of that was crucial. If you hadn't saved her, G would probably hate you now."

Frisk butted in. "So you're saying- that he- and I- but- what about when he was being rude after that?" Undyne just chuckled at her confusion.

"I've known G for a long time, now. Long enough to know that he pushes away his feelings to pursue his priorities first. He may love you, Frisk, but he's also a very good actor. The only way to break him is by forcing his emotions out. When you were attacked countless times, each one made it easier to push you away further." She paused for dramatic effect.

"That last one was the last straw for him, though. Putting you in immense danger that you yourself couldn't get out of made him determined- but not in a good way. He became angry; at you, at the monster, at me, even."

Frisk remembered the thick tension when she accused them of judging her, and how good it felt to do so.

"When you shamed us- which by the way, good job, - he softened up to you because you pushed away your fear, just like he always does. The fact that Kitty loves you also helps, and well, you know the rest." Undyne finished with a satisfied expression.

Frisk had finished her tea and stared at the bottom of her cup. She was confused. G...loved her? Love? She had barely known him, yet every time he was around, her heart beat faster, and every wink or flirtatious comment he said made her burn up.

"So the question you love him back?" Undyne peered at her with burning curiosity.

"I- I-uh, it's- um- I-" Frisk took a deep breath. "I'm not sure. I think so..."

She liked G. He was nice. There was also the fact that he was cute, but Frisk really didn't want to mention that in front of Undyne.

He also was very passionate about Kitty Cat, and he seemed genuinely concerned about Frisk's scars. Yet she couldn't read him at all. One moment he cares, the next he ignores her, and so on.

Did him? Frisk didn't even know what love was at this point. She...didn't have a word for what she felt for G. It was a mixture of curiosity, attraction, hatred, and desperation. She had so many questions about him.

Why? Why does he push away his feeling? What's he trying to hide? Why does he call her Tulip? How can he just ignore Frisk when she needed someone to turn to?

Frisk sighed. "I really don't know, Undyne...." she said, her voice about to break.

Undyne seemed dissatisfied with her answer, but she didn't press Frisk for more. "Alright, let's go." Frisk followed her to the living room, where G was playing with Kitty Cat.

Undyne walked over to a bookcase and pulled a book out. It turned out to be a lever that opened the bookcase as if it was a door.

"Woah...." Frisk trailed off. They all followed her into the narrow hallway that led to who knows where.

Frisk watched as Undyne solved too many puzzles for her to count. There were lasers, trap-doors, and spikes too. Just the thought of anything being able to kill her made Frisk shiver.

Once Undyne completed another puzzle, the doorway opened up to a spacious room. There were three beds, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a lounge, too.

Frisk looked around her in amazement. How was it possible for this giant bunker to exist in the narrow townhouse they were in only a moment ago?

G sat down at the table. "So," he said, his eyes glued to his hands. "We came here because I..." he trailed off before looking up. "I found out their plan."

Frisk stared at him. "What? Who? What plan? How-"

G smirked. "Don't worry Frisk. I'll protect you," he said with a wink. Frisk's face turned scarlet. She thought about what Undyne said earlier, and her blush deepened. She glanced at Undyne with the expression of 'HELP'

Undyne seemed to get the message. "G, this is serious. What plan?"

He looked up at the ceiling. "I don't know who," he said, choosing his words carefully. "But whoever it is, they're going after Tulip here." pointedly looking at Frisk, who was still staring at her shoes, he continued. "There's this plan; some sick way to kill off all the humans."

Frisk's head snapped. "What?" she asked, her voice quivering with fear.

"All I know is that someone out there is trying to take control of the city. The monsters would just kill every human under normal circumstances, but apparently, the leader wants to preserve something." G said, locking his eyes with Frisk. He whispered the last part as if he couldn't bear to say it.

"One of the rarest souls out there; determination."

Frisk nodded, knowing that she had one of the last red souls out there. "Do you know who the leader is?" She asked, her hands shaking in her pockets.

G inhaled smoke from a cigarette and shook his head sadly. "No can do, Tulip," he said. His eyes took in Frisk's whole body shaking. "Hey, are you okay?" He sat forward, voice etched in worry.

If that was the plan, Frisk knew exactly who he was talking about.

She pushed away her fear, straightened, and held her chin high. "I'm perfectly fine, G. We've too many things to worry about instead of my health. Do we know who is attacking us and when?"

Undyne noticed her change in emotion. Frisk was roboting herself from everyone else. Undyne peeked at G, who was staring at Frisk in empathy and admiration.

She flashed back to the talk she had with Frisk earlier.

"I- I-uh, it's- um- I-" Frisk stammered"I'm not sure. I think so...". Undyne looked at her, disappointed. She tried to read Frisk's current emotion, but all she got was confusion. For once, she couldn't read Frisk, which meant Frisk was really confused on her feelings for G.

Undyne shook away the memory and cleared her throat. "We can stay here for as long as we like, but if we need any information on this plan, there's one person to ask."

Undyne felt her face heat up. G smirked at her, already knowing what name would come out of her mouth.


Words: 1400 (can I say how satisfying that is to write exactly 1400 words • 3 •)
I was gonna publish two chapters in a day yesterday as an apology for the sucky writing I've been producing, but I didn't have any ideas after that so....yeah.... ^v^

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