Crown Me

By Jerrieloverforever

111K 2.9K 1.1K

(Book 3) *G!P Jade* Make sure you read the first two books Command me and Conquer Me so you understand the s... More

Little mix were amazing!
A/N (Finally)
Its over.
I'm Sorry


7.2K 201 76
By Jerrieloverforever

[A friend of mine wanted me to try out something in this story as you already know Jade in this book is dominant and sometimes submissive but Perrie mostly is but I've never really got into it really into detail about it with the sex scenes. So in this chapter I've put a little tiny bit of bondage and other things it's not much but i'll say when it starts and ends if you don't want to read it]

*Perrie's Pov*

"Why is Ryan Reynolds so charmingly in movies?" Luke asked as he rounded the corner with a bowl of popcorn. He sank onto the guest bed next to me and turned his attention back to the tv. "I so want a piece of him."

Jesy's head swiveled around to stare him down, eyebrow already crooked. "You're taken," she reminded him. "Don't make me text Edward."

"Where is he anyway?" I asked.

"Now, now. You have to admit he's attractive" Luke held a hand up in surrender, and then pointed to me. "Please tell me you agree Perrie."

"You're avoiding the question," Jesy accused, a knowing smile stealing across her full lips.

"I resent that." Luke shook his head.

"Spill, Luke. You're jumpier than usual." Jesy said.

"You're blocking the best scene," he said, craning to see past her.

"Well, I hate to ruin it for you but they fall in love. Now stop avoiding the question. You called us for a girl's night," I reminded him. "So out with it."

"As if I'm the only one keeping secrets." Luke said. "You're in your own world Perrie."

"I'm getting married in a few weeks!"

"Am I the only one without trouble in paradise?" Jesy asked, not buying my excuse either.

"Trouble?" Both Luke and I repeated at the same time.

"Clearly, I'm misreading you both," Jesy said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Don't make me turn this tv off."

Sighing, I slumped back against the upholstered headboard. If Jade believed it wasn't worth it to make me worry about Zayn, it definitely wasn't worth making Jesy and Luke worry about him. Still I didn't particularly like the idea of lying to my best friends, especially since it seemed to prove Jade had a point when she'd chosen to keep this information from me. Of course, that wasn't the only thing on my mind.

"Jade is going to be traveling more and more. My mum is on me about wedding stuff every waking minute and I'm officially unemployed as of this morning."

"You'll have plenty to keep you busy soon," Luke said in a soft voice.

"Exactly." I grabbed a nearby pillow and hugged it to my chest. "It's not like Jade makes becoming a Royal sound appealing."

"It's not like she has any other choice," Jesy jumped in. "And neither do you if you want to marry her."

Luke and I shared a look. Apparently I wasn't the only one thinking about this.

"What was that look?" Jesy demanded.

I hesitated, unable to voice the possibility, so Luke told her for me, "Jade could renounce the throne."

"Would she really consider doing that?" Jesy asked. "I can't imagine she would now if she hasn't already."

"I don't know," I lied. I was positive Jade wanted nothing more than to dismantle the monarchy piece by piece but her position afforded her access to private security and the funds to pay them. She was doing it for me.

"I'm not sure I know anything anymore. If I think everything's fine, I find out it's all a lie. Everyone thinks I'm living a fairy tale!"

Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulder. He flashed a look at Jesy. "I told you we should have gotten more vodka."

"It doesn't go with popcorn anyway," I mumbled, rubbing my stomach. The whole situation was making me sick. I'd had a perpetual stomachache since I'd found that rose Monday morning.

"I think Jade's also worried that if she renounces, she can't protect me. Jade's been a little manic since Zayn's attack."

"That's just stupid. She renounces and you two could move wherever you wanted and make lots of beautiful babies." Jesy said.

The air was knocked from my lungs and I gasped. Recovering, I shoved some popcorn in my mouth. Apparently girl's night was going to be full of conversational land mines.

Both Jesy and Luke fell silent, obviously sensing that they'd hit on a touchy topic.

"We're not going to have babies," I blurted out past the raw ache in my throat. "I don't even want to have babies neither does Jade, so it's not a big deal."

"Come on! I want a jerrie baby!" Luke dramatically whines. "You two wold have the most beautiful babies."

"More like sexy then beautiful," Jesy said.

"It's never going to happen."

"Well Jade's mother is going to love that," Luke said in a flat voice.

"I suppose it's up to you Luke to carry on the monarchy."

He laughed hollowly. "Then the monarchy might be doomed Perrie."

"Look at us." I leaned into him. "Sitting here, slowly destroying a thousand years of tradition."

"Just another Saturday night."

"I feel like I'm not doing my part," Jesy said with a fake pout.

"We might need backup," I said purposefully.

"I'm good for that," she promised. She pointed at Luke. "Now, how are you destroying the monarchy?"

"You mean other than being gay as a picnic basket?" He hesitated, his eyes darting from Jesy over to me. "I'm thinking of asking Edward to marry me."

"You fucking wanker!" Jesy's still pointed finger stabbed the air violently. "You've been sitting here keeping that to yourself the whole night!"

Genuine laughter bubbled through me and spilled over. "That's not nice Jessica."

"So i guess, everyone will be renouncing the throne?" Luke asked. "It's going to be a brilliant year for jolly old England."

"Who cares if the queen supports your marriage?" I said ignoring him. "What matters is the commitment you two make to each other. You don't need anyone's approval to decide to love someone and you certainly don't need it to choose to spend the rest of your life with them."

The room fell silent and I felt a little silly for letting my passion get the better of me, but then Jesy lunged, squeezing between us.

"You do realise that this means we're all getting married this year!"

Luke snorted at this point of fact. "Do you honestly think I can plan a wedding in less than a year?"

But he couldn't keep a sheepish smile off his face.

In no time, we'd completely abandoned watching the movie in favor of discussing proposal ideas. We talked so late that Jesy curled into a ball and fell asleep between us.

"It will be hard to top Jade's proposal," Luke whispered, trying not to wake her.

"Jade's proposal was a challenge," I said, remembering the over-the-top event she had staged at the London Eye. It had been thrilling and overwhelming, but although I'd said yes, her private proposal later that same evening was the moment I'd truly said yes.

Luke shook his head. "It was a message that she chose you. I want Edward to feel that. I want him to know that I've chosen him the moment I ask him."

"He will," I promised him softly.

Luke sucked in a long breath. "Want to shop for rings tomorrow?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I said, smiling widely.

"Perrie." Luke paused, the boyish exuberance slipping from his face as he reached over and took my hand. "I know things are uncertain right now but I want you to know that I'm glad you're going to apart of my family."

I squeezed his hand. "Me too."

Between us, Jesy rolled over and began to snore scaring Luke in the process. Guess she had to much alcohol, I'm usually fine with snoring but after a night of drinking with Jesy trust me you don't want to stay in the same room as her.

"We should take a video of this," Luke suggested.

"We should," I agreed, "but we won't because we're her best friends. We'll just tease her mercilessly about it in the morning."

Luke shot me a bittersweet smile.

"What's that about?" I asked.

"I'm just happy that you're going to be my family soon."

"As am I." Just as a said that Jesy lets out another loud snore.

"Jesus Christ women." Luke says.

"I love her, but I can't sleep with this racket."

Luke scooted down in the bed, laughing. "Edward says I could sleep through a hurricane."

"Night." I bent down and pecked him on the cheek. "Tomorrow we go ring shopping."

He grinned sleepily. "Yay!"

I crossed to my empty bedroom and was halfway inside when I realised the lights were on in the kitchen. Yawning, I ambled down the stairs, tugging at the pair of boxer briefs I'd stolen from Jade's drawer, hoping whoever was on duty out front wouldn't look in and see me.

The click of a cabinet stopped me dead in my tracks. I was torn between running upstairs to Jesy and Luke, heading for the front door or grabbing an umbrella from the stand by the door. I thought of being followed, of the constant security, of the lies that kept stacking up between Jade and me. I was tired of running. My fingers closed over the umbrella handle and I pulled it slowly from the rack.

I took a deep breath and rounded the corner.

"Really Pez? Choose an umbrella as your weapon" Jade's mouth pressed into a thin line as she tried to hide her amusement.

"What are you doing home?" I dropped the umbrella and ran to her. Jade's arms folded around me and I drew back to drink her in.

"I guess someone missed me?" She asked, her voice taking on a tone that sent a flutter of expectation throbbing through me.

I shook my head playfully. "It's only been one night."

"Are you sure, baby? You're wearing my briefs." She ran her index finger along the band that hung on my hips. "Turn around and let me see. Slowly."

I pivoted obediently. Her watchful gaze burned through me, igniting a flame deep within my belly. I had missed her and my starved body reacted with throbbing pangs of hunger. My legs clamped shut as I tried to control my arousal. Jade slid a hand between my thighs and urged them back apart, brushing across my sex as she did.

She hooked a finger in my waistband and drew me roughly against her. Sliding a hand under my tank top, her fingers circled my nipples, tugging and pinching them until they were almost painfully hard and I was panting. I pressed my ass back until her erection prodded against me.

Jade's lips moved against my ear, teeth catching and nipping its shell. "Now, did you miss me?"

My pulse quickened, my breathing shifting to shallow puffs. I'd expected our time apart to provide some perspective away from her influence but I'd spent it craving her instead. With everything changing, with my whole life in limbo, the only thing I could be certain of was her.

"Answer me Pez," She prompted, squeezing my swollen breasts and drawing my thoughts away from the outside world. "Tell me that you missed me."

I moaned a yes, barely able to find the word in my fervent state. I wanted to turn around to kiss her but I recognised the tone of her voice. Tonight she was in control and my body knew that. It was what I wanted. I still refused to believe that I needed submission. It was a conscious choice to place myself completely in her hands. It was the only way it could be healthy for either of us. Still, knowing I would be at her mercy soon sent the sweetest pang echoing through me.

"If you will not speak, then you must show me," She commanded. Jade released her hold on me and pressed her hands gently to my shoulders. There was no need for her to be rough-not yet.

I knelt, the cool hardness of the kitchen floor providing a jolt to my already frayed senses. Iciness traveled through my blood, spreading so rapidly that instead of shivering, I grew feverish.

Jade circled me thoughtfully, "We have guests?"

I nodded.

"Is that why you're being quiet?" A smirk played at her shapely lips and I thought about running my tongue across them. I imagined them pressed between my legs. "Then we'll make a game of it. If you want to be quiet, you can be. But I won't make that easy for you."

It wasn't so much that I wanted to be quiet or that I was worried about waking the others, it was that something about Jade demanded it this evening. Her dominant side had overtaken her just as the submissive side she'd uncovered in me longed to surrender. Part of me fought against it, still wounded from the information she'd kept from me.

"A gentlewomen would take you upstairs and close the door. She would make love to you slowly so that your screams wouldn't wake your friends." Jade bent and tipped my chin up with her index finger. Her gaze smouldered through me, melting the last of my inhibitions. "But I'm not a gentlewomen."

Her words ignited me. Desire sought out each nerve ending until my skin sung with near-electric desire. Need sizzled and crackled across my flesh as if warning that even the slightest touch might spark an inferno.

Her thumb glided over my lips softly.

"Perfect lips," she murmured appreciatively. "Strip,"

I was powerless to resist the request, because in the end I couldn't deny her. I didn't want to resist her. I shimmied out of the boxer briefs and kicked them away, aware that I was now naked in my kitchen.

"Does it make you uncomfortable to know that your friends are upstairs? That any moment a guard could walk by to check the perimeter and see you like this?" Jade palm trailed across my bare abdomen, leaving a path of fire in its wake. "Speak baby."

"No," I murmured.

[Warning from earlier starts here]

"If you aren't afraid, why are you whispering?" She asked, pausing to pluck a silk scarf I'd left strewn on the kitchen table.

"No," I repeated in a clear, steady voice even as my knees nearly buckled. I considered what she was going to do.

Jade wrapped the scarf around her hands and pulled it until the silk was as taut and stretched as my own desire.

"That's better." She took a few steps until she stood behind me and then the silk slipped over my eyes. The filmy fabric obscured my vision, transforming the room around me into a collection of hazy shapes.

"Show me your beautiful body." Jade's words were sharp, her voice more commanding with the scarf's impediment.

My movement controlled as Jade gradually slackened her grip on the makeshift blindfold. The scarf drifted, passing over my mouth and gliding down until it loosely collared my neck as my palms met the cold floor. I shivered both from the added chill on my bare skin and from the agonising promise of the moment.

"You're cold." Concern coloured her voice, but she didn't urge me up from the floor. "I'll light a fire."

You already have. The lone thought broke through my clouded head but I didn't speak. I was high on her, drunk on my own submission. Without thinking, I crawled forward, tugging gently against the scarf around my neck. Jade sucked in a breath behind me, but she didn't move, forcing me to a halt as my neck strained against the fabric. I waited as she stepped to my side before resuming my progress toward the hearth in the living room. I'd never felt so blatantly sexual, even with Jade. I was her's to control to consume. Each movement forward, each press of a palm to the floor, each slide of my knee fuelled my wantonness. I'd submitted to her before but she had always taken the reins. Tonight I'd literally handed them over to her.

"Stop here," Jade said as we crossed onto the plush Oriental rug situated in front of the hearth. She dropped the scarf entirely. It fluttered to the floor beneath me, but I didn't move even as she lit a match and stoked a small flame into a roaring fire. Its warmth licked across my face, searing down my shoulders, and enveloping my body physically in the heat already in my blood. I remained on all fours, sensing Jade's enjoyment of the pose.

"Do you feel the fire?" She asked, her fingers closing over her belt buckle. "It's turning your skin such a lovely rosy colour. It makes me think of other things that turn your skin pink."

I tensed with delirious expectation as she drew her belt free of her pants. It clattered to the floor and my eyes were glued to her as she unfastened each button of her shirt with slow precision. In the firelight, Jade's eyes were as dark as the night sky as she studied me.

"You've been so patient," Jade told me with approbation. The praise in her voice reached inside me and soothed an anguish I didn't know I carried. "That will be rewarded but first I want to see how much you can endure. Can you handle that, Perrie? The pleasure without the release? I want you to contain it to hold on. To beg. But to not let go until I say."

I whimpered, knowing she could take me to the brink and hold me over the edge without letting me fall. She'd done it before but never to this extent. Usually she wanted me to succumb to the clawing, relentless orgasms she unleashed from me. This was new.

And it was exactly what I wanted to relinquish my body while remaining in control.

Jade wet her lip with her tongue as she undid her pants and moved out of view. I stared into the flickering blaze, my eyes clenching shut as she softly kicked my bare feet open and stepped between them. Her body grazed against my swollen sex as she sank to her knees, her hands gripping my hips before the hot suction of her mouth closed over me. I swallowed back a groan, my teeth sinking into my lower lip as I concentrated on staying in one piece. Her tongue flicked and swirled, dipping into me and then settling over the bundle of nerves twitching at my core, making abstinence feel like an impossible feat. The sharp nip of teeth on my bundle of nerves that broke my focus and I cried, dangerously close to coming.

Jade drew back, smacking my ass with disapproval.

I sucked at the air, my chest heaving as I struggled to center myself.

"Feel it Perrie," She urged. "Feel how close you are to satisfaction. Enjoy it. But don't let go."

"Please Jade." It was out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"No, baby," She refused, rubbing my back in soothing circles. "You can hold out longer. I won't be happy until you're begging like it's your very life at stake. In fact, perhaps you need a moment to collect yourself. Turn around."

I did as she demanded, turning my trembling sex toward the hearth and its heat. My head tilted, gazing up at her hopefully, as I moved closer and pressed a soft kiss through her pants to the rigid outline of her member. She smiled, reaching down to free it from the confines of her pants and I wasted no time. I wanted her to feel half as turned on as I did. I wanted to torture her, well just a little. My mouth closed over her and I relaxed, taking in her shaft until it bumped the back of my throat. A sound rumbled from Jade as I stroked her length with my tongue.

"You are so fucking beautiful Perrie with me in your mouth. It makes me want to do all sorts of depraved things to you."

My moan vibrated across the her and she responded to the sensation by grabbing a handful of my hair and driving into my mouth with furious abandon.

"Do you want me to come?" Jade growled. I hollowed my cheeks in response and her head fell back as my lips plunged swiftly over her, sucking her as hard as I physically could. Jade's body froze for a split second and I relaxed my throat in anticipation of her climax. But instead she pulled abruptly out of my mouth, her fist jerking her shaft roughly as she released in hot spurts across my bare breasts.

She'd never marked me like this and I sat up.

"Up. Now," Jade commanded. Her erection wagged, undiminished, as she gripped my elbow and hauled me to my feet. Jade practically dragged me to the corner of the room, turning me at the hips and shoving my knees onto the bench of the grand piano that had sat here untouched since we'd moved in. I narrowly caught myself, my fingers splaying across the keys and sending a jarring cacophony of notes into the air. Somewhere it registered that we were no longer being quiet but I couldn't care less. There was only her. Only her touch. Only her skin and her palm as she lightly spanked me.

"That wasn't very patient of you." Her accusation was followed by a playful smack. Jade massaged away the sting before another landed on the opposite cheek. "I wanted to come with you, Perrie. Now I'll have to make you come twice."

Yes, please.

She read my mind. Her forearm hooked around my waist, drawing my hips lower, so that my behind hung over the edge of the bench. Jade lowered to one knee behind me and positioned herself at my entrance and then she waited.

"Please Jade," I whimpered.

But she didn't move.

"I need to feel you. I need you to fuck me."

She remained motionless and I wiggled my hips, trying to lower myself onto her. Her arm tightened, restricting my movement.

I gasped, gulping for air that I couldn't catch as frustration and arousal warred inside me. Want had taken me past rationality and I struggled against her, bucking and howling as tears spilled down my cheeks. A litany of pleas streamed from me, coupled with sobs that rolled violently through my limbs. Jade's lips lowered to the curve of my neck as she restrained my writhing figure and she kissed the spot softly. The simple act electrified me and I screamed.

But Jade didn't try to silence me instead she slammed into me, burying herself as deeply as possible with one swift thrust. I was impaled on her and Jade's hands shot out, seizing my wrists and pinning them behind my back. My head fell forward, meeting with the cool ivory as she pounded against my cervix, turning my sobs into cries and shrieks that exploded from the very center of my being. My orgasm ripped through me. My muscles splintered and the ball of tension in my core burst as I shattered over her. Jade wrecked me, destroyed me and I dissolved into her embrace, folding into her as she rocked me slowly to a gentle encore.

[Ends here]

"You okay Pez?" Jade asked softly, I nodded my head.

By the time she gathered me in her arms, covering me with her shirt and carried me upstairs, my eyes were heavy and my body exhausted. Jade's scent clung to the stiff cotton and I breathed it in, allowing it to lull me closer to my dreams. She nudged open the bedroom door and was two steps inside when a worried voice called my name.

"Perrie! Are you okay?" Luke's voice called in our direction.

Jade paused and stuck her head into the hallway, while keeping my spent, languid body safely out of sight.

"Never mind," Luke said with amusement.

"Good night Luke." Jade kicked the door closed behind us and took me to bed.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, okay I have a few things I want to talk to you about.

Okay first thing is I think I already asked this before but oh well am going to again. Is anyone else here going to see the girls next Saturday in Sydney?

Second thing is a got a few messages about the other books on my account that people couldn't find them anymore and that because I've unpublished them and I don't know if i'll end up putting them back up again so I'm sorry guys.

And lastly is something I've noticed a lot around on here and other places like instagram, twitter, tumblr and many more but I'm not saying it's any of you guys because you's are all super amazing but I've seen that people are bullying people over the most stupidest thing about how old they are and having a fan account. So what if someone is 12,19,20,25 or 30 other anyone other age everyone is aloud to have a fan account, of course if they are being dicks and picking on people then they should be told to get lost but just because someone is over 20 or whatever doesn't mean because they are older that they should 'grow up' and 'Get over it when they are being bullied' and it's the same with people who are younger as well. No matter how old you're don't let anyone make you feel bad about having a fan account for your favourite people if you love doing it then do it.

Anyway I'm done now so yeah hope you liked this update and if any of you guys are seeing Little mix in Sydney next Saturday maybe we will run into each other there who knows.

See you next update

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