The Hunter and the Pirate (Pi...

By Joybells354

8.1K 239 82

It's the early 1800's. Pirates are caught between the navies of the colonies and Europe. You are the captain... More

Prologue: The Rumor
Chapter 2: Challenged
Chapter 3: Where Infamous Meets Legend
Chapter 4: A Day in the Life of the Enemy
The Siren's Call
Things Always Get Better...
...Before They Get Worse
Old Friends, New Enemies
And the World Keeps Turning

Chapter 1: Chasing Rumors

490 23 5
By Joybells354

Now we get to meet the main character, AKA you. A brief recap of the prologue if you decided to skip it, Captain Kirkland has just found out who you are and is set on ending your winning streak. That's about it. It's 2:39 in the morning, so if there are any mistakes, it's cause I'm flipping tired, but I want to get this chapter out at the same time as the prologue. I'm American, so you are from America in this story. Just a heads up :)

vv Just in case you need it vv

(f/n) = your first name

(l/n) = your last name

(e/h/c) = your eye/hair color

(h/l) = hair length

(POV) = point of view


(Captain (l/n)'s POV)

Nowhere better to be than at sea.

You grin as the wind ruffles your hair. It's a clear day today which hopefully meant smooth sailing. Your tricorn hat is tucked securely under your arm. A brilliant, cloud free sky, sun reflecting off the deep blue water, and the stars and stripes waving proudly from the highest mast. The atmosphere is relaxed as you stand at the bow of your ship.

Also, you were going to see your father later today.

According to your calculations, you and your crew would reach Willsboro in a matter of hours. It was a decently large naval port off the coast of Delaware. Obscure as it was, it was your home and your preferred vacation spot when you were off duty.

"Captain!" you hear from behind you. You turn to see your first mate running towards you.

"What is it, Alfred?" you ask. Your best friend from childhood, Alfred F. Jones was quite a handful at times. However, he was extremely reliable and battle-tested, so you kept him on your ship. He also brought a sense of fun to the long days at sea.

"It's... complicated, man," he says, wringing his hands together. You frown. He's nervous. That's not a sight you see everyday. "A messenger hawk came aboard a short while ago. The message, well..."

"I see. Though I'm not sure why I wasn't informed of this sooner," you say, raising an eyebrow. "How is it even possible for a bird to find us out on the water?"

"I dunno. It's weird. I'm sure that the bird is a hawk, but its feathers are pitch black and blood red. Not a speck of white like other hawks I've seen."

You tense up at the description of the hawk. You remember all the stories your father told you about the black and red hawk. It was a bad omen. Alfred is still talking, so you shake your head to clear you of any dark thoughts.

"We read the message cause it wasn't addressed to anyone in particular," Alfred said quickly. "And, y'know, Gilbert thought it might've been Elizaveta, and you know how he is when he clamps onto an idea..."

"No matter. Just take the message to my chambers. I will see to it after our leave in Willsboro. No sense in getting worked up just before vacation," you say with a sigh. "And tell Gilbert that as far as I know, Elizaveta is still pining after Roderich."

With that, you smooth back your (h/l) (h/c) hair and nestle your hat on your head, eagerly watching the horizon for a glimpse of Willsboro.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's been so long since you've been on leave. Your crew dispersed eagerly from The Black Heron to visit their families. Gilbert, having gotten the news that his crush was still crushing on Roderich the melomaniac, had been the first off the ship to give Roderich a piece of his mind.

Or get his ass handed to him by Elizaveta, you think to yourself, chuckling quietly as you walk along a narrow, backroad to your father's cabin in the woods.

And there it is! The little wooden cabin completely hidden in the forest. For being a high ranking naval officer, your father sure did like his privacy. You preferred the city, but home was home. You go up to the door and get one rap off before the door flies open with your father standing in the doorway.

"(F/n)!" he yells upon seeing your face. "Hurry, come in!"

Before you can protest, he pulls you inside and slams the door behind you. You turn to face him and ask him what is wrong when he pulls you into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh, (f/n)," he whispers. "You're safe."

You push yourself away from him and say, "Yes, I am safe. What is wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Your father looks at you without answering. You notice that he's not as healthy as he was when you left. His hair is a mess and there are bags underneath his eyes. He finally speaks in a raspy voice that you've never heard from him.

"Arthur Kirkland is after you. I was so worried with what happened with your mother and your siblings on that ship to England--"

"Father," you say in a stern voice. "I am perfectly capable of looking after myself out on the sea. I'll remind you that I have brought in many pirates and am perfectly equipped to bring him in as well. How did you even hear anything like that?"

Your father numbly leads you into the small living room. There is a man sitting on a chair. You quickly recognize him as Wang Yao. You'd never worked with him personally, but you had friends who had protected his ship before. That being said, he didn't know you.

"A blue coat?" he said, his eyes widening with surprise. "That... That means--"

"This is my daughter, Captain (l/n) of The Black Heron," your father says, pride replacing some of the darkness in his eyes.

The man walks over to you. He takes your hand and goes to kiss it before you quickly break contact with him. He quickly raises his hands in a "sorry" gesture.

"My apologies, Captain. Never met a woman captain. Dunno how to act or how to treat you--"

"You will treat me with the same respect you would show a male captain," you say coldly, locking your hands behind you in an intimidating stance. It works like a charm. Wang Yao backs off.

"(F/n), this man was the one who told me about Arthur Kirkland," your father says, a bit calmer than when you had first arrived. "He's been here for a couple days. We were waiting for you to come here for your leave. Mr. Yao? If you could tell my daughter what you told me?"

With that, Wang launched into a long story about how one day he encountered the pirate in a bar. As drunk as he was, he let slip quite a few things about you and your ship, though he hadn't known that The Black Heron's captain was female. You now have an idea of who sent that hawk.

After a rather long monologue, Wang finally finishes his story.

"Captain Kirkland seems really bent on bringing you down," he says. You cross your arms. You hate to admit it, but it all adds up. Piracy is so close to being wiped out, but it was mostly thanks to you. Now the strongest pirate on the seas knew that only one ship had to be wiped out to prevent the pirates' extinction.

This was bad.

"Now, please, (f/n)," your father said, turning to you. "I'm begging you. Please stay home."

You whip your head around to him, shocked. Was this news of Kirkland really upsetting him so much? This was the man who had told you to beat the asses of every pirate in the seven seas at The Black Heron's commissioning. This was the man who had held the record of pirates brought to justice before you came along. 

Then you remember that your mother and two sisters had been sailing to England when Kirkland attacked their ship. They were presumed dead. This had happened on your last tour, so the pain was still fresh, but you used that pain to fight fiercer and lead stronger. At the very least, you thought that your father would have wanted you to get revenge.

What had happened to him while you were away?

"Father, I told you already," you say softly. Then you stop and shoot a pointed look at Wang. He takes the hint and scurries out the door. You hear the door shut and continue. "I can take care of myself. I know that mother, Jillian, and Mary were killed by that monster, but this way I can avenge them. Don't you see?"

Your father doesn't say anything. You take a breath. This next statement will hurt him, but it has to be said.

"I'm going whether you like it or not," you say with conviction. "I leave tomorrow. I understand your fears concerning Kirkland, but if I do not stop him, no one will."

Your father looks you in the eye. His (e/c) eyes search your eyes for any doubt or uncertainty. He only sees determination. He chuckles sadly.

"Of course. Sometimes I wish you hadn't inherited my eyes," he says, sighing. "Every time I look in them, I see my own stubbornness."

You smile, glad that you and your father wouldn't be parting on a sour note. 

"Your mother would be proud," he says in a whisper. You look at him sadly, remembering the strong captain he had been. He looked pitiful.

"I'll make dinner tonight," you say, leading him to the small dining room. "Just like mother used to."

"I'd appreciate that."

You smile at him. "Good to be home."

You turn quickly so he doesn't see the shimmer making its way down your cheek. Home. It would never be the same without mother and your sisters.


(Arthur's POV)

"Willsboro then?" Arthur muttered to himself, looking over reported sightings of ships that resembled The Black Heron. "It all points to there."

He quickly plotted a course. Disregarding any misfortune, they could make it to Willsboro in a matter of days from where they were. 

"Gotcha," he said, laughing darkly. "Hope you've said your prayers, Captain (l/n)."


Okay, so this is actually stretching out more than I had originally anticipated. Sorry :/ I know most fan fictions are kept short, but I typically add more detail than maybe are necessary... Let me know what you think! Perhaps updating often will make up for the slow(er) storyline. (I'm also reeeeeeally tired, so I'll probably make revisions at some time or another.) Also, if there are any plot holes, well, it all works out in my mind, but I might've left things out by accident, so let me know! :)

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