

162 22 8

Shortly after arriving to the states Pyru a young prince encounters two boys Danny and Parker. swept up into... Еще

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 3

32 4 0

Danny raked his fingers through Pyru's hair as he looked at him. He tried to not to pay attention to the feeling of their cocks gently gliding across one another. "It's okay. Parker has never hurt anyone. It's just normally when he hears the sound of a racing heart that turns him and he it makes me want to drink from that person as he..." His words trailed off as one of his eyebrows playfully perked hoping he knew the end of that sentence. The more he pressed into Danny the harder he grew, one of his hands running down over his ass to give it a nice squeeze. He returned the kiss, taking control of the way their lips moved together by slowing things down and gripping Pyru's ass harder groaning into the exchanging.

Parker had gone to his fridge to get a blood packet, drinking down two within a second. When he came back over to the passionate scene he pressed into Pyru's back. "I promise I will not hurt you, it was just a momentary weakness." As Danny moved his hands back to his waist when the kiss ended, Parker pressed his crotch to Pyru's plump rear. "Of course, we could give you something else." He playfully nipped the smaller male's ear while wiggling his eyebrows. "What do you say, we are all friends here?"

Pyru moans softly, but something more than lusts stirred in him as he stared into Danny's eyes, something that made his heart flutter, but he quickly buried it within his desire as he tries to speak "i-i've never done anything like this before so um... i guess ill try it.... as long as you will lead my Danny" he leans into Danny's embrace kissing softly on his neck another hand running down the length of Danny's back before sliding dow into his paints messageing his ass. Tensing he removes Danny's shorts, other hand removes his own pants and wiggles out of the vest only thing on him is his ear rings and his black panties, his cock sticking out of them throbbing, the head just above his belly button leaking precum, he gently caress Danny's face and kisses him, but there was more in that kiss then lust, something stronger and more passionately, unknowingly he began to wiggle his butt. 

Danny slipped a hand along one of his cheeks. "I got you, don't worry." He groaned feeling his lips run over his neck. When his hand caressed Danny's ass he slightly pulled Pyru into him harder letting him feel his thick cock stiffing. Danny not being able to hide his pleasure from being stripped of his pants from the other. His gaze moved down to study black underwear. One of his index fingers tracing over his throbbing cock before he teasingly rubbed one of his thumbs over Pyru's tip. Danny returned the kiss not allowing his tongue slide into Pyru's mouth to explore the area and wrestle his long muscle. Heat was rising in the room and Danny wanted more. Although, he also wanted to take things slow at the same time even after everything he had done. Parker grinned feeling Pyru wiggle his ass, smacking it gently before taking a firm grip of one of his cheeks.

Pyru's eyes flash silver not liking the slapping, but they close again as he pulls back his kiss to a gentle kiss sensing Danny's feelings. his hand travels down 'danny's back tracing it as it makes its way to his hole, Pyru messages danny's hole as he uses his other hand to rub his and Danny's cock together precum leaking onto danny's cock as he does so. Pyru recalled Parker he wiggled his ass to invite parker to play with it as, he moves from kissing Danny's lips to kissing Danny's neck, his heart racing and his body feeling overflowing with desire and energy he nbbles lightly on his neck before kissing down to his chest sliding over to his right nipple sucking on it softly and using his tongue.

Danny's finger ran over his tip, gently teasing him. He pressed into Pyru's touch enjoying the feeling of him massaging his asshole. He purrs, moving down to his neck to nip and nuzzle against it tenderly. His precum mixing with Pyru's from the feeling of their dicks pressing together. He softly bucked against his touch, licking across his skin. Parker pushed against his ass harder, rubbing his hard-on against him more. One of his hands slipping into his panties to tease his hole. His tongue lapping at his nape before sucking eagerly. Slowly, he pushed one of his thick fingers inside his asshole wiggling it slightly.

Pyru lets out a soft moan as Parker's finger slide in, he gently removes his panties his cock bouncing at the action, continuing to message Danny's asshole before sliding a finger in and rubbing dann'ys prostate making him feel close to orgasaming. Suddenly his senses kick in in and he jumps into the air and lands behind Danny looking at the two feeling a sense of guilt as he looked at them "you two are very beautiful, but... this isnt something id normally do at all. p-please forgive me." Pyru rushes to his room tears in his eyes.

Danny blinks his arousal quickly gone he goes to go after Pyru but stops short feeling guilty "man.... we acted like beasts..." Danny's heart raced steal from Pyru's touch he felt something for sure but at the moment he just felt guilty. looking over at Parker who seemed more than slightly annoyed "well i mean he could've just let us finish" Danny snorts "that's kinda an asshole thing to say we moe or less seduced him. go get dressed im going to see if hes okay." Danny rushes off to make sure that they hadn't really messed up what could've been a good freindship. 

Pyru lay on his bed, the breeze from the bed caressing his naked body, a knock on the door however made him sit up and cover himself. Danny walked in still naked, Pyru's gaze went down to his cock but quickly shot back up where he saw guilt on Danny's face, he smiled half heartedly "no please don't feel bad come in." Danny nodded and walked into the room and sat beside Pyru bowing his head "im sorry we acted like that, we are kinda party animals i guess..." he looked up at Pyru there eyes meeting.

Pyru smiles softly he couldn't be mad at Danny even if the situation was more than a bit overstimulating and confusing he knew that Danny means well, the other one Parker however he didn't seem to like. "Its alright really, im sure it happens alot, i just need a moment is all to process what happened." Danny had reached out and took Pyru's face into his hand, caressing his cheek. Pyru leaned into it blushing unsure why this boys touch feel so different then others

Danny flinches when he hears the door slam, glancing back he sighed "don't mind Parker hes a brute. im pretty sure he's lying about his age, i think he used to be a viking" Pyru laughed softly which warmed Danny's heart, he smiled he enjoyed this boy's laugh more then he would ever admit "you take all the time you want okay? ill be here for ya, what are friends for?"

Pyru tilted his head and looked over at the sun was setting he would have to go out soon. He glanced at Danny and smiled "its alright ive met many types of people i can deal with one brute. um..." Pyru was looking at Danny's body up and down it was really hard not too, he was well toned and slender and he had an impressive member. "if its alright may i stay here?" Danny smiles and leans in and nuzzles Pyru's neck "of course you can, you can stay as long as you want" Danny leans in and kisses Pyru.

Pyru's mind was a hurricane of thought and emotion as he kissed Danny back, he walked off to the large shower silently. Turning the knob onto hot he stepped in and let the water cleanse his mind and body his eyes closed as he tried to regain his thoughts "you are Pyru, you came here for one reason. this was not it....." he opens his eyes and glances down at the floor blushing slightly as Danny came to his mind "it was just nearly sex wasn't it? what is this strong pull. i felt it the moment i walked into this hotel...." sighing he finished up his shower.

Pyru walks out and looks around, everything had been clean and he didn't see Danny and Parker anywhere, he felt on edge with Parker, a creature like that didn't normally act so civil. sighing he motioned with his finger and his Crystal Orb flew up to circle him as he went and put on his Formal Garbs, putting his hair up he twirled around in front of the mirror watching the skirt and dress flow, smiling he left the room and looked out the window. the sun was setting and he should be ready for his hunt. "what a day...." he sighs "it happened so quickly." he shrugs feeling a mixture of emotions as he gazed at the setting sun.

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