By princess_kookie

291K 8.3K 1.1K

Sehun was a simple student with a simple life. He only needs his family and girlfriend to be happy... Oops, a... More

Mr. Right [EXO-SEHUN]
Mr. Right
MR.41 (PreFinale I)
MR.42 [Cont(PF II)]
Author's Message :)


5.6K 180 31
By princess_kookie

Mr. Right



So this is what will happen when Sehun+Sadako lived in the same house. I mean, what will happen, once Sehun, had a Sadako-like wife.



Your P.O.V

"Uwaaaaaaahh uwaaaaaahhhh" Omo... TT^TT why is she crying??


"Yah Sehunaaaaaah!!" I shouted.

I just woke up and it's too early in the morning when Donnah started to cry...

I called Sehun but he din't wake up.

He's still sleeping on our bed.

Aigoo... This yehet.. -____-+

"Uwaaaaaahhh uwaaaaaah"

"Omo omo.. Stop crying baby yehet, what's wrong?? Huh??? Why's my baby crying??" I talked to her as I try to.make her stop crying..

Omona.. I can't believe, I just have a baby now. Ish..

"Uwaaaaaah uwaaaaaahh" She continued to cry..

Omona.. How to stop you?? I don't have any idea to take care of a baby. I don't know what's her problem.. TT^TT

Ish. This Sehun will not wake up?!

I crawled back on our bed. Because I was sitting on side of our bed for our baby's crib is placed next to it.

I slapped his arm...

"Yah!! I said wake up !!!"

Do you know what time is it?? =__=.It's 1:00 am.. I woke up because.I heard my pretty baby cried. And I don't know why she's crying!!! And how to stop her!!!

"Ireona!!! (wake up) YAH!!!"

I shook him but still, it's no effect..

I was about to shake him again when he pulled me down to his chest..

"Let's sleep more..." He mumbled while his eyes still closed..

Ish.. >\\\\\\<

Then he moved aside and now, I'm back to lying down..

"I want to have baby, Donnah's dongsaeng... Hm?? I want boy.. Hihihi" He again mumbled...


What the!!!

"Uwaaaaaah uwaaaaaah"

O.O Omo.. My baby's crying...

This Sehun!! Why so lazy to wake up?!?

"YAH!!! I SAID WAKE UP!!!! OUR BABY'S CRYING!!!!!" I shouted..

My blood pressure really has reached its boiling point!!

I got up from lying down. And still he doesn't wake up..

"=__= Maybe she has a poopoo or her diaper's full of pee, or she's hungry..." He mumbled as he covered his head with a pillow.




I slapped his head...

"Wake up..."

I shook him...

"Wake up wake up wake up wake up.. Wake up wake up wake up!!! Wake up!!!!!!" >:'O"

"Why?!?!! What the!!!!" Sehun shouted as he got up...


"Uwaaaaaah uwaaaaaahh" Our baby continued crying.  

"I told you check her diaper!!"

I again slapped his arm... 

"How dare you yell at me???" I yelled back to him..

"Ish... TT^TT ... Can you even call yourself mom? You don't even know how to stop your baby from crying.. " He complained...

"Just do it...."

He then get our baby out her crib and made her lay down our bed..

"Ssshh... Stop crying baby.. What's wrong?? Huh??? Did you poop ??" Sehun asked our baby as he tried to stop her crying.

Actually, I just wanna see how Sehun will stop our baby crying.

And as expected, he always do things perfectly. He's so cute.

Seeing him carrying our baby, omona...  >\\\\\\<

I'm so lucky to have the BEST HUSBAND.. :''>

" X'[ Oh sheez!!! Baby!!! Your diaper smells stinky!! What did you eat???" He complained...

Hahaha.. He's so cute...

Our baby queitly smiled as she thumbsuck.

Hahaha.  Omona.. So cute.. >\\\\\<

I can't believe she's my baby, she really looks like her dad. She got Sehun's lips. Aigoo... So cute..  >\\\\<

"Yah, jagiya..... Give me a hand over here.. Remove her diaper.. > <" Sehun said..

"Ani... Just do it, you look cute doing that. ^^"

"Oh please don't do this to me!! I'm dying!! Please take away her diaper away now!! Please!!"

He can't remove the diaper 'cause he's holding our baby's feet with both his hands while his pinky finger was rose up.

"Hahahaha... You two are so cute.. XD" I laughed at Sehun

Then I just helped him... I removed the diaper and threw it away... Then gave him the wipes..

"Here.. Wipe her cute butt^^" I commanded..

And so he did...

After doing everything... Our baby went back to sleeping.. Her dad, Sehun is carrying her,swaying while humming lulluby.. See? He's doing things I suppose to do.

-_____- But I hate it when he's humming... It's such a pain to ears..

"Yah... Go outside and humm there.. I wanna sleep more..>\\<"  I complained but I am just teasing him..

"Can't you see I look gay here and that's how you'll treat me?? You abusive wife... -___-+"

"Mwo? I am not abusive.. I just love you so much that I wanna see how you take care of our baby^^" I teased him...

"Ish.. Stop it sadako..."

"Call me jagiya... :'D" I ran and hugged him from his back...

"Yah.. Stop teasing me..." Sehun complained..

"Aigoo... Saranghae yeobo... (^\\\\^)" I continued teasing him..

"Don't... Stop it... Donnah's sleeping. You're noisy!!" Sehun scolded me quietly...

"Ani.. I wanna dance with my husband and baby..." I said and finally, I'm not teasing him anymore..

"Haha.. You're so sweet.. -____- But please. You're so heavy...

(_ _") Heavy?? TT^TT

"If you wanna cuddle, let me make Donnah sleep first.... Okay?? -___- You aggressive wife.."

O.O Mwo?!?!

"Who's aggressive?!?! >:'O" I yelled at him as I hugged his back tighter and placed my chin on his shoulder, which made him got hurt....

"Yah stop it!! I'm carrying Donnah!" He shouted but laughed..

"Come on she's already sleeping!! Put her back in her crib!!"  I begged..

"Sadako.... You're too obvious, Donnah's only 1 year old. You wanna have a baby again?? Hahahaha... We'll get there, don't be so excited.."

"Ish!! Shut up!!!" >\\\\<

This jerk!! What the hell is he talking about?!?!

I lied back down on our bed.. And acted as if I'm mad...

After a few seconds, I felt he lied back on our bed... And hugged me from behind..

Omo... >\\\\\\\\<

I'm feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have this jerk yet sweet husband!!!

"Aigoo... My wife got chubby... >\\<"

>\\\\\< What the!!

"Mwo??" I turned around and faced him..

"Did I really get fat?? TT^TT"

"Honestly, yes you did. But, it's okay, even if you'll grow fat lile a whale, my wife will still the prettiest woman in my eyes. ^_^"

"Aigoo.. You're so sweet... >3<"

"Of course... What? Ready??" He whispered as he bit his lips..


"Ish!! Go away you perv!!!" I again turned my back at him.

>\\\\\\\< But honestly. My heart's beating fast... Excited?? Ish!!


"Ahhhrgh.. Come on... >3<" He hugged me again...


"Pleaaasse... >3<"

"No way!!! You don't know how hard it is to get pregnant!!" I said frankly...

"It's okay!! I'll get pregnant for you!!"

"What the.. Noooooo!!! Stay away from me!!!" >\\\\\< I tried to push him away. But he's hugging me tightly..

Omona.. This feelings...

"Let's have a son!! Pleaaaaase!!" He insisted...


I guess you should think about what happened next... >\\\\<



Your P.O.V

Omo... So pretty.. >\\<

"Yah Mrs. Oh , come here.. Let's take a picture..."

But... >\\\<

"It's okay.. Come here..." She insisted.

I am now watching her photoshoot with her family here at the studio. Her dress suits her beautifuly.. >\\\<

"Girl I'm so jealous.." I said as I went near her..

I sat beside her.. And smiled at the camera...

"Haha, you've experienced this first. How could you say that??"

"Because you have a better wedding gown than mine before.. >3<"

"Ha.. Silly girl... Where's your husband??" She asked me.

We're talking while posing in front of the camera.

"With your husband..."


I was about to answer her when they already came in...

"They're here... -__-"

She smiled at me and stopped the photographer..

Do you picture where we are right now already??

We're in a studio, where the groom and bride takes photos for their wedding..

So, we are having photoshoot.

Steff's family went out from here already..

Who got married??

Mrs. Stephanie Yoon and Mr. Alexander Yoon.

^_^ They finally got married.

"Congratulations^^"  I greeted Xander...

"Thank you.. :)" I hugged him...

Then he already went straight beside his wife..

I went beside my husband, and held his hand. We smiled at eachother while watching the newly wed.

"Where's your baby?? ^^" Steff asked.. 

"She's with my mom, playing with Suzie.. :)" Sehun answered...

"Waaahh... I saw your baby and she's so cute. She got Sehun's lips. ^^.... I wonder when's the time I'll have my own baby too.. XD" Xander teased Steff, so Steff elbowed him slightly as she blushed..

Sehun and I are watching them happily while they're teasing each other.

I hugged Sehun's arm...

"I want ten babies..." Xander again teased Steff...

"Shut up >\\\\<"

Aigoo.. They're so sweet... >\\<

"Hey yoooooow!!!!" Someone suddenly barged in, and made some noise..

Who?? Darren and his wife ^^ Trixie..

"Bro... Congratulations..." Darren hugged his brother as he congratulated him..

Trixie with their second baby hugged me, then hugged Steff... She also congratulated the newly wed.

Yeah right. They now have two children. The second one is a baby boy, who has the same old as my baby.. ^^ He's cute. He got Darren's fce...

Darren also hugged me.. And so as Sehun..

Great... Three husbands and wives joined together.. XD

Plus I have a surprise to tell them.

Even Sehun doesn't know about it yet.. XD


"What are you waiting for?!?! Since we're all here.. Why don't we take a group photo?? ^_^ and cheer for the newly wed!!" Darren suggested..

We all agreed and  went to our preffered positions.

Sehun and I are standing behind the sitting newly wed, while Darren and Trixie are standing beside us....

I hugged Sehun's hand..

We all smiled as the camera started to take a shot in sequence...


After the photo shoot....

"Wait guys, I have a something to confess.... :)" I said ...

"What? ^^" Steff asked..

I looked at Sehun who's standing beside me. And smiled at him...

"Wh-what? O.o Why??" Sehun asked confused..

"Omo.. Don't tell me.. O.O" Trixie started to have a hypothesis.

I smiled at all of them and took a deep breathe.

"Omona...O///O" Steff acted as if she already know what will I say ..


They are all waiting for me to speak...

"Sehun and I...... :)

Are going to have our second baby...^_^"

"KYAAAAAAAAAHHH.." Trixie and Steff..

"Wooooaaah...." Darren and Xander..

While Sehun..


I held his both hands and smiled at him...

He really looked so shocked that he can't even speak...

"^^ I'm two months pregnant.... "

"O___O.. J-jinja?!? :'D Really ???? Seriously?!?!" He asked..

I just smiled and nodded..

"Aaaahhh!! I wish it's a boy!!!! Hahha.. Love you jagiya!!!!" He hugged me tightly...

"Aigoooooo... That's enough let's go and eat.. And let's cheer for the newly weddd!!!!" Darren cheered..

"And also for our second babyyyyy!!!" Sehun continued.. 

We all laughed and went to the reception happily.

And that's when everybody, had it's happy ending. ^^\/




Oh Sehun:

" This story only shows that whatever may happen,whatever will be the hindrance, don't give up. As a man, you should fight for her and don't let your story ends up with nothing. Don't give up and give your best. Because once LOVE striked, it's up to the destiny or fate, to play around with your feelings. But as I said, come what may, do your best to have the best ending. :)"

Alexander Yoon (L):

  " I liked her, but she ended up being with someone else. My grandma always tell me that, even if I'll sell my soul to the devil, if I am not her Mr. Right, she will never fall inlove with me. At first I didn't understand. Because I know to myself how much I love her. But then this girl, changed everything. I thought I have that TRUE LOVE for my first love. But she proved me wrong, beause if that's a True love, it will last forever. She made me love her... Steff made me fall inlove with her.. :)"

Stephanie Yoon (Yoona):

"I was so blind inlove with him. He pushed me away several times. But I insisited my love for him, and even used all my money to get him. But he's inlove with someone else. I never gave up, until he told me how much he hates me. That time I woke up. He woke me up and made me see everything. I tried to move on but I can't. True love lasts forever right? I can't move on from him, and still loved him. I then realized that I am feeling that true love for him, and now confident that he will soon love me. And i didn't fail. I did my best to impress him by doing an honest and loyal deeds. And hoped for the fate to bring us back together. :)"

Eun Hannah (Kwon Yuri):

"Forcing someone to love you isn't true love. True love exists when you both are inlove with eachother and your love will last forever. Don't take soneobe forcibly, and let FATE manage the flow of your story. Wait for the right one for you patiently. Wait for your Mr. Right. :) "


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