By princess_kookie

291K 8.3K 1.1K

Sehun was a simple student with a simple life. He only needs his family and girlfriend to be happy... Oops, a... More

Mr. Right [EXO-SEHUN]
Mr. Right
MR.41 (PreFinale I)
MR.42 [Cont(PF II)]
Author's Message :)


5K 145 11
By princess_kookie

Mr. Right

Episode 39~


Your P.O.V

"Omo!!! Is that a bubbletea shop?!?? Ohoraaaaat" He ran like a child...

-____- Bubbletea.. Psh..


"Sehun watch----"



"Hahahahahahahahaha..  Omo.. Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha...."

I finally laughed...

Hahahaha.. Omona.. Hahahahahaha..

"Omo.. Mianhe mianhe.. Are you okay?? I'm sorry mister. Are you okay??" The ajhumma asked him...

Hahaha.. Who will not laugh about what just happened to him?? XD

Look, he ran like a kid, then he tripped and then an ajhumma accidentally splashed a bowl of water to him. Hahahahaha.. Jinja daebak!!!! XD

"sh*t!! Aaaarrrggh.. My back.. Aish!!" He nagged.

I went near him and helped him to get up...

He's so wet.. Aigoo... Hahahaha..

"Omo.. Sorry for what happened to your boyfriend miss.... I'm sorry..."

The ajhumma apologized as I helped Sehun to stand up.

"It's okay ajhumma^^" I smiled at her.

Sehun's busy nagging while trying to dry himself.

"I'm really really sorry. Otteoke?? You're so wet now.... I can dry your clothes. You can stay into my house while I'm drying your clothes....."

"Ani.. It's okay ajhumma.." Sehun said.

"No, ajhumma can we?? (come in)"

"Ah.. Of course.. Come in..."

The ajhumma welcomed us...

The ajhumma went in first..

I was about to follow her when Sehun grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing??? I can go home and do the job. The ajhumma is old enough so why let her do that??"

"^^ It's okay. As long as she won't do this. She will not be at piece knowing that she hurt you and yet she didn't do anything. Arasso??"

"But this is just a -----"

"Can't you just come in??? -____-" I galred at him... Then went into the house first.

Aigoo.. Why talking too much??


Xander's P.O.V

"W-where are they?? O.O" I asked the two girls with Trixie..

"Uhm.. They went back to the city..."


"What?? Already???"

Why so sudden??

"Yeah.... Why?? You already missed that girl??"

"Why did they go back already??"

"Well,we heard that sadako's mom just got back from somewhere. And Trixie said that she needs to go there.."

"Oh.. Maybe she's  going to reveal something.. Hahahaha" The other girl jived into the conversation.

"Reveal what??" O.O

"Nothing you concern about." They both said and left....


Her mom??? Wait, Trixie and she are cousins, is that the reason why Trixie also went back there??

*bzzzzzzt bzzzzzzzt*

"Hyung?" I answered the phone..

"Where are you??"

"I told you I'm here at the---"

"I'm now in jejou island. Where are you??"

"What?? What are you doing here?? I'm now here at our hotel.. Wae??"

"I'll be there.... Wait for me ...."

*toot toot*

O.O that's weird.. What the hell was that? He sounds serious. Is anything happened??


Your P.O.V

"Hahahhahahaha.. Look at you..  Haahhahahaha.." We are now sitting inside the ajhumma's little house..


"Omona!! Haahahaha.."

"O__O wait... You're laughing!!!!!"

Of course I am!! Look at him!! He's wearing a pink sleeveless and a pink

pajamas ...



"Hahahhaha.. You laughed!!!"

D-damn it!! I forgot about that freaky bet!! >\\\\\\\\<

"Okay okay!!! I won!!!!!! Hahahahaha!!! I won the bet!!" He smirked and laughed like a demon.

"No!! This isn't right!! I forgot about the bet!!!" >:[

" No no no.. " He said while his arms crossed.

"A bet is a Bet, you loose, you suffer. Arasso?? So... You can't keep secret from me from now on..."

"No way..."

"Yes way...."

"I don't like. Forget about that bet!!"

"Forget about what??" I was shocked when he moved his face close to mine as if he's going to kiss me..

"Yah!! Are you threatening me???? Y-you won't success!!" I said with my eyes closed...

"What??" He whispered..

Omona!! >\\\\< I can feel hi breathe.. Aigoo.. His face is too close. And it's moving closer and closer!!

"Yah!!! Stop it!!!"

"Stop what??" He again whispered.. Omo!! My heart!!! I think it's going yo explode now!! >\\\\\<

He's teasing me!!!!!!

"FINE!!!! JUST ...  STAY AWAY!!!! >\\\\<" I shouted...

"Okay.. I knew it..  So.. You can't keep a secrey anymore. Arasso??"

"Psh. Whatever -_-" I whispered...

"Mwo??" He again leaned towards me..

"I said YES you idiot yehet.."

"Hahaha.. " He laughed..

Omo.. That's his best laugh ever.. O.O

"I like it when you call me like that you moron sadako.. ^^"

"MWO?!?! MORON SADAKO???" I yelled at him...

Ish... I hate it when he call me like that. But, I never did before.. Why now??

"Okay.. Don't yell at me.. I wanna ask you a qurstion. Since these things alrwady happened to me. I guess I deserve to win the bet,and know why are you crying earlier. Do you think I already forgot about that??"

O______O Mwo?? Is he still curious about that??

"Tell me.. Why?? What did your mom told you??"

"I told you. It's nothing...."

"Ani.. I wanna know the truth. Remember.. You don't have the right to keep a secret from me from now on.. "

Aish.. Should I tell him the truth?? > <

"Well.. It's just..  My mom will .... Will set a mirriage for me, and her friend's son.."

"O_____O m-mwo???"

"Yeah. That's what she said so..."


"After I graduate..."

"Are you going to .. Marry that guy??" He asked and by that I looked at his eyes which are looking at me. Eyes that are begging me to answer him no...

"No. I- I won't..." I answered...

"How the hell can she do that??"

:(( I don't know. I really don't..

"I'll do anything, just to stop her ... I won't let you marry that someone you doesn't even know.." Sehun said bravely...

I just smiled at him...

I hope so, you can stop her.. :(


Trixie's P.O.V

"Omo.. Aunt Sophia, where's (your name) ??"

"Omona... Come here my dear... She walked out... Aigoo.. That girl.."

I sat beside her after I kissed her cheeks...

Yeah, we're so close. Why?? Because she's the one who took care of me in States right after my father died... She treated me as her real daughter. She made me as (your name)'s replacement while she's in Satates and can't go home here because of her busy life...

I knew about my cousin (you), but she never knew about me.. She met just these days when I got back here after a month in States. That's why I can't tell if she (you) cares about me.

But what so ever. As long as her mom's on my side.. *smirks*

"I told you just call me mom.. Why can't you?? Call me mom from now on.  Okay??"

"^^ Okay... Mom.. Hehe.. I'm sorry I often forget to call you mom.."

"^^ It's okay honey.. So.. Why did you come here??"

"Well, just wanna ask where's my cousin mom??"

"She walked out after I told her that I'll set a mirriage after she graduate. Aigoo.. "



"Is she with my boyfriend??" I asked her..

I have a great feelinh that they're together...

"Oh.. Yeah, the bodyguard told me that they went out together..."

Damn it..  Sh*t this feeling..

"Aigoo.. Those bestfriends really... " I said smiling as if I'm not pissing off..

"Aren't you getting mad to your cousin whenever you see them together??" She asked me...

"Truth is, I'm hurting sometimes, because of their closeness^^"

"Omo.. Jinja?? Aigoo..."

"Since they're bestfriends I'm letting them to hang out sometimes even if without me. And because I love my boyfriend so much, I can't start a fight with him regarding to that matter.. ^^"

"Omo.. How often are those two hanging out??"

"As often as we hang out alone.^^"

"Omo. This can't be.. "

"I think so to. It's embarassing to tell you this mom but, can you gelp me??"

Hahaha.. I got a brilliant idea.. ^_^

"Anything honey.. :))"

"Please mom :( If possible, Can you stop them hanging out together??"

"What do you mean??"

"Mom it's to avoid us from fighting. Can you please separate them?? This is for our own sake anyways :(("

She kept silent for a frw seconds. I hope it's effective..

"Okay.. What do you want me to do honey??"


Daebak.. >:)


Seven days later.....

Sehun P.O.V

Back to school. Yeah, Sem break is over. I didn't enjoy that sembreak, because my sadako is busy with her mom. Aigoo.. -_- That's kinda pissing me off.. But it's okay.. As long as I can still keep intouch with her..

"Good morning ma'am. *bows* I'm her to pick up my sada-- I mean, my bestfriend... ^^"

The heck -_-

This is weird.. Why did her mom opened the door, when they have lots of maids??


Yeah, her mom is still here. I don't know but everyone was shocked when she said that she' stay here until my Sadako graduated.

Speaking of my sadako. I don't know if I'll consider this good news,but my Sadako is being stalked since monday because she went to school with her transformed  appearance. Aigoo, that's bad news, isn't it?? -_-

"Why are you here instead of there at Trixie's house??"

O.O What about Trixie??

Oh.. I remember, I'm her boyfriend infront of  my Sadako's mom.. -_-

"Well, I'll pick up my bestfriend first then we'll go to trixie's house together to pick her'am."

"Wait here..." *blag*


Why does she need to close the door that loud?? Aigoo.. Is she angry??

After.a few minutes, my sadako came.out.....

"Good morning idiot yehet^^"

-_- That's what she call me, since I told her that I like it when she calls me like that. That's true, but as it strikes my ears everyday, it's kinda getting annoying and I'm starting to.hate it..

"Can you stop calling me that?? -_-" I said while we're on our way to school...

"Wae? Did you tell me that you loke it??"

"It's just, getting annoying... -_-"

"Then what should I call you??"



"Baby??Baby idiot? Baby moron? Baby bastard?? Baby dumbass? What??^_^"


"Yah!!" I nagged..

Why's she adding those hateful.words?? >\\<

"Come on baby idiot. Faster! We're late!!" She ran.. Aigoo.. I wish you trip while running..

"Ahh!! I'm tripped!!" I heard her shouted...


"Yaah!!! Baby moron!! Gwaencahanaa??" I ran to her, aigoo,.why can't she take care of running???.

Did I just say I wish she'll trip?? >\\\< Damn this what am I talking about???

I didn't meam it but it happened!!



"Omooooo!!! Sehun and Ms. Creepy are together again!!"

"omoooo!! >\\\\\< Otteoke???"

"Dude, that's miss creepy?? She's damn pretty!!"


This is what I always hear whenever we come into this school..

I was shocked when I saw a girl who's going to throw an egg to my Sadako..

I ran to cover her..


"Ouch.. D-d*mn it!!"

That egg hurts.. It hit my head. Aish.. 

I heard the students gasped...

"O____O Omo.. Se-Sehun..."

I heard my Sadako said..

I stopped hugging her and faced that girl who did this..

I removed the sticky egg on my hair.. And walked near her..

I glared her...

"Why did you do that??"

"B-because she stole Steff's boyfriend!!"

O.O Aren't these frogs stop doing this??

"Do that once more, and you're dead.."

I aaid and I turned back to my Sadako. I can't fight these frogs.


"Gwaenchana??" She said as she  caressed my head.

"Why can't they stop doing those things to you?" I asked her back.

We are now sitting on benches..

"I don't know... " she answered.

"This is that Xander's fault.. I think I should talk to him..."

"It's okay. They'll stop now.." Someone jived into our conversation.


Your P.O.V

"Are you oky??" Xander asked me.. He sat beside me...

"Ah.. Yes.. I'm fine..^^" I smild at him. Sehun's on my other side.. Imagine??

"I talked to Steff already. So you have nothing to worry about now.. :)"


"You must did that earlier..." Sehun said jiving into our chat...

"I already did so you can shut up now.." -Xander..

O.O wow..

They're noth glaring at each other..

"Haha.. Okay so... Wh--" I was about to change the topic when Sehun cut my sentence...

"You can go..." He told Xander..

"And who are you to beg me??" -Xander said back..

Owkay.. Awkward.. O_O

"I have somethimg to say to (your name), so if you don't mind. Can you give us time to talk alone??" - Xander..

"No way..." Sehun answered..

"This is important so stop ating like a brat."- Xander..

"What did you----"

"Sehun just go..." I said breaking off that bad aura around Sehun..


"Just give us 10 minutes to talk.. Okay??" I said.

Well, I'm just curious about that important thing he'll say..

"Okay. Ten minutes.. I'll count... Starting now.." He said and walked away...

Aigoo.. -_- Realky like a kid..

"Your boyfriend is childish.."

"I know right.. So, what is it??"

I asked Xander...

"Well, I really can't tell you that thing. I just wann say take care and don't trust everyone around you.."

Eh? O.o

" you mean??"

"Just, take care of yourself. Remeber that, I'm always here if you meed some help..."

"What? O.o but, what is it that you can't tell me??"

"I can't tell you because I am not sure about it. Just, when you need someone, I'm always behind you :) when you got hurt, I'll be your shoulder you can cry on. :)"

"I- I don't get you.. O.o"

"Bestfriends??" He offered his hand wanting a shakehands..



"Please?? ^^" He said smiling..

And so I just shookhands with him..

"(your name), fighting!! :)"

Xander's weird today. What's up with this guy?? O.o

"Okay times up!!!! Get lost now!!"


This Stupid Sehun... So rude.. 


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