Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

By _raxeira

86.9K 3.1K 3.1K

Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... More



3.6K 135 148
By _raxeira

A week later, Frisk had been the target for 4 different attacks.

The first one was at the Bakery. Frisk had been taking pastries out of the oven when screams rang out.

She rushed to the front to see a froggit gang tying up innocent monsters and demanding to see the human.

Of course, Frisk was 'the human'. She froze, trying to think of all the bad things she had done and questioning if anything needed revenge. Nothing came up.

The police had arrived right before Frisk was stabbed, Undyne beating every Froggit to a pulp.

Frisk had tried to stop her, but she couldn't do anything.

The second one was at her house, no less. Frisk had been hanging with Burgerpants when suddenly he screamed. Frisk turned around and a knife had stabbed the pillow her head was on only a moment ago. Frisk tried reasoning, but the monster had none of it. She was forced to punch him and wrap him tightly in bedsheets as a way to trap him. This time, when the police arrived, it was both Undyne and G, who ignored her.

It made Frisk wonder. What had happened? She hadn't had any falling outs with G, and the last time she saw him, he was thanking her for saving Kitty's life.

The third was on the street, by a gang of Aarons. Luckily, Frisk pacifist tactics payed off. Just as she was about to be killed, she flexed. Instantly, all the Aarons flexed too. They all started flexing until the police came. Undyne shaked her head when she saw all of them flexing. "Man, everyone is coming after you, Frisk! Watch out." Frisk nodded.

She wondered where G was. Undyne noticed. "G's at the station. Said he didn't want to come." Frisk's face crumbled. What seemed like disappointment plummeted into her stomach. She shook the thought off, refusing to believe she wanted to see him.

The fourth attack was the last straw.

Frisk had gone to a musical theatre performance downtown, right next to the police station. In the middle of the show, a humanoid monster had shot a bullet at the ceiling and proceeded to hold Frisk at gunpoint. By the time G had arrived (that made Frisk's heart beat faster), everyone had run away and the monster had forced Frisk's soul out of her body, holding it in his hand.

G looked at the soul in horror. The monster laughed. "Not one move." He said. G suddenly realised that the monster needed Frisk alive. The threat was empty. He took a step forward.

Once he did, the monster squeezed Frisk's soul, which caused her to cry out in pain. G's eyes snapped to hers, and she mouthed stay determined.

He nodded gravely. G turned his attention to the monster and smirked. "So, what's your plan? Where are you taking her?" The monster snickered. "If you think i'll break that easily, then think again." What he didn't realise was that another officer had crept up to him and tackled him from behind. The monster cried in defeat and yelled "It's not over!" before stepping on Frisk's soul. The force wasn't powerful enough to shatter it, but Frisk's screams of agony filled the room. The monster smiled wickedly as the other police officer forced him out of the theatre.

G walked up to Frisk, who had collapsed on the ground in pain. She had one hand propping her up and the other holding onto her soul, which had a new crack.

He pulled her up and muttered "let's go." Frisk pulled back. Why was he being so distant? "G, are you okay? You seem- it's just-" she was cut off by G turning to her, anger in his eyes. "I said LET'S GO!" He yelled. Frisk's eyes widened as she put her soul back into the right place and followed him to the police station.

When G threw Frisk onto the seat and she glared at him in anger, Undyne stared at both of them. Once she was told about everything that happened, she insisted that Frisk come stay with her. "Undyne, i'm fine, it's just-" Undyne cut her off, venom in her voice. "Your soul was forced out of your body, Frisk. You almost died."

Frisk shivered at the dark time lone that clouded over the three of them. Both Undyne and G looked at her pitifully, as if she couldn't handle herself. Frisk clenched her fists. She hated when people did that. "So? I'd rather die than watch innocent people be killed one by one. I can take care of myself. God, how weak do you think I am?" They looked guiltily at the floor, the silence coated in thick shame, which is what Frisk wanted.

"Frisk..." Undyne trailed off. No one knew what to say. G cleared his throat. "Hey, maybe you could stay with me and Kitten. Not that you're weak, but, ya know, Kitty doesn't have anyone to watch her when i'm away, and no one would know you're staying there." he offered, an apology for being a jerk hidden in his words. A smile slowly crept onto Frisk's face as she agreed.

After everything was sorted out, Frisk followed G into the car with a new respect. The car ride was still filled with silence, but a comfortable one. Once they arrived, Frisk spoke in a soft voice. "Thank you. You said exactly what I wanted, G." G looked at her, shocked. He played it off.

"Nah, it's fine." He said taking off his hat. Frisk glanced at the brick building that was in such poor state. Bricks had fallen, there were electrical wires everywhere, and the mist blinded them from anything around. They climbed up nearby stairs and G unlocked a wooden door that was almost detached from its hinges.

"I'm back." G called out. The apartment was small, around 400 square feet. There was a shabby-looking kitchen in the corner, a dining table, a rug, a couch, and a recliner. A familiar cute face popped up behind the recliner. "G!" she squeaked as Frisk's heart melted from cuteness.

Kitty noticed Frisk and came running over. "Fwisk!" she said, pulling Frisk and G into a warm embrace. G put his hat and coat on a hanger "Ya want anything to eat?" he asked. Frisk shook her head. "I had a big lunch." G just shrugged and started to heat up a can of tomato soup. Frisk played with Kitty until G called "Kitty Cat!" and she ran over. Frisk settled herself onto the couch, and took out her needles and string. She had started knitting a blanket weeks ago, and it was almost done. She glanced over to see Kitty sitting on the table, feeding G spoonfuls before taking some herself.

Frisk smiled. It was probably the cutest thing she'd ever seen.

When they were done, G cleaned up and Kitty came over to cuddle with Frisk, who was finally finished with the quilt. She wrapped it around Kitty's shoulders. Kitty squealed in delight and ran over to G, who had transferred to the recliner. Kitty climbed up on top of him and soon they both dozed off, the quilt covering both of them.

Frisk layed down herself, using her arm as a pillow and she felt her eyes get heavy before she too drifted off to sleep.

Words: 1270

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