Ghost Recon: War Within The C...

By CT-5597

395 0 0

Based off of: Dark Waters and Ghost Recon: Wildlands. The South American country of Bolivia was paradise. Lus... More

The Meeting

395 0 0
By CT-5597

    Ricky had stayed up late that night. Later than usual. El Sueno, the leader of Santa Blanca, had called an emergency meeting at one of his private residences. Ricky remembered Karen's and the CIA's warning. Do not get attached to anything or anyone. Ricky had completely forgotten. Officially Ricky was just Ricky to the Cartel. But CIA agent Ricardo Sandoval was working undercover in Santa Blanca for the CIA. He has been undercover for almost 7 years.
Regarding the "no attachments" part, he failed. He had gotten married to a woman named Monica during his 6 years in Bolivia. But, to make things worse, she was pregnant.

    He loaded his handgun and straightened his tie. Someone approached him from behind. Monica.
    "Hey," she said sleepily.
    "Shit, did I wake you up?''
    "No. Are you going somewhere?"
    He hesitated on his response. He'd lived with Monica for more than 4 years now. If she found out his 'work' was managing finance for a Cartel, she'd lose it. Even worse, if she found out if he was working for the Cartel undercover for the CIA.
    "Yes," he responded. "Work stuff. I'll be back in a few hours."
    "Alright. You better not wake me up when you get back."
    "You won't even hear me. See you soon."
    He put on his jacket and walked out he door. The was one good thing about working for Santa Blanca. It paid well. He had a fairly expensive house. Well, expensive for Bolivia. His white Jeep parked outside made his neighbours fearful of him. Only high ranking officers had a white Jeep. He got in and drove off. Tonight wouldn't end the way Sueno thought. Not everyone loves the Cartel. Tonight, the Cartel will shatter.


    The LRRD flew through the Bolivian night, following the heavily armed and armoured truck. Inside was the head of the Cartel, El Sueno. Along with him, El Muro, head of Santa Blanca Security. As well as Nidia Flores, head of smuggling.
    The Long Range Reconnaissance Drone followed them to Sueno's private residences. From all the way in America, the CIA could watch them through a live feed from the drones camera.
    "Make no mistake Deputy Director,'' started Karen Bowman. She was in charge of managing Ricky's moves and operations. "The Santa Blanca Drug Cartel isn't a Cartel. It's a cancer."
On the large screen, The Deputy Director looked down at the agents all rushing to keep the drones feed going.
"It's deadly. It's spreading. And until we eliminate it, there's no telling how much damage it's going to cause." She continued. The Director looked down at her with no apparent interest.
"Last time I checked, Agent Bowman, the CIA wasn't in the business of curing cancer." Replied the Director.
"Oh, I don't intend to cure it. I'm going to eradicate it. Cut it out. Right at the source."
The Director stared at her with a blank expression.
"Their network relies on fear, violence, and intimidation. And Agent Sandoval reported that El Sueno, El Muro, and Nidia Flores are attending a secret meeting tonight at a Santa Blanca compound," She had to convince the Director. Or Bolivia may remain like this forever.
"This is our best shot. If we don't act now, we won't have another opportunity like this."
The LRRD closed in on the compound. Sending information now An electronic voice muttered.
"Fransisco Ricardo Munguia. El Muro. AKA The Wall. Head of SBC Security. Ex-military. He made a name for himself protecting local Narcos, then butchering them to show his allegiance to Santa Blanca. Men, women, children. He doesn't discriminate. He's as ruthless as they come."
The drone focused in on the lady who looked like she should be a model rather than a head of a drug cartel.    
    "And that is Nidia Flores. AKA The Beauty Queen. Head of the Santa Blanca Smuggling Operations. The new shipping routes she's mapped out are the reason behind tonight's meet. She works closely with Ricardo Sandoval, Head of finance."
    The drone sees Ricky getting out of his Jeep, not far from El Muro.
    "He just happens to be one of ours. We've never had an asset this deep before. It's taken him almost 7 years, but he's finally in the inner circle of El Sueno."
    Still no response from the Director.
    "He is the true mastermind behind Santa Blanca."
    The drone picked up a sentence from Muro.
    "We're secure. Send him in."

    Karen continued.
    "They call him The Dream. More of a nightmare. Started off as a Sicario when he was 12, and his kill count was off the charts when he turned 15. Him and Muro are childhood friends."
    Sueno stepped out of his armoured SUV.
"Let's begin." He said.
Sueno was at least six feet tall. He was muscular, with a bald head. Tattoos cover hid entire head, even with a giant skull on the back of his head. He wore a suit, and dress shoes.
If the Director had any emotion, he was good at hiding it.
    "We have to act. The Leader, and 2 of the 4 heads of Santa Blanca are here tonight."
    He finally decided to speak.
    "That would put us in direct violation of at least half a dozen international regulations that were all devised to prevent just this type of American interference. Come on, Karen. Do you need me to do your job for you?"
    Karen couldn't let this moment slip away.
    "No. Agent Sandoval has been in contact with a rebel group called the Karatis 26. They wish to free Bolivia of the Cartel and La Unidad, the corrupt military police. They are ready to carry out the attack," she continued "It keeps the Agency's hands clean, and makes me look really fucking good at my job, sir."
    The Deputy Director blew out his breath.
    "Alright. I give authorization. But watch your ass, Bowman. If anything goes sideways, Santa Blanca and El Sueno will be the least of your worries."
    The video cut. Karen had to get this done.

    "Ricky? If you can hear me, get the Rebels into position." She said through the comm. Through the forest surrounding the compound, a group of men and women slowly walked towards the residence. Only armed with low-grade AK-47s and pistols, they remained silent.
The leader of the small group made a waving motion, so group picked up their pace. They quietly positioned themselves along the edge of the forest. Many of them readied frag grenades.

El Muro could hear twigs snapping in the forest. He slowly turned around. Sueno could hear it too. He pulled a small handgun out from his jacket. Muro took out his handgun and aimed it right at Nidia's head. She blankly looked him and down.
"What the fuck." She said boringly.
"Stay still." He whispered. With a quick turn he fired into the forest. The Rebels returned fire. Gunfire erupted everywhere. Muro ducked behind a car. One of the gasoline barrels had been hit, and a massive explosion almost killed Ricky. He ducked behind he Jeep. If all goes well, He thought. Sueno, Muro, and Flores will be dead tonight.

A Rebel threw a grenade a car, having Muro sent flying backwards, and blinding Ricky. Even the LRRD feed went white. Then, all gunshots ceased.
Only two Rebels remained, the leader and his sister. The dragged the boy to the middle of the lot and placed him on his knees. They threw the girl down beside him. Muro slowly walked over to them, hand on his holstered gun. He stared down at the boy.
"How did you know?'' El Muro asked. The boy looked up at him with eyes of fire. "How did you know about the meeting? Hm? Who told you?"
Ricky stood a few meters to Muro's left. The boy screamed in his head: Don't look at Sandoval, don't look at Sandoval, don't look at Sandoval.

"Who told you?" He looked at the girl. "He many more of you are out there?" He stared at the girl. "I asked you a question."
The boy spit on El Muro.
Muro took his pistol and hit him across the face. "No! Please don't!" Screamed the girl.
Muro picked her up and put her standing across from her brother. There was nothing Ricky could do. Sueno circled her. She was sobbing. Guns clicked in the boy's direction.
"No. Please!" She sobbed.
Sueno looked at her, emotionless.
"Do you know the most defining part of a man's life?" He asked the girl. "When they know they are about to die."
She put her hands over her mouth.
"Take the gun." He said to the girl. She stared at El Sueno in disbelief.
"No. N-no, no! D-don't make me do this, h-he's my brother!" She cried.
"I want you to pull the trigger," Said Sueno. Mercy was a foreign concept to him. "Take the gun."
"He's my brother!"
"If he is not dead by the count of 3, El Muro and his men will do unspeakable things to your family."
The boy looked her dead in the eye and nodded. Muro pressed a Scorpion into her hands. A Scorpion was a small compact SMG. It can be fired semi-auto, but this one was set to fully automatic. But the girl didn't know that.
The boy closed his eyes.
A single tear ran down his face.
3 gunshots rang through the air. The boy dropped. The girl dropped the Scorpion and cried. Ricky couldn't look in the direction of the body. He could've sold him out. The boy could have told El Sueno that Ricardo Sandoval, head of Santa Blanca finance, is a CIA spy. Him and his sister could've walked away from this alive if he had told. Does the freedom of Bolivia mean more than his life? Did he wish Bolivia free of the corruption of Unidad and the tyranny of Santa Blanca so badly he let his own sister shoot him?
El Sueno spotted a rather strange necklace that the girl was wearing. He ripped off her neck. It was a skeleton in a black robe holding a scythe. Santa Muerte. Sueno nodded at Muro.
    El Muro grabbed the girl by her hair and threw her to the ground. He unholstered his pistol, pressed it against her head, and fired.

    During the ride to Nidia's home, Ricky was silent. Muro talked about what he would do to anyone else who tried an ambush like that. Nidia ranted on about how lazy the security was. Sueno, however, stared at the necklace.

    An hour later, Ricky sat in Nidia's living room, fiddling with his ring. Ricky and Karen's plan had failed. Santa Blanca is now aware that some people are resisting.
    "I know who you are." A voice said. Ricky was startled. A little girl stood to his right.
    "What's that?" He asked.
    "I know who you are," she repeated. "You work with my mommy."
    Nidia appeared.
    "Sweetheart go back to bed. Mommy needs to work." Said Nidia.

    Sueno, Muro, and Nidia were in the room.
Would it have been better, Thought Ricky. If I had been trained as an assassin?    "We need to find out who was behind this," said Nidia. Anger flowed through her every word. "And send them a very loud, very permanent message.
"Not who carried out the attack," Said Sueno. "Who informed the attackers."
"Maybe it was one of your... many male friends. Do you talk in your sleep, Nidia?" Said Muro.
"It was probably one of your shit head Sicarios, opening their mouths when they shouldn't." Replied Nidia.   
"Sueno, let's just move forward for now. Just for a little while." Said Muro.
"When have you ever known me to run and cower?" He replied.
"Never, only this time, it's different."
"Weakness invites challenge. Withstand the crowd."
Muro nodded his head. Ricky sat, contemplating. The attack had failed, leaving the Cartel angry. What now? Even though it was the Rebels first attack, that was certainly their last. Would he stay? Would take Monica and flee Bolivia? El Sueno turned to Nidia.
"Nidia, I want you to ramp up production. Tell the old man he doesn't have a choice. Our new enemies must see us thrive." Sueno motioned towards the door, and Nidia obediently walked out. He turned back to Muro.
"Round up some Sicarios. Find that old priest, Miguel. This charm," Sueno held up the necklace depicting Santa Muerte. "connects the attackers to his Church. Find out what he knows." Muro then walked out as well. Ricky stood up.
"What can I do?" He asked. Sueno slowly turned to face him. He sighed.
"Some things are worth dying for," he said. "Like familia." Ricky was confused. That didn't exactly answer his question.
"Go home to your wife," he continued. "Tell her you love her, and stay safe until we find these rebels." Ricky calmly nodded and left.

He drove home as fast as he could.

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