Relief || kth

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Lee Hana is beautiful, smart and popular but she doesn't know it. All she knows is what she wants for her fu... المزيد

Chapter 1: You seemed like you needed it
Chapter 3: It's Okay
Chapter 4: Thunder

Chapter 2: Detention

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بواسطة miki_gif

Hana awakened to the sound of her alarm.

It's another day.

So far she was still alive, she feels the beads of sweat on her face and body, rolling and soaking her clothes. Another nightmare last night, she thought to herself, wiping off sweat on her forehead.

She doesn't exactly remember when her nightmares started. She couldn't control them and the memory of those dreams dies when she wakes up. All she knows that everytime she wakes up, she usually feels panicked and afraid. Today, it lacked that feeling.

Hana stood up from her bed, groggily and tired but prepared her uniform and materials for school. She checked if everything was intact then proceeded to knock on her sister's door, her usual routine. She also passed by her parent's room, it was open but saw only her father who still wore his clothes from last night, drunk, as expected.

Mom is probably still at her friend's house. She also thought.

She then went to her bathroom and showered, doing her usual hygienic routine. After, she wore her uniform and in time, her sister woke up too. Hana does the cooking her self alot, this morning was no different. She cooked breakfast for her family and prepared water and pain relieving medicine for her dad's hangover.

While Hana prepared ingredients and tools,  her sister goes to the bathroom. She continues to stir fry some vegetables when suddenly the creak of their house's front door resounded, then quickly turned into a hard slam to the wall beside it. Her mother had barged in the house loudly through the door, furious.

Hana didn't really flinched since it was right on time, some shit would happen everyday in each second. This was on schedule, she knew her mother was mad at something stupid again and would put all the blame on her eldest daughter.

She was fuming but didn't let a sound slip her mouth, Hana just continued whatever but she could sense there was anger directed at her.

"You Brat, stop that and come here!" Her mother ordered. She stood in living room right across the kitchen. Hana stopped her cooking activity, turning off the stove.

She uncaringly walked towards her mother, this made her even mad. "What." Hana responded, coldly.

Abruptly, she gave the loudest slap to her daughter's face. Hana just looked to the side as she felt the sting on her cheek, she lifted her hand to feel it. There was a small trickle of blood, that's when she knew that whilst her mom slapped her, a nail had sliced her skin.

By this time, Jihye had gotten out of the bathroom. She knew what was happening but she went into her room insteads, removing herself from the situation. Hana had always told her, if her parent's fight or if they do their daily abuse, she should stay in her room because she would be lead into the fight and get hurt in the process. This is of convenience to Jihye because she didn't want to see her family hurt each other but she felt guilty and hopeless because she couldn't do anything.

"You spent my money in the last week haven't you! You little piece of shit, I don't make money for you to spend it, fucking ungrateful child." Her mother spat, jabbing a finger into Hana's forehead. Hana had spent some money, because there hadn't been enough food for the family to eat if she hadn't gone out and bought groceries.

"Yeah, sorry." Hana says. She wouldn't shout back, because she knew it would solve nothing. Her parents had blocks in their ears that prevented them to listen to anyone. Her mother gave her another less painful slap then walked away shoving her daughter aside. "I'll fucking kick you out of the house, if you spend my money again." Her mother exasperated after slamming a door to another room where her father wasn't inside.

Jihye had stepped out of her own room, Hana went back to the kitchen to lay out the food as her sister sat to take a bite. Hana just felt dull, at these moments, she learned how to numb all feelings of pain. Her mother had given harsher beatings than that. Hana didn't eat but she decided to wash off the blood from the scratch on her cheek. She had no band aids in her home and she would visit the clinic again today.

After they were done with eating breakfast, they immediately left for school. Jihye of course asking multiple times if Hana was okay.

Hana brought her sister to her school then she went off to her own after wishing each other good luck. She usually enters school pretty early due to her sister's earlier schedule. Upon arriving to school she went off to the clinic.

"How did you get injured this time?" The nurse Ajumma asked. Looking at the scratch on her face. She's a bit suspicious because Hana comes there quite often in the morning with some sort of injury but all the same, she makes up a story. She doesn't like people meddling in to her personal life.

"I was cooking breakfast and I injured my self while I was handling the knife." Hana said with a straight face. The nurse wasn't satisfied with the answer, she had known for a long time that there must be some other reason. I'm sorry for lying all the time, Ajhumma.

She prepared some disinfectants and a band aid, looking a bit concerned. She sighed.

"Hana-sshi, I know that you've been making up excuses. It's really worrying that you come here so often. I understand if you can't discuss these personal matters but whatever that may be, you can come to me for help. Okay?" She said, whilst treating the wound. Hana smiled shyly and nodded, she has always liked the nurse here, she acted more like a mother than her own, probably because she is one.

"You could stay here anytime if you feel unwell." She said finally. Hana nodded and stood up from the chair and thanked the nurse appropriately.

The moment she stepped out from the clinic's door, a familiar voice called her. "Hana!" A male voice called, Hana immediately knew who this was and this reminded her of the hug yesterday. She turned on her heel and just walked away quickly.

Taehyung pouted upon seeing her walking away. He moved faster, skipping towards her. Hana tried walking faster but failed as she heard him getting closer and closer.

"Ya, Hana~" Taehyung chimed, placing an arm around her shoulder. She tensed, "Taehyung-ah, why the hell are you touching me." She spat, giving glare and removing his hand from her shoulder, standing in front of him, and shying away from the students who were looking at them.

Taehyung just smiled as to say something but then frowned upon seeing a bandaid, he reached out his hand to Hana's face, to the cheek with the scratch.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, Hana flinched upon him caressing her cheek with his thumb. She shoved his hand away, "It's none of your business." Hana said, Taehyung frowned, There's something up with her, Taehyung said to himself but he decided not to press upon the issue, maybe it was just a small accident to not worry about. Though her reaction made him think otherwise, nonetheless he was worried.

He was worried for a girl he'd only talk for only so little. When he didn't continue to say anything, Hana walked pass him to go to their classroom. She was very closed, and kept to herself, that made Taehyung want to know about her more. He didn't want to lose, he will make her his friend.

"Taehyung-ah." Another voice entered, Taehyung didn't respond as he saw Hana walk away. An arm slid by his shoulder.

"Oh, did you get rejected by a girl? Really?" The voice continued, Taehyung gave an annoyed face.

"Well something like that, but she's only a friend, Jimin." Taehyung said, turning to his shorter friend, his bestest of friend ever since childhood. Taehyung and Jimin used to live in Busan and Daegu but always got together in the same school because of their rich families close bond. They were practically brothers but then Jimin came to Seoul and aided Taehyung into living in the city when he moved here.

"So who was that girl, you talked to?" Jimin asked, as they began walking. Taehyung smiled a bit.

"Lee Hana? She's our classmate." He answered, in which Jimin gave a weird expression that Taehyung didn't catch. Jimin then just faked a shock expression.

"Oh, really? Hana? Didn't expect her to be someone you like." Jimin said.

"Nah, I don't like her. I just want to be friends with her but she just keeps avoiding me." Taehyung pouted, Jimin seemed to smile upon hearing that.

"Well, she doesn't really have friends in school? She doesn't want talk to anyone, really, but she's actually quite a famous face here." Jimin said, Taehyung beamed, curious to why she seems to like being alone alot and how he has treated her. He told him to continue.

"I think you could tell that Hana has a pretty face, taller than most girls and also pretty fit but she's also smart, a rumor says she's smarter than Namjoon-hyung.  The only problem is she doesn't socialize that much, rarely ever talks in class or to people. I'm amazed you've been talking to her lately." Jimin says, quite happier than usual.

"Really, you haven't talked to her or anything? I mean you are the class president." Taehyung said, Jimin seemed to pout.

"I've only talked to her for academics, or class related stuff. My family actually helps her family alot." Jimin explained, Taehyung perked up upon hearing their familial relation.

"Why what's with her family?" Taehyung asked.

"Her family has alot of debts and is edge of being flat broke. My family is aiding them, but I really found her parents are just leeching off from my family. Hana even has a scholarship to this school due to my parents. I feel sorry for those siblings, because their parents really are a bunch of cruel people. It explains alot of her attitude in school." Jimin continued, they walked slowly towards the classroom.

It was silent, Taehyung was thinking about her situation. That's probably why she doesn't like talking to others, she doesn't want to open up. This made him even more worried about that small injury on her cheek.

"Do you know what they do to her?" Taehyung asked, Jimin looked down.

"I'm really not sure, Hana only let's people see what she wants them to see. I do think her parents has probably physically abused her." Jimin says, saddened. "She once went to school with a cast on her arm, but even before that. She has some little wounds and scars that she hides really well even until now, but I've been able to notice them. Since she comes to the clinic often." He continued. Taehyung frowned upon hearing this, his assumptions must be right.

"Your family hasn't tried to do anything?" Taehyung asked.

"We've tried, her parents are very stubborn and have alot of conditions to be met to make any negotiations." Jimin answers, recounting the many times he has tried to do something about it.

They arrived at the classroom, there were already students inside but class has not started yet. Taehyung finally noticed that Hana sat at the back near the windows, he smiled. He really wants to talk to Hana about her problems but it wasn't for him to intrude. He'll wait till she opens up to him.

He decided to sit at the back next to Hana. He plopped down and place his bag down. Hana was writing some things on a notebook, if she noticed him sitting next to her, she did well not acknowledging him.

"What should I do to get you to piss off." Hana said, sighing deeply.

"What, I'm just sitting here next to you." Taehyung defended, she just rolled her eyes. He laughed and looked at what she was writing. He saw scribbles from far away but as he looked closer, it was a bunch of musical notes neatly drawn and placed orderly. Is she writing music? Taehyung asked himself, suddenly even more interested to the girl next to him.

If he moved closer, he could hear the silent humming. He smiled even wider.

"Waaa, daebak." He remarked, upon hearing that. Hana closed the notebook and looked at Taehyung who was smiling oddly.

"It's just drawings." Hana excused. Taehyung just nodded happily, knowing that Hana probably has a knack for music. He feels happy when he learns something new about Hana.

Hana just shrugged him off. She likes keeping things to herself but yes, music is a large part of her life. It is definitely that one thing that has made her cope with the stresses of her family. She used to have a grand piano in her home but that was sold off when her family began having some financial issues. That piano was her other tool to relieve her stresses but that has long been gone in her life, but still she continues to listen and create music. She wishes to maybe use it to give her sister a life but that really isn't easy to do.

"Hey~" Taehyung says quietly, slowly nudging the girl beside him. Hana didn't respond as usual but he continued to do whatever anyway. "Hana, I've only been here mid way the semester, can you show me around the school later?" Taehyung asks.

"I think that's Jimin's job, you should go ask him." She says bluntly, rejecting whatever offer he suggests to her. He pouts, he will find a way to have her accompany him, he didn't want to harm her really. I guess you could say that Taehyung wants to know more about her more. He became more about interested in her life because of Jimin.

Just before Taehyung could say anything else. Their homeroom teacher came in the classroom. "Good morning everyone." He says, then everyone responded back with very little enthusiasm.

Hana reverted to listening to the teacher and Taehyung did so too. "As you know  midterms are done, the results of your tests would be given to you by your subject teachers, but I'll just announce the following students who are eligible for honors this semester if they continue to produce the same results after the finals." The teacher said. Everyone didn't seem to care except a few people but Hana wasn't one of them.

"Top 1 of this class and batch overall is Miss Lee Hana." Everyone clapped expectedly, Taehyung was amazed, he heard this from Jiminie but hearing it legitimately is unreal. He looked at Hana, and she had that same uncaring face, but Taehyung with a wide smile gave a little clap for Hana.

"Second is Mister Park Jimin." Everyone clapped lazily. Taehyung looked forward to Jimin who smiled satisfyingly. "Daebak~" He remarked, also quietly amazed by the intelligence of his best friend.

"Ya, I didn't know you were that smart." Taehyung said to Hana, she yawned. "Seems so." She replied, burying her head into her notebook, scribbling away.

Taehyung's POV

Why is she so distant? No matter how much I talk to her, she would just give short uninterested responses. I guess this is the product of her problems? Hm.

She has her attention tucked away into her little black hardbound notebook, scribbling music notes again. I smiled a little, I finally found something new about her, she definitely has some fondness for music, she's intelligent and beautiful. No wonder she's popular.

If I could really look closely, when she's not doing her little sneers and glares at me. Her calm, sullen face is definitely attractive and could draw the attention of passersby. Damn, how she would look like if she smiled more?  Her short length hair, I guess it's called a lob? It frames her face well, clipped on one side neatly leaving her wispy bangs to cover her forehead. Her eyes are bigger than most girls here, but they are dazzling though lacks a bit of gleam. Her nose, very daintily shaped, but prominent and straight. Her mouth was also quite small but pouty and a sweet pink color.

The more that I observe her, I could see little mannerisms, she plays with the ends of her hair  tangling them in her fingers. Her hand holding a little pen between her thumb and pointer tapped vigorously on her desk. She was thinking about something. She really is a looker, even with that bandage on her cheek.

"Ya." She suddenly says, oh she talked to me? She looked at me with a slightly annoyed face. "Umm, what?" I replied, finally realizing that I have probably been staring at her for a while.

"You've been deadpan staring at me for a good 10 minutes and it's creeping me out,  you weren't responding when I called you earlier." She explained,  knitting her brows and raising one up. Was I checking her out that long? I felt heat raise to my cheeks, she was looking at me dead on. So I had a clear view of her beautiful face. Damn.

"Nothing." I said, looking away. I could feel her suspicious aura blaring at me. Ya, Kim Taehyung, what are you doing. What is the unfamiliar warmth in my chest, it felt weird, I took a tiny glance back at Hana, she looked on to the teacher rather than her notebook. She's smiling, or maybe it's like a cute grin. Beautiful, but why is she smiling? I slapped myself and looked away. This shit is crazy.

Hana's POV

This lunatic kept staring at me with a blank face for a damn 10 minutes. It probably isn't just 'nothing', and somehow he didn't really bother me with a joke after that, weird.

I know I get stared at alot and I just act oblivious to it. Sigh, did he stare at me because of my face? The bandage? probably not. Am I really that pretty? Jihye has always said that I was really pretty for some reason I couldn't really see it or just wouldn't care to acknowledge it but I guess being this way has garnered me jobs a few time which is quite sad and unfair.

Meh, I don't give a flying fuck If he thinks I'm pretty or not. But hey, Kim Taehyung is not a bad looking guy but he has the weirdest personality which I don't really care until he tries to mess with me again.


"I'll just head out a bit, to the staff room. I forgot your folders." The teacher in charge announced, then left hurriedly. Immediately, the room burst into noise, people going to their friends and talking. While they went about their business, Taehyung decided to leave Hana to her personal space since she seemed like she would snap anytime if he continues to tease her after staring at her like that.

He left his seat, Hana didn't pay much attention. She continued to do whatever. Taehyung walked towards Jimin, to his original seat, beside him but their was a girl sitting on his seat talking up a storm and his friend seemed like he was tired. Jimin saw him approach them behind the girl, he gave him pleading eyes signaling he needed help dealing with her. Taehyung smiled and tapped the girl's shoulder.

"Ah, excuse me~, can I steal Jiminie, please?" He asked, giving a sweet smile. The girl looked back at Taehyung, her eyes flashed dreamily at the man. "Ah, yes. Sure you can." She stumbles with her words, and clumsily removes herself from Jimin, when she was away, the boy heaved a deep sigh. 

"Thanks man, she was keeping me hostage since you left me to seat with Hana." Jimin cried. Taehyung apologized sheepishly.

"So what did you do this time?" Jimin said, raising a brow to the boy before him. "Welp, I freaked her out because I was staring at her for a while." He replied, ashamed. Jimin sneered. "You were checking her out didn't you?"

Taehyung admits in his head but he can't really verbally agree. "Heh." He shrugged. That seemed to bother Jimin a bit but the latter didn't really notice it.

"Aish, you and girls should not mix." Jimin remarked chuckling. Taehyung pouted, "Ya, Mister good guy class pres, remember girls regularly flock to you like ants finding food?" He says, Jimin glared back at him and so did Taehyung, and they ended up just laughing. Truly bestfriends, right?

"Okay, you brats have had enough fun. Go back to your seats." The teacher entered with a stack of folders. As said, everyone went back quietly but slowly. Taehyung stayed, as it was his original seat.

As for Hana, her seat mate also went back to her seat, the girl who caged Jimin up. She didn't seem happy about it at all.

The class went on, and maybe the students listened at all. The teacher went around the classroom and lecturing just like always but today he was a bit more cranky than usual. It didn't help that his students were rowdy too. Though, he was still speaking and teaching.

But suddenly he stopped, and the kids didn't. He looked down to pick up a piece of paper, much to his distaste, he did not look like he adored the paper at all. "I think I already told ya'll that passing notes is not allowed in my classroom." He announced, waving the paper, the class silenced and stored warily at the man.

He opens the piece up, "Miss Lee Hana, this seems to be yours. I guess I wouldn't need to pass a note for you to know that you'd have detention." The man remarked, Hana looked at him in utter confusion. She knew she would try to dissuade him but that teacher was known to be a hard knucklehead when he's cranky.

Motherfu- Lee Hana thought until, "Mr. Kang, it's mine. I passed the note, give me detention not Miss Lee." Taehyung announced, standing up. Everyone was a tad bit surprised, and Jimin gave him a questioning look. Hana was suspicious.

"Ah, Mr. Kim, quite heroic of you, but it takes two people to do this crime. You, the new kid and miss Top 1 here can go to detention together after classes." Mr Kang smiled, Hana just face palmed. Everyone else murmured and Taehyung flashed Hana an apologetic face.

"Aish, his going to ruin my career." Hana cursed under her breath, she saw Taehyung sort of apologize but she responded with a, motherfucking-piece-of-shit-you-better-watch-your-back-you-!£¥¥*§%&£?$!!€$ face. Nonetheless Taehyung seemed afraid.

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