My Best Friend's Brother: Rod...

By geekgirl750

93.5K 1.6K 7.7K

Ever since you moved to Plainview you've had a crush on Greg's older brother Rodrick. Rodrick has always seen... More

Age 13
Age 14
Age 16
Age 17

Age 15

11K 258 1K
By geekgirl750

Y/N=Your Name

L/N=Your Last Name

This is your outfit:

"Woah..." Greg breathed taking the pair of binoculars away from his face. He handed them to Rowley before falling onto his bed in a daze.

Rowley put the binoculars up to his own eyes. "Zoo Wee Mama..." He echoed in the same dreamy tone as Greg.

"What are you nerds doing!" Rodrick shouted, throwing open the door to Greg's room. Both boys jumped.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow as he saw Greg sitting on his bed with a pillow on his lap and Rowley frozen in fear with a pair of binoculars around his neck.

"Let go baby hippo." Rodrick yanked the binoculars from Rowley's neck, nearly choking him in the process.

"Let's have a look."He put them on, pointing them out the window in the general direction the youngers boys had just been watching.

"Oh no way..." Rodrick gasped.

You were 15 and had just come back from a family vacation. You stood in the driveway, adjusting the straps of your tank top as you helped your dad take the suitcases out of the car. The boys hadn't seen you all summer and were surprised by the sight that greeted them.

You had grown boobs.

Rodrick took off the binoculars and just stared in shock. "Well... Y/N has gotten...taller." He finally stuttered out, trying to sound unimpressed.

"Don't tell mom." Greg pleaded.

"Tell me what?" Susan stood in the doorway confused.

"That, um.. the L/Ns are home." Rodrick quickly lied. He let out a deep breath when his mom bought it.

"So they are." She glanced out the window. "Why don't you boys go help them."

", sure." Rodrick replied, unsure of himself.

Susan smiled, then gave the three an odd look. "What are your dad's binoculars doing in here?" She picked them up off of Greg's desk.

"Ah, we were birdwatching." Greg faked a smile, hoping his mom would buy the story.

Rodrick nodded enthusiastically, going along with the story.

"Yeah, the boobie bird." Rowley added in. Greg flicked him in the back of the head, giving him a look that urged him to be quiet.

Greg began to push his mom out of his room. "It's a project for school."

Susan gave them all a skeptical look before leaving the room, taking the binoculars with her.

Greg shut the door behind her and locked it.

"What now?" Greg asked Rodrick.

He laughed. "Don't even try it. You and her," Rodrick gestured out the window. "Not happening. Especially when I tell her what you've been doing!"

Rodrick hurriedly unlocked the door, throwing it open. He raced down the stairs, Greg and Rowley taking off after him.

The three skidded to a halt at the end of your driveway.

"Hey guys!" You greeted happily, rushing to give them a hug.

Greg pulled out of the hug awkwardly. "Um, hey Y/N my m-mom sent us over here to uh, help." He gestured to the bags, trying to avoid eye contact.

"No it's alright. We're almost done." You bent down to grab a suitcase. Greg tried to look anywhere but your chest as Rowley blushed embarrassed. Rodrick just smirked.

"Allow me m'lady." Rodrick said in a fake British accent, taking the bag from you. He made a face at Greg and Rowley over his shoulder before rushing to help your dad. "Here Mr. L/N let me get the door for you." He held open the front door for your dad, following him inside with your bags.

You shook your head in disbelief. "Is Rodrick feeling well? He's acting weird." You laughed.

Greg shook his head, speechless.

"You're acting strange too. Is your family sick?"

"Um, now that you mention it I do feel a little light headed." Greg muttered.

"Why don't we go to the pool later? That way you can cool down."

"I think that's a great idea." Rodrick called behind you, making you jump. "You two need to cool off. Right, Greg?" He chuckled to himself.

Greg and Rowley nodded open-mouthed in agreement.

You raised an eyebrow, confused at their behavior. "Okay, so it's a plan then. I'll see you guys in about an hour. I'm going to go get changed."

The two continued to nod, almost in a trance. It was honestly starting to freak you out.

"Alright, bye guys." You waved, heading back to the house

"See you soon shortstack." Rodrick joked, ruffling your hair.

He gave Greg a shove before racing across the street. He and Rowley chased after him. Greg and Rodrick started a wrestling match on their front lawn. Greg pinned Rodrick to the ground, but let go when he saw him laughing.

"What's so funny?" He questioned, laying down in the grass next to his brother.

"Boobs!" Rodrick choked out between giggles, wiping the tears from his eyes. He took a deep breath and started to laugh again when he saw Greg's confused face.

Greg punched him in the arm and stood up. He followed Rowley into the house, shaking his head and muttering to himself as he went, leaving Rodrick alone to laugh hysterically in the yard.

"Boobs." Rodrick whispered to himself one last time, before getting up and heading back inside to go punish his brother for hitting him.

A/N: Sorry that this chapter was so short, but I was struggling to come up with ideas of what could happen between you and Rodrick at this age. Thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting this story. It means so much! :D <3

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