Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)

By _raxeira

86.6K 3.1K 3.1K

Frisk had always run into the occasional human-hating-monster, but when the attacks got more violent and cons... More



4.1K 156 226
By _raxeira

The next day, Muffet had heard of the situation Frisk had been in the day before and insisted she take the day off.

"But Muffet-" Frisk whined. It didn't matter how much money she earned. For Frisk, she would work any day just because she loves it.

"Oh, dearie, you flatter me, but the doctor says rest and that it what you will do. Goodbye, dearie~"


Frisk sighed. She really didn't want to lie in bed all day, even though that's what the doctor told her to do. Catty had left her a voicemail that morning, her voice quieter than when they had met.

"Hello! Is this Frisk? This is Catty. Is your friend there? The skeleton? If he is, tell him to take care of you. I'll call him anyways. Frisk! Hon, I need you to rest today. Email me your work place if you need some backup. Oh, and you know that café in Springdale called Sweethearts? You've got to try the soup there. Anyways, take care! <3"

Frisk didn't even know how Catty had sent the heart, but by the time afternoon had come around, she decided that she wasn't going to reject a suggestion. After doing some research on the café and getting an address, Frisk opened the door to leave only to find a single rose on her doorstep. A note was attached to it saying 'get well soon! -Burgerpants.'

Frisk smiled. Maybe her Best Friend actually cared about someone other than himself.

She got into her car and drove off to look for Sweethearts. After driving around three or four blocks, Frisk found the café. She looked inside.

It looked more like a restaurant than a café. Frisk wondered if Catty had tried to set her up on a blind date.

Of course, since the universe plotted against her, she ran into none other than G.

"Frisk! Hey!" She heard a voice call. Frisk froze. 'ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME!' She thought. She turned in mock delight. "G!" She said, expecting it to be just the skeleton. What she actually saw (was still technically G) was an adorable toddler clinging to his leg. Frisk's eyes widened. 'What a cute lil' kid!'

G noticed Frisk's expression when she saw his Kitty Cat. "Ah!" He said, looking down at his child. "This is my Kitty Cat I was telling you about."

Frisk stared at the little girl. When G mentioned it, Frisk assumed it was a cat because... well, his referred to it as his Kitty Cat. She supposed it was a pet name.

Kitty Cat broke her gaze away from G and stared at Frisk. Her eyes sparkled and she ran over and hugged Frisk's legs. G chuckled. "Guess you're special," he said, taking out a cigarette. "She's usually shy."

Frisk knelt down in front of the toddler, who hesitantly let go of her legs. They stared at each other for a long time before Kitty pointed at herself and said "Kitty." As to tell Frisk her name. Frisk smiled warmly and pointed at herself. "Frisk." She replied. Kitty cocked her head to the side, confused. "F-Fwisk." She repeated. 'She is so cute.' Frisk thought. Meanwhile, G had gone up to the hostess, who gasped when she saw him.

"Are you G?" She said. Her attention drifted to Frisk and Kitty. She scrambled to Frisk. "You must be Frisk!" She looked at Kitty. "And you are very cute." She cooed. Frisk looked at G in confusion. He just returned the look. "Your meal has been pre-paid by Dr. Catty McClaws." Frisk gaped at the hostess. G did the same.

So Catty had set her up on a blind date. With G! Frisk looked at Kitty. She really didn't mind though, Kitty made up for it.

The hostess took three menus and offered her hand to Kitty, who skeptically took it. Kitty then gestured that Frisk take her hand so it was like a chain. The hostess took them to a booth in the back.

Once they had sat down (Kitty insisted sitting in the middle of Frisk and G) Frisk sent G a lazy smile. "So, Catty set you up, too?"

G smirked as he took a whiff of his cigarette. "Yep. Sent me a voicemail suggesting this place. I decided to take Kitty here 'cause she hasn't been out of the house for a while."

"Me too!" Frisk blurted. She blushed, realising that didn't make sense. "I mean, I got a voicemail too."

Frisk striked up a friendly conversation, mostly about each other and G's service to the police force. Surprisingly, they had a lot in common. More than Frisk would ever imagine.

Kitty would butt in every now and then, showing G her drawings and scooting over to hug Frisk.

When they were finally done, G offered to walk Frisk to her car. She accepted. Kitty walked between them, holding both their hands. G and Frisk would swing her when she started lagging behind.

If anyone else saw the three of them, Frisk thought, they would look like a family.

Quickly they realised they had to walk through an abandoned parking lot to get to where Frisk's car was. She hoped that nothing would go wrong.

Of course, again, the universe decided it would be funny to do the exact thing that Frisk was scared of.

Two monsters came up to them as they were at a corner. One took out a gun. Frisk gasped and Kitty hugged her legs.

Frisk had never been more exasperated before. Everything that had happened today was the exact opposite of what she wanted.

"Money." He ordered. G just threw away the cigarette he had and looked at the monster straight in the eye. "No." He said plainly before punching the monster in the jaw. The monster's gun flew a long way across the parking lot as he cried for mercy after every blow G delivered.

Frisk ran over to them, trying to stop the fight. The monster soon surrendered and G handcuffed him.

Frisk didn't even know where he got the handcuffs from. She assumed all police officers had some handy.

What they didn't notice was that the other monster was pointing the gun at Kitty, who was cornered.

Both Frisk and G gasped.

"I-I'll shoot her." The monster threatened, his hands shaking. G froze. "You wouldn't." He warned.

Frisk got a bad feeling in her stomach before she leapt in front of Kitty, just as the monster pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Frisk near her heart.

The Monster muttered "damn humans," before G beat him up, too. Kitty ran over to Frisk and poked her face. "Fwisk?" She asked. Kitty looked worried and Frisk didn't want to cause any harm, so she pushed a hair out of Kitty's face and mumbled "it's just a game, Kitty, I'm just acting."

G ran over to them, 911 already on the line, but the last thing Frisk saw was Kitty bursting into tears before she passed out.

Words: 1186
(Two chapters in a day? I've never been more inspired.)

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