The Jeweled Spider (RWBY - Sp...

By NiceGameEh

178K 1.8K 2.5K

What happens when team RWBY of Beacon Academy is sent to deal with Roman Torchwic and finds it already taken... More

A/N Start of Something New
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
A New Job
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 1
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 2
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 3 (Venom Arc Finale)
Final Notice - Voting
Awkward Explanations
A/N Decisions
Family Problems
Sorry A/N Note
1K Read Special!
Greed and Pride
Wrath and Vain
The Doctor
The Demonstration Disaster
Doc Ock
A Fight With An Octopus
The Goblin
The Vytal Tournament
A Hero Falls
Happy Halloween!

The Black Cat

7.7K 91 127
By NiceGameEh


Hey guys! So the votes are in and the winner is Blake! Sorry to everyone else who didn't want that. Especially that one guy who voted just a little to late. Anyways, this chapter will focus on Blake becoming the Black Cat, so... Enjoy!


It's been a week since the incident with the symbiote, and everything was back to normal. I was back in classes and back as Spider-Man. A few days ago, Blake said she was going to visit her family in Menagerie, and that she would be back in a week. That meant she would be back tomorrow on Friday most likely, if not then she would be back for sure on Saturday.

I was sitting around on the side of a building in downtown Vale, when I saw some guys with guns walk into the bank across the street from me. 

Y/N: You guys picked the wrong place to rob tonight. 

I dove down and shot a web, swinging into the bank and taking down two of the guys. The other three backed up before on of them grabbed someone as a hostage. This would have been no problem usually, but two things were different. One, the two guys had bigger guns than I'm used to. And two, the hostage was none other than Weiss.

Y/N: You guys sure know how to handle yourselves, too bad I'm just to fast for you.

Robber 1: Shoot this fool!

Y/N: Hey! Don't point that thing! Someone might get hurt!

Robber 2: Think you're so funny? We'll see how funny you are after I pump ya full of lead!

They started to spray their guns aimlessly at me. Their overconfidence made it easy to dodge the wide spread bullets. Once they were out of ammo, I webbed their guns and threw them away, also webbing one of the robbers to the wall. The other one rushed me with his fists, big mistake, I easily stepped out of the way and tripped him. Before he hit the ground, I kicked him into the wall and webbed him up there. I turned to face the last guy, and saw he was holding a handgun to Weiss's head. I decided to throw him off by making him think I would comply with his demands.

Y/N: What do you want? Tell me and I'll give it to you, just, let the girl go.

Robber: What I want, you can't give me. Unless you have the contents of the safe in the building stashed in those tights of yours.

Y/N: No, but I can open it up for you. Just give me the girl when I do.

The robber thought about it and agreed. I walked up to the safe and webbed the sides, yanking the door off it's hinges. I looked at him and he pushed Weiss towards me, still holding the gun. 

Y/N: Y'know, you should really wait until your out before you give up your hostage.

He looked at me and Weiss, then to the safe, realizing his mistake. He pointed the gun and went to pull the trigger, but I webbed it out of his hand. He looked at me and pulled out a knife.

Y/N: Is that a knife? Is that a real knife?

Robber: Yes it's a real knife.

Y/N: My weakness, it's small knives. Anything but knives!

I quickly webbed him to the wall by his hand that had the knife. After much protest, I webbed him up a little more and wrote a note.

Y/N: Here can you do me a favour, hold onto this.

I stuck the note on him and gave Weiss a small wave before jumping out the window. I stayed nearby to make sure the cops got all the bad guys and Weiss got home. After everything was good, I headed home.

Blake's POV

I watched as Spider-Man crashed through the window of the bank and took out the crooks, leaving them for the police. I was getting really nervous about what I had to do, and watching how good Spider-Man is at fighting, I was even more nervous. When I went to visit my family in Menagerie, Adam was waiting for me. He had my family and told me if I didn't do him one favour, he would kill my parents. His 'one favour', was to bring Spider-Man to him. Dead, or alive.

Timeskip - Beacon


I was walking into professor Port's class and I noticed that Blake was sitting at her usual seat. I smiled and walked up to her.

Y/N: Hey Blake, back already?

Blake: Oh, hey Y/N. Yeah, I got back just this morning.

Y/N: Neat! Hey, I heard something about a party tomorrow with teams RWBY, JNPR and CFVY. Do you wanna come with?

Blake: Maybe, I'll see if I have anything to do tonight. I'll get back to you later.

Y/N: Sure thing!

Blake's POV

I need to find Spider-Man soon, before Adam makes his move. How can I come up with an excuse not to go to the party? Maybe I could just say I need to meet someone in town. Or maybe I could just not go. No, I should tell Y/N if I'm not going. Now, to find Spider-Man I'll need to do something that will draw him out. He should show up if I break into someplace important.

Timeskip - Vale Museum 

Alright, if I trip the alarm here, Spider-Man should show up. I walked along the roof of the museum in a costume I put together so Spider-Man wouldn't be able to find out who I was. It was a simple black suit with some white and a small mask covering my eyes. I decided to let my tail and ears show because no one knew I was a faunus, except Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Y/N.

I decided that when Spider-Man showed up, I would refer to myself as the Black Cat. I went over to a small box on the roof and opened it up. After some work, the alarm started to go off. It was a loud alarm and I had little doubt that he would show up. I waited on the roof for a few minutes before Spider-Man finally showed up. He didn't notice me and went over to the alarm box.

Spider-Man: This doesn't look like the alarm went off by accident. This looks like a setup.

I rushed him then and tried to hold him from behind, but when I dashed, even though I was silent, he was able to notice my attack and quickly flip out of the way.

Spider-Man: I suppose I have you to thank for the alarm. What are you after? Because you don't seem to be after the museum.

Blake: I was just trying to draw you in. 

Spider-Man: Well, that's one thing- wait, do I know you?

Crap. He recognizes me? We've never met though!

Blake: You must be-

Spider-Man: Blake?

Blake: ...

Spider-Man: ...

I look away.

Spider-Man: Blake!?

To be continued


Thanks for reading! I know, I'm evil! But I thought this would be interesting since Spider-Man knew who Black Cat was in the comics! So this is just kinda that... But faster. Anyways, next chapter will be about Blake explaining to Y/N how Adam has her family and she needs him to get them back. I will update again soon, so look forward to that. Signing off!


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