The War Within: Love or Lust

By Tee_xzarah

7.6K 1.3K 681

While he was speaking he picked up a rose "beautiful, you're the rose, and I'm the thorn on this rose, thorns... More

Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8!
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Chapter 13!
Chapter 14!
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!
Chapter 18!
Chapter 19!
Chapter 20!
Chapter 21!
Chapter 22!
Chapter 23!
Chapter 24!
Chapter 25!
Chapter 26!
Chapter 27!
Chapter 28!
Chapter 29!
Chapter 30!
Chapter 31!
Chapter 32!
Chapter 33!
Chapter 34!
Chapter 35!

Chapter 2!

501 65 39
By Tee_xzarah

The picture above is Naisha.
There are pictures of the other characters at the end of this chapter☺️

You guys this is my first book on wattpad.
A reader needs patience to actually enjoy all the richness and genius behind a book.
I'm really excited to share this story with you all.
I hope you all enjoy it!!! My name is Fateemah zahra or better still call me tee_xzarah❤️ ily as you read 🌸🌸🌸

"Naisha! Naisha!! Naisha"!!!!! I hurried down the stairs as my mum wouldn't stop calling my name.

"What mmama"? Annoyance clear on my voice!

"Well sweetheart you've been in your room all day, I'm starting to get worried about you", mmama trailed off.

"Mmama I'm just fine i was reading a novel as usual and I'm about to go continue" i huffed and just when i was about to leave she gave me that "i just want the best for you & i don't want you to be a loner" look.

I got into my room and shut the door behind me.

All my life I've always been a quiet person, burying myself in books, i always kept things to myself and my character generally could be described as timid.

My family means the world to me i live with my mmama "oolai" my dad "hanin" and my younger brother "chatai" we are small in number and that made us super close! We are inseparable!! Just your usual regular nuclear family.

All my life I've had only one friend "tayana" she's the opposite of me very outspoken, outgoing, brave, courageous...I'd like to say she takes the bull by the horn and did i forget to mention how stunning she is, she practically became family after our long years of friendship. I've known her since we were both 7 years of age and now we're both 18 years old, that's a long time if you ask me.

I sat on my bed and buried myself in the book i was reading before mmama interrupted me, i was trying to distract myself from the fact that school was resuming tomorrow after the long holiday, it was my final year in high school and i was excited and nervous at the same time, i was a straight A student plus no one ever noticed me in school so it gave me enough time to focus religiously on school.

I've never really thought of how my life would be after high school, i was sure as hell i wanted to become a writer or a journalist as long as it involves writing and secretly within me, i wanted to be famous and well known, i wasn't sure if i wanted to be popular by acting, modeling, tv presenting or any of that stuff i just knew i wanted to be under the spotlight.Who am i kidding? I'm shy as hell..i pushed the thought aside with a smile on my face.

It was already 9:30pm and I was still reading, i didn't bother to go have dinner and no one bothered to call me down cause they all know how i get when i am interrupted from reading, i wasn't hungry anyway so I stayed in my room. Just as i was about to turn off the lights and call it a day, i decided to call my best friend tayana
She picked after the 3rd ring.

"Hey girlfriend"!!! My voice filled with enthusiasm".

"Hey pretty one" she trailed off from the other end of the Phone.

"I just called to ask how you're feeling about tomor......"

"girlfriend i can't wait...I'm finally going to see my boyfriend"!! She didn't even let me complete my question.

"Aren't you excited to see your crush" sarcasm clear on her voice.. she couldn't see me over the phone but i rolled my eyes anyway.

"I am but it's going to be the same old cycle, me stalking him the whole  year and  him not noticing me even once" I sighed.

"What have i always taught  you Naisha"? She paused.

"To always have faith" i replied.

"they say final years are always full of great things right, he might finally notice you, just remain positive and always have faith" she paused again, waiting for my reply.

she always behaved like she was some some kinda life coach. Well she wasn't good enough to coach anyone's life plus she didn't have a license to do so but i was okay with her being mine. She always found a way to add colour to my boring life.

"Okay tay, i don't believe in miracles but I'll remain positive that he'll notice me this time" i giggled. "Goodnight".

"Now that's the spirit, Goodnight girlfriend".

I ended the call and tucked myself nicely under my duvet thinking about random things before i finally fell asleep.


I was awaken by the continuous ringing of my alarm clock as i covered my head with my pillow in attempt to drown the noise, but it wasn't helping, in my mind i was battling with sleep. One of the things i enjoyed doing apart from reading was sleeping.

I sat up on my bed and switched off the alarm, after 5 minutes i was still on my bed staring into empty space just when it dawned on me that i had school in less than an hour, it was 6:15am when i stood up and headed to the shower.

I turned on the heat and the warm water kept soothing my skin, after minutes of showering i turned off the water, wrapped myself with my red towel and headed to my room.

Most of the things i owned were red in colour, my pajamas, the curtains in my room, all my bed spreads and most of my clothes.

By 6:50 i was all dressed and ready to head downstairs for breakfast.. i wore an ash coloured plain gown with a hint of lemon green, i was contemplating whether to use a veil or not cause mmama always covers her hair and sometimes she covers half of her face and leaves only her eyes to be seen ... she said it is our culture and she's already used to it.

Mmama says the beauty of a woman lies in her eyes, mmama always tells me how beautiful my green eyes are and how lucky my future partner would be, she said if a man cannot see beauty in his woman's eyes then he is blind to love "the crazy things my mmama says" i decided against wearing a veil as i braided my hair to the side and wore my dainty slippers.

I headed straight to the dining table..the aroma of mmama's cooking filled the whole house, "morning mmama" "morning papi" i greeted my parents as i sat on the dining table "hey my love" my father answered as mmama smiled at me.

I saw my younger brother chatai shoving his face with pancakes, " hey there little one" i smirked at him, knowing fully well he hates it when i call him little!!

"I'm only 2 years younger than you" chatai fired back.

"easy there tiger" i waved my hands at him "someone's feeling feisty today ain't it" i smiled at him before serving myself some pancakes and peppered sauce.

I cleaned corners of my mouth with a serviette before telling everyone goodbye and heading out the door, chatai and i both go to the same school but we leave at different times because 70% of the time we were fighting.

I always walked to school because the school was a walking distance, unless ofcourse I'm feeling lazy then i take the bus ... after 15 minutes of walking i could see my school in clear sight brown stone high written boldly at the top.

I walked in with my confidence unaltered, there were students everywhere! I saw familiar and unfamiliar faces as i walked to class.

I got to class and made my way to the the front of the class, I'm a front row seater, i looked round the class to see if i would spot my best friend tayana but there was no sign of her.

As i brought out my novel to keep myself busy before the teacher would come in, i heard that scent i can never forget, i looked up and i wasn't shocked to see it was my crush "zann".

I've been crushing on this boy for the longest, since God knows when... my heart always beats faster whenever i see him and my eyes get all dreamy but he never notices me.

During the holiday i wrote a mental note to myself to make zann notice me at all cost, even if it meant changing my wardrobe, working more on my confidence and speaking out more, i would do anything for the boy of my dreams to notice me.

As zann passed my seat, i closed my eyes and silently moaned to how satisfying the scent of his cologne was. He sat down right behind me. For the fact that everytime i turned around we locked eyes made the butterflies in my stomach unending.

The teacher walked in breaking me from my world of fantasy. We had English, my favorite subject, the topic that was being treated was "article writing" because i study ahead of my classes i knew everything the teacher was going on and on about.

The class was going on smoothly as tayana walked into the class looking like she had barely showered, as the teacher looked over to her.

"why are you late miss"? "It's the first day and you're back with your old habit isn't it?" The teacher sounded upset! Tayana just stood there staring like she's ran out of excuses.

she must still be asleep because she never runs out of excuses "get seated miss tayana" the teacher snapped at her sounding annoyed.

Tayana took a seat beside me, there were some empty seats in the class because today was the first day so not everyone had resumed.

"Heyyyy girlfriend" she smirked at me, "look who's always on time"! My voice dripping with sarcasm.

She nodded her head to gesture the person seating beside me then she whispered "isn't that your crush"?? 

"Yes he's the one and please stop whispering before he realizes we're talking about him".

we kept on bickering about random things and how our holiday went and before we know it the class was over.




So this is chapter two people 💃💃 obviously you don't expect the drama to start unfolding yet,get to know the characters first! But trust me, I've got some mind blowing drama that'll blow your hats off😌😌😌 get a cup of relaxing tea and read on❤️

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