Starlight // Shawn Mendes ON...

By sass_mb

675 41 225

"It's you, it's always been you. It will always be you, Starlight" ---- A girl, as adventurous as she could... More

by millions
"You're gonna be huge!"
"Goodnight, Starlight"
25 seconds
treat you better
World Tour?
Stop 1: Glasgow
Stop 2: Manchester
Stop 2: Manchester II
The Gym
Stop 3: Oberhausen
family visit
Stop 4: Amsterdam

"allergies are gonna kill me"

52 3 14
By sass_mb

[Chapter 7 - "allergies are gonna kill me"]

Waking up with make all over your face is probably one of the most disgusting things ever. It was greasy and you had it all over your hands as soon as you accidently touched it or you had in your hair if a strain fell into your face.

Last night got out of hand.

We played a few rounds of truth or dare. Let's just say it is not one of the best ideas to play truth or dare in a big group with a lot of people that you didn't know until then.

I got a dare from Sabrina but it wasn't anywhere near okay to be told in this group of people. She dared me to spill out all the erotic details of my make out session with Mr. Songwriter and describe it ten times more erotically. Strangers would think I'd be into somekind of kinky role stuff.

Which I was not.

So, the question is how'd I end up with kids make up on my face. Yeah, it wasn't just normal make up girls put on to look good. It was the kids make up that you use to paint a tiger on your face.

Anthonys punishments were good.

Anyone who got a punishment from Anthony never wanted to play this game again. But I gave him just as bad ones, so I was even.

This time it was to let every guy at the party draw something on my face.

I had a lot of bad things on my face. Which was expected, going back to the fact that this party was full of drunken, perverted nineteen year olds.

So here I was, standing in the bathroom of James' house, desperately trying to wash it out of my face without success.

"got something on your face there, huh?" A voice came up from behind me. I turned around to find Anthony standing there, with a smirk laying on his lips.

"Really? I didn't notice" I said, trying to rub my face once more. But finally coming to the result that it wouldn't come off anytime soon. I sighed, rubbing hardly once more before holding the sink with my hands and looking down.

"Oh c'mon. Don't give up" He laughed from behind me. I turned around to send him a glare, he just held his hands in surrender and walked away.

And after a few more minutes he came back with a weird looking bottle in his hands. "Here, let me help you" He chuckled. He took a face cloth from behind him and poured some of the liquid over it.

"This isn't some kind of acid that's gonna burn my face off though, right?" I asked scared. You could never be too sure with this guy.

"Relax, it's some kind of milk make up removal stuff that my aunt always uses. I wouldn't ruin your beautiful face. Sabs would kill me if I did" He chuckled.

And just before he could put the cloth with the mysterious stuff on it on my face, I stopped him one last time. "Tony, I swear, if this is gonna ruin my face, your life will be horrible and painful for the whole rest of it." I threatened.

"Relax, would you?" He fussed out. I closed my eyes in fear, but calmed down as soon as I felt the cloth touching my skin and it not burning my skin off. I let out a breath I knew I was holding in.

He just laughed at me, knowing exactly how scared I was. Even now he didn't do anything, he enjoyed seeing me in this state. "You Tony, are a psychopath. Enjoying my fear of dying" I laughed. I couldn't keep being serious, telling Anthony he's a psychopath.

"What do you mean fear of dying? You're afraid of it?" He asked me, looking into my eyes.

"Aren't you?" I asked back.

"Not really, I've always known, If I do die then it's my time to go. I'll be even happier up there, watching down on all of you. I'll be in first row to all your lifes." He smiled. "So, are you?"

"I'm afraid of dying alone. Not having anyone." I stopped for a second having to think. "being alone." I looked down.

It was a fear I had ever since my family died. What would happen if my friends and I would have a fight. Normally you'd always have your family's back. Not in my case. And I don't think that fear would ever go away.

"Hey" He whispered, taking my chin in his right hand before laying the cloth down. He pulled my face up, making me look at him. But I didn't want to. I shut my eyes, not being able to look at him with my tear filled eyes. "Look at me." He said again, making my eyes open on his demand.

"You'll never be alone. You'll always have us. We're not gonna leave you, you'll have our backs, no matter what" He reassured me. I still wasn't convinced, but that would come. "You won't get rid of us that easily." He joked, holding my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and mine around his back.

He laid his chin upon my head. I didn't know for how long we stood there in the bath room hugging. But I didn't care, I felt how the fear died down more by each second going by.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice sounded up from beside us, making us look up, to see a weird looking Sabrina. I just really hoped she didn't think anything wrong.

"Wanna join in?" He smiled opening up his left arm and I opened my right. She sighed smiling walking our hug. Her sigh confirming, she did think something wrong for a second. She smiled and her warmth joined in on our hug.

Some time went by, without either of us even saying a word, but me, being the person I was, had to break the comfortable silence. "Guys" I said quietly and innocent. They slightly lifted their heads looking at me. Sabrina only now seeing the dried tears on my cheeks and sending me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry to break this up but I'm actually starving."

They just got our of their hug, still holding the other partner with one arm each, looking at me. "Only you could say something like this without us hating you."

"C'mon lets go." Sabrina said quickly already heading down. And just when I wanted to go downstairs again too, a hand wrapped around my wrist stopped me.

"Wait a second Abby" He turned me around with his hands so I was looking at him. "We all love you, don't ever forget that, oaky?"

"okay" I smiled back at him.

We went downstairs again and got into the kitchen, where everyone was already sitting at the table, ready for breakfast.

We always waited till everyone in the house was at the table.

"What took you guys so long?" Sabs asked us, a smile plastered on her face.

"Just wanted to remind her how important she is." Anthony turned his head, looking at me and smiling.

"Guys sit down, I'm starving." Jonny whined from the other side of the table, his head in his hands.

We just laughed and sat down at the table.

Was this what happiness felt like? Sitting at the table with the people most important to you, them screaming at each other, begging for the jam. All of us laughing.

Was this what total happiness felt like?

Apparently it was not, because just about five minutes into breakfast, I felt my inner cheek starting to swell and me slowly losing the feeling in both of them.

My whole face felt like it was about a hundred degrees. James being the one noticing my discomfort started looking at me with a anxious look on his face. "Abbs, are you okay?"

This got everyone's attention and they were all looking at me. "I-" I started but got cut off by a sudden burn all over my face, it felt like someone was burning it off. I started to scream loudly, standing up from the table, crouching down on the ground.

I tried holding my skin to stop it from burning but that only made it worse.

"Oh my God, what are we supposed to do?" James panicked.

"Water. Maybe water will help the burn" Sabrina suggested. She was always the smart one. But just in this case, she was not.

As soon as I felt the water on my face, the burn increased and I screamed even louder, it hurting more and more by every second going by.

Black dots started to stir around my sight and I felt my eyes closing down. I stopped screaming from one second to another and felt like throwing up.

"Is it better?" Jonny asked from beside me, holding my shoulder.

I just shook my head no rapidly and soon the black dots got more and more and I closed my eyes, convinced it would help with the pain.

The last thing I head was a worried "Don't you dare close your eyes, Abbs" from James, before everything went black.


I woke up with a bright light shining directly in my face, I groaned and held my hands in front of my face.

"Abby?" I heard a small voice from beside me. I fully opened my eyes to see I was in a room, all of them sitting around me with tired and stressed faces.

"What's going on? Where am I?" I asked at once.

"The hospital, you were probably allergic to something" Jonny shrugged his shoulders. And just then the bright door to the room opened and a doctor walked inside.

"Miss Noolan, great to see you're awake." He smiled at me with his tired eyes. Doctors in hospitals always seemed to be tired. I wondered how they were still able to save lifes like that.

"So, what's going on?" James asked from next to me.

"I can't tell you, if Miss Noolan doesn't want you guys to know." He shrugged.

"It's okay they're family." I tried to smile, even though it scratched my throat like heck.

"When your friends brought you here they didn't know what was going on either. We knew exactly it was an allergic reaction to something. So we did a few tests and found out you're allergic to basswood. Used that in the past 24 hours?" He asked me.

I widened my eyes at the thought, that a small allergy could be able to do things like that to me. "I don't even know what that is? Where is it in?"

"Tea, bath bombs, creams" He listed. Anthony's eyes widened in the back as soon as he said creams. He muttered a small "fuck" and sighed.

"So when you say creams, you mean also make up removal creams?" He asked, making the doctor turn around to look at him.

"Sure, depends on which cream you took, but could be" He shrugged. "So, by the look on your face, I assume it was that?" He asked, looking at me. I just send him a small nod.

"It's okay, you can go home, we're gonna give you some injections for emergencies, so you don't always have to come to the hospital." He took out some out of the bag in his gown. "Here you go. You're free to go, Miss Noolan." He smiled at me, turning around and leaving the room.

I smiled at him and as soon as he was out of the room, James stormed towards Anthony angrily, pushing him against the wall. "You could have killed her, are you even aware?" He snapped at him.

"I know man. I'm sorry"

"Oh, you're sorry? If she would have died, it would have been your fault. It would be on you" He spit out through gritted teeth.

I just laid there in the bed, looking at the scene in front of me with wide eyes. "James, stop!" I screamed at him. He looked at me, widened his eyes and took his hands off of Anthony looking at them even more frightened.

He looked at Anthony one last time before storming out of the room. Jonny went to go after him but I stopped him. "Don't. He needs to cool off, believe me"

"Abby, I'm sorry." Anthony came to my side holding my arm with his hands. Tears threatened to fall out of his eyes. "This is all my fault. I should have known. I sh-"

"How were you supposed to know? I didn't even know myself" I chuckled. "It's okay, Tony. It's not your fault. Don't stress yourself, really" I assured him.

"Also, Abby, there's another thing we wanted to talk to you about." Sabrina started with a sympathetic, worried mixed look on her face. "When you blacked out, James drove you here, we did too in a separate car and we thought it would be good that your orphanage knew, you were in the hospital."

I already closed my eyes and threw my head back, knowing what was about to come. "They told me you weren't living there anymore since almost half a year, you got kicked out. Why didn't you tell us?"

I just looked at them all, they weren't laughing at me, or disappointed as I thought they would be. "I thought you guys would have been disappointed at me"

"We never would have been Abby! But there's one even more important question. All those times when you said you were going back there, where did you actually go?" Jonny asked with worry in his voice.

"Some times I went to James' place, other times I went to a hostel, other times I slept under a bridge" I muttered the last part.

"Oh Abby" Jonny muttered from beside me, taking me into a bone crashing hug. "Why didn't you tell us. You could have stayed at one of our places"

"I didn't want to be a burden." I muttered again, letting my head fall down, not daring to look at anyone at the moment.

"You were never gonna be, You would be a friend in need, not a burden." Anthony reassured me. "From now on, you're gonna stay at one of our places. You're not gonna sleep under a bridge anymore okay?"

"Thank you guys so much." I teared up. "Come here" I cried pulling them all in for a hug.

James soon came back into the room and looked at us hugging there. All of the others rather uncomfortably.

"Doctor said we can go home" He announced, having a bag lazily swung over his shoulders. I just nodded and went to get out of bed but just as I stood on my own feet, my lungs started to close down again and a cough came and didn't stop. I bent down and held my chest in pain. But as soon as it stopped I looked up at the others.

"Damn, these allergies are gonna kill me"

This is it for this times chapter. Hope you all liked it, if so give feedback!

Always feel free to vote, comment and share!

Have a wondeful day my loves!

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