The Long Lost Zabini {Dramion...

Par PotterHead__02

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18 year old Hermione Granger has lived with the Granger's her whole life, knowing, believing that they were h... Plus

Chapter 1: New Family
Chapter 2: New Home
Chapter 3: New Friends
Chapter 4: Old Friends
Chapter 5: New Face
Chapter 6: Last Day of Summer pt. 1
Chapter 7: Last Day of Summer pt. 2
Chapter 8: Hogwarts pt. 1
Chapter 9: Hogwarts pt. 2
Chapter 10: Telling Ginny
Chapter 11: The Sorting
Chapter 12: Head Boy & Head Girl
Chapter 13: The First Night
Chapter 14: Morning
Chapter 15: Dates for the Party
Chapter 16: Day of the Party
Chapter 18: The Plan
Chapter 19: Change of Plans
Chapter 20: Parents
Chapter 21: Ginny's Arrival
Chapter 22: The Proposal
Chapter 23: Nineteen Years Later
Final Author's Note
Hey Ya'll
A few months have passed
Almost 1 year later
1 Year

Chapter 17: The Party

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Par PotterHead__02

"Is everyone ready to go?" Ginny asks impatiently from in front of the door that leads to the rest of the school.
Ginny and Blaise have decided to wear purple. As it isn't biased to any of the four houses. Ginny is wearing a knee-length purple dress with a small black belt around her waist. Her dress's straps loop together behind her neck, exposing much of her upper and mid back. She's wearing a pair of simple black pumps to match her belt and hand bag. I curled her hair and it's all pushed to one side and is draping over her shoulder. She has decided to go with a simple makeup look with a dark smokey eye and a pinky nude liquid lipstick.
Blaise is wearing a button up shirt in the same shade of purple as Ginny with a pair of black slacks and black dress shoes.
Draco and I decided to stray away from the light green and decided to go with a light red, almost pink color. I'm wearing a skin tight dress that ends at my mid thigh and sorta has a dipping neck line, but not so dipped it's whorish. And with that I'm wearing a pair if white pumps that doesn't really match anything I'm wearing but I thought they looks nice with the outfit. I decided to go very basic with the makeup and just do winged eyeliner with a light red liquid lipstick. I decided to keep my hair clean and simple and put it into a simple yet elegant bun at the crown of my head.
Draco is wearing basically the same thing as Blaise other than the color difference of their shirts.
"Let's go." Draco say as he laces his finger's through mine and offers me a comforting smile.
Ginny opens the door and we all exit our dorm and are met with an oddly silent hallway. I shut the door behind Draco and I as we're the last two out of the dorm and follow Blaise and Ginny down the hall to where the party is being held.
"Where is the party anyways?" I ask, just realizing that I didn't know where we would be going for the party.
"It's in the great hall. Did no one tell you anything about this party other than me?" Ginny asks with a groan.
"No." I answer honestly.
"Oh, well, it's in the great hall so it won't bug any of the other students." Ginny explains the reasoning behind the location.
"Understandable." I say simply as we turn down a hallway and can begin to hear music playing. "Is that music coming from the great hall?"
"Yeah. Not bothering anyone my ass. That music is really freaking loud." Blaise says from in front of me.
The rest of the walk to the great hall is a silent one. When we get there all of our jaws hit the floor because of what we see.
We see that someone's set up a dance floor and a dj. And the one and only Harry Potter is grinding on a rather flustered Ronald Weasley.
"What in the fucking hell?" Ginny exclaims once she sees how her brother is choosing to live his life. "I knew they were probably fucking or something but this is nasty. I never ever in a million years wanted or needed to see that. I think I've been scarred for life."
"Just don't look. I bet the dance floor will be packed soon." Blaise suggests to his rather distraught girlfriend. "But this takes the saying 'the wand chooses the wizard' to a completely new level."
"Shut up Blaise. If youe going to make a joke about it atleast make it funny." I say with a groan at how bad his joke was.


"Drake!" I slur, deciding not to care that Draco and I have had way to much to drink.
"Yeah babe?" Draco answers, seeming a little less drunk than I am.
"Take me somewhere." I request with a giggle as I sit on his lap.
"Where?" Draco asks, playing along.
"Somewhere where it's just the two of us. Alone." I demand, knowing what I want.
Draco doesn't respond but he does get up and basically drags me out of the great hall and back to our shared dorm. And I instantly knew that I was about to get what I wanted. And if me from last year could see this she would not believe what's happening.

[If you don't understand what I'm hinting at, they're going to have sex.]

Continuer la Lecture

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