Morgana - A Tale of Beauty An...

By moonofmorrigan

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BOOK ONE IN THE SERIES: "Behind The Veil". A retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Morgana is a Fae coming of a... More

Prologue and Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

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By moonofmorrigan

Chapter 09

THE celebration of their union was vast and even Hera and Zeus showed up. Plus, The Fates. They watched her, her only. She knew she must speak to them the first chance she got, but first she felt she must talk to Hera. Zeus remained aloof, as if not wanting to involve himself with the party at all. Morgana was confused about many things. After all, if her mate was in fact Hera's son, that meant he was Zeus' son as well, but – legend only spoke of a few sons. The crippled one that she flung down in to the depths of the earth and Ares.

When she found time away from her celebration goers, Morgana found Hera alone in the corner of the manor looking out in to the woods. Her golden hair was tied up so beautifully and shone so beautifully in the night she couldn't help standing for a moment and looking upon it. Hera noticed her before Morgana was taken out of her daze. She was standing in front of her before she could even think to move forward.

"I am sure you will make my son happy Morgana. Everyone has high hopes for you both,"

She bowed her head and thought of the best way to word her questions to the temperamental Fae. Hera was eying her curiously before she opened her mouth. "Child, in my long years on this earth your ways are best. You think before you act and speak. I have watched you a long time. Though you did not know it."

Morgana was taken by surprise at this, "I'm... I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't really understand."

"The mirror. Roses are the symbol of my son my dear, but," she snapped her fingers and the mirror appeared in her hand, "if you look on the back of it," she turned it over and upon it was an engraved peacock feather, "you will see my symbol as well."

She began to walk forward and grabbed the girl's hand, "I am sure you have questions for me. Please feel free to speak them. I promise not to get angry – and if I do, that I will not seek revenge. You will find that many of the tales you have heard about me are very farfetched and that Athena has a habit of making me take the blame for her antics."

"I don't understand, how can she make you take the blame for it? And why would she even want to torture her father's lovers so? You at least have a reason, she on the other hand..."

"Has a father complex. She is the only daughter he had with that... Titan woman. However, she thinks she should have her father all to herself. She thinks her father should be her lover."

Morgana stopped in her tracks, her mouth open and look clearly disgusted, "Her lover? Between siblings it is understandable but..."

"I know Morgana. I know." Hera stopped three steps ahead of her and turned. Her face was lovely, like a starry sky illuminated upon her very face with her aura. "Her father is partially to blame for it as well. He makes me take the fall for her out of his love for her mother. You see, her mother was his first and true love. No one else compares to her, but none the less... he had to protect himself."

Morgana stepped forward, "Is it true that he... swallowed her?"

Hera let out a laugh of such merriment that you'd think it was the biggest joke she ever heard, "Swallowed her? Oh heavens no! But she is banished – much like your dear mother, my dear one. She for good reasons. Your mother... well, it was complicated. Much like that scandal with Medusa. I refused to take the blame for that insanity. I drew the line."

"You know of my mother?" Morgana rushed forward closing any distance between them. "Please tell me the truth... Please."

Hera looked down, up at the moon, and then back at her companion. Tears were threatening to reveal themselves upon the rims of her golden eyes. "Yes. Your mother was raped a mortal. No one knows how he managed to get through The Veil. But he did, and she was quite beautiful. More beautiful than Aphrodite herself. She was nearly driven mad. The shame, the fear.... the heartache, for she was a Fae of fidelity." Hera closed her eyes and the tears slipped down her cheeks, "You must understand, she and I share the same memory – only I was a virgin and taken by the one who would become my husband. Zeus was also struck with an arrow by Eros when it happened... so, I guess he could not be totally put to blame."

Morgana looked down, "I'm sorry."

Hera shook her head, "No, it's all right. It was a long time ago. Anyway, this is about your mother. Not me. The mortal again crossed The Veil in search for her some weeks later. Your mother begged for help – Titiana heard her. Titiana knew the mortal would pursue her until the ends of the earth if she did not take a drastic measure. She turned her in to the banshee and The White Lady in one. She misses you Morgana. But it is best that you never meet again. Truly, it is.

"No doubt you are wondering where my son comes from. He is not really Zeus' son, but his grandson. From Perseus. Janeco was turned into a beast by me, yes. Not because of the reason he believes, but because of his arrogance and conceit that he used to have over his beauty. I raised him as my own out of pity. He was out of all the sons of his the least loved, the least wanted. He wasn't a very beautiful child to be honest – but he grew out of it obviously, which is why he became so vain. I do want you to know, that I regretted my curse, and looked for ways to revoke it myself, but I bound it by The Unseen One. It could not be broken by anything, other than what I cursed it to be. Know though, I love him as my own though. Take good care of him."

She nodded and began to walk away. There was another matter that she wished to discuss with Hera. However, now knowing that Hera was possibly not the reason for all the tortures behind the lovers of Zeus, she wasn't sure. But she could sympathize. What should I do? I want revenge... I must have it, but I do not know what to do.

"Hera... my sister..."

Hera turned, her look was very majestic – but very mysterious and knowing, "I know about your sister. It has been attended to. With a vengeance."

Morgana's mouth opened not knowing what to do or say.

Hera sighed, "You are too young yet to have such deeds placed at your feet. One day you will fall into this path. Every Fae does... but for now use your powers for good. Let them grow. Become powerful Morgana. Then you will have the strength to fight." She completely turned to face her, "In a couple of years you will be my dear, and when you are, if you still feel... the need for vengeance, I'll be waiting. And so will he. I will make certain of it." She nodded with a twitch on her lips at the young Fae, and turned to walk back to the party.

Morgana was breathing heavily. It was taken care of already. By Hera herself. Perhaps it was best. But yes, she will listen to Hera. She will grow powerful and strong. Then she will put it right. She looked over, in the trees, barely visible through the mist was Zeus. His hair was silver as the moon – or like the lightening that could spark from his very fingers at any time, his eyes were like looking at the sky during daybreak – light gold. He was attractive and obviously, being the most well known lover of women she ever heard of, he knew it too. He was nodding his head 'yes', then he came out into the moonlight, and took the other way around back to the party.

Unsure what that all entailed she dared not approach and find out. After all, he was the world's most prolific womanizer. Briefly, she wondered if he was her sister's attacker, but then she remembered one thing only known among the Fae: after he had raped Hera, he had become so disgusted with himself that he wept and did not take food or drink for years. He also vowed he would never, ever force a woman's love. He would scheme and do anything he could to get into his interest's bed, but it would never be through force. Never again.

She didn't know if she should admire him or hate him. Rape seemed to be something that all of the Greek SuperFae, as they were so disapprovingly referred to in jeering conversations, were guilty of at some time or another. Poseidon's indiscretion was the most famous. The situation of that poor woman – Medusa was always something she had a morbid fascination with. Lots of it made no sense, and even more of it seemed so unjust that Athena's father should have punished her for it. But it never happened. Which made her wonder what was going on. It was a centuries behind her now, but she couldn't help lingering on it every time the thought popped in to her head. She shook her head and went back to the celebration.

People were waiting on her, not the least of which was Janeco. But she couldn't focus on it all. Hera hadn't been at all what she expected. Zeus was aloof. She didn't know what to think of any of it. Athena wasn't in attendance. Apollo and Artemis were however. The twins radiated their elements of gold and silver auras in the candlelight. Others were there as well... Ones she wasn't even aware knew of each others existence until now. The Egyptians were there – Osiris and Isis, Ra and Amun. The Norse were represented by Freya, Thor and of course Odin. She couldn't help but dwell on the idea that they had been invited to it out of sheer "not wanting to anger any one" reasons on part of her mate.

The feast went on until almost daybreak. Many of the ones who had come would be housed for the day in her home. She wasn't sure she liked the idea. But the pixies, who had also been enchanted along with her husband, turned out to be full bodied, High Fae servants, who had somehow ended up in her husband's care. Maybe they ticked off the "gods" or maybe they just felt sorry for him. Morgana had no idea and didn't wish to ask too many questions. In their world a lot of time it was best to leave things unanswered.

As they retreated inside the manor for the day, Morgana was approached by The Three Fates. They each looked alike, differing only in their choice of accessories and of course their signature implements which hung on their belt casually... as if it was just another adornment. She would soon find out that they also finished each other's sentences as well.


"We have..."

"Been waiting..."

She stood back and nodded, "I have been waiting on you as well."




She stared from one identical face to the other as they spoke. She knew which one was which obviously – but still it was unnerving to an extent. It went from the one who began life's course to the one who cut the thread each time.

"You have..."

"Tried to use"

"Your powers..."

"At a cost..."

"To yourself..."

"We see..."

Morgana fingered her white hair and looked away. She wasn't ashamed, just it being mentioned made her self-conscious.

"We are..."

"Not here..."

"To punish you..."

"We are here..."

"To tell you..."

"Why it has happened."

Their faces showed no emotion. They even moved in sync. Morgana raised an eyebrow at this revelation and bowed, "Please go on."

"You must bear..."

"A child of your own..."

"Before you can..."



"Great Mother."

"All of our powers..."

"Will be in your hands..."

"When you do."

"But you cannot properly..."

"Tap into the magic..."

"Of the Great Mother..."



"A mother first..."

Then all together they bowed to her, and said, "We wish you well," then they passed on.

Morgana felt her face scrunching up in both frustration and confusion. If that was the answer, then what else would happen? Did she also have to die somehow to become part of The Waning Moon – The Crone? She had stood fixed in spot and only then turned to look down the hall they had departed from, but they were gone. She had not received any word that they would be staying, so she assumed they had transported back to Olympus.

As she made her way to her room, her mind remained deep in thought. Some of her thoughts were about her mother, others about Hera, others still about her magic, and last of all what would she have to do, or even become to master them all...

The pain was intense. Nothing she had ever experienced – nor wished to ever again. No wonder mortal women died in child birth. To her amazement it was Hera who presided over the birthing of her child. Other High Fae ran around her as she told them without flinching what was needed and what to do. It was Hera who kept Morgana pushing and breathing, screaming for it come out. Finally after hours that seemed like days at a time, she felt the child slide out of her body and it's wail echoed throughout the room.

Hera gave the child to a nearby attendant and patted her face with cool water, "It's ok, it's done now. The afterbirth is never as bad."

Morgana peered up at her wide eyed and horrified, "Afterbirth?!"

"Of course... How else do you think that little one survived inside you those nine long months? It will come in a few hours at most. Then all will definitely be done." But it came sooner than anyone expected, as in right after the words came out of her mouth. Morgana let out a strangled groan and felt another something leave her body.

She leaned back weak and sweaty, staring at the ceiling, "Where is my baby? Where is she?"

Hera gave her a quizzical look, and as soon as she said it an attendant returned in the room with the infant swaddled in a cloth, red and angrily crying for its mother in i's wails, "It's a girl," she announced proudly.

Hera looked back at Morgana with a calculated look before saying, "Now, you are the Morrigan Le Fay."

She took the infant from the young Fae holding it, and it instantly quieted as she held it close, then brought it over handing the child to her mother, "What will you call her?"

Morgana thought as she reached for the child and drew her to her bosom. The infant yawned and went to sleep. A passing thought in the back of her mind acknowledged that yes, now she was The Great Mother. A smile came to her face as she remembered the craving for the rapun plant throughout it's beginning to the end, "Rapunzel... She shall be called Rapunzel."


Story to be continued with Part Two Rapunzel - Reimagined

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