Between Two Loves(Quinntana)...

Oleh Kiddshowstopper

7.7K 142 45

AU-Santana Fabray had a great life. A wife and a baby on the way and the career that she always wanted till o... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

544 8 1
Oleh Kiddshowstopper

"What she doing here?!" Another voice said cutting them off from their conversation as they just walked up to their table.

Santana looked up for a second and continue talking to Quinn and Kurt like Brittany wasn't even standing there. How could you be married to someone that you don't know nothing about and just up and leave without calling to check on them or your child you have with them? You would have think they had the perfect marriage like everyone thinks, but they don't. And she knows Brittany is hiding something from her.

Brittany was pissed when she walked passed the cafe and saw her 'wife' sitting there talking to Kurt and Quinn with a smile on her face. She didn't hastened to turn around in walk in the neither.

"Don't cost a scene and embarrasses yourself Santana get up and let's go now!" The blonde demand as she walks into the cafe and straight over to Santana. After she didn't get an answer the blonde reaches across the table and roughly grab Santana.

Quinn knew it wasn't her place to interfere with the Latina life but she wasn't gonna stand there well sit there and let Santana so called wife put her hands on her.

"I wasn't the one that walked out on us and pretend like nothing didn't happened for two weeks ago!" Santana argued while trying to break Brittany strong grip on her.

"Britt, just let..." Kurt tired to say but Brittany cut him off.

"Shut up Hummel and stay out of this! This is between me and my wife!" Brittany yelled causing the few people in the cafe to look at them.

"Brittany just let her go." Quinn said getting up and grabbing Brittany shoulders to break her hold on Santana.

Brittany couldn't believe the blonde put her hands on her. Just because she was crippled wasn't gonna back down and let her get away with it.

"Stop it Brittany now!" Santana said shoving Kurt out of the booth after Brittany pushed Quinn.

"You don't even know this woman." Brittany says as Kurt tries to grab her, "Whatever I'm out of here." The taller blonde said bumping shoulders with Quinn on her way out.

Right than and there Quinn wanted to beat the shit out of Brittany before she walked away. Santana gave her a soft smile while touching her shoulder.

"It was nice meeting you Kurt, " Quinn said looking over to the blue eyed man before looking back over at Santana who had a small sad smile on her face "see you around Santana." She said leaving the small cafe with her untouched breakfast.

"What the hell just happened?" Santana questioned herself as she watches the blonde leave.

Why can't I just tell her the truth? Quinn said to herself. She was right there and she blow it. She could tell Santana was unhappy with Brittany but why does she stays? But than again nothing isn't making any sense to her.

"Artie how many times I have to tell you to keep your feet off my desk." She says as she pops him upside the head.

"You know you gotta stop hitting me before I sue you." Artie says as he snatching her breakfast away from her and started eating.

The blonde didn't care about Artie as her mind wonder back off to the Latina. The way her chocolate brown were sparkling as she talks and that cute little giggle she has just everything she likes about Santana brought her joy for a few moments.

"Hello earth to Quinn?!" He says waving his hand in front of her face.

"What Artie?!" She asked while slapping his hands out of her face.

"See I knew you wasn't listen." He said getting the last hit of each other.

It's like this every single day they both annoy each other and then they work, well Quinn works while Artie well just Artie but Quinn couldn't have pick a better assistance if she wanted to he was just like a little brother to her.

As Kurt and Santana arrived back at the hotel she couldn't wait to see her baby boy. Brittany ugh she just hates her now. How is she supposed to make friends in a new city when Brittany doesn't trust her enough.

"You should forgot about her and let's go out for the night." Kurt said as the Latina was unlocking the door to the penthouse."come on San it's our last night here and we should go out to a club or something just to do something fun." Kurt pleaded with his baby blue eyes.

Before Santana could even answer Devin came running from the living and wrapped his arms around her legs.

"Hey baby," Santana said unwrapping Devin arms from around her legs to pick him. "Did you have fun with uncle Blaine?" She asked him as she showed him with kisses causing him to giggle.

"Umm huh we even got my hair cut." Devin said nodding his head as Santana finally realized indeed Blaine took him to get his hair cut, she was thankful for that and at least his dirty blonde hair looks like a different color for now.

"Hey Kurtie,"Blaine greets his husband and kisses him.

"So I was telling Santana here we should go out to a club or something since it's our last night in town." Kurt says as they all sat down in the living room together as Devin went back to watching Power Rangers.

"Oooh that's not a bad idea San."

"See!" Kurt said with an excitement " and plus we can't forget what happened earlier with your so called wife." He said rolling his eyes.

"What happened earlier? Did you guys see Brittany?" Blaine asked while looking over at the Latina who was avoiding look over at the two guys who was sitting across from her.

Long story short Kurt ended telling Blaine what happened earlier and about meeting Santana mystery woman and how Santana was smiling and giggling like a little high school girl around the the blonde.

"Let's do it!" Blaine says clapping his hands.

"I don't have a babysitter for DJ."

"Don't worry about him, I can ask one of the staff to watch him till we get." Kurt said walking out of room.

Great I hope tonight go better than this morning. Santana said to herself as she gets up to look for a dress for tonight.

"Quinn!" Kitty shouts out as she walks to the blonde office where she was sitting and thinking about the Latina. She was too busy dreaming about her beautiful face and lustful lips and sexy curves that she didn't hear Kitty calling her name out. "Earth to Quinn." The younger blonde says while snapping her friends as her roommate.

"Sorry, what's up and why are you dressed like you a hooker?" Quinn asked smirking to herself while Kitty just rolled her eyes.

"Funny you wish you can have this." She said motion her hands towards her body.

"I'll just ask Marley." She said winking at her.

"Whatever," Kitty said rolling her eyes again." But Rachel wants a girls night out and I thought you could come out with us." She says biting her lower lip praying and hoping she will say yes.

She could use a night out and forget about what happened this morning at the cafe with the Latina and her wife. Then maybe she wouldn't be thinking about her so much.

"Yeah that's fine but I have to head home first." She shutting down her laptop before grabbing her backpack.

"Great, and have you taking your meds yet?" Kitty asks as the older blonde was locking up her shop.

Nodding her head yes Quinn then hopped into Kitty's car.

After the girls made it home Quinn quickly took Alexis out for a walk and to use the bathroom. Yes after everything what happened after the car accident Quinn still has Santana puppy, well she's not a puppy anymore but still she still have their first baby after all of these years.

After taking a quick shower and throwing on some black skinny jeans with her all black Jordan's shoes and finished off with a green and white polo shirt. As she was walking into her's and Kitty living room she saw more than just the girls but also the boys but what caught her off guard was her ex girlfriend/ hookup looking good in a red mini dress.

"Hi," Quinn said shyly as she threw her hair into a mess bun to finish off her look. "I thought you said girls night out?"

"Well, I did but.." Rachel let's out a little chuckle "but I told I was going out and now it's a group thing."

Rolling her eyes Quinn walked passed the short brunette and straight to the door. So it was Quinn, Kitty, Marley, Artie and Chelsea in one car and in the other car was Rachel, Finn, Sam, Mercedes, Tina and Mike in the other they all was heading to club Ego where Kitty and Quinn used to work at.

This should be fun. Quinn said to herself as she ended up sitting next to Chelsea in the car.

"Well hot mama!" Kurt said fanning himself as Santana walks out of her bedroom wearing a green and black dress with black high heels with her long hair straightening down her back.

"Thank you lady lips." She said grabbing her purse before walking into the living where the babysitter Ashley was with Devin watching T.v.." thanks again Ashley I really appreciate this."

"Not a problem Mrs. Lopez, DJ wanna say bye to your mami?" Ashley asked the boy who was cuddle up in the blonde side. Oh she differently gonna have a problem with him when he's older.

Devin didn't say anything but just blow his mami a kiss before turning his attention back towards the T.v..

Once Quinn and her group made it to the club her old boss had give them a vip area and drinks on the house.

"Okay here to us!" Sam said raising his glass in the air with his friends.

Everybody raised their glass before taking it back to the head and hitting the dance floor expect for Quinn, Chelsea and Artie. Well Artie tried to dance with Chelsea but she kept turning him down.

"So how is everything going?" The brunette asked as she moved closer to the blonde who was watching her friends out in the dance.

Quinn turned her attention towards her before answering her question.

"Quinn everything doesn't have to be weird around us, like I said I'm sorry we broke up and I-I kn-know I could never replaced your wife and the sex was amazing, I just couldn't do it anymore." Chelsea says as she places her hand in Quinn's lap

"Come dance with me." Quinn said avoiding the question as she pulls the brunette up with her.

She didn't want to talk about what happened between them or how their friendship was affected by their break up. Moving to the dance floor Chelsea wrapped her arms around the blonde and started moving her body as she was swinging her hips, even she doesn't leave with anyone at least she will have Quinn.

After dancing to a couple of songs and drinking Quinn felt really good literally good, the pain in her leg was killing her.

"I would ask you to dance but you look like you're hurting." The voice behind the blonde said.

Even over the loud music Quinn recognize that sexy voice from any where.

Pushing her hair back Quinn turned around and saw the goodness she been thinking about all day standing there looking hella good.

"If I didn't know any better I would say your stalking me Mrs. Lopez- Pierce." Quinn said getting up and standing face to face with the brunette.

"Just Lopez." Santana said stepping closer to the blonde.

"Well Mrs. Lopez care for another drink?" Quinn said in a sluty voice close to her ear.

Yeah I drink of you. Santana said to herself as she nods her head.

Out of forced of habit Quinn grab a hold of Santana hand and walk over to the bar.

"Umm Rach who's that talking to Quinn?" Mercedes asked as they were leaning over the rails to see their friend talking to a female. None of them didn't even know Quinn was seeing anyone after her and Chelsea called it quits.

Before the two of them could walk toward them Kitty stop the two of them.

"Hey guys where you going?" She asked nervously as she tried to stand on her own to feet. She clearly had too many drinks.

"Katherine who is that girl?" Rachel asked her with her hands on her hips.

"I can't say."

"And why not? You know we have to look out for our girl." Mercedes step in and said.

"Causethegirlsheswithlookslikesantana." The blonde said really quickly in one breath.

"What?!" Both of the girls asked.

"She's with my friend." A high pitched voice said behind Mercedes and Rachel.

"Who the hell are you?"

Pushing her hair back Quinn turned around and saw the goodness she been thinking about all day standing there looking hella good.

"If I didn't know any better I would say your stalking me Mrs. Lopez- Pierce." Quinn said getting up and standing face to face with the brunette.

"Just Lopez." Santana said stepping closer to the blonde.

"Well Mrs. Lopez care for another drink?" Quinn said in a sluty voice close to her ear.

Yeah I drink of you. Santana said to herself as she nods her head.

Out of forced of habit Quinn grab a hold of Santana hand and walk over to the bar.

"Umm Rach who's that talking to Quinn?" Mercedes asked as they were leaning over the rails to see their friend talking to a female. None of them didn't even know Quinn was seeing anyone after her and Chelsea called it quits.

Before the two of them could walk toward them Kitty stop the two of them.

"Hey guys where you going?" She asked nervously as she tried to stand on her own to feet. She clearly had too many drinks.

"Katherine who is that girl?" Rachel asked her with her hands on her hips.

"I can't say."

"And why not? You know we have to look out for our girl." Mercedes step in and said this time.

"Causethegirlsheswithlookslikesantana!" The blonde said really quickly in one breath.

"What?!" Both of the girls asked.

"She's with my friend." A high pitched voice said behind Mercedes and Rachel.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Kurt Hummel- Anderson and this is my husband Blaine." He said ponting towards his husband. "And the brunette with the blonde is Santana."

"What? I feel like I'm gonna fainted." Rachel said as she grabs a hold on the dark skin girl beside her.

Over at the bar Quinn and Santana were hitting it off, Santana even apologize again for her rude ass wife behavior this morning well yesterday morning since in was almost 1am.

"You think I can have one dance?" Santana asked as she was being all touchy feeling with the blonde as she was caressing her arms and feeling on her biceps. She differently felt like she knew the blonde before.

"Yeah I guess but I'm not much of a dancer."

"Mama got you sweetie." Santana said seductively as she pulls Quinn with her to the middle of the dance floor.

Put your hands in the air (the air)

Trigga put your, put your hands in the air

Ooh na na

Look what you did start it

Ooh na na

Why you gotta act so naughty

Ooh na na

I'm 'bout to spend all this cash

Ooh na na

If you keep shaking that (oh yeah)

As the music start playing Santana had her arms wrapped around Quinn's neck swinging her hips while while Quinn didn't know what to do with her hands. This was all feeling like deja vu to her.

Ooh na na na

Put your hands in the air if you're lovin' tonight

Ooh na na na

Keep your hands in the air if you're spendin' the night

Ooh na na now

Na na nanana na na

Everybody say it like

Ooh na na now

Na na nanana na na

Everybody say

Baby I'm the one you lying

I'mma get you as a liar

Oh yeah

I'mma give it to you right now

Best time oh your life, yeah, oh yeah

Baby when you ready tell the waitress get the check

Girl I know you ready I don't even gotta check

You been through the worst let me show you who the best

You know I'mma get you right, get them boys to the left, like

By now Quinn was feeling comfortable dancing with the Latina as her front side was pushed into her backside.

"I thought you said you couldn't dance?" Santana turned around and said close to the blonde's ear.

Ooh na na na

Put your hands in the air if you're lovin' tonight

Ooh na na na

Keep your hands in the air if you're spendin' the night

Ooh na na now

Na na nanana na na

Everybody say it like

Ooh na na now

Na na nanana na na

Everybody say

Quinn was smirking to herself as turned the Latina back around and pulls her closer to her body. "Only for you." She breath out as she started trailing kisses down the brunette neck which caused Santana to let out a moan.

I'm feeling lucky tonight (everybody say)

When we leave this party

You gon' love me tonight (everybody say, ay)

You feeling lucky tonight, (tonight girl)

When we leave this party, you gon' love me tonight

"You want to get out of here?" Santana asks looking deep into Quinn's hazel green eyes.

Nodding her head Quinn quickly grab a hold on Santana and rushed outside to grab a cab. She probably knew she would regret her decision in the morning but she's living in the moment right now. It didn't take too long before they ended back up at Santana place, she told the blonde she had a babysitter watching Devin. Yeah bad mama, but she didn't she was a good mother to her son unlike the person she doesn't want name.

"Shh, you have to be quite." Santana said giggle while Quinn was laying on top of her.

"That's you!" Quinn whispered yelled as she was fumbling with the Latina lustful breasts as she was giving them both attention.

Not even five minutes later Quinn was left in her sports bra and black boxer briefs while Santana was laying in her matching set bra and panties. She tried to cover up herself from the blonde but Quinn wasn't having it.

"Don't," Quinn says as her breath hitched as she seen some of the Latina scars. "You're still beautiful." Quinn said in between kisses as she places little tiny kisses on her scars.

Santana didn't want to be seeing being emotional, she barely knows this woman but yet she feels like she can spend her life with her forever and just forget about Brittany.

Without wasting any more time Quinn finished undressing Santana as herself was becoming painful hard, she wanted to worship the brunette body.

"Wait ba-baby you gotta stop or I'm gonna come." Santana said breathing hard as she was gently trying to get the blonde attention from in between her legs.

Slowly planning kisses all the way up to the Latina soft pump lips Quinn crashed their lips together as Santana soft smooth hands found its way into the blonde boxer's. Quinn was feeling a little insecure about this the only person she ever had sex with was Chelsea and she didn't care about her scar. Looking into Quinn's dark hazel eyes Santana saw the look in her and she just wanted stop all together.

"Hey baby look at me," Santana said grabbing a hold on Quinn's face. "Baby it's okay I'm here, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." She said pulling Quinn down for a passionate kiss as the blonde easy herself into the Latina wet slippery folds.

The only thing you could hear besides Santana quite moans and Quinn groaning was the bed lightly tapping the wall, they weren't just having sex the were connecting on a deep lever.

"Oh shit I'm about to come." Santana moans out as her toes began to curl and send a signal for Quinn to pick up her pace.

Moving a little faster Quinn deepen her thrusts as she was pushing her harder and deeper while Santana wrapped her legs tighter around the blonde waist. Before Quinn could even reach down and touch Santana sensitive clit she came hard as Quinn named rolled off perfectly off of her tongue as Quinn followed right behind her. After a few minutes Quinn slowly pulled out before laying down next to Santana and wrapping her arms around the Latina backside pulling her closely as possible before placing a kiss on her shoulder blade falling asleep peaceful.

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