Shadows System Stories

By Shadowblade13z

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Alex and The Shadows System share their daily stories of life events and little moments. More

Morning with Scratch and Alex
Flashbacks, Corners and Cuddles
Scared of the dark
Damion's Birthday Part one
Damion's birthday part 2
Ethan's song.
The monster in my head


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By Shadowblade13z

All these are written by the alter or has input from them to be as accurate as possible.

Alex: Host. 15. A Mess. They/them or He/him pronouns. Birthday: March 6th

Personal Blog: @Zena1313

Likes basically everything tbh. Music,art,science,writing,nature,magic,etc. A huge Dork and Fandom Trash. Loves their systemmates more than themselves. Also is totally gay for scratch and their qpp. Pretty much a sap who is obsseed with space and music. kinda not much they dont like except the school system. Very active in human rights and is VERY proud of their identity.

Doesn't like to fight but can hold their own.

Fav Color: neon blue

Scratch: Protector and cohost. 15 She/Her pronouns. Birthday: March 6th


Will FIGHT you. Likes nature, exploring, video games, tough and agile. Confident and likes rock and punk music. Kinda hard to describe but is Cool AF. Loves Alex and her 'brothers' (chase and damion) and just kinda memey and chill. Is cohost and is only the voice of reason when it comes to telling Alex what to do. LIkes to watch youtube and secretly is a great singer but wont admit to liking music. Loves crime shows and active or somewhat violent activities. Has two sides. Either very very violent, angry and protective and tries to keep them safe from others or very calm, sweet and nurturing and tries to keep the others fed and safe from themselves. Likes to dance and chill. loves memes and joking around with friends.

Fav color: Forest Green

Damion: Protector/caretaker. Age Slider (4-17) He/Him pronouns Birthday: July 14


A pacifist Demon/ human hybrid prince. Is kind of immortal? Likes spicy foods and is super curious. Loves new 'human' things and likes everything and learning. Also boy crazy. A lovable Dork who has a very high tolerance for stuff but once you cross that line there is no holding him back. At all. Likes Imagine Dragons and is very Anti-violence. Loves magic and science and all things that make him wonder and ask questions. Loves learning. Very modest and wants to make the world a better place. Also loves his friends and switches between very very old fashioned and really modern in the way he talks and acts so. its always a toss up. Was born in the 1400's and has lived through many different historical times. (for example remembers living in the wild west and working as a bartender back then and also remembers being a soilder in the french revolution) 

Fav Color: Red and orange

Gabby: Little. 7(usually) She/Her Pronouns. Birthday: March 6th

Personal Blog: @Gabster-the-great

Loves Science, and magic and monsters and creepy thingies! Cuz monsters are nicce. Ghosts and space are my favorites. Im a little witchlet and like animals and the forest and the ocean and the mountains and snow and rain. storms are fun to watch.

People say im very smart cuz i like to talk about aliens and wormholes and atoms and things. I am a young version of Alex and remember a lot of bad things. But its ok cuz i have my 'sisters' and i play in the park a lot and annoy the teenagers. I like swimming and play soccer and love playing!

Fav color is: pastel Blue and lavender

Anabeth: Little, 3-6, She/Her pronouns. Birthday: April 9th

Personal Blog; @tinyanabeth

likes pastel things, and drawing. Loves Owl City and is obsessed with Bunnies. Very sweet and thinks of Damion as her big brother. Isnt scared of bad things but likes nice things like animals. Loves typical little girl things, like cute skirts, princesses, disney, fairies, coloring, etc. Rarely fronts though.

Fav color is: Pink.

Maggie: Persecutor. Immortal/no age but if i had to guess its around 20's-30's maybe from 1600s.She/Her pronouns.


She used to hate everything and has tried to kill us many times.Very transphobi,c homophobic and hated bassically everything 'not normal'. She was one of the main causes of Alex's depression and was kinda the manifestation of all of their negativity and sadness. She was very violent and loved to play mind games with people. Kinda of a which/shadow demon from the 1600's but there is a small hint of her being a christian. She has recently had a revalation though and is trying to amend for her mistakes and is trying to be better and nicer so we'll update this as it happens.

fav color: black

Program: Protector (in a sense). No age. They/Them pronouns.


A sort of emotionless and genderless (not the best way to describe it but kinda) 'Computer Program' that helps when we are all in emotional/sensory overload. They are EXTREMELY calm and are kind of an AI. They front so we all have time to cool off and regain our composer. Are sort of interested in things but mostly just do their job and don't really ask questions. Pretty new so none of us (not even Program) know much about them but still. They are pretty nice and are kind of half from our Lab Rats canon. They were kind of installed in the canon, then transferred over here in a kind of human form. Or at least that's how they explained it. Very professional and analytic, but not in a bad way. That's kinda all we know for now. Likes the littles and finds humans intresting.

fav color: holographic (like shiny silver) or whatever Static would be considered

Chase: Fictive. 15(ish), He/Him pronouns Birthday: August 5th


A fictive of Chase Davenport from Lab Rats. Different canon from Alex, but same show. Likes guitar, computers, technology, science, most 'nerdy' things. A normal teenager, but with bionics. Loved and hated being a 'superhero' and kinda just wanted to go to school and be normal. but also knew he had a job to do and liked saving people and being the leader. Loved his family more than anything and really misses them. Kinda quirky and a lovable goofball. Scared of dogs apparently and wants to do good in school. He used to be really depressed and sometimes has bad days still but hes gotten so much happier lately. Loves playing video games and listening to music. Still scared of some of the things he dealt with back when he was in Lab Rats but he's doing a lot better, even though he sometimes forgets hes not bionic anymore lol.

Fav color: electric blue

Spike. Protector. 16 BIrthday: August 5th

Blog: @beware-of-spike

A protector. an intoject of Chase's alter personality from the show Lab Rats. violent and arrogant and very worried about our safety, especially chases. The character Scratch is based off of so very similar to her. But more masculine. Likes fighting, chase, kinda sexual, doesn't really give a crap about rules or anything. But will follow them if it means keeping us safe. Hates rain and can really just be a softy sometimes but will never tell anyone that.kinda likes cats apparently.

Back in his and chase's canon: he kept chase form smoking, doing drugs, and drinking even though he wanted to do those things himself. Would enjoy a beer or too though sometimes

Ally: Religious/adventurous alter. 16. she/her pronouns. Brithday: November ?


Just a stereotypical teenage girl. Likes starbucks,adventure, and dancing. She kinda hates the having others. she's all around a nice girl and is always down for a good time from what we've gathered.

Pretty normal and loves the beach and music and dancing and kinda talks like a vally girl but is just basically super nice and laid back. Very spontaneous and likes to chill with some good music and loves people. a total extrovert. Kinda the 'normal' one.

Update: very religious and anything to do with 'bad' things (smoking, graffitti, etc) she will be very uncomfortable with. Kind of the 'good girl' in the system, very Aesthetic

fav colors: Oranges, bright greens and yellows. (kinda sunset/beach colors)

Blade: Punk alter. 14-16 they/them pronouns Birthday: December 27th?


Very punk. Enby. Loves torn clothes, skateboarding, guitar, classic and punk rock, and also annoying everyone. Is very loud about people misgendering the others, but doesnt really care about gender. sees it like a cis person would. Has a big crush on Ally and is very blunt about stuff and loves pulling pranks.

Fav color: grey or muted green/brown (or any muted colors really)

Ethan: Factive. 19 he/him pronouns Birthday: October 24


I'm a transguy, factive of Ethan Nestor from crankgame plays. I love video games and technology and memes and im gay as Fuck. I love the color blue and dying my hair. Winter aesthetic is my Thing. I love sweaters and hot cocoa and tea and snow and even though i kinda miss california i still hate the heat. total Nerd about science fiction and fantasy. I'm kinda the mature one here and try to keep the otehrs in line. Kinda the bigest brother here and kinda keep to myself but ive been trying to open up to the others more. Terrified of people and have really bad anxiety but im trying to talk and front more so i can be better adjusted to this new life.

fav color: all blues

Kristy: little. 8 she/her Birthday: Febuary 14th

all i know about her is from the other littles because i havent personaly met her and im not even sure she really exsists but according to the girls she does. they say she likes kind of goth things and is a 'forest witch'. They named her after our old kind of character we used to pretend to be during make believe games when we were smaller so i think she might have like, taken traits from that persona? i dont really know.

I like music and dancing and weapons and space and void stuff and glitchy stuff.

fav color: red and black according to the littles.

Cameron. little. 9/10 or 5. Birthday: ??

Blog: @vanilla-sweet-cameron

a sweet and shy boy. an introject of alex's old imaginary friend. He likes 50's aesthetics and pastel stuff and just being happy and carefree. remembers some trauma but mainly of our friends not so much our parents.

Oliver. Unknown. 17. Birthday:??

a boy from a big city up east. likes basketball and hip hope and dancing. looks just like corbin blue from Jump in. LIkes dancing and hamburgurs and big city aesthetics. KInd of a jock but its ok.



Miss Peregrine

an introject of miss Peregrine from the Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children book series

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