Exotic Passions (COMPLETED)

By RussiaRulesTheWorld

26.1K 717 162

After running away from home and putting some great distance between you and your past home with a plane flig... More

Plane Ride
Street Life
The No Life King
A kiss?!
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Like What You See?
Music from the soul.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

The End

1.5K 40 7
By RussiaRulesTheWorld

For the months you were gone, Alucard was left worried sick as to where the hell you had disappeared to. Every mission or trip he went on, someone died. Even if it was just one person. Someone died. He was stressed out and wasn't in a clear mindset to think things through without making some sort of bad decision. No matter where he searched or who he questioned, nobody seemed to know where you had gone off to. It was troublesome for him, and everyone around him because it made them all prone to death by this man.

You weren't harmed in your time locked away underground. It was more interrogation and brainwashing than anything. Unspeakable acts went on at time, with water therapy and complete solitude being two of the most common ways of getting you to talk or to help convincing you that the Lord had a plan for you and to follow in his footsteps, no harm was really ever brought upon you. It was only the others in the area that were harmed for disobeying or making a mistake or simply being a Ghoul or Vampire.

For you, life was... decent.




But that is where you find yourself now. Having followed in the Lords footsteps, they lead you here. Standing in the presence of the monster that you once knew. The guard dog of the Hellsing Organization and an abomination to all life on Earth... Alucard.

"(Y/N)... Where have you been?!"

"I have been with the Iscariot Organization."

"Why?" red eyes full of burning rage went towards the priest responsible for not only taking his love away, but also bringing her back dressed as a nun. "What did you do to her?!" He shouted, a deep growl coming from the back of his throat.

"He only did what was necessary so that I would see Gods light and be abl-"

"That's all complete bullshit! I once had faith in a God, and he allowed me to get hurt.."

"That's because you're a monster..."

Alucard just froze, his eyes going wide. The one person he loved, even trusted, called him exactly what he was.. a monster. If (Y/N) thought of him to be that way, then it must be true. Slumping his shoulders and furrowing his brows together, Alucard just gave a slight shake of his head. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. I should've known that all humans are just worthless pigs that will eventually die. That's all you're good for... dying.." Who would have guessed, that meeting a girl on a plane ride so long ago, would end him up here.

You let the gently smile you'd been holding go, listening to the beast speak. Averting your eyes away, the silver cross that hung around your neck shone in the moonlight. As pretty as it was, it felt like a curse. To be dressed in white and black with such a pure object hanging around your neck; it just didn't feel right. None of it felt right anymore.

"Alucard-" he was gone. He had left after his last words, and you were left stranded in the middle of a building in complete ruins, Father Anderson standing beside you with such a bored looking expression. "..Where did he go?" You muttered to yourself, (E/C) eyes falling to the rubble the two of you stood on.

Where even were you?




Blood was just... everywhere, including on yourself. That once beautiful silver cross that hung around your neck was shattered and all that remained was a small chunk that was attached to the chain. It was covered in blood, but whos? You couldn't remember who it came from. Honestly, you could barely remember anything. Nor could you really move, at all.

Things began to change. It was strange, but in a sense, you left your body and from then on, you could move freely. The first thing you say, other than all the bloody rubble and dead bodies, was your own- your own body with a wooden spike through it and such lifeless eyes. At least now you knew where the blood was coming from and whos it was.

It was your own.

To your left, the sound of footsteps caught your ear and turning to see who it was, your eyes widened to find Alucard walking closer to the spot that you stood.

"Alucard.. Alucard!"

It seemed that he didn't notice you, even if you yelled his name, he didn't seem to notice that you were even there.

As he got closer, the more you could see about him. He too, was covered in blood, but it wasn't of his own. It was of all the dead surrounding you, and quite possibly your own. Once he was almost directly beside you, you could see the fluids falling from his eyes.

He was right through you.


"I'm sorry.. now I see, I truly am just a monster... I should just be locked away and never awoken. All that I bring is death," the man turned once he came to a stop and faced your body, staring at it for a moment, "I thought I loved you, but a monster can't love. A monster can only destroy."




Sitting up quickly, you took in a deep breath, gasping for air with wide eyes and shaking hands. Sitting there in bed, panting for a solid two minutes, you quickly looked around yourself. Everything was from back home-

"What the hell...?"

Standing up, your feet hit the cold hard wood flooring, that was your wake up call.

You were back home.

None of it had happened.

Your eyes darted around the room quickly before landing on the floor and just sitting at the edge of your bed.


A notification from your mother, asking why you weren't in school.

Grabbing your phone and pressing the power button, the background of a black hound was the first thing you saw before putting in the passcode and having your eyes land on the vampire you had once fallen in love with.



Yay! Finally some updates, and here we reach the end of the story. I apologize greatly for not updating in forever, but here we are. Some updates with the ending of this story having come.

I hope you all enjoyed it. ^^

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