The Villian (GirlxGirl)-Compl...

By ElviaKagamine24

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This is the first book in a 3 series story. Merciless (Mercy) Knight was never a good person. In fact she's t... More

Life Is Confusing
Is it Love? Or Is It Just Lust?
New Town New Faces
I'm A Villain for a Reason
Bad Days Are Contagious
Unwanted Family Reunion
Why is Everyone Having Bad Days?
Aruguments and Family Issues
Things Are About to Change
Relationships Are Gone
Emotional Days
Love and Hardships
Don't Get Your Hope Up
I Need Some Water For The Spiciness
On and Off Relationships are Common These Days.
Fighting For the Same Girl
I Almost Lost You. Im Not Leaving.
Death Will Not Be Victorious
Im Not Running Anymore
What Is Going to Happen to Us?
Failed Plan?
What Does The Future Hold?
Seperation Is Key To Sucess

Escaping Back Home

69 3 2
By ElviaKagamine24

~Mercy's p.o.v~(7:30pm)
I don't remember anything that happened. All I know is, Cora was dragging me away from the king and everything went black. Right now I'm sitting in the dungeon with Cora, Mykie, and Yukimura. Poor guy can't catch a break. Apparently I was the last one to wake up. "I can't believe my own father would throw me in prison." Mykie complains while pulling her knees to her chest. Yukimura wraps his arm around her shoulder and lets her lean on his shoulder. Cora on the other hand is in the corner ignoring us. It's my fault we were arrested. Me and my big mouth. If it wasn't for Louis, we would've escaped. At least that's what Cora told me. I scoot over to her. "Please talk to me." I plead. She gives me a glare and then turns back to the wall. I sigh and force her to face me. "What?" She asks with an attitude. "Don't ignore me." I answer. "Aren't you mad?" She asks. Um, what? The confusion must've shown on my face because she rolls her eyes. "I couldn't protect you." She tells me. Oh. That's what's bothering her. I shake my head. "That's not something you should feel bad about. You tried your best. That's all that matters." I reassure. Her eyes glisten with tears but she blinks them away. All of a sudden I see a figure in the shadows. Huh? I recognize that body. Milo? She walks up to the cell. "Hey." She calls out. Mykie goes wide eyed and runs up to her. She grips onto bars tightly. "Milo!! You have to help us!!" She begs. "I know. I'm working on it." Milo retorts. What does she mean? "Mercy? I talked to your mother and she agreed to help." She tells me. Of course she did. "So why'd you come visit us?" Yukimura asks. "Just to tell you that I'm going to get you out of here soon." She answers. Down the hall I hear talking. Milo curses under her breath. "Sorry. Gotta go." She whispers, then disappearing into the shadows. Who is Milo really? I know she's a witch but, who is she? Cora lays her head down in my lap. "That translates to we're going to be in here for a minimum of two weeks. Better get comfortable, because the guards here are perverted creeps." She tells us. Oh great. As if on cue, 3 guards come walking up to our cell. "Mykie, Cora, and Merciless. Come with us." One of them request. Hell no. "I can't. I'm on my period. Sorry, boys." I tell them. Their faces twist in disgust. "I don't know what you're implying but, We'll just take Cora, and Mykie." The other one retorts. Haha. Works like a charm. "I-I'm on my period too!!" Mykie stutters. Oh. I see what she's doing. When they ask how we all have our periods at the same time she's going to say we synced up. Smart. Cora nods her head at them. They 3 of them roll their eyes. "That's impossible. The 3 of you ladies can't-" "Actually we can. It's scientifically proven. Go look it up." I interrupt with a triumphant smirk. They walk away. That's what I thought. Creeps. Yukimura shakes his head. "Good thing they don't like boys. Hopefully." He tells us. I sigh and embrace Cora from behind. She smells really good. Crap. She notices my attraction and gives me a side glare. "Heh. Sorry." I apologize. Man. I really want to kiss her right now. When Mykie and Yukimura aren't looking I kiss the back of Cora's neck. She squirms around. "Stop." She whispers. "I just wanted to tease you." I whisper back. Screw it. I push her over to the ground and get on top of her. "Um, Mercy? You do realize we're still here, right?" Mykie asks with her eyebrow raised. Yeah. "Who cares? I want to make out with Cora." I answer. Cora blushes and turns her head away. "Have some decency for the people around you." She complains. Ugh. Fine. I get off her and lean against the wall. "They could have at least given us a mattress to lay on." I complain. Yukimura sighs. "I just got out of prison only to be thrown back in." He also complains. There has to be a way out of here. "Don't even bother, Mercy. This dungeon holds some of the worlds most vicious criminals. You won't escape without a fight. Especially with Natalie and Louis here. They guard the dungeon at night." Mykie tells me. Of course they do. "Psst." Someone whispers. What the hell? Jae comes out of the shadows. "I-I have the keys." He stutters. Mykie jumps up again and runs to him. "What are you doing here?" She asks. He shows her the keys. "I managed to distract Natalie but, Louis knows something is wrong. You have to hurry!!" He demands, then giving her the keys. "We're prisoners. I'm pretty sure they're gonna notice we're gone." I say, stating the obvious. He sighs. "It would take longer to wait for the trail than to escape now." He tells us. True. Mykie unlocks the cell and opens it. "I bumped into Milo and told her the plan." He adds in. We hear footsteps coming closer. "Go!! I'll distract Louis!!" He demands. Cora helps me stand up. "We'll go back to New York." She whispers. I nod my head. How do we get back? As soon as we start running we hear a voice call us out. Shit. It's Louis. Jae blocks his path and ushers us to keep running. Mykie takes off her necklace and hands it to him. "I expect you to be alive when I come back." She says, then running to the rest of us. "So um, how exactly are we going to get back to New York? I wasn't conscious when we came to Eden." I ask. Mykie grabs my hand. "Everyone grab on. We're teleporting." She tells us. She ignored me. All of a sudden everything distorts and we're in some sort of building. Huh? You are at the gateway that separates Eden and your world. This leads to wherever you please. Really? Hopefully we don't end up in like...Antarctica. Can these things malfunction? Haha. I doubt that. Good. "Who's going first?" Cora asks. What? The only risk with traveling to different worlds is that your body can get stuck going in and out of time forever. Oh great. It rarely happens though. That doesn't make me feel better. "I'll go." Yukimura offers while walking up to the teleporter. He types in "Brooklyn New York." Into the keypad. "I've never been there before." Mykie tells us, nervously. "You think I have?" He asks her. It sucks. The people there are a pain in the ass, and everything is freezing cold because it's probably winter by now. Once Yukimura goes through the portal along with Mykie. Cora holds my hand. "Are you ready to go back to hell?" She asks me. I sigh. "No." I answer, then going through the portal. As soon as I step through it I'm blasted in the face by the familiar cold air of Brooklyn. Mykie and Yukimura were looking around in awe. Oh. It's snowing. "Alright guys. Time to go before we freeze to death. Brooklyn winters can be brutal." I tell everyone. Where's our apartment again? Cora sighs and points in front of me. "It's that big building right in front of you." She tells me. Oh. The 4 of us start walking. Mykie hugs herself. "It's freezing here compared to Eden." She complains. Yukimura holds her hand in an attempt to warm her up. That's not going to work. All of a sudden, I see Lacey passed out on the ground. Little bitch. Cora runs over to her. Why is she helping her? Now that I think about it, she looks familiar. She looks like Natalie but with Louis's eyes...No. Fucking. Way. Mykie and Yukimura notice my reaction and go stiff. Cora picks Lacey up bridal style and comes back to us. Mykie clears her throat making Cora stiffen up too. Um? What? Don't tell me this is Natalie and Louis's daughter. Why the hell is she here anyways? My necklace starts humming in response to Lacey. The anger inside me is starting to boil. Kill her. Your friends do not know this but, Lacey was sent here as a baby to kill you and give her parents information on your actions. You must eliminate her or she'll risk getting everyone caught and killed. I don't want them to die. Then kill her...Ok. I will. "Leave her here. I don't want the spawn of the people who killed my mother near me." I demand in a dark voice. Cora gives me a harsh glare. "She's just a kid." She retorts. I'm not lying. You will die. I grit my teeth. Not here. I shake my head and stomp away. 10 minutes later I'm the first one at the apartment. Everyone else was slow. At least I still have the key. I reach into my coat pocket and take it out. When I open the door there's a note on the floor. Hmm? It says. "Don't let Lacey in this apartment-Your mother." I gasp. She was here. I clench my fists. "You could've waited for us." Cora says from behind me. I have to kill Lacey. I grab a vase and turn around to smash it over her head. I stop dead in my tracks. Where's Lacey? I believe they dropped her off at the orphanage while you were busy stomping away. Oh. I laugh awkwardly and put the vase back down. "Thought I saw a roach. My bad." I lie. Mykie looks around in awe. "What is this place? There's so many houses." She asks. "It's an apartment." Cora answers while turning on the heat. Yukimura sits on the couch and bounces on it. "Mercy and I will sleep in my room, and you and Mykie can sleep on the couch." Cora tells Yukimura. He hums in response. "Can I ask you guys something?" I ask. They nod their heads. "Why the fuck are you helping Natalie and Louis's daughter? She's gonna kill me and lead her parents to us." I ask with a glare. Unless she comes near you, you don't have to kill her. Just make sure to not let her talk to you. Got it. "She's just a kid." Cora answers. Just a kid? I was just a kid when I was on the streets. I roll my eyes. "That excuse doesn't work with me." I retort. Mykie shakes her head. "Not everyone was on the streets, Mercy. You can't expect them to understand your point of view unless you explain it to them." She tells me. True. It's too painful to think what my life was like on the streets. "It's not important." I tell them, then walking into the bathroom. Time to shower. I haven't had one in like...3 days. I take my coat and shirt off. "Um, I'm trying to take a shower." A familiar voice says from behind me. Huh? I turn towards the voice and Cora is standing there in her underwear. Oh. "I'm going first." I tell her. She scoffs. "I was in here first." She retorts while turning on the water. I smirk and wrap my arms around her from behind. "Lets take one together." I whisper in her ear. She shivers and tries to push me away. "W-We can't. Mykie and Yukimura are here." She says, suddenly out of breath. I trail my hands down her chest all the way to the waistband of her panties. She squirms and lets out a small moan of satisfaction. Why do you do this to my body Cora? I pick her up bridal style and step into the shower. She squeals. "M-My underwear are still on!!" She squeaks when I put her down. I pin her against the wall and kiss her neck slowly. She moans and leans into the kiss while wrapping her arms around my neck. I then plant kisses along her collar bone teasingly. "M-Mercy." She groans when I unclasp her bra. She's so cute. I suck on one of her nipples while pinching the other one. "Ahh!!" She cries out in pleasure. "Call out my name." I demand as I stick a finger inside of her. She cringes in pain. "M-Mercy!!" She calls out. Good. I take my finger out and pick her up by the waist. "Wh-Wha-Mmm" I seal her lips with mine and sit her down on the floor. My clothes are wet. Oh well. I throw them off me and open Cora's legs. She covers her face. "D-Don't stare at it." She blushes. Too bad. I lean down to it and tease my finger around her opening. "You already know. Beg me for it." I tease with a smirk. She whimpers. "P-Please." She begs. Not good enough. "Please what?" I ask. "Pl-Please put your fingers I-Inside me." She answers. There we go. I kiss her softly and push my finger inside her again. She grips onto my back. "I-It still hurts!!" She cries out. Damn. She's strong. "Don't worry, Cora. We've done this before. You know the drill." I reassure while sticking another finger in her. She grits her teeth. "I-I know!!" She cries out when I start moving my fingers in and out. After awhile she starts getting into it. I knew she would. "Mercy!! More!!" She begs as she pushes into my fingers. I add in a third one and she moans loudly. Good thing the shower is on. Otherwise we'd be caught. Cora tangles her hands through my hair. "MERCY!!!" She cries out as she cums. 10 minutes. That's a new record for her. She sits there panting with a red face. I chuckle and rest against her. "You were really loud. Hopefully Mykie and Yukimura didn't hear you." I whisper in her ear. "Sh-Shut up." She stutters. "Plus, I still have to take a shower." She continues. Oh yeah. "Can I wash you this time?" I ask, in a seductive voice. She hits my shoulder and makes me help her stand up. "No. Go order a pizza or something. I'm hungry." She answers. Aw man. I pout my lips and step out the shower. Where's a towel? All of a sudden a towel is thrown in my face. "Thanks, Cora." I tell her. She gives me a glare and shuts the shower curtain. Heh. She's being shy. I shake my head and put the towel over me. When I step out the bathroom, Mykie and Yukimura are making out on the couch. Ugh. I roll my eyes and walk to Cora's room. Where's the bag of clothes I had? I should really be more organized. Oh well. I collapse onto her bed and let out a groan. It's still so soft. Nice job, Mercy. You've gotten more skilled at pleasuring Cora. You really think so? Yep. She was completely under your control. Yeah. That's true. I'm a skilled woman when it comes to sex. You must be proud of that. Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. It depends on the situation. What do you mean? If I'm having a one night stand, I'm not going to be proud of it. Ohh. What's a one night stand? Really? It's when you meet someone that day and have sex with them. After that, you just leave and don't show up again. Sounds boring. It is. I used to do it everyday single day until...Until?...Until I met Cora. Awww. How sweet. A blush rises on my face. Shut it, old hag. For your information, witches being old is a stereotype. I am only 38. In dog years? Hahaha. Very funny, Mercy. My phone starts ringing. What now? I look at the number. Ryland. Ugh. "Hello?" I answer, monotone. "You sound the same. What's wrong? Didn't get enough pussy while you just disappeared off the face of the earth?" She asks me. Damn. Has she always been this mean? "Don't worry about me. I got plenty of it, and I have to say, she's WAY better than you." I retort. Ryland scoffs. "I doubt that. I've got skills that would put any girl to shame." She says back. What rock has she been under? "Sure. Lets go with that. Anyways, what do you want?" I ask. "I was just checking on you." She answers. I burst out laughing. "You? Check on me? HAH!! Who hit you on the head the head today?" I ask. She's never been worried about me. "You know what?! Fuck you!! You may not have cared about me but, I cared about you!! And the fact that you used me for money just shows how much of fucked up, and broken person you are!!" She snaps, her voice cracking. I start to get angry. "If you called to just yell at me, you can hang up." I retort in a dark voice. She groans in frustration. "GOODBYE!!" She cries, then hanging up. I roll my eyes and throw my phone back on the nightstand. Bitch. Why'd I even agree to date her? You and Ryland seem to not be getting along. If I recall, she was one of the people you had a one night stand with. Yep. She's a pain in the ass. It seems to me that she really cares. So what? I already like somebody. Cora is the only one for me. You never know? Things could change. I'm willing to fight for what we have. Even if we do argue all the time. Glad to see you're so determined. I smile. She's worth it. I can feel it. Aww. I never thought I'd hear you say that about someone. Haha. It's the only time so, cherish it. Someone knocks on the room door. Huh? "Um, I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat." Mykie calls out from outside the door. *sigh* Princesses.....

Authors note- Nothing important really happened but, it will in the next chapter. I promise. Hope you enjoy :)

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