Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia...

By HopelessAmorous02

931K 23.3K 3.7K

Highest Rank: #2 in passion : #1 in kidnapping : #3 in posses... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 15: Part 2

17.1K 509 93
By HopelessAmorous02


Look on that smile that Xiden is showing us.

Sorry for any mistakes in advance.

I've decided to do teasers and also author notes on my message board so for updates and teasers you will have to follow me or just check my mb.

My longest chapter yet with a surprise at the end *evil laugh* enjoy.

Xiden's POV

Sitting in my office facing the bay window, I stare out into mass of grey angry clouds as they took over the sky, hiding the only light that decorate the vast skies.

I sighed as I think about somewhere else I could be right now.

A lightening streak bolted across the sky, it's dangerous streak striking fear in the hearts of many as it illuminates the dark skies followed by the loud roaring of thunder.

A knock on the door and my name being called had me turning my chair around. "Yes," I answer.

"You have a..."

"Thank you but I think I can take it from here fake Barbie." A voice that I know all too well said before the door was slammed shut in my secretary's face.

A sigh pass my lips, "What the hell did my secretary do, nobody seems to like her."

"Well if she didn't act as if you belongs to her then we might be able to get along." She said with her face void of emotions.

I choose to ignore what she said because I only belong to one woman.

"Did you get it?"

"Don't I always." She said with a smirk on her face. She took out a blue folder handing it over to me but stops half way, "What do I get in return?" She asks suggestively.

"How about I send you back without a body bag and in one piece." I said snatching the folder out of her hands.

"Oh, I like it rough," she replied licking her cherry red lips but I didn't find it seductive.

I raise an eyebrow at her as an indication that whatever she was trying wasn't working and she pouted. "What do you even see in her? I'm more of a woman and I don't need protection, I'm used to this life, so why don't you ditch the little girl and get with a woman." She said getting up from the chair, leaning over my desk.

I lean back in my chair, my eyes trained on her every move, even if she twitches my eyes would catch it.

She leans over my desk, her breast spilling out of her low cut dress, she leans in more running her finger over my jacket covered torso trying to...seduce me.

Roughly grabbing her around her neck tightly enough to leave her bruise, I began to squeeze cutting off her air flow. "Don't," was the only word I said that had her shaking her head wildly, clawing at my hand.

I let her go and he body felt limp on my desk, her gasping for air is the only sound you could hear in my silent office.

A grin took over her lips as soon as she regained her breath, "I always knew you were dominant," she said licking her lips. "Didn't know that it reached your bedroom too. What I wouldn't give to have you dominate me..." She finished winking before strutting out of my office.

I always knew that bitch was a sadist but at least she knew how to take a hint.

Shaking my head I lean back in my chair bringing the file up to my parallel vision, my eyes roaming over every detail.

Now who the hell are you and what connections do you have to Amira, Salvestro Ferrari.


Packing up to leave the office, planning on picking up some Chinese takeout and a bottle of red wine on the way home and relax with my woman tonight.

My thoughts kept on going back to last night, the way that she looked in that dress. She looked so ravishing, it took all the self control that I have not to take her.

Her wide innocent brown eyes that was sparkling with happiness that I cause made my fucking cold heart squeezed. He radiant smile that light up the entire ballroom, her melodious giggles that filled my ears with it's serene sound caused my beast to raised its head, knowing that his woman was happy.

I could see all the other men in the room trying to discreetly look at her but they would never let me catch their gaze on her, they know the consequences of looking at what's not theirs, especially when she's mine.

They know not to disrespect their King by openly staring at his Queen.

That aren't that fucking stupid.

Almost every man in that ballroom last night is involved with the Mafia, you could say that last night was one of our annual meeting but that bitch almost messed up what had started out as an amazing night.

Sure she is my informant and I normally tolerate her shenanigans but that was before Amira.

Now that Amira is in my life every other women seem unappealing to me, they just seem...bland. I wouldn't normally mind giving a beautiful lady a second glance but now Amira is the only woman in my line of vision and on my mind.

Making sure that everything is off I picked up my briefcase about to walk out the door when Aiden strides through the door his hand in his pocket, his hair comb back, his malicious eyes glistening.

I know my brother... I know him very well.

Growing up with Aiden wasn't always easy, sure we grew up close...almost inseparable at one point but he changed over time.

After having my sister my parents tried again for another baby but after years of trying and failed attempts they decided to adopt.

They went to a local orphanage where they met this quiet boy that always kept to himself and shy away from people. My mother felt drawn to him and my father could see that so they adopted him. Aiden Luciano.

He was seven at the time when my parents took him in as theirs. He was dropped off on the orphanage steps at five years old and for the two years that he was at there he wasn't adopted once.

After seven years passed since they adopted Aiden who at the time was fourteen years old and growing closer to his new family, my mother got pregnant again with me.

It was a miracle.

They were so excited to have another addition to the family, another baby, their little bundle of joy.

Aiden too was happy, having the responsibility to protect someone from the harsh world the title of 'big brother', he couldn't wait until the news of the baby started taking away all the attention from him; his father started fussing over his wife to be careful because of the baby, his mother always sitting down rubbing her growing tummy, a smile on her lips and his sister always gushing about her new baby brother. It was driving Aiden insane.

But he waited. Waited until mom gave birth to me, pretending to be happy at having a little brother that was named after him, Xiden, but Aiden was raging inside.

So my first birthday Aiden volunteered to get me ready and my parents agreed saying that I should get used to my brother but little did they know that he didn't want to get close to me.

After waiting for half and hour and our father didn't see Aiden coming down the steps he came up to see what was taking so long; only too see Aiden standing over the bathtub watching me drown.

My brother was twisted and my father loved that about him, his Mafia side craved that vindictiveness that Aiden has but his actions didn't go unpunished by our family.

After the incident and me being too young to understand at the time, we grew pretty close, me growing up looking up to him, always in his shadow, my cool big brother.

Father started training me when I was thirteen, having already trained Aiden but didn't pass the title to him. Father ignored the topic until I was eighteen years old when he told me that he was handing down his title to me.

Aiden was angry at first but he eventually got over it when father send him to manage a company we have in Russia.

And now he's back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him checking the time on my phone before disposing it in my slacks pockets.

Aiden is seated in one of the chairs in front of my desk, looking out at the stormy skies. "Beautiful isn't it," he raised right hand, placing it on the arm rest he brought a single finger to his lips. "Beautiful yet so deadly."

I look at my older brother raising an eyebrow at him, signaling him to get on with why he's here. "I thought that we could go out for a few drinks."


"Come on bro, I haven't seen you in five years."

"I'm busy tonight." I reply, about to walk out the office leaving him still in the chair.

He got up following me as I exit the office shutting my door and continue on my way to the elevator. "Two drinks then you can go home to your woman."

Stepping in the elevator I sighed, I just want to home to see my woman but Aiden is right, I haven't seen him in five years and two drinks wouldn't hurt. "Fine."

He sighs dramatically throwing his hands in the air in an extravagant gesture. "Man when did you become such a pussy?"

"You know what they say, you are what you eat."

He scoffed keeping quiet as I enjoy the silence until the shrill sound of my phone ringing blasted in the small space.

Reaching for it in my pocket, a small smile tug at my lips as I saw the name that flash across the screen. "Hello," I heard some shuffling before a happy voice filed from the phone.

"Uncle, uncle I saw you and aunty Amira on the tv. Why were you guys in there, are you two stuck, do you need me to call Dora so that she can find you guys and rescue you... I want to see Amira." Comes out the receiver of the phone all at one and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"No Matylda, we're not stuck in the television and I'm sure you can see aunty Amira whenever you like."

"Really?" She asks excitedly.

When I was about to reply I hear quiet talking before Matylda hangs up promising to call me later.

When we step out of the building Piero is there to greet us opening the door and closing it behind us.

A few minutes later we pull up to one of my many clubs. Existing the car after Piero opens the doors I whispered to him, "Don't move, I'll be out soon."

"Yes sir." He said bowing his head slightly shutting the door behind Aiden before finding a parking spot near by.

Entering the club I head upstairs to the VIP area. I take a seat on one of the black leather couches that are scattered around the room. A dance pole in the middle of the room and a bar in the corner.

I unhook my jacket button relaxing in the couch before calling over a waitress. "Yes sir, what can I get you?"

"A Scotch on the rocks." She walks away just as Aiden showed up with two barely dressed women on his arms.

He brought them over to where I was and sit on down in his lap, the other girl smiles at me, going to sit in my lap until I pushed her away from me.

She looks at me oddly before going over and sitting on Aiden's other leg. "Your friend is a little uptight," she said to Aiden while running her bonh finger up and down his chest.

"He's my brother and that's why I brought you two lovely ladies up here with me to help loosen him up." They two dumb bimbos giggled like school girls looking me over and I felt disgusted by I covered it up with a blank stare.

The waitress came back with my drinks and I downed it in one go, telling her to bring me another. "That's the spirit brother," Aiden said and I faintly heard Aiden and his two things order before the lady leaves to fill the orders.

"I want to dance."

"Me too."

"Knock yourself out ladies, the floor is all yours." He said relaxing more into the couch beside me as he watch the girls dancing on the pole.

"I miss this," I look over at him but his eyes are still on the girls grinding on the pole. "I remember the first time I took you to one of father's clubs," he chuckles as if reminiscing the moment and a smile broke out on my face.

"I got my first lap dance that day, my first hangover... You were there for a lot of my first' in life." I said. "Father was worried that you were a bad influence." I chuckled

"Isn't that what brothers are for." He stated. "I guess so."

What started out as two drinks turns to five, turns to ten, turns to... I lost count.

"Sir," I heard Piero says as he catch my stumbling body before I could hit the ground. I lost Aiden after some time so I decide to leave.

He usher's me over to the car helping me in the back before shutting the door and driving off.

Not too long after he pulls up to my pent house. He helped me inside and to the elevator which he rode up with me. "Do you need any help from here sir?"

"No, I can manage from here." I slurp my words out.

"Very well sir." He said bidding me goodnight before going back down.

I stumbled to the living room, my vision a bit blurry as I search for something to hold on to.


I look down at a broken vase on the ground by my feet. "Shhhhh, Amira's sleeping. Don't wake her up." I angrily whispered to the shattered pieces.

I stumbled to the bedroom pushing the door open to see Amira slightly awake. Her eyes are barley opened, filled with sleep. "Xiden?" She called to me and I felt so guilty.

Walking over to her I fell face first on the floor. "Xiden," her voice is more alert now as I heard shuffling before she is helping me off the floor.

Her cute nose scrunch up as she smells the strong scent of liquor on me. "What have you been doing?" She asks looking at me with those innocent big brown eyes.

I groaned grabbing my head as I felt my head starting to pound. "I was at the club with Aiden. It wasn't supposed to get this far, it was only meant to be two drinks."

I could feel her running her delectable fingers through my hair before she gets up and walks away. I reach out in the air trying to touch her, "No, come back brown eyes." I call out to her but she wasn't there.

A few seconds later I'm being helped up on my feet and going to the bathroom where the shower is running. "Can you get undressed or do you need some help?" She asks with red cheeks.

"It... It's o-kay b-brown eyes, I can do i-it."

She disappears through the door and I strip of my clothes getting in the shower. I sigh as the warm water hits my back cascading down my body and into the drain, bringing a little bit of feeling into my body, sobering me up a bit.

Washing my body, I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist, cleaned my teeth then step out to see a pair of boxers and sweats laid out on the bed and Amira nowhere to be seen.

Hurrying to get dressed and find Amira I dropped the towel putting on the clothes and disposing the towel on the clothes hamper. Heading for the door it opens viewing Amira with something in her hand and a bottle of water.

She place two small pill in my hand, opening the bottle of water and giving it to me. Our gaze met as I do what she instructed. Her gaze is so soft and full of worry that it makes me feel so guilty that she has to see me like this, but, at the same times my hearts skips a fucking beat that she took care of me.

Fucking hell.

She took the covered bottle out of my hands placing it on the nightstand. Amira took my hand, trying to lead me to the bed but I stayed rooted in my spot. She looks at me with a cute confused face before I sweep her up in my arm.

Almost immediately she latch her arms around my neck, a squeal leaving her lips. Our gaze locks again as I took small strides towards the bed without breaking eye contact with her, my angel, the only light in my fucking dark soul.

Amira cheeks brighten up with a dash of red as she smiles beautifully at me and for a mere second, a fraction of a fucking second she had me faltering my steps.

She's so beautiful.

I brought her to the bed, where I gently laid her down underneath the warm comforter, her arms slipping from around my neck and I hate that feeling so I quickly got in beside her, pulling her flush into my body and she place a shy kiss on my chest and my body tensed the slightest  before going complete relaxed at it's master's touch.

"Good night Xiden," she said with a yawn before her eyes flutter close and her breathing evens out.

"Good night, brown eyes."


I gulp down another shot as Aiden patted me on the back. We are back in the VIP lounge of my club as a barley dress woman is dancing on the pole in front of us.

Her eyes are on me and I held her gaze for a few seconds before looking away from her.

Not my type.

I waved over the waitress for few more shots as Aiden is making out with a blonde chick on his lap.

This is not good. How did I find myself here back again when every time this happens she's the one there to pick me up.

Fucking Aiden. Every since we were kids he could get me to do anything that he wanted. The little kid who wanted to be like his cool older brother comes back every time he's around.

He can get me to do anything he wants and the fucker knows it too.

Chugging the last shot, I stood up grabbing my jacket, putting it on before walking off leaving him there calling my name.

As the usual routine for the last couple of nights Piero is at the door waiting to help me to the car as I'm seeing doubles and stumbling all over the place.

Helping me to the car he hands me a bottle of water to sober up a little before I go home to Amira.

At the thought of my brown eyes witch the guilt hits me full force. Every time I get drunk off my ass and abandoned by my brother she's the one that is there helping me.

My chest aches the more that I think about it. How can I be so stupid.

"Sir, you do know that the ma'am is leaving tomorrow night." Piero informs me and I was confused for a second before it hits me, Amira is going back to Postiano tomorrow night and instead of spending time with her I'm getting drunk with my brother.

I groaned, frustrated. "Thank you Piero."

Fuck me.


Just like our routine, Amira helps me to bed, I wake up to pills and a water bottle and a woman at my side.

I plan to spend the whole day with her today to try and make up for these last shitty days that I put her through.

When she told me that Aiden is here I got pissed off, today is suppose to be just me and her and I won't let him ruin that.

Walking into the kitchen I see my brother has made his own plate of the food that Amira made for us.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I question taking the plate from him and dumping it in the trash.

He stopped with his knife and fork mid-air but right now I don't care. "What do you want?" I ask walking to the coffee pot and pouring a cup for myself.

"Well then," he said dropping the utensils on the table. "I just came to let you know that I'm going back to Russia tonight."


He raised an eyebrow, "Okay? Wow wasn't expecting that answer, seem like she finally got to you."


"You've never been with a woman before her, never seen with one, photographed with one and I know for a fact that you don't do hookups,"

"What is your point?" I cut him off.

"What has she done to you brother? Do you even know this chick. Last I heard you couldn't find anything on her, nor her parents. I'm just saying brother, don't let that innocent facade fool you." He said rising from the chair.

As much as I don't want to believe it, my brains is processing the information that he has giving me and twisting it the way that he wants.

"Ever thought that she might be working with the enemy?" He asks and my heart stops, my eyes snaps over to where Aiden stands with that malicious look in his eyes, a mocking smirk on his lips.

"What proof do you have of this? How do I know if you're telling the truth."

"I'm your brother, that should be proof enough."

No. It can't be, she can't be working with those fucking leeches but Aiden has never lied me. But, then again Amira makes me feel things that I've never felt before, she makes me feel...alive.

Who the hell do I believe, my brother or my woman.

"Xiden," I hear a shaky voice calls my name and I turn around to see Amira with teary eyes and a...fucking blue folder in her hands.

Fuck, Aiden was right.

"What is this? Why do you have a file on me and my mother."

"Where did you get that?" I asked her in a low and dangerous tone. I saw her flinch and my beast roared at me for trying to intimidate what was his but at this moment I was just too angry.

The first woman, girl, that caught my attention and she's working for the fucking enemy.

"That doesn't answer my question," she challenge, her eyes showing confidence but also fear and that was a big mistake.

Placing the steaming mug that was in my hand on the counter top I took long powerful strides towards her, forcing my beast into submittion so that she could get a glimpse of the monster that lives within me.

Her eyes widened with fear as she starts backing away from me, us, and my beast starts to whimper trying to back down, to hide away from the scared looks on Amira's face.

"Who are you?" I asked her dangerously when I was directly in front of her, her back against the wall and a flashback of her this way, smiling at me with a blush coating her cheek comes to the forefront of my mind as I almost took a staggering step back, almost.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked again.

She looks confused before her name tumbles out of her trembling lips. "A- Amira Daw-son."

"Where did you get that file from?" I saw her eyes travel over to Aiden. I wrap my hand around her neck pushing her more into the wall when I see that she is about to blame this on my brother. "You best not lie to me."

I ease up the pressure on her neck so that she could talk, " I wasn't going to lie to you. Aiden gave them to me." I could see it, the honesty in his fearful eyes but I refuse to believe.

She's a liar and a manipulator.

"They trained you good I must admit, but not good enough." I whispered. "You can keep the file and report back to your boss that if he ever puts you back in my sights again... I won't hesitate to kill you on the spot."

Her body started trembling furiously as tears streams down her face as she looks in my cold dead eyes, the eyes filled with betrayal when they look at her.

"No," she whispers shaking her head, "no, no, no, no, no.. I'm not lying to you Xiden, Aiden gave me the file I--"

I apply pressure cutting of her air supply before bringing her body slightly forward and slamming her hard against the wall. "Don't you dare try to blame this on my brother, you lying, conniving bitch."

I could see her heart breaking and mine broke along with it. She bits down on her lips dropping the file on the ground bringing her hands up to hold onto me but I step back letting go of her neck to which she takes a huge gulp of air. Meeting my gaze I could see the hurt, the fair, disbelief...the hate but it wasn't strong enough and I felt some what...relief.

"Xiden..." She calls my name softly, standing at the wall with her hair falling in waves, her eyes red with tears continuously tricking down her flushed cheeks and red lips.

She looks like a weeping angel.

But her tears were in vain because she is weeping for the devil and with that I utter my last words.

"I want you to leave."


Who else hates Aiden after reading this?

Poor Amira, hang in there love.

As always my little fireflies; vote, comment and share.

Xoxo J 😚

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