Sight and Sound

By AsterUchiha

567 11 0

Aster cares for Sasuke like a little brother and is head over heels for Itachi. Her one dream is to find happ... More

Hate Akatsuki
Worst Reunion
Going Back
Let Go
New Paths
To Train
My History
Clattering Kunai
Rash Words
Lacking Response
Loyalties Betray
Dreamstate Ultimatum
You and Me
Vengeance Vs. Forgiveness
Vengeance Vs. Forgiveness Part 2
Back to Start
Coming Together
Take Back

Leaving Again

32 1 0
By AsterUchiha

It was raining, Aster sat at the three graves. She stared hard at the first, wishing that these were the people Konoha had refused to give a memorial. There was only person here she mourned for. Even in the pounding rain, she could not tear her self away. She began to cry and clenched her fists as she thought of the fourth grave that should be here, but wasn't. If it wasn't for what he had said, she would have run away long ago. But now things were getting unbearable. Aster knew she would give in and leave soon. The touch on her shoulder was gentle, but firm. Aster turned to see Itachi standing behind her in the rain, also without any kind of umbrella. Embarrassed, she looked away to dry her eyes. He said nothing to her. Words were trivial and meaningless here at this point.

She followed Kakashi at a safe distance. It amazed her that he hadn't caught her yet. She wondered if she had really grown that much after running away from Konoha.

She didn't have to follow him long until he entered a room. She waited patiently, to make sure no one was going to leave the room. It struck her as slightly odd that no one was in the hallways, but she never questioned it.

Aster moved to the door and pressed her ear to the wall. She could barely hear, but she made out Kakashi's voice saying-"Mizukage"- in a hushed voice.

Even with the room's occupant's voices lowered, Aster could still hear some of what was said. She crouched outside the door, listening intently. The words wear muffled beyond recognition, but suddenly two words stood out, painfully clear. Kakashi's voice drifted to her with the sounds of 'Itachi' and 'Konoha.'

Her stomach lurched at the name of the Leaf Village, but she was suddenly filled with purpose. She dashed madly down the hall.

The Mist Village anbu in the room flung the door as they heard Aster running down the hall. The almost gave way to chase, but the Mizukage stopped them. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he felt he should let her go.

Aster ran, pushing aside the villagers and diving wildly out of the way of passing vendors. People cried angrily as she dashed by, but she was oblivious to them all.

The name of him had always been Itachi Uchiha. She had been searching for him without knowing it for the last five years. That was what the dream had really been about. Now she felt that she knew her purpose. All the training and lies had come to this. She was going back to Konoha.

The world was spinning, but she couldn't stop. She got only so far before her legs buckled, despite her efforts. She could barely breathe, and her body ached to no end already. She kneeled on the ground, unable to stand.

She looked up at the patch of sky showing through the canopy. She felt the warmth of tears in her eyes. Can I go no farther? Am I really this weak? She had hoped to have left these thoughts behind in Konoha. But it seemed that even heading in the general direction of the village brought them back.

Eventually, the strength began to come back into her legs. Impatient and anxious, she stood shakily. She had no idea how long he might linger in their home village, but she couldn't let him leave before she caught him. No longer would she be left behind.

Surely she was strong enough to keep up with him now. But now she doubted herself after stumbling. How much had she really grown? The question haunted her. Frightened, she ignored it and continued on. Her weak legs carried her slowly. It was already her second day gone again, and she hadn't even reached a rest stop village.

Finally, she came to a large market city. People stared from the corners of their eyes as she walked by. She could hardly stand, and looked beaten. Aster felt detached from her own body as she finally entered a hotel.

The woman behind the desk stared at her,"Would you like a room?" She asked, suspicious of the way Aster looked.

"Um, y-yes..." she stuttered. Fatigue was taking its toll. She tried in vain to stand on her own, but was forced to lean on the receptionist's desk. Suddenly the world began to spin. Vaguely she saw a man with long white hair and a boy with blonde hair rush to catch her as she fell.

Aster clattered to floor before either could catch her. Her breathing was shallow, it was clear to the man looking down at her that she needed rest.

"Should I call someone?" the receptionist asked, panic-stricken.

"Can you book a room for her? She just needs to rest, "the man said calmly. "I'll pay for it," he added with a slight smile.

The blonde boy looked at him surprised, mean while the woman booked the room. Confused the woman watched Jiriaya carry Aster to her room, with Naruto following, befuddled by the turn of events.

Aster awoke gazing at the beige ceiling of the hotel room. Her body ached and her stomach recoiled in pain as she forced herself up into a sitting position. She could only remember Itachi as she sat up, but slowly other things came to her.

Then she remembered her headband. She had not been wearing it, but it might come in handy later. The pain did not subside, especially in her stomach. Aster had not eaten in days. She had left in hurry without anything but the clothes on her back.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Aster called, but was surprised when she heard her frail, raspy voice.

They did not hear and knocked again. It was clear now that her voice would not be heard, so she resolved to open the door herself. Shakily, she forced her legs to support her. They seemed weaker than before she had passed out. It was only mere steps before she collapsed to the floor, unable to force her legs to continue.

Her fall was loud and Jiriaya and Naruto heard it through the door. Naruto looked up at his sensei in distress as he knocked the door open.

They stood shocked to see Aster. She was kneeling on the floor, panting with exertion. Naruto dashed to her side, taking her arm. He tried in vain to help her up. She was barely off the ground, legs trembling.

"Naruto, stop!" Jiriaya cried as he saw her body begin to give way. But he was too late in warning. Aster fell again, sprawled face-first onto the ground. Naruto knelt beside her, shocked. Tears were welling in her eyes as she cursed her every weakness.

"Are you okay?!" Naruto asked, frightened by her inability to stand.

"I'm fine!" she snapped. It disgusted her to be dependant on them.

"No you're not," Jiriaya said, sure of himself. "But you will be after you've had some rest."

Aster stared at him surprised that he wasn't angry at her for being ungrateful for his kindness. Then, humbled by it, she nodded meekly. Her stomach growled loud enough for them all to hear, and she involuntarily crumpled in pain.

"And maybe some food," he added, laughing a little.

"Yeah! Ramen!" Naruto cried enthusiastically, causing Aster to jump a little.

"I'll go get us something. Naruto stay here with our new friend."

As Naruto whined, Aster watched them, yet again surprised. She hadn't even told them her name, and they were taking care of her.

Jiriaya ignored Naruto and left, shutting the door on Naruto's nose. Aster laughed a little. Naruto turned, almost angry, but it disappeared when he saw her face.

"Forgot I was here?" she jested.

"You speak?!" Naruto exclaimed.

She scowled at him," Of course I do!"

"So.. Who're you?" he asked.

Thrown off by his frankness, she answered, "I'm Aster. Who are you? And while we're at it, where are you from?"

"Naruto Uzumaki!" he called, unnecessarily loud. "I'm from Konoha. And one day I'll be Hokage!"

Her eyes narrowed at this, she hated the third Hokage of the Leaf Village. But she quickly resumed her smile. He was only a boy. What did he know of the things the Hokage really did?

"We get it, okay? So, what brings the next Hokage here?" she said lightly. She didn't really care what his answer was; she just wanted to make small talk.

"The third has passed and we're searching for the fifth," he pouted. "I should be the next hokage, but.." he didn't finish the sentence.

Aster laughed a little at this" Aren't you a little bit young?" It was a moment before what he said registered in her mind. Naruto opened his mouth, but she cut him off "Wait, you said the third died..?"

He downcast his eyes,"yeah.."

Aster sat in silence a moment. Revenge on Konoha was almost pointless now, not that she had really wanted it so badly. But the people now would never believe the truth. Redeeming her brother was now impossible. Again Naruto was about to say something when Jiriaya walked into the small, bare room.

"Food!" he said triumphantly.

They set out the food quickly, they were all hungry. This was done in silence. They even began to eat without speaking until Naruto spoke.

"Guess what Ero-Sennin!" Naruto said, eyes lighting up. Jiriaya raised an eyebrow quizzically. "She speaks!"

He laughed a little, "Um,.. Yes, don't most people?"

Naruto scowled at him, turning red.

"Hey, now.." Jiriaya scolded him like a small child instead of young ninja. Then without warning he threw a pair of chopsticks at him.

They flew at him like a kunai does. Naruto turned quickly to stare shocked at them. From Aster's point of view, it looked as if the chopsticks would hit him in the eye. Reflex took over and she reached across the table at a blinding speed, catching them squarely between her first and second fingers. Naruto and Jiriaya gaped, caught off guard by her speed.

Jiriaya's eyes narrowed as he watched her redden and pull back.

This is awful, I've given myself away! Aster thought as things suddenly became tense.

"Usually only ninja have those reflexes and speed..." He said slowly surveying her with new eyes.

She handed Naruto his chopsticks without meeting either of their eyes. Nervously she chewed her lip, but she did not answer.

Naruto looked at, for the first time, solemnly. Then, as his blunt nature compelled him to, he asked the question everyone had been thinking. "Who exactly are you?"

Aster had been desperately trying to avoid this question for the last five years. She knew exactly who she was and couldn't forget it. Her mind raced, she needed a lie.

"I-I'm from the Village Hidden in the Mist.." She said fumbling for the right lies.

"A ninja no doubt," Jiriaya said without a waver in his voice.

"N-no, my-my parents," Aster said. She took a deep breath to continue on, hoping to satisfy their curiosity. "My parents were both ninja. I grew up around the ways of a shinobi. They didn't want that for me though. They died in line of duty, so I never went to the academy or anything like that.."

This wasn't really a lie, just a stretch of the truth. She couldn't deceive the people who had been so kind to her, but she couldn't tell the truth either.

Jiriaya stared at her, trying to make her meet his eyes. If she couldn't, there was no way he would believe her. Slowly, she raised her head. Their gazes connected, and she held his eyes with such intensity that Jiriaya looked down to his plate first. Without words, he knew Aster would tell him no more.

Naruto peered at her across the table. He hadn't really understood the looks that Aster and Jiriaya had given each other, but it had unsettled him. He ate quietly. They finished the meal in a thick silence.

As they left her to herself, Naruto looked back. He watched her wipe her eyes with her back turned to him. He was unable to tear his eyes away until Jiriaya reached in front of him to pull the door shut. Both of them walked down the hall, feeling the ominous presence of unasked questions.

In her room, Aster fingered the headbands under the scarf tied round her waist. She climbed on the bed, curling into a tight ball. The metal of the bands bit into her ribs through her clothes, but she did not shift. The pain was preferable to the aching pit in her torso. Numbly, she lay on her side, trying to ignore what was behind her and look forward to the coming future. But there is no future without a past. We can go nowhere without knowing from whence we have come.

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