An Undiscovered Love ✔️

By breebaqbooks

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Bella and Jacob have been really close since Edward left. But Edwards comes back and Bella is back with Edwar... More

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By breebaqbooks

Bella p.o.v
"Jakey is trying to fix things with his dad, his dad already apologize to me" she said proudly.
"Hi honey" Charlie said smiling at me. Billy was next to Jake who was sitting in the couch. They were watching baseball.
"Hi dad. Want to eat?" I asked slightly angrily, HE APOLOGIZE TO HER!
"Yeah honey that would be good thanks" he said eying weirdly.
"Hi Billy you want to eat or do you want to eat later?" I asked kissing his cheek.
"I would love to eat know if you don't mind" Billy said shyly.
"Not at all. And we need to talk to later about something"I said walking to the kitchen.
"So Isabella cooks. Who would have know somebody as clumsy as her would know how to do such thing" Elizabeth said sitting down beside Jake wrapping her arms around his waist and putting her legs on top of his. I'm dying, my heart.
"Yeah I was surprised myself when she first cooked for me" Charlie said. Ugh! My dad can be so oblivious to somethings.
"Babe I want some lemonade can I have some please?" She asked Jake.
"Sure baby" he said kissing her lips before getting up and heading to the kitchen.
"Hey" Jake said. I placed the food in a plate without saying a word. Jake grabbed a bottle of lemonade before I yanked it of him. That's Billy's lemonade, I always make sure to bring him some and it's the last one, which reminds me to buy him some bottles of lemonade before I leave.
"Billy your food is ready" I said.
"Thank you dear" he said coming.
"I'll buy you more lemonade before I go" I said placing the bottle of lemonade next to him.
"Well thank you dear. But you don't need to buy me lemonade, they are very expensive and I don't want you spending money on me" he said.
"And that's why I work. Don't worry Billy, it's a pleasure" I said side hugging him before turning around and grabbing my dad's food and heating it up.
"Dad your food is ready" I said.
"Thank you honey" he said.
"Babe there is no lemonade, what do you want?" Jake said looking at me briefly.
"Well I should have guess there was nothing to drink in this house. I want water" she said.
Jake grabbed a cup and went to sit in the couch.
"Here you go" he said.
"Thanks babe" she said kissing him and biting his lips wrapping her arms around his neck.
"No problem" he said letting go of her and putting his arm around her.
I was walking upstairs seen Elizabeth kissing Jake's neck when my dad started talking to me
"Are you not gonna eat Bella?" Charlie asked.
"I'm not hungry I'll eat later I promise" I said looking at me.
"I don't want you fainting again" my dad said.
"I'm not" I said.
"I want you to eat right now" my dad said.
"I'm really not hungry I just ate" I said.
"You did, where?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter trust me I ate" I said.
"Where?" My dad asked again.
"The Cullen's" I said and Billy looked at me.
"You went to their house?" He asked calmly.
"Yeah Alice wanted to talk to me" I said sitting down in the staircase.
"What about?" Dad asked.
"She is getting married, can you believe it, I'm so happy. I'm the maid of honor" I said happily.
"Well that's great honey" my dad said. My phone ring.
"Hello" I said.
"Oh hi mom" I said.
"Yeah I'm gonna go pack right now" I said.
"Yes don't worry. I'll see you soon. I love you, bye" I said.
"Bella you never told me you were gonna visit your mom" Charlie said.
"I did, two weeks ago.Remember we were eating with Billy and Johna. Right Billy?" I said.
"Yeah she did tell you" Billy said.
"Yeah you said you were going for 2 weeks NOT 3 months" Charlie corrected.
"Were you not gonna tell me you were staying with your mom for 3 months?" He asked slightly hurt.
"To be fair I just told my mom I was staying with her for that long today in the morning" I said.
"Why the change of mind?" My dad asked.
"Why so many questions?" I asked.
"Okay okay sorry" my dad said.
"I'm gonna go pack dad" I said heading upstairs.
1 hour later
I'm finally DONE!!!!! I stretched and decided to go down, to find Jake and Elizabeth still at my house embraced into each other arms. She tighten her hold when she saw me go down and grabbed Jake's face and kissed his lips. I made my way to my dad's side and sat down.
"Are we winning?" I asked.
"Yeah" he said proudly.
"Dad are you sure you will be okay on your own for 3 months" I asked.
"Don't worry about me Bells go have fun, maybe even find a guy and have some fun. Kiss him, mess with him,-" he started.
"Okaaaay dad that's enough thanks for the advice" I said getting up laughing at his dumb idea.
I'm not hungry. I'll just throw it away
"Bella you have to eat" Dad mention
"I am dad I am" I said taking my plate out. I ate some of my chicken but I had lost my appetite the second I was greeted by Elizabeth.
I slowly threw away my food and waited about 20 minutes before I started washing my plate. I grabbed the trash bag.
"Dad I'm gonna go throw the trash" I said walking out.
"No no here let Jake take it, it's dark outside and you can fall" Billy said looking at Jake.
"Don't worry Billy, I got it" I said. No way in hell am I gonna let Jake help me. I'm not talking to him and I am not planing on it anytime soon. Not at all.
"It's fine I'll take it" Jake said getting out of Elizabeth hold.
"No it's fine"I said.
"Really Bella, its fine its cold outside and you don't have a jacket on" Jake said getting up.
"I do know" I said grabbing a jacket out of the hanger and making my way out.
I'm not that clumsy like I can take the trash out. I don't want Jake acting like he cares about me. He hasn't even looked at me once since I came in. He is just kissing Elizabeth every 5 seconds. I don't even care it's his imprint. Let him fuck her, I don't care. Before I know it my foot hit a tree trunk and I fell but only on my knees. That's an improvement.
"And that is why I had to take the trash out" Jake said behind me. He is so annoying. I kept walking not even acknowledging his presence.
"Here give me that" he said grabbing the bag but I pulled it.
"Let go Bella" he said pulling a little harder and before you know it, the trash bag was torn apart and the food was everywhere.
"Ugh!" I said angrily.
"Bella why didn't you eat?" Jake asked seeing chicken breasts and thighs on the floor along with rice. I begin picking up the food and threw it in the trash can.
"Bella, why didn't you eat?" He asked.
I kept waking.
"Bella" he asked grabbing my wrist.
"It's none of your business" I hiss.
"You are impossible sometimes" he said tightening his hold on my wrist, looking at me trying to figure me out.
"Let go" I said coldly.
"No. What's your problem? You've been rude to Lizzie all evening" he said. Oh he did not just go there. I haven't even talk to her.
"Whatever" I said trying to yank my wrist off his hold. He didn't even move.
"Stop! Let go!" I said and he didn't say anything.
"Gosh dammit Jacob let me go shit!" I said angrily but he just looked at me intensely like analyzing my behavior.
"Why are you leaving for 3 months?" He asked not taking his eyes off me. Okay Bella choose your words wisely. If you say anything wrong it will give you away. You will be done for.
"It's none of your business" I hiss.
"That's not an answer" he said.
"I don't need to give you an answer" I said angrily. Okay so he acts like he cares but he is literally having sex with clothe in front of me with Elizabeth.
"You are so hard to read Bella" he said looking at me.
"Yeah well if Edward can't figure me out, it's no surprise you can't either" I said bitterly.
"Well I'm not like Edward" he hiss angrily his skin getting hotter.
"Yeah well I'm not that sure anymore" I said looking at him to see him looking at me sadly. Oh wow this had to make me feel good but instead I feel bad even sad, like I can feel his pain.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked.
"I need to go grocery shopping I'm leaving before sunrise tomorrow so I'm gonna ask nicely. Let go of me...please" I said.
"No no Bella. Why do I keep feeling like your are trying to run away from me" he said getting closer to me.
"Look I have a place to go and a lot of things to do... and I don't have enough time to do them all so let me go" I said ignoring the heat that I could feel radiating off of him.
"You keep drifting further and further away from me and I don't know what to do" he said.
"How about you do nothing" I said sadly yanking my wrist off his hold and walking away. Time away from him will do me good.
I felt an arm around my waist pulling me back and then something hard against my back.
"Bella I don't want to loose you" Jake said softly against my ear.
"Your imprint is in my house. That's all you need, with her you can survive the end of the world. You don't need me in your life. Remember you told me once,'When you see her, suddenly it's not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her. And you would do anything for her, be anything for her... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, a lover, or a friend, or a brother.' Well Jake Elizabeth choose to be your lover. That's about the most perfect thing for you. You don't need to worry about me" I said.
"What am I to you?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter what you are to me. You know what your imprint thinks of you, that's enough" I said.
"I didn't ask what Lizzie think of me, I already know that. I asked about you" he said his skin burning against my own causing goosebumps to form in my skin.
"I don't know I'll tell you when I see my best friend again. Until then, please tell him I miss him" I said closing my eyes briefly feeling his rapid heart beat against my back.
"Bella I'm not gone would you quit saying that" he said.
"The Jake I knew would walk with me in the beach, he would tell stories, and he would be loving, my own personal sun" I said sadly.
"Bella I'm still here I'm just the same anymore. I changed, people change" he said softly.
"You are right. You are still Jake, you just forgot about me" I said a tear ran down my cheek. I walk towards the car and went to my car opening the door. Before I knew it i was on my way to the grocery store.
1 hour later
So I'm done buying food. The grocery store is now close and I'm currently the only person in the parking lot.Right now I'm placing the bags in my truck. Well at least I saw Jake before I left. I climbed into the drivers seat before I saw a tall figure in my window.
"FUCK!" I yelled jumping to the backseats. Oh shit I'm gonna get kidnapped. This is it, I am grateful for all the good things in my life. My privileged life. everything I had in my life was great. I love my family and I thank them for everything they gave me in my 18 years of life.
"Bella it's me" a voice said. I recognize that voice.
"Fuck Jacob you scared the shit out of me!" I said angrily before he open the door to the backseat.
"Go home Jake" I said still laying down with my eyes close.
"I can't do that. I need to see something first" he said closing the door behind him. There is no more space in the back.
"Go to front seats there is no more space back here" I said but I didn't here an answer from him. I just want to sleep for a little.
"Jake?" I asked opening my eyes. My heart almost stopped right there and then.
Jake was hovering over me one leg on which side of my hips, looking down at me. My heart is going crazy right now.
"What are you doing?" I asked trying to sound as tough as possible but I know that's far away from true.
"Bella what am I to you?" He asked softly.
"It doesn't matter" I said trying to get up and seat but Jake quickly grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the seat.
"No no you are not getting out of this" he said. His skin was so hot it felt good against mine specially because I was cold and it was foggy outside.
"I'm not I just feel like you are too close" I said swallowing hard. My hands were currently over my head with Jake's hands on my wrists.
"I'm too close?" He asked laughing like I had just told him a joke.
"Since when is personal space a problem between the both of us?" He asked looking at me with those same eyes that had been trying to figure me out a while ago. He is analyzing  everything I say, my body behavior, what I say. Ugh!
"It's not it's just-would you just get off me" I said trying to play it cool.
"Why?" He asked
"This is not appropriate, specially when you have a girlfriend" I said trying to push him off me but he wouldn't move.
"Jacob!" I said annoyingly.
"One good reason and I'll let go" he said.
"Because I feel uncomfortable" I said.
"Not good enough" he said.
"You are violating my privacy!" I defended myself.
"You have no private life Bella" he said.
"Just get off me, there are cameras here and my dad is a police officer. If he sees my car and someone on top of me, he will literally kill me! So if you want me to stay alive please move" I said squirming under him.
"What's the rush Bella, there are no cameras. You know, it almost seems as if I make you nervous being so close to you. Am I right?" He asked.
"Pffff yeah right, you wish" I huff rolling my eyes.
"Oh really, so me being this close to you doesn't bother you, doesn't make you nervous?" He asked.
"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.
"So I can do this" he said brushing his lips against my jawline. Wow his lips are burning that it leaves a tingly sensation against my skin.
I didn't say anything. He slowly made his way to my earlobe and brushed his lips against it.
"Your heart is going crazy Bella are you sure you're okay?" He asked huskily chuckling slightly.
"Jake stop I think that's enough" I said as he looked at me.
"What?" He asked.
"Get off me" I said looking away from him.
"Bella your blushing" he said chuckling.
"No your body is burning and it's heating up my body" I said confidently.
"You are saying I'm hot?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"Well thank you" he said.
"Not like that, I mean your skin is burning" I said.
"Sooo, you sure need someone to warm you up you are cold" Jake said.
"I don't feel cold, can you please get off me now?" I asked.
"Bella I've been having mix signals about something, it's driving crazy and I want to clear it up. Make sure I'm not just imagining it" Jake explain looking at me in the eyes but I looked away. Whenever we look at each other, there is a weird thing that happens, I don't hate it but I find it slightly alarming. When I look at him it's almost as if I'm like magnet and he is the metal, I'm pull towards him no matter how hard I try to look away, it's scary at times like he has some control over me, it's creepy I'm telling you. But at the same time when I look at him I have a feeling of peace and something else I can't explain.
"Bella I'm gonna need you to stop looking away from me. You've been doing this for a while now, why?" He asked. He is questioning me like he knows something I don't know.
"I don't know" I lied.
"Don't lie to me" he said.
"I'm not lying to you" I said.
"Do you love Edward?" He asked.
"Of course I love him, he was my first love. But not the type of love I use to feel for him" I said.
"What?" He asked confused.
"I love him like a friend, or like a brother. We good? Can u let me go know?" I asked.
"Do you love me?" He asked.
"You are my friend, of course I care about you" I said.
"I didn't ask if you care about me, I know you do. I asked if yo love me" he said.
"Why all of these questions?" I asked.
"why do you hesitate to tell me you love me?" He asked.
"You know I do I've told you before" I said.
"You haven't lately why?" He asked.
"I don't know" I said.
"Do you love me?" He asked.
"Can we stop?" I asked.
"Ever since I told you I imprinted on Lizz you've being distant with me" he stated.
"Elizabeth and I don't get along well, it's honestly better if we don't talk to each over before you hate me" I said.
"Why will I hate you?" He asked.
"I don't know"I said
"Quit saying that" he said frustratedly
"Have you told her you are werewolf?" I asked.
"No not yet" he said sadly.
"Why?" I asked.
"I don't know" he said
"See it's hard to open up about something personal" I said.
"If she only loves half of you then she doesn't love you at all. In order to love someone you need to able to love everything about the person. Love their differences and their similarities, their flaws and virtues. If you can't look into the person's eyes and see the rest of your life with them, then you don't love them" I said looking at him in the eyes. I felt weird, like for a brief second Jake and I were the only ones on earth.
"You also need to be able to let go of the person you love. Sometimes love is one-sided and you need to be able to let the other person be happy even if their happiness doesn't include you in it. You sometimes just have to be okay with knowing that, need to try and move on, keeping the sweet memories you had with them and let go of them. Knowing they will be fine without you even if you won't be fine without them" I said looking at him sadly before looking away from him.
"Looks like you know the feeling" He said softly.
"I need to go" I said my voice cracking trying to move away from him.
"Bella" He said grabbing my face that had tears stains.
"Why are you crying?" He asked.
"I'm not. I just need to go away for a while. Run away from my problems. Forget about what I feel" I said.
"Do you love me?" He asked.
"I do" I said looking at him.
"That's all I needed to know" he said.
"But why-" I began and before I knew it Jake's lips were on mine. My whole body instantly feeling a tingly sensation. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't instead my body moved closer to his. I couldn't stop myself, it felt like I was complete, like gravity was pulling me towards him. I kissed him back with the love I had been hiding for a long time. If this was the last time I was gonna kiss Jake, then I was gonna make it worth while. I was gonna make Jake forget about Elizabeth, even if it was for a little bit, like it was just the two of us and she didn't exist. Make him feel for brief moment that I was the only person he needed.
Jake kissed me so lovingly,it almost felt like I was the only person he loved.
I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. I kissed him eagerly feeling his muscles tighten underneath me. He placed his arms around my waist placing me into sitting position. I wrapped my legs around his waist and I pushed him against the seat. I placed kisses down his jawline and began sucking on the sweet spot on his neck. Jake let out a small moan. I smiled proudly by the kind of reaction I had provoke him and brought my hands down to his abs feeling it underneath my fingertips. His skin was so hot underneath it felt like fire melting ice. It was cold outside the windows were foggy and you could not see anything. Good thing there is no cameras here and that it's pitch black.
I was interrupted out of my thoughts when I felt Jake's hand go lower down my waist and made its way down to my thighs.He scooped me closer to his body placing wet kisses down my jawline and nibbling at the skin of my neck. He slowly laid me down hovering over me kissing ever so lovingly. Jake's eyes had turn a dark shade of brown almost black, his skin burning into mine.
"Bella" he said between kisses.
"Jake you should cool off" I said placing my hands in his chest.
"I'm fine, your cooling me off" he said slightly smirking at me.
As he was kissing me I decided to push him and be on top of him. As I climb up his tall and tone body, Jake placed his hands on my ass.
Throughout our very heated make-out session, I made sure to give him a hickey that will be visible for Elizabeth to see. Let her know I was with him and that she wasn't that special.
Well I leave tomorrow and won't see Jake for a long time. A lot can happen in 3 months, maybe when I come back Jake won't want to see me anymore. Maybe I would have lost Jake forever.
Remember Bella
"keep the sweet memories you had with them and let go of them. Knowing they will be fine without you even if you won't be fine without them"

Goodbye Jake.
Hey guys hope you like the chapter!!!!!! Plz have hope for them, trust me they will happen.
Any ship names for Bella and Jake????

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