Bounty - Winter Soldier Fanfi...

By etherella

54.4K 2.1K 705

Rhea is a trained and skilled SHIELD agent. She is tasked with the job of bringing in criminals all over the... More



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By etherella

I looked over the lone photo they had in the folder.

He was wearing all black. His long hair covered most of his face and the bottom half was covered with a mask.

He had dark cold eyes, they held no emotion or life.

He looked about 6'2 and 250lbs of pure muscle.

His chest was huge and so was his arms.

He was holding a large rifle in his hand.

I sighed, this would not be easy.

I glanced down the photo to read all his stats.

His real name was still unknown but his origins seemed to be Russian.

Master hand to hand combatant and martial artist
Gifted advance scout
Use of military weapons and throwing knives
Expert assassin and spy
Superhuman strength
With metal arm:
Enhanced reaction time
Energy projection
EMP discharger
Holographic projector

Definitely wasn't going to be easy.

I folded the file and tucked it away in my room.

The file also mentioned having to go to Romania where he was last spotted by a citizen.

I'd have to brush up on my Romanian.

I rushed back out of the house and did some shopping before coming back home to pack.

Whenever I went on these missions I had no idea how long I would be gone.

I placed the file at the bottom before piling as much clothes as I could on top.

I closed up the suitcase and made my hotel arrangements.

I'd be staying in the heart of Romania, a room with a view, lucky me.

These little things helped me feel more normal and not like I wanted to single handedly murder these scum bags.

I couldn't do it with this soldier though. He was too strong and besides Mr. Pierce wanted him alive.

That would be a task.

He also wanted me to do it alone.

He didn't want to risk people finding about the soldier.

This was a lone mission.

A lone dangerous mission.

And I wasn't sure I was ready for it.
I know for damn sure I'm not strong enough to take on the soldier by myself.

I checked the clock and saw that my flight left in 3 hours so I grabbed my things and headed for the door.

Not too long after the plane took off I sat comfortably in my seat reading an English to Romanian dictionary.

Once the plane landed in Bucharest, I called a cab and went right to the hotel.

I unpacked my clothes and began to set up shop.

I taped a map up on the wall in the closet along with the file and picture of the assassin.

Briefly looking over, the file I placed a tack on Dacia Blvd where he was last seen.

If I wasn't super jet lagged I'd go and check out the street but now I needed to sleep. Besides it was almost midnight.

I shut the closet and crawled into bed taking out my phone.

I sent a text to my dad and sisters ; In Romania for a mission. I'll come and visit as soon as I'm back in the states. Miss you guys already.

I put my phone down and curled up under the sheets.

How does a spy track down another spy?

I rolled over and switched on the tv hoping to drown out my thoughts.

I found some loud and obnoxious cartoon and started watching it.

Minutes later I had fallen asleep.
The brightness of the sun was what woke me up hours later.

It beamed through my window and onto my face as the sun was reaching directly overhead.

I sat up and looked at the clock groaning as I realized I had slept longer than needed.

I grabbed my phone and glanced at it. Yup, almost noon.

I had a text from my dad and sisters.

They told me to be safe and take care of myself.

I smiled and put the phone back down before hopping up to grab a shower.

I quickly dressed and ran out the room.

I used my phone's gps to find Dacia blvd so I didn't look so completely out of place.

There were a ton on shops on this road and it seemed to be a place hundreds of people a day passed through.

The soldier could have went to any of these stores for any reason.

I glanced around and noticed a weaponry.

I smiled and walked over to it.

I walked in and put on my best smile.

"Hello gentleman." I said in their language.

They gave me a nod.

"Good afternoon miss." One of the men said in English. Great. This was way easier.

I had no idea how to seem attractive in a language I could hardly speak.

"I was hoping you lovely men could help me with something?"

The other man raised an eyebrow.

"With what?"

"I'm looking for someone. I heard he was reported in the area a few days ago and I was wondering if maybe one of you saw him."

"What did he look like?"

"Maybe about 6'2 long brown hair, blue eyes, mean looking, maybe looked like he was hiding something. Probably had a metal arm or wore gloves."

The man nodded,"That soldier guy yes?"

My eyes widened with happiness.
"Yes! Was he here?"

He shook his head and my smile fell.

"There." He pointed across the street.

"They were the ones who called in."

"So he hasn't come in here?" I asked

They both shook their heads.

I smiled and thanked them before exiting the store.

So he wasn't at the weaponry but he was at the bakery.

A mans gotta eat I guess.

I opened the door and strolled up to the counter inquiring about the man.

They'd seen him.

Every few days he'd come in and buy some pastries. They didn't recognize him until lately and that's when they reported him.

"He never said anything to any of us. He just got what he wanted paid and left. Didn't seem like a bad man. He always smiled when he came in. I thought he was kind of nice actually. I guess you never really know what people are hiding."

I nodded silently as I listened trying to take in as much information as I could.

The way the described him sounds so foreign.

How could this super assassin be a nice guy?

He was more conniving than I thought.

I thanked the ladies and left.

The trail was getting warm and soon I'd have my soldier and he'd have to pay for all his crimes.

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