Hetalia One-Shots

EmPines tarafından

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Basically I'll do a ship with an AU or idea that made me think of it, and you can decide if you like it or no... Daha Fazla

Request Rules
Latenight Confessions: Canada x Romano
Teddy Bear: RusAme
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures: PruCan

Oops: Prumano smut

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EmPines tarafından

This is for @vietnam-chan on here. I hope it's what you wanted.

Romano sighed as he was helping the drunken albino get from the Italian's car to the Prussian's apartment. The problem was that said Prussian lived on the second floor, leaving the main problem to get the stumbling man upstairs. Gilbert had an arm around Romano's shoulders with Romano's arm around Gilbert's waist to keep the Prussian from falling. After many attempts, they finally made it to Gilbert's floor. "Unh, fucking finally." The shorter male huffed as he led Gilbert down the hallway to his apartment before the Prussian started to go in the other direction.

The Italian's eyes widened as Gilbert started to fall backwards, laughing as Romano just barely caught him from falling on his ass. "Damn it Bastard. You're heavy." He eased the albino onto the ground before he took Gilbert's hands to help him onto his feet. "It's my muscles from working out," Gilbert laughed with a wink. The albino grinned as he held onto Romano's hands, liking the contact between them. The Prussian gave Romano a smirk as he leaned closer to him, "Roma~ why are you so cute?~" he asked smoothly, at least to him it was but in actuality it came out slurred with his lopsided grin.

Romano rolled his eyes as he held onto Gilbert's left hand to lead him to his apartment, Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows with a pout as he watched Romano look unphased by his flirting. "Give me your keys," Romano demanded as his hazel eyes looked up into Gilbert's red ones. Gilbert frowned in confusion at not knowing the specific location of his keys before he patted himself down. He then began fumbling with his keys in his front pocket then handed them over to Romano to get them into his apartment.

Gilbert's drunken mind rationed that they were going to get it on, making him smirk again as he let go of Romano's hand to wrap his arms around the Italian's waist as soon as the door opened. "You don't have to be embarrassed for wanting me too~" he chuckled as he placed a kiss to Romano's neck, making Romano tense up with a blush before he squirmed to push Gilbert's head away with his hands, "Eh?! Get off of me Jerk!"

Gilbert was confused. Didn't Romano say he would take him home? He frowned as he let go of Romano who was wiping his hand over his neck to get the germs off. "What?! No I-" the Italian felt flustered. "I never said that I wanted you." Gilbert frowned as he stepped closer to hug Romano around his waist, nuzzling into his neck as he whined as tears pricked at his eyesz

Romano couldn't handle others crying. It really broke him wether he wanted to admit it or not. He closed his eyes to stop himself from yelling out in irritation as he hugged him back, rubbing Gilbert's back gently to try to calm down the emotional Prussian. "I like you Gil. Okay? Come on. Let's go to your room." He reasoned as he pulled away to look at Gilbert, wiping away a stray tear that flowed down his pale cheek. Gilbert instantly perked up, smiling idiotically as Romano said he liked him. He nodded as he took Romano's hand to lead him to his bedroom.

Romano was surprised at the switch in personality, but he was glad to see that smile on Gilbert's face as it suited him better than a frown, let alone crying. "Danke Roma for taking me home~" he leaned against the doorway as he looked into Romano's eyes, still holding his hand. The Prussian could look on forever if he could, and would have if Romano didn't start pulling his hand back, but Gilbert still held on, not wanting to let go yet.

The reason that Romano was pulling away as he felt embarrassed about how intently Gilbert was looking at him, making him blush as he was held in place by the others strength. His cheeks darkened as he felt a hand on his left cheek. Before he could even question it, his lips were locked by the drunken albino.

Romano's eyes widened as he looked at Gilbert who was kissing him passionately, only snapping out of the initial shock once Gilbert began to lick over his lips to ask for entrance. Romano shook his head slightly as he pushed back with his free hand against Gilbert's chest, breaking the kiss. "What the Hell was that for?" He asked as he observed Gilbert's face with his flushed cheeks.

Gilbert had been thoroughly enjoying the kiss until it ended, not realizing that his advances were unwanted until the end. He felt guilty, letting go of Romano's hand before he slinked to his bed to hide his face from the Italian. Romano felt confused, embarrassed, and shock, not necessarily in disgust. His thoughts trailed off as he observed the Prussian on the bed, knowing he couldn't very well leave with him in such a vulnerable state, nor did he want to.

Romano hesitantly grew closer to sit on the other side of the bed, slowly rubbing Gilbert's back again, wanting to help him feel better, but it didn't have the same effect like before. "Romano I'm sorry." The Italian could hear being muffled into the pillow. Romano sighed softly as he shook his head, "Gil its fi-" the Prussian shot up, looking at the Italian teary eyed, "No it's not. I love you, and you don't love me. You love Spain." He sniffled as he quickly wiped away his tears in embarrassment as he got off the bed, trying to calm down. "I know that," he said meekly to himself, his usual confidence faltering.

Romano's eyes widened as he heard the confession from the Prussian, the words not registering as he was once again in a state of shock. "G-Gil," he reached out to cup Gilbert's cheek after he took the few steps to get to him. He gently wiped away the tears once more with his thumb. Prussia tensed up at first, but let himself enjoy the contact as he was sure that afterwards their friendship was done. "I don't love Spain. Not like that. He's more like a brother or my best friend. He's not the one who I love." He bit his lip as he looked away, not able to keep the others gaze after that. Gilbert's eyes focused on Romano's face with his complete attention as it was his turn to be in shock at what he heard from the Italian that held his heart.

Gilbert slowly leaned into Romano's hand as he licked his lips to prepare himself to push further. "Who do you love Roma?" Gilbert could feel himself sobering up, but the alcohol was still ever present in his system, so he hoped that rejection would be eased to forget in the morning. Romano wasn't good with revealing how he felt in words. It just wasn't his style to be so vulnerable to someone, so he decided to show it. Romano used his other hand to cup the back of Gilbert's head before he kissed him yet soft as the Italian was still unsure about admitting how he felt to Gilbert.

Before Romano was just assuming that the Prussian's flirts were just casual or teasing as he didn't particularly trust him or France when Spain had them over, although as he grew up, he read a lot, finding a particular appreciation over the Germanic country for the amazing historical battles and the intimidating sound of their language. Although when he matured, that fondness turned into attraction as he started to find that he liked the Prussian for more than just the amazing stories associated with him. Gilbert was loud and annoying at times, but Gilbert was an amazing friend as well as sweet and loyal. So when Prussia kissed him before, he was just shocked that his longtime crush had kissed him, let alone said he loved him.

Gilbert's eyes widened as he looked back to see that Romano had kissed him back. The Romano Vargas was kissing him, and there was no way that he would let this miracle go. He cupped the back of Romano's head while the other trailed down the Italian's back to his waist, dipping him slightly to make Romano surprised and it worked. When Romano gasped, he used the chance to slip in his tongue, taking control of the kiss easily from getting Romano off his guard, but as the Italian recovered from the surprise of it, that changed. Gilbert had already lifted Romano up, forcing him to wrap his legs and arms around him as the Prussian led them back to the bed to then lay the Italian down before he gently laid over him, never breaking their kiss.

Romano's response was much slower than the Prussian's actions, finding himself slowly give in to the others advances, closing his eyes as he kissed the albino back passionately. He felt the soft material from the mattress against his back before feeling Gilbert's body on top of him, blushing slightly when Gilbert placed himself between his legs with Gilbert loving the passion that Romano kissed him back. Gilbert deepened the kiss once he was allowed entrance again, fighting for dominance and surprised that it wasn't that easy to gain. The Italian put up a good front, but eventually gave in to him, allowing for Gilbert to take control.

The Prussian smirked in their kiss as he felt the Italian submit to him, rewarding him by reaching up to tease his curl between his fingers as his tongue began to map his new territory. That beautiful moan that was muffled against their lips was just what he wanted to hear. Gilbert's other hand trailed down Romano's shirt, teasing him by tugging at the buttons to test the limits.

Romano's eyes opened a crack when he felt Gilbert's hand trail down chest, feeling nervous but excited at the same time. His mind clouded over as his curl was teased again, this time able to suppress the moan to not let himself be so easily dominated. Gilbert ventured further, beginning to undo the buttons to then pull Romano to his chest to allow him to slip the shirt off of the Italian, pulling back to admire the sight of his body with a lustful gaze. Romano's cheeks remained bright with his breathing a bit deeper than when they started, feeling vulnerable, yet it wasn't a bad thing to be. His hands glided down from the albino's pale hair to then hold onto Gilbert's shoulder while the other trailed over Gilbert's chest to the hem of his shirt, biting his lip as he met the others red eyes with an asking expression.

Gilbert loved seeing Romano underneath him more than he thought he would, fighting off the urge to hurry and get to it as he really didn't want to rush this. Not yet. It was too much of a sight to want to brush through it. This felt much more important than a one-night stand as he actually loved the other, and seeing that Romano wanted him too was making it much more enjoyable. He watched Romano's nimble fingers work to take off his shirt, helping him with taking it off to then throw his shirt haphazardly to the floor. "You look so good like this~," he smiled down at him placing a kiss on his cheek before his lips began to trail over the Italian's jawline to then cascade down his neck, searching for his spot.

Romano blushed as he felt the Prussian's hot breath brush over his skin, letting out soft moans of pleasure until he gasped as Gilbert found his sweet spot. Gilbert smirked as he began to focus on that area, placing a gentle kiss before he sucked vigorously then followed it up with the occasional bite to turn on the Italian he had underneath him. Romano's eyes closed to focus on the pleasure the marks caused, sending an unspoken confirmation to Gilbert that it was okay to go further. Once the mark was as big and obvious as he wanted, he placed a soft kiss over it after he licked over the bruised area to show that he cared.

Gilbert's fingers trailed down Romano's sun-kissed skin, enjoying how the Italian would lightly arch his back as his pale fingers brushed over his sides. "You're so beautiful," he complimented as his lips began to trail down Romano's collarbone towards his chest. Romano was enjoying the added affection, but he was starting to grow impatient. "Gil, will you hurry?" He whined softly as Gilbert's lips lifted up from the Italian's skin.

Gilbert smirked with a light chuckle as he nodded, "Impatient are we?~" Romano glared lightly at him with pink cheeks, but he stopped as he watched Gilbert's fingers trail down towards his belt then began to undo it before unzipping Romano's pants to slide off of him, leaving him in his boxers.

Romano blushed more at being more exposed to him, it at the same time he was glad as it would mean they would be moving past this. Gilbert sat up to start to undo his own pants, watching Romano's body hungrily with lust before he propped himself over the Italian, slipping in three fingers through the lining of Romano's boxers, "Are you sure about this?" He asked as he wanted to make sure that this wouldn't be something either would regret in the morning. Romano smiled a bit as Gilbert asked for his consent, and felt confident enough to say it out loud. "I want you Gil. I love you." He pulled the Prussian closer to kiss as he wrapped his legs around him.

Gilbert felt his heart beating hard against his ribcage when Romano said he loved him. This was even better than he imagined, but it wasn't over just yet. As they shared an intimate kiss, Gilbert rolled his hips into Romano's crotch, wanting to bring more friction between them as to prepare them both for later. Gilbert slowly began to pull down Romano's boxers until with one final pull was able to toss them to the side. Romano felt vulnerable, and self consciously tried to close his legs, but Gilbert gently held them open, placing a soft kiss on his forehead to try to comfort him. "Don't hide yourself from me. You're beautiful."

Romano felt flustered, but he obeyed, opening his legs a bit more then let out a breath as he met Gilbert's face, who was smiling down at him. Gilbert then held up three fingers up to Romano's mouth, "I want you to feel as good as possible Schatz, so," Romano was a little confused but then got the hint and opened his mouth much to take them in. Starting slow, but then reached to hold Gilbert's hand to properly move his mouth over them, licking over them and sucking between them to make sure they were properly prepared so the Italian would be in less pain when they started.

Gilbert watched with a lustful gaze as Romano sucked over his fingers, feeling his boxers tighten over his erection that seemed to get harder the more he watched Romano's semi-erotic face. He began to slide off his own boxers and started to pleasure himself. Romano pulled his mouth back from around Gilbert's hand then kissed them as a parting act. He then brought his gaze down to Gilbert's length, blushing at the sight and sound of the Prussian jacking off, feeling his own arousal get stiff.

Gilbert had a small blush on his cheeks as he pumped himself, squeezing his member a bit as his calloused hand stroked his shaft. His breathing grew labored mixed in with his low groans of pleasure. It wasn't long before precum began to release from the tip, allowing him to cover his boner to allow for him to gave an easier time for what was next. He opened his eyes to then meet Romano's eyes in just, yet they held an asking look as he positioned himself between the Italian's legs, "Ready?" He asked as he cupped Romano's cheek gently.

Romano nodded as he wrapped his legs around him, feeling tense until Gilbert led them into a loving kiss that deepened as his pointer finger massaged the Italian's entrance before pushing his digit inside, causing the Italian to let out a muffled moan. Gilbert knew that Romano would need preparation, but also made sure to distract him from the discomfort with love and affection. When he felt Romano's walls relax around his finger, he added a second, causing another moan from the Italian's lips that was heard as Gilbert was now kissing down his neck and making new love bites to please the Italian, and mark him as his.

Romano's hands tightened their grip on the albino's shoulder blades, breathing shakily with small sounds of pleasure and discomfort mixed together, but Gilbert was able to tell that this time he relaxed quicker than the first finger, which he took as a good sign. "You're doing good Baby~," Gilbert whispered against Romano's skin to give him encouragement to hold out a bit more. "You're almost there." He added a third then began to stretch him out, pushing them in as far as he was allowed, causing a loud moan to be heard. Gilbert's erection was beginning to throb from anticipation, but he made sure to stretch out the Italian to where he would be more comfortable later.

Gilbert pulled out his fingers then lined up, his member prodding the Italian's entrance as he then placed a few soft kisses over the Italian's cheeks. "I won't move until you tell me." Romano nodded slightly as he looked up at him with a bright blush, "I trust you." Gilbert smiled at that with a breathy laugh as he leaned down to kiss him, deepening it with passion as one of his hands trailed over the Italian's skin towards his thigh before gripping the back of his knee as a nice leverage. He then slowly pushed himself in a bit as a tester to see how Romano would react, feeling light scratches down his shoulder blades as a whine-filled moan sounded in his ear.

Gilbert then began to place kisses down the Italian's jawline and then behind his ear to distract him from the uncommon feeling. "It's okay. It won't hurt soon. I promise." The Prussian mumbled against his lover's skin as he slowly pushed himself in deeper as the Italian's walls relaxed around his length. Gilbert didn't push himself in all the way as it seemed that Romano was still struggling, so he began to nibble and suck the area of skin to not only mark him but show him that he cared. Romano groaned softly before he let a moan escape his lips from the pleasure. Romano was appreciative of the affections he had as well as the patience. After the Italian took a moment to adjust to Gilbert's size, the pain was being replaced with need and wanting. He began to push his hips into Gilbert as a sign that it was okay to continue. "Gil~" Romano whispered in a needy voice, "please move~"

Gilbert's cheeks flushed at sound of his long-time crush begging for him, but he kept in mind to still take it slow. He placed a soft kiss on the Italian's cheek as he then held onto one of Romano's hips a bit more as he thrusted out almost all the way before he pushed himself back in with a quick pace, causing pleasing moans and gasps from his lover as his pace began to pick up. The Prussian's own sounds of pleasure were let out in forms of sensual groans and low moans as the friction between them built. Romano tried to hold back his moans, but as Gilbert's pacing became unpredictable, his ability to hide his moans was gone. "A-Ah Gil~" his voice cracked as all of Gilbert's length entered him, allowing him to feel a moment of pain before the blinding heat of pleasure hit him, yet the albino wasn't satisfied yet. He was searching for a certain spot, and was very aware of when he found it at the loud scream of bliss that escaped Romano's lips. Gilbert almost paused to rethink if that really was what he made his lover do, but he didn't want it to stop. He gripped onto Romano's hips and focused his thrusts to slam into that spot repeatedly, loving the moans coming from him as well as the way Romano's nails dug into him as the scratching gave him the added clarification that he was enjoying this as much as the albino was.

It was almost upsetting when he felt his abdomen grow hot and when his thrusts began to become clumsy yet powerful as he was growing close to climaxing, but he didn't stop. Romano's eyes were closed as the erotic bliss of it all was too much, having lone lost the shame of the moans of ecstasy he felt with each force of his lover's thrusts. The Italian could feel himself grow closer to release, but he didn't want to stop this amazing feeling.

Gilbert had started to mark over the Italian's collarbones to mark Romano further yet switched over to focusing on his thrusts to bring them to their climax. "Nhh, R-Roma~ I'm close~" he informed breathless as he met the Italian's eyes. Romano nodded in understanding as he felt heat swelling in his stomach, "Me too~" Gilbert nodded shakily as he made his last thrusts strong and powerful before he released deep inside the Italian. Romano's head went back in pleasure as he felt his lover's load fill him, making him let out an almost broken scream from the strain on his voice. Gilbert's ears were flooded with those beautiful moans, but he kept going to help Romano get to his release, now stroking over the Italian's length as an added measure as he returned to darkening the marks he left previously.

Romano's body was already feeling weak from the thrusts that sent his legs to numb up, so it wasn't a surprise when he came over Gilbert's pale hand after the added pleasure. The Prussian's thrusts slowly came to a stop, leaving them moaning and panting as they clung to the other. Gilbert slowly pulled out of Romano before bringing the Italian to his chest then covered them with a blanket to give them both some sense of decency.

Gilbert placed a loving, lingering kiss on the Italian's forehead before he nuzzled into his soft brown hair. "God that was amazing." He laughed softly as he kept Romano's head close to his heart on his chest. Romano's breathing was improving, yet was still shallow. "I thought that was my line," he smiled a bit as he tilted his head to kiss Gilbert's chest before returning to lay against it, listening to the way Gilbert's heart beat fast. Gilbert let out a laugh with a light blush as he cuddled the Italian close after laying them on their sides. "Agree to disagree." Romano blushed yet made no move to leave as he was comfortable with being this close to him. "Gute Nacht Schatz," Gilbert whispered before closing his eyes. Romano felt exhaustion take over, but he couldn't go to sleep. Not yet. He resisted the call of sleep to speak up, "Gil?"

Gilbert's eyes remained closed, but he responded, "What is it?" He asked as he gently massaged Romano's lower back with his hand as the other cradled Romano's head. Romano didn't respond, just simply leaned up a bit and gently yet lovingly kissed Gilbert's lips before he laid back down to nuzzle into the albinos chest before he closed his eyes, "Buona notte." Gilbert blushed softly at the unexpected kiss, but he felt like there was more than a simple goodnight kiss. And with that last fleeting thought, he fell asleep with the Italian in his arms.


In the morning, Antonio and Francis were worried about Gilbert as amongst them, he was the one to drink more than them, and also was more susceptible to get himself into trouble. They had called him after not receiving any texts back and checking the house where the party initially took place to not see him crashed out somewhere. And with none of their friends having a clue on where he could be, they decided to go check out his apartment to see if he somehow managed to drag himself there before passing out.

"Do you think he could make it up these steps?" Francis asked as they went up the metal staircase to get to Gilbert's floor then made their way down the hall to stand in front of the Prussian's door. "I don't know amigo, but where else would he go?" The Frenchman shrugged as he opened up the door to the apartment. "I don't know if he could 'go' anywhere. He was rather drunk, but that's no surprise." After the door was closed, they looked around for any signs before Antonio noticed Gilbert's keys on a hook nearby. "Ah! So he is here. I'll check the rooms if you check the living room and kitchen and balcony," Antonio suggested. They agreed and split up.

Antonio headed down the hallway and looked into the first room, being a bathroom, and then the closet. It might seem odd, but he once saw Gilbert having passed out on a toilet and even in a bathtub. Not even in his own house, so it was always good to check. The Spaniard then saw the closed door at the end of the hall, thinking it must be where he was as he hadn't heard anything from Francis concerning Gilbert. He knocked, but no one answered, except for the sound of snores from the other side, making him curious as it sounded like two pairs instead of the Prussian's snores.

Yet he had to check as this is one of his best friends, so he checked the doorknob to find it was unlocked before he pushed it open to then have his mouth opened in shock at who was accompanying his friend. Francis came from behind Antonio to sigh, "No such luck mon amie," but then paused at the shocked look on Antonio's face. "What?" He peered in to then smirk before he laughed at the answer as to why Antonio was surprised, "Looks like we didn't have to worry after all." He then chuckled nervously as Antonio wasn't laughing, "Um, Toni?"

Antonio's eye twitched as he looked at Gilbert cuddling Romano close to him with the clothes they wore at the party were scattered on the floor. Francis stood back as he knew when it was time to leave his Spanish friend alone. "Gilbert Maria Bielschmidt, you have some splaining to do!"

So yeah. Sorry about the long wait on this. I just have to be in the mood to write smut and the beginning I initially had deleted when my app froze, but all in all I think it turned out okay. And for an idea on what the bonus looked like it's essentially

Except they are naked, but covered mind you with Gilbert holding Romano to his chest. Then

Bless whoever made that 😂 and I saw this headcanon where Gilbert's middle name was Maria and I thought it would be funny to add.

Okumaya devam et

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