long way home || ashton irwin...

By lashtonsnuggles

534 58 12

❝i don't wanna be wasting my time alone❞ More

➸chapter 2

➸chapter 1

413 28 0
By lashtonsnuggles

So I've had this idea in my head for a couple of weeks and I thought it would be a great idea just to write a story about it :D This is only the first chapter so sorry if it's uneventful but I promise things will pick up in the upcoming chapters. Please let me know what you think in the comments and also by voting. It will let me know things I might want to add and if I should continue. Well I hope you enjoy :) x

*Beep beep beep* My alarm sounded. I groaned shifting out of my bed and angrily pressed the off button on the annoying device that awoke me from my sleep every day. I stood up and stretched and headed over to my closet so I could pick out clothes for the day. Today was my first day of senior year and I was looking forward to it, mostly just because it would be my last year I would ever have to deal with high school and the annoying people in it. I was a shy person and only had a few close friends but I managed, I didn't party and I never will. I'm not the "usual" high school student I prefer just staying home listening to music or rewatching my favorite series over and over again on Netflix while shoving food in my face.

After looking through my clothes for a few minutes I finally decided on a simple teal colored top, some skinny jeans and my favorite combat boots. I headed to the shower placing my outfit down on the counter and stepped in letting the water cascade down my body. After applying shampoo and conditioner to my long brown hair I was finally clean and stepped out wrapping a towel around myself. I then got dressed and blow dried my hair leaving it wavy, applied some mascara and eyeliner and then grabbed my bag and headed down stairs. I tossed my bag on the couch and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a poptart. "Goodmorning sweetie" My mom said walking into the kitchen and pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Hi mom" I replied eating the last of my poptart. I walked to the living room and grabbed my bag before heading to the door. :I'll see you later" I waved to my mom and walked to my car.

I arrived at school at my usual time and walked to my locker dumping everything I didn't need at the moment and I grabbed the book I was currently reading called "Paper Towns"  by John Green and leaned against my locker waiting for the bell to ring. "Hi Kaylee!" My best friend Abby said while making her way in front of me. I smiled I hadn't seen her much this Summer since her family went on vacation to Italy basically the whole time. "Hey how was your Summer?" I said giving her a hug. "It was great Italy was beautiful and god the boys there are to die for" I laughed, Abby has always been a bit boy crazy and it's hilarious. Me on the other hand I haven't even had a real relationship and I don't think it will happen any time soon. I'm too awkward around boys and much too focused on the relationships between my favorite fictional characters. Abby continued to babble on about her adventures in Italy for a few minutes before she switched to a different subject "So you know how my dad works at the radio station?" she said snapping me out of my own thoughts. "Uh Yeah of course I replied. "Well they gave him 2 extra tickets to the private 5 Seconds of Summer show that is happening there tomorrow and we would get to meet them after so I was wondering if you would go with me???" 5 Seconds of Summer were good, they were all cute and have been touring with One Direction lately who i'm a huge fan of  but, I didn't dedicate my life to them like Abby did and I only knew a few songs but I would definately be up for meeting them just to see why Abby liked them so much. "Yeah sound fun" I said picking my bag up from the floor. "Awesome!" She clapped "so I'll see you at lunch and we can talk about the details okay?" "Sounds good" I rreplied watching Abby walk away before heading to my least favorite subject, math.

After surviving my first 2 classes I headed to the lunch room and sat at the table that Abby and I have been sitting at together for the last 3 years. I pulled out my sandwich from my bag and started eating it awkwardly waiting for Abby to arrive. Finally after what felt like forever of looking like a loner Abby finally arrived with our other friend Leah. "Hey girl!" Leah said tossing he overly large purse on the table before sitting down. I just smiled. "Okay Kayl so are you ready to talk about the deets of tomorrow night?" Abby said while opening her bag of chips and popping one in her mouth. "It's no fair that you two get to go meet 5sos" Leah exclaimed. "Don't worry we'll tell them about you" I said giving her a reassuring smile. "Okay so tomorrow the concert starts at 6 but I was thinking we should just get there early so we could get seats closest to the stage, so why don't you just come over to my house after school and we can get ready together, sound good?" I nodded along. I was actually really excited I have never met any kind of celebrity before so this would be alot of fun.

Lunch continued on with our usual small talk between bites of food and before I knew it it was time to head to my last two classes. The day continued on in a drag but soon enough the final bell of the day rang. I scurried out to my car quickly because I didn't want to be stuck in the long line of students trying to get out of the parking lot. I guess I wasn't paying much attention because before I knew it I felt someone collide in to me causing me to drop my books "Oh god sorry I'm such a klutz" I said picking up my things from the ground "No worries" The voice said, I looked up to notice Zack, a boy I have been secrectly crushing on for the past 2 years who had no idea I existed. "Kaylee right?" He said. I nodded secretly dying inside because he actually knew my name. "Well nice running into you, see ya around" He said winking and handing me my last fallen object. After Zack walked away I headed to the car and took a deep breath before making my way out of the parking lot.

When I arrived home my mom wasn't there as usual since she was always at work until at least 9pm. I kicked off my shoes and threw my bag on the floor and headed to the kitchen to make myself a snack. After making my snack I grabbed my bag and headed up to my room and sat on my bed to start my homework, I know...it was only the first day and I was loaded with homework. I was having trouble concentrating mostly because I can't believe I actually ran in to the god that is Zack Adams and because I would be meeting 5 Seconds of Summer tomorrow. I didn't know how I should act around them or what I was going to wear. I decided to put my homework on hiatus and look through my clothes for an outfit to wear tomorrow night. I settled on my usual skinny jeans, band tee and my favorite combat boots of course but I knew as soon as I got to Abby's she would choose a completely different outfit for me.

The rest of the night went uneventful. I talked to Abby about my encounter with Zack which of course she overreacted about and is basically already planning our wedding. I then went on google and started looking at pictures and watching videos of 5 Seconds of Summer, they were great, so talented and really cute. I think I like the one named Ashton the most. finding out more about this band was making me more anxious for tomorrow night, I hope everything will go as planned.

Okay well there's chapter 1 :D I know nothing big really happens but the next chapter will be better trust me. And 5sos will be in it ;) So please vote, comment, tell me what you think. I love feedback and I'll have the next chapter up soon :-)

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