Bounty - Winter Soldier Fanfi...

By etherella

54.4K 2.1K 705

Rhea is a trained and skilled SHIELD agent. She is tasked with the job of bringing in criminals all over the... More



2.9K 113 27
By etherella

"What?" I asked not fully sure I understood the question.

"What happened in Taiwan?"

I rolled my eyes,"I told you Jade."

She shook her head,"Not all of it. You never tell us all of it. Whatever happened is giving you nightmares. You're not the same person Ri. What happened?"

I shook my head,"I'm not going to tell you."

"Cut the confidentiality bullshit. I'm your sister. You can't go to a therapy but if you keep all this in, it'll kill you."

That surprised me.

She was almost 20 talking like she was 50.

"I almost died Jade. I could've died there. Captain America saved my life."

Her eyes softened.

"Tell me what happened Rhea."

"You cannot tell dad or Mia."

She nodded. I trusted her.

"I'm not a missions director. I don't directly protect the people in danger. I'm an agent. A field agent. Kinda like a spy actually. They give me a file about a person and I have to track them down and bring them in."

She nodded,"I knew you were an agent but I didn't know what exactly you did. Who were you in Taiwan for?"

"The Winter Soldier." I paused,"Have you heard of him?"

She nodded. "He's that assassin with the metal arm."

"Yeah. Well I was sent to Taiwan to follow a trail he may have left."


"I didn't find him. But I found someone who was looking for him. Someone who was not happy. He thought I was withholding information and he tried to blow the city in retaliation hoping to draw the soldier out from the shadows but he didn't succeed."

"That's so terrible." She added.

I shrugged,"I never caught him. The winter soldier is still out there roaming the streets. Planning his next disaster."

"You'll find him."

"I don't know if I want to."

Her brows furrowed,"I've seen multiple first hand accounts of what that monster has done. If I ever got my hands on the son of a bitch I'd probably rip his throat out."

Her eyes widened.

"Sorry." I added not sorry for what I said just sorry she heard it.

"I understand why you said it. He's a terrible person. He should be dead. You'll get him. I know you will."

I rolled my eyes,"We're talking about me killing someone. You're insane."

She smiled,"aren't we all?"

I gave a quiet laugh.

She stood up,"I should get back to sleep."

"No wait. Can you sleep with me? Maybe it'll help with the nightmares."

"You're such a wimp." Jade laughed while she climbed into the bed beside me.

In the morning I rolled over to find the bed empty.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

I didn't want to have to go run errands but I didn't get much time off and there were a few things I needed to do.

I got out of bed, quickly showered and changed clothes before heading downstairs.

I smiled at the picturesque view in front of me.

Everyone was at the table laughing at something dad said.

I couldn't help but smile along with them.

"Hey sweetheart," dad greeted. "There's some breakfast for you in the microwave. Just heat it up." He stood and kissed my cheek.

"I've got to go to work." He added

I frowned,"I was actually going to leave after breakfast. I got somethings I need to do before I get swamped with work again.

Now he frowned. "When will you be able to come back?"

I shrugged,"I never know."

"I thought this time would be different."
He grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a tight hug. "Be careful out there. You're an angel in a world of monsters."

I smiled. He always said that to me when I was leaving him to go to work.

He kissed my forehead and pulled away grabbing his bag.

My smile didn't reach my eyes. 

It was times like this that made me really want to quit and stay with them forever but other people needed me too, I had to keep telling myself this to make it easier.

He blew a kiss to my sisters before rushing out the house with tears starting to brim in his eye.

I knew he worried about me. More than anything but he knew I was making the world safer.

"Where are you going Rhea?" Mia asked, of course, the girl couldn't seem to mind her own business.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my food out of the microwave. "Just shopping and getting some things in my apartment fixed."

"Can I come?"

I raised an eyebrow,"Don't you have classes?"

"Well I can miss them this once I never get to see you."

I shook my head, their education was very important to me.

I never went to college and look where I am.

"No. You can't miss class Mia. School is really important. You can't miss any of it. Besides, what about your perfect attendance?"

She folded her arms and sulked down into her chair,"Perfect attendance is stupid."

I laughed,"I think it's admirable."

She mumbled something under her breath about it being stupid.

I of course ignored her and scarfed down my breakfast.

Jade was completely immersed in a book and hadn't been paying attention to anything around her.

I washed up my dishes and rushed the girls to grab their stuff so I could drop them off at the campus a few blocks away.

I gave them a hug and shooed them off so they wouldn't be late.

I rushed home knowing it would be there.

I was right.

I picked up the box that was on the porch, unlocked the front door and stepped inside making sure to lock the door behind me.

I anxiously grabbed my pocket knife and cut open the thin box.

It contained one folder.

I picked it up and read the name on the tab.

The Winter Soldier

Tell me what you guys think! I'm dying with nervousness and anxiety!

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