Keep Calm and Hug Me

By LiquidDreams

3.3K 128 29

Just a short fluffy Buckin story. Only a handful of chapters this time! I hope you like it! More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five

Chapter Four

499 21 2
By LiquidDreams

A/N: Only one more chapter left. ( It's longer than this one, I promise)


“Are you going to get some dessert, babe?” Chris asked from across the table at the café.

I was still munching on my toasted sandwich and had not thought about it. “I don’t know, I haven’t finished with this, but you go ahead and get some.”

“Mmm…I’m dying to try this chocolate mousse Koala pie.”

“Koala pie?” I laughed.

“It’s just the name, all the dishes have some sort of animal-related name,” he explained.

I gently kicked his foot under the table while I gave another bite to my sandwich. He did not do anything, must have thought it was an accident, so I did it again. This time he looked at me and tilted his head, I touched his foot with mine again, containing a smile.

“You sneaky thing,” he said, face gleaming at the playful exchange I had just initiated.

I chuckled and finished my sandwich, he ordered his dessert but I was full so I did not order any.

“Mmm…this is heavenly,” he uttered taking another spoonful of the creamy chocolate concoction. His face was etched in pleasure and I could only gaze at him, my head rested on my hand and revel on his obvious enjoyment. He loved chocolate, no matter in what form. “Here Jay, you should try it,” he told me offering me some of it.

“No, it’s okay,” I told him, biting my right thumb.

“Come on! You shouldn’t miss this,” he insisted and took another spoonful into his mouth.

“I rather see your orgasmic face when you eat it,” I told him with sassy eyes and a low tone and I actually made him blush!

He swallowed, “Oh,” he giggled, “Well…” he played with the spoon on his plate, his cheeks were bright red and I felt a slight sense of accomplishment.  He tried to continue eating but he stopped and laughed. “I can’t eat now, Jon!” he chuckled.

“Why not?”

“I’m self-conscious about it, now.”

“Oh, come on!” I gently told him.

He tried again, “I can’t,” he giggled.

“I won’t look,” I said and covered my eyes with my hand.

“Aww, you’re so lovely,” he said. “And sexy,” he added.

I uncovered my eyes and looked back at him, he was eating again and his face was no longer red, but the glow was still there.

A part of me could not wait until this visit was over and we were back at the hotel, but I saved that thought for later and focused on the present and this enjoyable day we were having.

We decided to go see the reptiles next and so, after Chris had finished his dessert, we walked out of the café and headed left.

“Excuse me,” we heard a male voice behind us and we stopped, “Excuse me guys,” he repeated and we turned around to see a man in his late forties with a teenage girl a step behind him.

“Yeah?” Chris said.

“I’m sorry to bother you, I’m really sorry,” he started.

“It’s okay,” Chris said with a lovely smile.

“But my daughter here is a great fan,” he said bringing his timid daughter forwards, “ She saw you at the café and couldn’t believe it and she was a bit reluctant to come and talk to you, but I thought we might give it a go, I’m sorry if...”

“Not a problem,” Chris said and I agreed, sporting smiles on our faces.

“Hey!  So you make your dad take the risk?” he teased the girl, “Mmm, you know, that’s exactly what Jonny does with me,” he shook his head.

“Hey!” I uttered and the girl and her dad laughed.

“What’s your name?” he asked her.

“I’m Liz,” she said started to overcome her initial shyness.

“Well, nice to meet you Liz,” he said, “I’m Chris and this is Jonny,” he joked.

“I know,” she giggled, “I love your music guys, you have no idea how much it means to me, I have all you albums and they’re my most cherished possessions,” she told us making us feel content and humble and really, really grateful.

“Oh, thank you, Liz,” he sincerely told her.

“Thank you,” I repeated.

 “And thank you sir, who I guess, you are the one contributing so she can get the albums,” he chuckled.

“That I am!” the man said, “But I like your music and your gigs too.”

“He’s been with me to your concert the other night in Melbourne,” she said.

“Really?” I asked.


“Oh, thank you,” Chris said. “Did you have a good time?

“It was fantastic guys, thank you so much!” she was beaming.

We laughed and thanked her, it turned out she obviously wasn’t carrying an album or anything for us to sign, as she wasn’t expecting to run into us at the sanctuary, so Chris suggested we sign her map of the place so she had it as a memento of where we had met her, I signed while Chris asked them about their favourite animals and what they had seen so far. Then, he signed and made a cute doodle for her and even one for her dad, then we took a picture with her and they thanked us and wished us a nice day and we did the same before continuing on our way.

“She has a crush on the dark-haired one in your band,” her dad shouted when they were a few feet away and we both cracked up but Liz was mortified, “Dad!”

“That means she’s got incredibly good taste, sir!” Chris said, “See you around!”

“See you guys, thank you for everything!”

We walked towards the reptile house in a contented mood and with smiles on our faces, “You see, Jay? That’s a fan, a real fan,” he told me, “That other woman was just a....a…”

“I know,” I interrupted.

“She was flirting carelessly and it was so crass and…,” he had started getting frustrated again.

“Shh, relax, she’s gone,” I said placing my arm around his shoulders and hugging him to me, “Better?”

“Yes, thank you babe.”

As we made our way to our next stop, we noticed no other than Amanda, the creepy one, looming outside with the group of girls that accompanied her. She had taken the denim jacket off and was sporting a really revealing pink top. They were eating some ice-cream cones and chatting distractedly but, as if she had a sixth sense, as soon as we came near she spotted us and started staring our way, trying to catch our eyes. I did my best to avoid her.  I could feel her gaze on us, but since she was with her friends she thankfully did not come over.

“Did she wink?” Chris asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Ugh. What’s wrong with that woman?”

“Don’t mind her, Chris. Come on let’s go see those reptiles,” I gently guided him in the direction of the building.

The group of girls did not follow us inside, at least not initially; they had still been eating their ice-creams.

“Wow, Jay, look at that snake, you wouldn’t even see it if you came across it in the forest!” he marveled at one of the animals and got closer to the glass.

“Amazing, huh?”

“It looks really happy,” he chuckled.

“How can a snake have a facial expression?” I questioned, “How do they express happiness?”

“I don’t know, they just do,” he shrugged.

I shook my head and moved on to see another kind of snakes, these ones were a bit bigger and a bit more colourful. Chris poked my side before continuing on his way to where the green tree pythons were, I took my time to examine the other snakes before joining him.

“Wow,” I breathed out, amazed at the incredibly bright colour of the snake.

“Pretty cool, eh?”


“Oh, fuck,” Chris said and I tore my eyes away from the extraordinary snake and searched his face. “She’s here,” he stated.

I turned my head and saw her, while her friends were watching some animals on the other side of the room, she scanned the place. I turned around before our eyes could meet. Who cared if she saw us anyways? “Ignore her,” I said and we brought our attention back to the green tree pythons.

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