My Happiness

By __bib_lio_phi_le__

20.4K 923 151

Sanskar Maheshwari can never thank god enough about the happiness which was brought in his life when everythi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 (2)
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

2.2K 98 17
By __bib_lio_phi_le__

Swara's POV continues.
The time wasn't good. We thought everything was out of our hands. We didn't knew anything but we were together and this was enough for both of us to be ready for our coming life. Next day he got a job as a manager of the CEO of Mukherjee Textiles. He once told me about Mr. Yash Mukherjee and what a happy personality he had. They were business associates and when Sanskar went to opt for the job he readily appointed him with the promise of not recognising him as Sanskar Maheshwari but his manager. So the job wasn't a problem, the next thing to find was a place or house to live, obviously we can't be staying in a hotel. To our surprise company offered him an appartment without any rent. Yash told that it was for all of their employees but Sanskar knew that he didn't wanted us to think that he was feeling pity on us! He is a gem of a friend according to Sanskar, because after all these he even didn't wanted Sanskar to call him Sir. He preferred Yash more because he knew it would hurt Sanskar's ego! Anyways now enough of bragging about my hubby's boss it's time to talk about my hubby. After getting the job Sanskar was very busy but he never missed a chance to spent time with me. Usually he had so much work pressure that he had to work the whole night and I used to sleep early! So half n hour before my sleep and half n hour after we wake up was his time registered only for me. No phone calls, no business talk, no watching news, no reading newspaper. Everything was banned during this hour. He takes my utmost care.
He works hard only for us i.e his Swara and their baby, so why should I increase his worries? How much I try the frowns on his face are permanent, even when he kisses me. The work pressure u know! That is the reason I don't argue with him. Like in morning I bid him a bye sweetly even when he wasn't agreeing to me because I knew if I would be sad he will think about me the whole day and will become more tensed. I don't like adding to his anxiousness. I just want him to be happy and healthy. This is just the start I dont know how will I control my pregnancy mood swings.
POV ends.
As we all know, for a housewife sitting at home and resting all the time is an impossible thing. Same goes with Swara but she is helpless because there the wife of secretary of the area where they are living is most cautious about pregnant women. She had lost her baby due to some mishappenings and with that she also lost the ability to conceive again. So all the young people living in her husband's area, considered her to be their mother.
When she came to know about Swara's pregnancy, from that day she behaved exactly like how Sharmishta or Sujata would be treating her if they knew about her pregnancy! Sometimes Swara really missed them. But the other moment when she saw Shweta Aunty she thought that God isn't really unjust. He always has thought something or the other about his people.
So coming to the topic again. Swara was thinking an excuse she could tell to Shweta Aunty, so she can go out for sometime. And than the idea clicked her!

After half n hour.
Swara came out of the appartment to find Shweta Aunty sitting on one of the benches of garden and playing with kids. She went and sat beside her. They were talking randomly and than Swara thought to execute her plan.
'Aunty you know I am so worried about Sanskar. He is not taking care of himself at all. You know he mostly escapes his breakfast and ignores the food at lunch time and at dinner table most of the time leaves the food incomplete while talking to some of his clients. I don't know what will I do of this man. He never listens me.' Swara said making the most tensed face she can.
'Yeah Swara you are right I also think it's high time now Sanskar should take care of himself. What's the time now? Oh it's 12 right? Swara do one thing go and pack the tiffin I'll tell my driver to start the car and u go with him to Sanskar's office and make hin eat with your own hands!' And the arrow has reached the target.
'Ok Aunty!' Swara said sweetly and ran towards her appartment.
'Be careful Swara don't run. Stupid girl! she thinks I didn't understand why suddenly she started talking about Sanskar's health. This all was to fool me and get a chance to go to Sanskar's office! Haha!' Shweta aunty talked to herself. Intelligent!

At Mukherjee Textiles
Sanskar was working with his utmost concentration. Eyes glued to the laptop. Fingers typing in a perfect fast rhythm. Files spread on the whole desk. Not responding to the mobile when it rings because of it's silent mode. Frowns on forhead. Sitting on the edge of the chair so eyes can reach as near to the laptop as possible.
He was so indulged in his work that he didn't noticed someone entering his cabin without any permission.
When Swara found him lost in his laptop she went towards the desk and knocked. She thought he will look up and after registering that she is actually here, will start firing questions. But to her surprise, rather shock, Sanskar said, 'Yeah! Syra (their receptionist) the files are done. Just take them to Yash and tell him that the presentation will be all ready in half-hour!'
Fumed in anger would be an understatement to describe Swara's reaction. Her husband was so busy in his work that he cannot sense her presence and thinking of her as their receptionist.
Sensing no movements of the files present on his desk, Sanskar looked up to get surprised seeing Swara in his favourite colour i.e blue, and seeing her in a chooridar instead of sari made him smile and travel to a flashback.

A day after Sanskar came to know about Swara's pregnancy. Swara came out of the washroom perfecting her sari but due to a mispinned fall she was about to slip but was caught by Sanskar, who thought of scolding her. But sensing her condition he thought to make the matter easy.
'Swara! Take care.' Sanskar said sweetly.
'Uhh, Sanskar! This sari. From the last 15 minutes I m trying to attach this fall, but see it again came out. I m fed up!'
'Swara, relax. Breathe! Ok, if u have so much problem from saris, then why don't u shift to ur early attire. I mean chooridars!'
'No Sanskar I can't?'
'But why?'.
'Because Sari's are symbol of married woman. I can't stop wearing them! Moreover u also said that I look more beautiful in saree's.'
'Yeah Swara I know. But that doesn't mean my Swara doesn't looks good in chooridars. The attire looks best when she wears it. Moreover this time it's not only u but my baby as well. He is brearhing with u. See today I saved u from falling but what if it happens again. I won't be there everytime u know! What if something happens to u or our baby? Hmm? Common be practical. I m not stopping u fron wearing them. U can wear them after ur delivery. Ok?'
'Ok!' Swara nodded understanding.
Flashback ends.
He was so lost in the flashback tat he didn't noticed Swara's angry red face.
Finding no response she slightly made some noises and he came back in his senses.
'Swara! What a pleasant surprise! U here....' He was cut off.
'Pleasant surprise my foot! Ur work is so important for u that u forgot to sense my presence. And who is this Syra? Ur office crush or one of those who like drooling over my husband even after knowing that he is married! Han? Tell me!'
'Swara darling! It's nothing like that. Syra is our receptionist and I thought u as Syra because Yash told me that he'll send her to take the files.'
'Why? Can't he come by himself or can't u go to him?'
'Swara he was busy and I had to complete the presentation as well.'
'I don't want to listen anything. Here is ur lunch box! Have ur food ! I m going.' She said putting the box on the desk and moved out fast.
'Swara!' Sanskar said and ran after her.

Precap: Swara manao. Mood banao.

Thank u.
Do vote n comment if u liked.
Take care.
Good bye.

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