Heroes; A Wild Bet

By Mistbrethren

240 4 0

Not always heroes do good deeds.... Or do they? More

Chapter 1: A New One
Chapter 2: The Calling
Chapter 3: Mystery Letter
Chapter 4: Distortion
Chapter 5: Problems on the Mind
Chapter 6: Irony of Nature
Chapter 7: Naked Butterflies
Chapter 8: Time Out
Chapter 9: Awkward Exposition
Chapter 10: Arrangements of Regret
Chapter 11: The Ball
Chapter 12: An Emotionless Proposal
Chapter 13: Changes
Chapter 14: Political Request
Chapter 15: Unresolved Interests
Chapter 16: Coward's Obedience
Chapter 18: Aftermath Suspect.
Chapter 19: Reborn?
Chapter 20: Regret.

Chapter 17: The Hit.

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By Mistbrethren

Kroarl was nervous, and was now in the Emperor's chambers.... The Emperor asked what happened with his food and wine, and of course Kroarl denied knowing.... The Emperor asked the possibility of him being poisoned by his own bodyguard, something out of a tragic tale, and he denied again.... The Emperor got aroused by the actions of Ladius and tried seducing him... He was more and more persistent, to the point of ripping Kroarl's clothes off with his long, disgusting, sharp nails....

The Emperor was surprised to see the dark skin and eyes of his assassin, and knowing that he was back for his revenge on him for being exiled.... He was ready to open his mouth when Kroarl grabbed his tongue and ripped it off his mouth, a pained Emperor was now on the floor, tasting his blood and gurgling on it.... Kroarl made it quick, he saw Cahill's red and orange eyes on a dark corner.... And made what Alténis made. He grabbed the Emperor by his hair, and stabbed him on the throat. At that very moment, someone opened the door, Cahill disappeared, and the dead carcass of the Emperor was now lying dead on the floor. Kroarl was exposed....

....By Alténis. Kroarl was surprised, his face was now white, and the Emperor's tongue was still on his hand.... Alténis began approaching slowly, Kroarl threw the tongue to Alténis and ran away, throwing himself out of the window.... He broke one of his legs. Several guards entered but only saw the dead Emperor's body, everything in the palace was now in lockdown and full surveillance, looking for the Assassin. Alténis was checking the Emperor's body. "You got ahead of me. Son of a bitch." He then took the sword out of the throat of the Emperor. "My style huh.... We had more in common to what it seemed.... If only...." Cahill kept his promise, Alténis was physically there, but not quite to other people; he was indeed invisible to his enemies.... Alténis calmly left out the palace, and decided to go back to Mikairi, Crodomac. "The last place that fucker could go.... Is home." Both escaped.

Kroarl, decided to take a boat back to Crodomac, "It's the last place that kid could thing of!" He said.... He did not ''take'' a boat though, rather he killed the owners and set sail from the rivers flowing from Sectoria, S. 8 to the Sea south to Crodomac.... He did that and now felt the numbing pain on his leg... He began nursing it as the boat was going down the almost-flat river, and slept.... When he woke up, he was almost on the coast of Crodomac. He rejoiced, but and disembarked quickly as the boat touched the shore. After walking straight to Mikairi, he remembered this was almost the same route he took when Lirr'Ak ordered him to kill Umurrah, a woman he never saw, but definitely fell in love with.... By accident... He regretted everything.... He looked at the sky, and then the floor, he was almost crawling in the sands of the desert between Undrer and Daibasa.... He thanked the gods, he managed to get to the closest shore, the one closer to the port of Undrer so the time to get to Mikairi was shorter....

He arrived after a few hours anyway, after he found some army men that still didn't hear about the Emperor's demise and decided to give him a lift to the capital, he lied saying he got attacked by a wyvern, and got his leg broken due to a powerful attack by the creature, the guards laughed, thinking the sun made him lost his mind, so he needed water... Also because wyverns were not present in Crodomac, ever.... Maybe he was attacked by a sand worm, or marauders, they thought, Kroarl then fainted and stayed that way for the rest of the ride....

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