Into the depths of shadows

By swade5

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Student by day, Huntress by night. Finley's life has never been dull. In a world where monsters roam free sta... More

Chapter 1 - The secret life of a Huntress
Chapter 2 - The Uncovered truth
Chapter 3 - A step in the right direction
Chapter 4 - The werewolf bar
Chapter 5 - The beginning of a friendship
Chapter 6 - A Fairy's Tale
Chapter 7 - The Depths of Shadows
Chapter 8 - Playing the part
Chapter 9 - The untold secret
Chapter 10 - First clue
Chapter 11 - The fight
Chapter 12 - Flying Solo
Chapter 14 - The calm before the storm
Chapter 15 - The storm
Chapter 16 - Final sacrifice
Author's note

Chapter 13 - Arlin Shade

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By swade5

All Finley's life she had dreamed of meeting Arlin Shade. The monster who had taken her brother and her parents from her. The one who had taken the people she loved most away from her. The one who had ruined her family. And now was her chance.

As she opened the door to the restaurant a bell rang and a waiter appeared in front of her. The middle aged woman smiled politely at her before speaking, "Welcome to Mystique bar and grill. Have you made a reservation?" She asked politely.

Finley's eyes eagerly searched the restaurant for table eight but she couldn't see it from where she stood. "I'm meeting someone. They booked table eight."

The woman nodded kindly before picking up two menus. "Certainly, this way."
Finley followed behind the woman in silence her heart drumming against her chest like a hammer. She'd be lying if she said that she wasn't nervous. She was so worried that her family's death had been for nothing. That they had died just because they had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would make all of this pointless. She just wanted to know why and how they had been killed. That was all.

They moved through the restaurant and Finley's eyes darted across to every single person who was sitting and eating. Any one of them could be Arlin. A couple sat together in the corner looking eagerly into each other's eyes. An elderly man was seated at a table by himself a paper and a half eaten meal in front of him. A group of girls who looked like fairies sat around a large table with birthday balloons. A tall man wearing a suit sat at one table, his eyes lifting to meet Finley's as she passed. For a second she thought that she was facing Arlin but he dropped his gaze a moment later returning to his meal.

As they moved towards the back of the restaurant Finley spotted table 8. Her nerves increased as she spotted the man sitting at the table. His back was to her but she could see his dark jet black hair that curled at the ends reaching to the bottom of his jaw. His posture was completely straight, almost unnaturally so. His hand was wrapped around a wine glass with dark liquid inside, the contents unknown. Finley thought her heart might explode because it was pounding so much. The woman waited for Finley to move towards the table.

Finley's body had gone completely stiff. Her eyes were fixed on the man in front of her as she moved forward. As she neared the table she could feel the suffocating magic that hung in the air around him. He was a warlock that much was obvious. She took a seat at the table her eyes fixed on the table cloth. She was too anxious to look. A million thoughts were running through her mind as the woman placed the menus in front of them and moved away.

She lifted her eyes and looked at the man in front of her and her breath caught in her throat. She swore at herself for not seeing it earlier. She had seen this man before. She had spoken to him before. How had she not have known?

The sharpness in his jaw was the first thing she noticed. It was so defined and angular. There was stubble growing out along the sharp edge giving her the impression that he was older than she was. His skin was pale making the freckles on his face more pronounced. He smelled of smoke and blood and magic all at once. It was unusual. It was almost what Finley would have expected to smell if a demon was nearby. But it was his eyes that had given him away. Those dark eyes that almost looked black. The same dark eyes that she had seen before. The same dark eyes that she remembered from his party. She had spoken to him near the drink table. He had seemed so charming when she thought back to it. But here he was sitting in front of her. The man who had wrecked her life. Arlin Shade.

"It's you," she gasped in surprise. She couldn't stop staring at him. How had she been so stupid? She should have known. She should have guessed it. But she hadn't known. She would never have guessed that it had been him.

A sly grin crept across his face, his eyes darkening more than they already were. "My dear you are even more beautiful up close," he answered. His voice reminded her of a snake, hissing and slithering with delight.

She was utterly speechless. She couldn't understand how she had missed it. "You're Arlin Shade?" She asked wanting confirmation.

He nodded only adding to her suspicions. "Indeed I am. Surprised? Disappointed? Perhaps both?" He questioned an edge in his voice.
She didn't really know how she felt. She was just confused.

"So I've agreed to meet with you. This will be your only chance to ask me any questions, so make them count," he said formally, "In return for my answers you will stop this stupid quest for vengence. I don't want to kill you Finley. In fact I rather admire you; however I will be more than happy to do so if you continue this."

Finley was a little caught off guard by his forwardness. She hadn't expected him to be so willing to answer her. She thought for a moment about what questions she wanted to ask. She opened her mouth to speak but the waiter returned and asked what they wanted to order. Arlin ordered quickly, like he had been there more than once. Finley glanced at the menu quickly and ordered the first thing she saw. She waited for the lady to leave before she turned to Arlin.

"I want to know what happened to my parents and my brother," she said. She was surprised by the calmness in her voice, "I want to know why you killed them and how you did it."

There was a flash of something in Arlin's eyes that looked like pity but it was gone in a second. "Very well," he said. He sipped some of his drink before setting it back down on the table.

"You have been to one of my shows before," he began, "You know what happens. I was in need of victims for one of the shows when I came across your parents. I found your father first. He was working in factory barely making enough money to get by. I watched him for days as he went from his home and back to work. He had to walk miles just to get there. He barely had enough money for food. The only thing in his life remotely good was your mother. I saw them together and they were happy. They had a son, a young boy no older than three and your mother was pregnant with you."

Finley felt a knot tighten in her chest as she listened to his story. The mention of her parents made her heart clench. "They had begun to fight over the weeks I watched them. Your mother was worried that they wouldn't be able to afford living once you came along. They had discussed putting you up for adoption but realized that they couldn't," Arlin continued.

He took another sip from his drink, his dark eyes watching her curiously. "I planned on just taking your father. I thought that if he was gone your mother could move on with her life and maybe get a better life for you children. But the night I planned to take your father, your mother went into labor and had you. So I waited."

"My show was fast approaching and I still needed two victims. I was running out of time and so I kidnapped them both leaving you and your brother at the hospital," Arlin said not a hint of remorse in his voice, "They were used in my show the night after. They were tortured like my other victims. Your mother was burned to death and your father bled to death."

Finley could feel the tears filling her eyes but she refused to cry. She pushed them away and stared at Arlin. His face was set in an expressionless way. He didn't seem at all concerned with what he had done to them. It was like he felt nothing. "It could have been anyone Finley," he said, "I didn't care who I picked. I just needed victims. Your parents were available so I took them."

Anger boiled up in Finley's chest and she had to do everything she could not to throw herself across the table at him. She wanted him dead for what he had done. But the waiter returned placing their meals in front of them. Arlin thanked her, a slight smirk appearing on his face and she wondered if the lady was one of his next victims. What was going to stop him from killing more innocent people?

Arlin had begun to eat his meal but Finley didn't want to eat. The last thing she wanted was to eat after what she had just been told. She felt sick to her stomach. But she needed to know what happened to her brother. "What about Aiden? What happened to him?" She asked.

Arlin's eyes met hers and he sighed placing his fork down in annoyance. He wiped his mouth with the napkin. "Your brother found out that your parents deaths hadn't been an accident.  He wanted revenge for them the same as you do. He searched for me and eventually found me at a bar one night. It was a complete coincidence that I was there the same night he was," he muttered.

"He must have overheard me talking to one of my guards and realized who I was. He came at me with a knife and I defended myself," Arlin said matter of fact, "We took him into the alleyway and I wanted to know who he was. He didn't say at first but eventually he told us. I have to say he had some guts for coming after me. But he didn't put up much of a fight. My guards and I bashed him to death and then left him as a parting gift for you."

A smirk had covered his cruel face and he seemed almost proud of what he had done. He was boasting. Finley wanted to smack the smirk right off his face but restrained herself. She had one more question for Arlin and she needed it answered.

"You destroyed my entire family," she stated, "You killed them all even though you knew I would be left alone. How could you do that when your family is all dead? You know what it's like to be all alone. So why? Why would you do that to me?"

Arlin's face remained serious as he spoke and his words only enraged her more. "Because I don't care. Why would I care about a stupid girl like you? Why should I be the only one who is all alone?"

Her hands clenched into fists in her lap. She hated him more than she had ever hated anyone. There was no reason he had done this to her. No reason at all. He didn't even care that he had wrecked her life. He was a monster.

"Is that all of your questions?" He asked sounding bored. She thought for a moment before realizing that she had one last thing to ask.

"There was another woman that you took from a family years ago," she said.
His eyes narrowed, "You'll need to be more specific."

"Her last name was Williams. She was a mother and you had an affair with her. I want to know what happened to her," Finley asked.

Arlin's eyes glowed changing from the black colour to a strange yellowy green colour. "Ah you mean your boyfriend's mother?"

"Yes," Finley said sternly doing her best not to let her anger overcome her. She owed Kade this. She owed him one answer after everything he had risked for her.

"I used her for a while when I was younger," Arlin said, "She was pretty and I took an interest in her until I got bored. She works for me now as a maid. She doesn't even know that she has a son anymore."

Finley's heart stopped for a moment. Kade's mother was alive somewhere. Maybe there was a chance of getting her back. Her eyes met Arlin's briefly before she lunged for the knife on the table. She picked it up and raised it towards him.  But as she went to move it down her arm wouldn't move. It was like it was frozen in place. Arlin plucked it from her hand angrily and placed it on the table.

"Did you honestly think that that would work?" He questioned his eyes burning with rage. The smoke smell increased and she wondered why. His eyes flashed with rage like a fire and an inhuman look crossed his face. It was only then that the reality hit her. Arlin wasn't just a warlock. He was a demon too. It was extremely rare but possible. He seemed to notice the realization on her face and he laughed.

A cruel harsh sound echoed around the small restaurant. "You thought you could beat me? I am like nothing you have ever faced before."

"I'm going to kill you," she said through gritted teeth.

A scowl crossed his face. "That's too bad. I was hoping to spare the lives of your friends," he began and panic ebbed its way inside of her, "Right now Tate and Harley are sitting together at home on the couch unaware that I have an army of vampires waiting outside their door. Kailee is walking home from the library alone, oblivious to the fact that there are four werewolves trailing behind her. Everyone who provided you with aid are being watched and hunted as we speak. And of course Kade. Kade who was completely unaware of all of this until you came along. Kade who is currently at his house sleeping, a perfect victim for a hoard of demons. One call and they will attack."

Finley's entire world stopped. The few people left in her life were now in danger because of her. Arlin would kill them all in a blink of an eye. His threat was real and she doubted that she could do anything to stop him. "What do you want?" She growled out.

He grinned at her then knowing that he had won. "Perhaps I don't want anything. Perhaps I will kill them anyway just to spite you," he replied his voice laced with amusement.

"Don't you dare hurt them," she threatened but she could hear the fear even in her own voice. She couldn't lose anyone else.

"I would be willing to make a deal," Arlin said cunningly, "In return for your friends' safety, I want you to walk away from all of this. You will forget everything you have done to find me and everything that you have seen and heard. You will forget your revenge plan and move on with your life and leave me alone."

The last thing Finley wanted to do was abandon her plan. She had worked so hard to find him. After everything she had found out she didn't know if she could just let it all go. But what choice did she have. She couldn't let her friends die. She couldn't risk their lives just on the possibility of killing Arlin. As much as she wanted him dead she couldn't do it. Not when she would be risking so much. She felt a hot tear leak from her eye. She was so angry and she couldn't control her emotions any longer.

She sighed in defeat. "Fine," she said, "We have a deal."
Arlin grinned wider and it only made her more upset. "It's been lovely Finley," Arlin mocked, "But I do hope that I never see you again."

He rose from the table giving her one last glance before leaving her. She watched him go helplessly as her opportunity for revenge walked away. Tears spilled from her eyes as she sat there annoyed with herself. She had been so close and yet so far. She got up from the table and left the restaurant in a mess. She had one destination in mind. There was only one person who could ensure that she would be okay. Only one person that she trusted enough to want to tell. One person that she couldn't bear to lose. One person who she couldn't stop thinking about. One person that she had fallen in love with. Kade.

Big large drops of rain poured down around Finley as she dashed across the street and along the footpath. Droplets of water slid from her eyelashes and dropped down her face mixing with the tears that fell from her eyes. Her hair was stuck against her face with water and her clothes were completely soaked. She was a mess of emotions. Her mind couldn't help but picture her parents and her brother's deaths. What they had endured had been worse than she had imagined. No one should have to feel that kind of pain in their life. The thought of her family going through that made her sick.

She felt broken. Like someone had shattered her hope into a million pieces. She hugged her arms around herself as she moved down the street. She was shivering from the cold water. She had called Tate and Harley to make sure that they were okay. Tate had assured her that they were fine and that there was no one waiting outside their house. She was glad but it made her wonder if Arlin's threats had been real. He definitely had the means to kill them if he wanted to but she was still uncertain as to how much had been the truth.

She turned the corner her shoes slipping on the pavement slightly as she moved. She needed to see Kade. She needed to know that he was alright. She needed him to know everything. She arrived outside his house, the dim lighting coming out of one of the rooms. She moved towards the white door raising her hand to knock. A million thoughts were flying around in her head but she just wanted to see him. Her knock didn't sound loud compared with the patter of the rain. She waited for a few moments before knocking again. She raised her hand to knock a third time but she heard a muffled voice from inside and the sound of footsteps.

The door opened and Kade stood there in a pair of boxer shorts and a white shirt which he was pulling on. His dark hair was ruffled and sticking out in all kind of angles. He was yawning and his hand was rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It was only then that she realized how late it was. She had clearly woken him up.

"Finley?" He said a little dazed, "What are you doing here?" His brows furrowed together and confusion was etched across his face. Finley hesitated for a moment before running a hand across her tear streaked face.

She lost all her nerve and took a step back. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come," she muttered before spinning on her feet and plunging back into the rain. She only made it a few steps before he had grabbed her arm. She met his green eyes as he regarded her.

"Have you been crying?" He asked concern evident in his serious voice. She looked away, scolding herself before shaking her head.
"It doesn't matter," she said, "I'm sorry I woke you."

"No, it's okay. Come inside," he said glancing back towards his house. She hesitated briefly but it was enough to make him speak again. "You're already here now, you might as well come inside."

She nodded before trailing after him and into the house. She tried to stop her clothes from dripping onto the hardwood floors as she entered but it was hopeless. He moved towards a linen cupboard in the hallway and pulled a towel out and handed it to her. He was wet now as well and she couldn't help but notice the lines of his muscles on his chest. She did her best to dry her hair and clothes but she was just too wet. He seemed to notice the struggle she was having.

"Follow me," he said briefly before turning and heading down the hall. She followed him silently, her eyes scanning the family photos that hung on the wall. She noticed a woman in a few of the pictures, who she assumed was Kade's mother, dressed elegantly with her dark hair tied up in a bun. She was very pretty with the same crooked smile that Kade had.

Kade opened the door to one of the rooms and moved inside and Finley followed a second later. Her eyes roamed across the bedroom. In one of the corners there was a double bed, a dark blue cover tossed across it. A desk with a laptop and a stack of books sat in another corner. There was a door against the right wall leading into a bathroom, the white tiles shinning in the light. A full length mirror sat on the outside of a wardrobe. A fluffy black rug lie in the middle of the floor, dark curtains covered a window and there was a guitar placed on a stand beside the bed. The room contained photos hanging around, each one was of Kade with friends and family. The room was only simple but there was a homely feel that made Finley comfortable.

Kade strode over to the wardrobe and pulled out a black jumper and a pair of track pants. He turned back around and held them out to her, "Here, you can change into these."
She took the clothes from him, giving him a small smile before slipping into the bathroom. She stripped her clothes off quickly and changed into the warm ones. They were too big for her and she had to roll the sleeves and bottom of the pants up. But they were warm and comfortable and smelled like Kade.

She took a few minutes to glance at herself in the mirror. She noted the fact that her nose looked puffy and red from crying, her hair was damp and her eyes looked tired and bloodshot. She sighed before turning away and heading back into the bedroom. Kade was sitting on his bed, his head was down staring at the ground deep in thought. He had changed his own clothes as well. His eyes met hers as she came towards him. She sat down on the bed beside him in silence.

She didn't really know what to say. How was she going to tell him about his mother? Her eyes scanned his face and she felt a knot tighten in her chest. She yearned to touch him, to hug him and to kiss him. But she held herself back. She had to remind herself that he had ended things between them.

"Finn, what happened?" He finally asked, "Why did you come here?"
His eyes gleamed with light as he looked at her and she felt her heart contract. She pushed her doubts aside and wrapped her arms around him. He seemed surprised at first but he hugged her back tightly.

She closed her eyes absorbing the warmth of his body and the familiarity of his strong arms around her. She had missed the safety she had felt when she was with him. She pulled back despite her reluctance to do so. "What was that for?" He asked curiously a slight smirk creeping across his face.

"I needed it," she said softly. She looked at him more seriously. "Kade I met him."

"What?" He asked looking confused, "Met who?"
She knew there was no going back. Once she told him she couldn't take it back. But he deserved to know the truth. He deserved to know everything.

"Arlin," she said, "I met Arlin Shade."

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