The Jeweled Spider (RWBY - Sp...

By NiceGameEh

178K 1.8K 2.5K

What happens when team RWBY of Beacon Academy is sent to deal with Roman Torchwic and finds it already taken... More

A/N Start of Something New
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
A New Job
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 1
Two Sides, Same Coin Part 3 (Venom Arc Finale)
Final Notice - Voting
Awkward Explanations
A/N Decisions
The Black Cat
Family Problems
Sorry A/N Note
1K Read Special!
Greed and Pride
Wrath and Vain
The Doctor
The Demonstration Disaster
Doc Ock
A Fight With An Octopus
The Goblin
The Vytal Tournament
A Hero Falls
Happy Halloween!

Two Sides, Same Coin Part 2

10.3K 119 202
By NiceGameEh


Hey guys! I know right? Not bad so far, but I need to clear some things up that might be a problem. There has been little Spider-Man in these chapters but wait! Once I'm done with the Venom arc, there will be more of the friendly neighborhood web slinger. I promise. Also, This story will not follow exactly what happened in RWBY. This means certain characters may progress differently. Anyways, have fun with Part 2 of the Venom arc. Enjoy!


I was just about to knock on team RWBY's door, when I heard a hiss. Silent, but there. I shrugged it off as I gave the door three good knocks to bring them out of their conversation that I could kind of hear through the door.

When Ruby answered the door, she looked at me slightly shocked before giving me a big smile and letting me into the dorm.

Ruby: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Better, but there's a hissing like noise in my head. Probably from the fall. I'll be back to normal in no time. I was always fast to heal, it was part of my childhood in the forest. If you can't recover, you die.

Blake: The nurse said you'd be out for another two days. 

Yang: Yeah, she said you had a monster fever.

Y/N: I'll live. It left just as soon as it came. 

Weiss: So why are you here? Shouldn't you be resting?

Y/N: I was about to head home, but I thought I'd let you all know I'm all good now.

Ruby: Well, see ya tomorrow... Maybe. Are you gonna be back tomorrow?

Y/N: Yeah, I've still gotta go to classes. See ya!

I left and walked out of Beacon through the courtyard into the woods. When I got back home, I laid down with a big Grimm and fell asleep.

Timeskip - Vale

I woke up and looked at the window in front of me. This was confusing to say the least. I was upside down, in the middle of Vale, in a costume I've never seen before. It was strange, but I felt more powerful than usual. I decided to swing around and think about what was going on. But, when I let go of the web and shot a new one, it came out on its own. What's more, I almost overshot the building I swung to.

Y/N: This is new. I couldn't do that before. And my webbing's coming out without the shooters.

After swinging around for a bit, I spotted some White Fang members breaking into a dust shop. I Shot some web and swung onto a nearby wall.

Y/N: Guess it's time to see what you can do.

I drop down and the White Fang doesn't notice me.

Y/N: Hate to crash the party, but I don't think that belongs to you!

White Fang Member: The Spider-Man? 

WF: I thought he wore red and blue.

Y/N: New costume. It's still Spider-Man!

WF: Kill him!

The first White Fang grunt rushed at me with his swords which I easily dogged. I then grabbed him and threw him at 3 more grunts knocking them all out.

Y/N: Wow, it's like all my powers have been doubled by this suit! And it feels awesome!

The rest of the White Fang started shooting at me but I dogged with ease and webbed them all up. I then smashed them into the sidewalk and left them there, tied up with a note from yours truly. The man that ran the store thanked me and called the cops to deal with them. Then I swung away and headed back to Beacon. I must have been up all night but I felt refreshed and ready to roll! As the sun started to rise, I went to get out of the black costume, but it turned into my school uniform.

Y/N: I could get used to this. 

Timeskip - Professor Goodwitch's Class

3rd Person POV

As team RWBY walked into Ms. Goodwitch's class to start the day, they all thought the same thing when they walked into the room to see a bright and chipper Y/N, sitting at the back of the room. They all looked happy to see him ok and in such a good mood, but they wondered why he was so... Ecstatic. 

Ruby: Hey Y/N! What's got you in such a good mood today?

Y/N: Nothing much. I had the greatest night. Most refreshed I've ever felt!

Blake: Well it's good to know you're feeling well.

Y/N: Yeah! I'm actually really exited today for combat class right now! Not sure why though.

Ms. Goodwitch: Everyone take your seats! We will start today with some basic sparring. First up with be Mr. Winchester and Mr. Y/N!

Cardin flinched when he heard that he'd be fighting Y/N. He looked over at him and saw his giving an evil smile with a stare that could kill.

Timeskip after they got on their combat gear

Your outfit looks like this but you use your fists

Ms. Goodwitch: Mr. Y/N, I trust you're feeling well enough to fight?

Y/N: Oh ya, good enough to beat anyone!

Ms. Goodwitch: Good, now step into the arena!

Cardin took his place at one end while Y/N walked in on the other.

Ms. Goodwitch: This fight will be decided when ones aura drops to the red. Ready? Go!

Before Cardin could react, Y/N shot towards him at lightning fast speed. When he got close, Cardin swung his mace at him but Y/N dogged with ease and launched himself into Cardin's chest, making him fly across the ring and hit the barrier. His aura was in the red but Goodwitch was staring in awe to long to realize. 

By the time she did realize, Y/N had smashed Cardin into the ground depleting all his aura. When the dust settled, Y/N was standing with Cardin being held above his head. Y/N's armor had turned midnight black with white linings. He let out a monster like roar and threw Cardin into a wall. 

Ms. Goodwitch: That's the fight! Cardin's down! Y/N! 

Y/N continued to walk over to Cardin's limp, unconscious body, still in the wall, when Ms Goodwitch dropped down to stop Y/N. He finally came to his senses and the armor changed back to normal. Y/N looked at Cardin and at the class. Fear was on all of their faces. Y/N had no idea what had happened, so he ran. He ran out of the class and into the woods. 

When he got to the cave, he took off his armor and calmed himself down. After that, he went to sleep for the rest of the day.

Timeskip - Beacon Courtyard 

Weiss's POV

After what happened in combat class today, I really wasn't looking forward to seeing my father. I sighed as I saw him walk off the Bullhead with Winter. I knew someone had to tell them that the lesson would be delayed, so I walked up to greet them.

Jacques: Why hello Weiss. It's nice to finally see you again.

Weiss: Hello father, hello Winter. I actually came to tell you that the lesson has been delayed.

Winter: Delayed? But why? What could possibly be so urgent that it would need to be delayed?

Weiss: A student almost killed someone in a sparring match, then he disappeared. Until things settle, classes are all canceled.

Jacques: That's terrible! Who was he? What was his name? What did he look like?

Winter: Slow down father. One question at a time. 

Weiss: His name is Y/N, a specialty case here. He was let in by Ozpin because he could communicate with the Grimm and he lived with them peacefully all his life. He's about 5'9, 17 or 18 years old, and has H/L H/C hair with E/C eyes.

Jacques: Lives with Grimm?! 

Winter: He sounds like a liar to me.

Weiss: He's not! I've seen him talking to and petting a Beowolf with my own eyes! So have the rest of Team RWBY!

Jacques: That's... Incredible... But, if he tried to kill a student, that would mean he could be a major threat. With control of the Grimm like that, he could bring this place to it's knees.

Winter: I'll take a squad and hunt down and eliminate the threat.

Weiss: No! I won't let you kill-

Y/N: Me?

I looked over at Y/N who had just reviled himself behind Winter and father. Winter quickly pulled out her sword and stabbed at Y/N who just moved out of the way. She tried again and again and I could tell Y/N was getting annoyed by this. My jaw dropped when he caught her sword and snapped it in two using one hand. 

Y/N: Stand down Ice Cube.

Winter: What did you call me?

Y/N: What're you, 5? Get over yourself. You're not better than everyone just because your family has a shit ton of money.

This pissed off Winter even more and she slashed at Y/N With her broken blade. But instead of just moving out of the way, Y/N dropped and swept Winter's feet out from under her. She dropped her sword and Y/N just stood there looking down at her, disappointment in his eyes.

Then Y/N walked up to my father and put out his hand. My father flinched but eventually shook his hand.

Y/N: I'm Y/N.

Jacques: I-I'm Jacques Schnee, Weiss's father and CEO of-

Y/N: I know who you are, sir.

Jacques: I must admit, you're not quite what I expected. How did you take down Winter?

Y/N: Predictable movements. Also, training with Grimm.

Jacques: So it's true, you can communicate with Grimm. Hmm... Y/N, how would you feel about working for me? You can work like Winter or be a personal bodyguard. It's up to you. 

Y/N: Sorry, not interested. Besides, I've got a job. 

Jacques: What job could possibly pay more than being my guard?

Y/N: Nothing, but I don't work for the pay. I work for the fun of it, and photography is something I've been good for a while.

Jacques: Impossible... You're denying an offer for one of the most high up positions in my company? For Photography?!

I knew this would happen! Of course seeing Y/N fight would make him interested in hiring him. And I knew that if he did, Y/N would shut him down, causing this argument. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Y/N grabbed my father by the collar and pulled him close to his face, giving him a death glare.

Y/N: I want you to listen, and listen well. I have no interest in your company or working there. At least for now...But...

That one word unnerved father, Winter and I. It wasn't said, it was growled, like a demonic rumble. Two voices talking over each other.

Y/N and Venom: If you lapdog here or anyone elsssse comes after usss, none of them will return alive. Do we underssstand each other?

Jacques: Y-yes.

Y/N let go of him and walked off, back into the woods. We were left terrified. The way his voice and level of aggression suddenly changed left us shaking. The way he hissed every-so-often made his voice all the more terrifying. 


What's going on with me? Why do I keep doing these things? Is it the suit? Is it changing me? I have so many questions. I need to see Dr. Oobleck and find out what's wrong with me. But I can't let him know that I'm Spider-Man. I'll need to wear the suit.

Timeskip - Dr. Oobleck's Office

I crawled into the doctors office and saw him on his computer, typing away. I lowered myself on my web and hung there upside down. When he noticed me he backed up and looked at me nervously.

Dr. Oobleck: Who are you? How did you get in here?

Y/N: I need your help doc. This suit of mine, it's doing something to me. I'm losing control and trying to kill people. I need you to run some tests on the material.

Dr. Oobleck: O-ok, just give me a sample and I'll give it a look later.

Y/N: I don't have that kind of time doc! I need to know! Now!

I hit the desk and he flinches, nodding after a second. He pulls out a microscope and he cuts off a piece of the suit and looks at it under the lens.

Dr. Oobleck: This is incredible, it's alive! Hold on, let me check something.

He adds a sample of human blood and looks back through the lens.

Dr. Oobleck: It's bonding with it!

Y/N: Like a symbiote?

Dr. Oobleck: Yes, but it's unlike any I've ever encountered! It bonds with a host to survive, and then it replaces the host!

Y/N: And I'm the host... I need to find a way to get rid of this thing. Thanks doc. When I'm fixed, I'll stop by and say hello.

Dr. Oobleck: Yes! I shall keep this sample with me and study it further!

And so now I've got an alien symbiote that wants to bond with my DNA and take over my mind. Rough first week so far.


Sorry this one was so long. I kept spacing out and didn't realize how long I was making it. But I'm finishing up the Venom arc in the next chapter. Remember to vote for the story and which couple I'll have. Signing off!


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