Ruby & Emily

By moegish26

412 1 1

The story of two best friends, Ruby and Emily, as they venture through high school with their wits. It's mean... More

Ruby & Emily - Part 1
Ruby & Emily - Part 2
Ruby & Emily - Part 3
Ruby & Emily - Part 4
Ruby & Emily - Part 6

Ruby & Emily - Part 5

74 0 0
By moegish26

The next day came too soon. Ruby is aimlessly moving items around in her locker. She looks around at all the couples scattered throughout the small space self-consciously.

She spots a couple full on making out in the middle of the busiest part of the hallway.

'It's not the act of sex that's scary, it's the idea of it. It's, like, the biggest thing you can do with someone. The most intimate. And everyone is all mellow and easy going about it,' She thinks.

She then sets her sights on another couple pushed up the lockers and sees that the girl is rubbing the jean area of his crotch while he squeezes her butt and goes up her shirt.

"Could it get any less dignified?" Ruby says out loud to no one in particular.

She stares at the couple unabashedly fingering each other on the outside of their clothing for a minute.

Emily appears out of no where behind Ruby to interrupt the silence with erotic whispers and mock groaning but Ruby isn't surprised.

"Oh, Dominic! Harder! Harder!" Emily says in a high pitched voice in Ruby's ear.

"Tell me that you love me, Barbara! Say it!" She continues in a low, manly growl.

Ruby laughs and joins in.

"I cannot express my love with words, Dominic. I must grab your nut sack to prove it to you!"

"And oh boy you're so much bigger than your brother!" Emily adds in the same girly voice.

"They look like apes in the middle of a mating ritual. It's so.... animalistic." Ruby says, clearly grossed out.

They both cock their heads to side for a better angle.

"Sick bastards." Emily says, mimicking Ruby's disgusted tone.

"YEAH, GET SOME!" Emily shouts at the couple.

The couple stops fondling one another and looks over at Emily, embarrassed. The girl tries to adjust her shirt while the guy picks up his back pack and hurries off.

Emily smiles victoriously as she and Ruby begin the walk to their health class.

"At least someone's getting some..." Ruby says quietly.

"You haven't done it with Petey yet?!" Emily says, shocked.


"Why are you with him if you aren't going to DO him?"

"He's awesome to talk to, but when it turns into a make out session he starts, like, eating my face."

Emily rubs the palms of her hands together maniacly.

"Sounds kinky."

"Cannabalism is not kinky." Ruby responds.

"So you're saying you prefer just talking to him rather than making out with him?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I enjoy his company."

Emily's jaw drops open at her response.

"You need to dump him."

"What? Why?" Ruby asks, confused, shocked, and slightly saddened.

"Because you enjoy his company more than you enjoy kissing him. He's become your cousin or something! You're should be having mind blowing sex and instead you're just chatting. I can't let this continue. Say, how do you even get him to back off once you guys get going?" Emily states, matter-of-factly.

"The same way you do with Walter, I guess."

"I don't do that with Walter."

"You mean every time you kiss, you wind up... deep sea fishing?"

Emily rolls her eyes and grins.

"Yes, Ruby. Every time we make out he ends up washing his winky in my kitchen sinky, ok?"

"Huh." Ruby says, side tracked.

"So you never answered my question. How did you manage to tell Petey no without being, well, a bitch."

"Logical persuasion."


It's relatively dark in Ruby's living room as we see her and Petey making out on the sofa. He's basically devouring her face.

We see him slowly unbuttoning the top part of her pants when she yanks away and points at the ground.

"Look! A quarter!" She screeches.


We return to the present time with the two girls just arriving to their class and choosing seats next to one another.

"Ready for health class?" Emily asks.

Ruby takes an exaggerated deep breath of air in through her nose.

"I feel healthier already."

"That's what I like to hear." Emily says, smiling.

The classroom door shuts and an older woman with light gray hair and deeply wrinkled skin slowly hobbles in next to a younger teacher.

"Students, this is Mrs. Dense. She will be taking over for Mr. Varner today to teach sex education." Says the younger woman in a cracked voice. She sounds like she's been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day since she was in the womb.

All of the students become instantly attentive. Ruby leans forward to whisper in Emily's ear.

"Are we being punk'd?"

"Be respectful and welcoming. Show Mrs. Dense that Butte High School is, in fact, a friendly and nurturing environment." The younger woman commands.

The young teacher turns around the address only Mrs. Dense.

"Good luck." She whispers to the old woman.

The young teacher exits the room as Mrs. Dense clears her throat loudly.

"Ok, so, let's get started shall we? Let's take a look at what Mr. Varner had in mind for today's conversation..." she says, eager to begin a conversation.

She pulls a few pieces of paper off the desk behind her and quickly glances over it.

"Well, this is pretty boring. I bet I can spice it up a bit. But first, does anyone have any questions?"

A girl in the front row raises her hand.


"So, my boyfriend and I like to role play when we do it, and recently he's been really into this George of the Jungle fantasy but he asks me not to, uh, not trim the hedges down there ya know? But it itches like poison ivy when I don't so I was just wondering if it would be rude of me to shave anyway." The girl answers, only a little embarrassed of her predicament.

Mrs. Dense is noticeably taken aback by the abruptness of the question.

"Um, this isn't exactly the kind of direction I wanted to go in but, uh, it all really depends on how important pleasuring your boyfriend is to you, my dear. If you think you're the only one making sacrifices ask him to do something you would enjoy."

Another hand goes up, but this time it's a boy.

"So one of my friend brags that he can get a girl off with just his nose. Is that possible?"

Mrs. Dense shakes off the awkwardness and responds carefully.

"It certainly is! And you'd be all the wiser to take some lessons from him. Anyone else?"

No hands go up.

"Ok then. Who wants to see me put a condom on a banana with my mouth?" Mrs. Dense asks expectantly.

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