The Elemental Sisters (Ninjag...

بواسطة DimensionGun

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Three sisters from one world. Two girls from another. Add them and five brothers into a giant mixing bowl... المزيد

Character Information
Appearance #2
Appearance #3
Episode: 1 Rise of the Snakes
Episode: 2 Home
Episode 3: Snakebit
Episode 4: Never trust a Snake
Human Counterparts
Episode 6: The Snake King
A/n: It's about to go down!

Episode 5: Can of Worms

218 1 1
بواسطة DimensionGun

A/n: Hey everyone! I'm still alive! YOO HOO! Anyways, I am so so sorry this took so long to update. I just got major Writer's Block about half-way through the chapter. But I got off my lazy butt and got it done. And I am so happy that I finally can move on to another episode. Hope you enjoy this randomness I've made from Ninjago! (Which I do NOT own)


Ireland's P.O.V.

"Just jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin. And then we jump back, do it again. Ninja-Go! Ninja-Go! Come on, come on, we're gonna do it again-" I was cut off by the bathroom door opening. I roll my eyes and start rinsing the soap out of my hair.

"Lloyd. I swear, if that's you trying to take my clothes, I'm going to throw you off this boat." I explain. I hear a gulp and quick footsteps before the door closes again. I smirk, sticking my head out from behind the curtain. 'Good, clothes are still there'. I shake my head at the young boy before finishing up my shower.

I get dressed and dry my hair enough so it's not soaking my clothes. I sigh 'I'll have to straighten my hair now. Great'. If you couldn't tell I don't like doing my hair, but I also don't like having it curly. It's naturally really curly but I don't think it looks good with the length it's at. 'Oh well, I'll do it when it's dry'.

I head to the girl's room and hang the towel up to dry. I grab my guitar to practice, but when I strummed it, it sounded off, like way off. I look it over and see that my G cord is missing. 

'Are you kidding me?'

Eden, who apparently was asleep, wakes up from the noise and looks at the bottom of the top bunk and screams, well more of a shriek really. "What!? What's wrong?" I ask concerned. "L-l-l..." she stutters from the floor "L.. what?" "Ladybug!" She points at the bed. I sigh in relief and roll my eyes. "It's just a ladybug Eden," I stated. "Exactly" she said in a low, evil tone trying to scramble away from the bed. "Eden, you ok?" Lizzy said coming into the room with a cup of 'orange juice.' "Yeah she's fine, she just saw a ladybug." Eden got off the bed and went to get dressed, while Lizzy took a big gulp of her 'juice,' but she immediately spat it back out in disgust.

"What's wrong?" Eden asked looking at Lizzy puzzled. "This is terrible, it tastes like watered down macaroni," Lizzy said with her tongue sticking out of her mouth in disgust. "Macaroni?" Eden and I both repeated confused. There was silence for a minute until the three of us heard an evil giggle come from behind our door. "Lloyd" we sighed in realization and turned towards the door with our arms crossed. The door opened up with Lloyd standing there with an evil grin on his face. "You have five seconds to run," I said walking towards him maliciously. His face formed into a worried one, and he turned and ran down the hallway. "Today's the 'Can of Worms' episode isn't it?" I asked looking at Eden and Liz annoyed. "Seems like it" Eden replied. "I have no idea..." Liz said unsure, she never really watched Ninjago.

"Wait, what time is it?" Eden asked. "About 9 ish, why?" Liz answered. "I think the boys are yelling at each other now, should we go see?" There was silence before "LAST ONE TO THE BOYS' ROOM IS A ROTTEN DRAGON EGG!!!" we all laughed and Liz and I started running towards the boys' room. Eden stayed behind for a minute to get dressed. And then ran off to join them.

"You couldn't have just been happy with the top score. You had to rub it in my face!" We heard down the hall, "quick the 'pink' scene is coming up" I whispered and ninja ran to the door.

"You know how long it took me to make that? Three days! THREE DAYS!"

"It is an unsaid law, okay? You don't touch a man's robot"

We walked in right as Zane said his 'part'.

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It's PINK!" Eden decided this was a good time to intervene... very sarcastically might I add. "And yet you still say that so very, very manly." Zane glared at her before they all started arguing. I sighed as Sensei walked in and shook his head. Liz walked over to the sliding bathroom door and opened it. And there, once again, stood Lloyd chuckling and laughing at his cleverness. Me, Eden and Liz all glared at the 'evil' boy, while the guys gasped and said in unison "you did this!?!" when they noticed all the necessities that were needed for all the different pranks that had happened that morning, including my cord, an open packet of macaroni & cheese, and a jar with a little habitat inside.

They narrowed their eyes at the young kid, while Cole said "guys, I get first dibs," and immediately stomped over to Lloyd. Lloyd got scared for a moment until Sensei came to his defense. "No dibs!" he said angrily,"I put him up to this for today's lesson, to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble" there was silence for a minute, until Sensei continue "did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?" "No offense, Sensei, but let me jump to this conclusion, today's lesson is lame," Cole said annoyed.

 "You're lame, Cole" I said in a childish voice but was ignored by the black ninja "I agree with Cole, why can't you teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger, or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose," Jay ranted. "Because not all lessons are about fighting!" Sensei said annoyed, but then Sensei hesitantly said "and it seems I have misplaced my lesson book." Kai looked over at Lloyd and noticed a book sticking out of his pants, and walked over and grabbed it from him and said "you mean this lesson book?" Lloyd glared at Kai then everyone and said "it was the perfect plan, until you had to show up and mess everything up-" there was more to that sentence, but we couldn't hear him because Cole closed the door on him. When he did, I could hear Eden trying to hold back a laugh,

I will admit, it was funny cause Lloyd just continued to talk, even afterward. Cole dusted off his hands "Uh if you guys are done fooling around. I need you on the bridge, we do still have a snake problem to attend to, over and out." Nya said over the speaker. "She's right guys, let's head up," I said turning to leave.

"It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis live with you, but letting my sister live here. I thought this was a ninja headquarters." Kai complains. 'Was he implying that girls can't be ninjas' I thought. "You do know I can hear you, over and out." Nya spoke again. Liz smiled childishly "ooooo you're in trouble"

"Were you trying to say something Kai?" Eden asked crossing her arms. He suddenly became very nervous when he looked at us girls, all crossing our arms waiting for a reply. "Oh NO!" He stuttered and ran passed to get up to the bridge. I walked over to the bathroom, grabbed my cord, and hung it around my neck for later. Then I grabbed Lloyd's arm "Come on Mr. Evil Genius".

I let go before we got there only to jump on Cole's back and commanded him to carry me. He rolled his eyes, but grabbed my legs and did as I said. I put my head on his shoulder so I could see, only to look at Cole's pink cheeks. I smiled and mentally tried to cool off my also hot face.

He let go once we got to the control room. "Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd. And is now on his way to open the last two Serpentine tombs." I saw a guilty look wash over Lloyd as he said "don't remind me", so I pulled him into a comforting side-hug.

"Pythor's our most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do, with his intellect, and all four tribes unleashed. There's no telling what he'll do." Sensei said solemnly. "But those tombs could be anywhere! Without the Map of Dens, we might as well throw darts at a map." Jay explained. Nya picked up a few darts saying "Good idea, why don't we?" And threw them at Kai's head. Sadly he ducked and they landed on the map.

"These are the locations of the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre tombs" Nya says. "Wait you meant for those to land there?" I questioned surprised. She nodded as her brother grumbled. "Liz" Lizzy nods picking up another dart and throwing it the same as Nya. "This is the location of Pythor's tomb, after me and Nya spent a few hours figuring why the tombs were placed in these exact spots..." The Smith sister picked up again "We found a pattern". The turned around to look at something and Jay and Zane sighed love-struck, though Zane was a lot better at hiding it. After a little more explaining, and Jay's terrible flirting, Sensei assigned us tombs to check out.

I ended up with Cole and Zane, while Eden got stuck with Kai and Jay. Liz volunteered to stay back to help Nya watch Lloyd and be back up if needed, though Nya didn't seem very happy about her job. "Alright, let's go boys!" Me and Eden raised a brow. "..uh.. Guys! I meant 'let's go guys' hehe." We rolled our eyes, but went along with it, we usually use 'guys' as a boys and girls term anyway. I sighed "Let's just go, we have some snakes to club" I nodded my head towards the door and started towards it as they all agreed.

"Ireland, you stole my spotlight, I'm supposed to lead" Cole whined running next to me. I smirked "it's not my fault I'm a better leader than you". I jumped up and transformed my weapon into my bike and started towards the Constrictai tomb, leaving a flustered Cole behind.

Eventually, Cole and a now dressed Zane catch up with me and we make it to the tomb. They decide to be over dramatic and pose as they jump out of their vehicles. Poor Zane's suit is still a bright shade of pink.

"Our vehicles won't traverse the steps, we go the rest of the way on foot." Cole said. "But this is the Mountain of a Thousand steps, aren't we limited on time?" Zane asked. Cole smiled under his mask "Then we take a shortcut". That's how Zane ended up on Cole's back while the black ninja climbed up the mountain. Me? I was smart and grabbed some hand spikes before we left, so I climbed beside Cole.

On the way up I heard Zane ask "am I holding onto tight?" And then Cole replied "light as a feather pinky." I rolled my eyes as I passed them, they're idiots, but they're my idiots. I reached the top before them, and sat and waited. A couple of seconds later they came up but I pretended as if I had been there for more than an hour. "What took you so long?" I asked smirking. "Oh haha," Cole said irritated with my sass, then panting as Zane got off him. 

They both slid down to my level, and the three of us stood looking over the hole. "Looks like Pythor was already here" Zane stated "perhaps we should investigate." "Give me a second, y-you guys go first" Cole said obviously out of breath. Me and Zane both awkwardly stood there both debating who should go down first. "Brains before beauty," I said gesturing for him to go down first. He shrugged, but got on the rope and slid down, along with me following after.

We landed onto the ground, and Zane pulled out a torch, that somehow lit automatically. I gasped for a minute, but remembered, this was all basically a show. On the other hand Zane questioned my action. "What is wrong, Ireland" he asked. "Oh nothing, just thought I forgot my guitar for a moment there," I lied. He looked at my back, then at me questionably, he must of thought I was weird to forget such a big object was hanging off my back, oh well.

We walked forward and the torch lit up the wall that had a bunch of pictures of snakes. Then Cole came down and said "didn't mama snake ever tell them not to draw on the wall?" I looked back at him annoyed for a quick moment, but then redirected my attention to the wall."These images tell a story of one tribe uniting them all," Zane explained. "Well, the snakes do have a long history of wars and fighting". 

"Well it says here that once they unite, they can find the four silver fang blades that will unleash the Great Devourer, an evil that will consume all of the lands turning day into night." There was silence for a minute, until Cole said "you get all that from those little pictures?" "There called hieroglyphics Cole," I said irked. "Hey I knew that" Cole defended. "Sure," I said looking back at the wall.

"This gives me deep concern, if Pythors not here, and he unites all the tribes together before Kai, Eden, and Jay find them..." Zane said being cut off by Cole. "Relax Zane, they're a bunch of dumb snakes that believe in fairytales, we got all the time- did you feel that?" Cole said disrupting his own sentence. "What?" Zane asked. "There's something in the ground, don't. Move," Cole warned. There was a little bit of rumbling, until a snake popped up behind us, and swung his tail. "Gah," I said stumbling to get out of the way along with Cole. 

Zane got trapped in the snake's tail as the snake said "I've been waiting for you," the snake said smiling creepily "Pythor sends his regards." "Did you just stay behind just to tell us that, pathetic!" Zane said as a come back, though it's kind of hard to take a guy seriously when he's in a pink ninja suit. "Look who's calling who pathetic, Pinky," the snake said obviously uninsulated. 

"Only I call him Pinky," Cole said going into a fighting. "Not very threatening, Cole" I whispered to him. He didn't speak, he just rolled his eyes. Then he struck the ground and it cracked and shook until the snake let go of Zane and went underground. "Zane, Ireland, go to the rope!" Cole said trying to protect us. Neither of us questioned as to thinking he was going to follow us. But once we got onto the platform, Cole disappeared. "Cole?" Me and Zane asked both holding onto the rope.

There was another rumble, only this time Cole came shooting into the air, then he laid on his back on the ground. He moaned a bit, and then the rumbling shook around us. Then Cole, using his brain for once, he pulled out the Sacred Flute and began to play it to keep the snake from coming any closer. The snake came out of the ground yelling and covering his ears, then wrapped Cole in his tail. 

The snake began to squeeze Cole until he began to stop breathing a bit. "Zane, Ireland..." He gasped in a high pitched voice and then dropping the flute. The flute rolled towards us and Zane yelled "Ninja go!" Then did Spinjitzu and grabbed the flute and began to play it. But he only got about one note in until the snake grabbed onto his throat keeping him from playing. He also dropped the flute, and it rolled onto the ground.

"I-Ireland" they both mumbled and gasping for air. "Sheesh, I have to do everything for you guys," I said quickly grabbing the flute, and began to play it soothingly. 'Oh yeah, I can actually play instruments in this world' I thought happily. The snake tried to drown out the 'horrid' sound with thoughts, but failed to do so and yelled again in terror, and was whacked in the head by Cole while he said "wrap your head around this." "Good one" Zane said giving him a thumbs up. I cleared my throat, and they both looked at me getting the hint. "Right" Cole said. "Thanks Ireland" they said like two little kids. "Your welcome, but if that snake guy was expecting us, then Kai, Eden, and Jay are walking into a trap, we need to go," I said then running to the rope and climbing up it.

Eden's P.O.V

As me, Kai, and Jay rode our little contraptions though the smog of the swamp, I felt like there was something missing. "Jay! Kai!" I yelled over the wind. "What!?!" they both replied back. "I feel like there's supposed to be some type of intense music in the background right now!" I yelled once more. There was no reply, but I could feel that they were rolling their eyes.

The three of us jumped off our vehicles, and turned them back into golden weapons, and landed.

"And music stops... now" I narrated out loud to annoy them. They ignored me and Jay plugged his nose while saying "ew..." and silently judging Kai for it.

"Hey it's not me" Kai defended. "It wasn't me either, but if it was me, you'd be dead" I joked... kinda. "We're in the toxic bogs, this stuff will eat through you worse than Cole's chilly," Kai remarked as he picked up a stick and boiled it in the toxic acid water stuff. He showed it off, and we all stared at it puzzled for a moment, then we were off.

We jumped up onto the trees, swang on some vines and jumped on a lot of branches, then we landed by a big tree. We walked closer to the tree, and Jay opened a secret door. "P.U." Jay said fanning his nose. His voice echoed of the walls and got increasingly smaller. "Ooooohhhh..." my voice vibrated as I snuck up behind Kai. "Gah" he lightly gasped as he went into a fighting stance. "Calm down" I said playfully irritated. Kai sighed in disappointment and said "let's just make this quick before Pythor gets here."

Jay walked closer to the door while Kai went for a little 'walk.' "This place looks empty" Jay stated "we must have just missed them, check this out. They say your the green ninja but I say I am." "I am, I am, I am" Jay's voice echoed back. "I am" he yelled again. "I am I am I am" the echo doing the same once more. "Hehehehehehe" he chuckled. I smacked him on the back of his head and looked at him annoyed. "Hey what was that for, I'm like, three years older than you," Jay stated. "So is my sister, and I still annoy her, besides, if your gonna be immature, at least do it right," I said walking closer to the tunnel.

"I'm an idiot" I yelled into the tunnel. "I'm an idiot, idiot, idiot" it repeated to us. "Hahahaha" me and Jay laughed together as Kai was nowhere to be found. "Eden! Jay!" we hear our names being called. "You rang!" I sang poking my head to the side to check on Kai.

"There's so many, elves and gingerbread people everywhere!" Kai freaked out as he sat on the ground in defeat. Me and Jay jumped into action as we saw serpentine surrounding Kai. "Ok, I don't know what you're seeing, but this no time to lose yourself, we need ya partner" Jay said busting out his nunchucks and me with my sai's.

"I've never fought little people before" Kai freighted taking quick glances at the snakes, "we're toast!" "Unlike those gingerbread people you see, I presume" I asked hitting one of the snakes. And at that moment, Ireland, Cole, and Zane (or shall I say, Pinky) came in for some butt kicking. 

Ireland's P.O.V.

We rode up to where Eden and the guys were. And seeing as they were surrounded by Constrictai and Venomari with Kai yelling something about elves, we came just in time. We transformed our vehicles into our weapons and stood in defensive stances. 

"Anyone order a little kick butt."

I giggled a little with Jay as the tomb cave thing echoed 'butt' multiple times. "Very mature, Ireland." Eden yelled, not taking her eyes off the snakes. 'Right, not the ti-' 

"BOO!" 'Gah! I hate that stupid snake'

"AAHH!" '*sigh* Jay, you sound like a girl.'

"Pythor" I growled putting my guitar away. I grab the flute from my pocket and start playing, being sure to keep a good grip. The purple serpent wraps his tail around the instrument and tries to pull it away. I grip it tighter, playing with determination. He glares at me and moves his tail to my waist pulling me over. 


In shock I stop playing, causing the other snakes to let go of their ears. Pythor pulls the flute away and holds it with his tail, gripping my arms to keep me from escaping. I struggle and glare at him. "Now, now, let's not let music ruin things." He turns me to face my team as his 'minions' push them back towards the bog. They jump onto a log which starts to sink into the acid as it moves away from shore. 

"I have a 'sinking' feeling this might be the last I see of you." Pythor chuckled deeply. I made a whining groan sound "Ugh, your puns are as bad as your breathe." His head wrapped around to face mine and glared "You are more trouble than you're worth, little girl. Maybe I should just kill you here." He grabbed my neck and started cutting off my air supply. "N-not t-today Cry-thor" I was about to elbow him, when a strong blast of wind came down and distracted the snakes.

A giant robot came flying down and scared off the minion Serpentine. Pythor turned around to look at it and backed away. It pointed it's hand at the snake as a person came out of the robots chest and said "Pythor: target confirmed. Time to bag and tag." He pushed me forward and slithered away. But not before the person shot him in the butt with a dart.


'Bwahaha! Pythor screams like a girl' 

I look up at the person, who then jumps down from the suit/robot/thing. I bow to them "Thank you, for saving me". They nod at me and the guys and Eden come up next to me.

"Who are you?"

"How 'bout the coolest thing I've ever seen?!"


"Thank you for mysterious warrior. I owe you my life for saving-" aaand the 'mysterious warrior' sprayed Zane with a knock out gas. "Hey! That wasn't nice!" Jay shouted from next to me. They pointed the nozzle at us and in a few seconds we were out like a light.

*Time Skip*

After Sensei picked us up from the swap (as we were told by Nya when we woke up), we changed into more comfortable clothes, a.k.a. our pajamas, and went to eat. Where Jay was explaining what had happened. Until Zane and Liz had to be the smarty pants's they are and correst him. (Yes, I know that's not grammerly correct but that's how Ireland thinks)

"-just as we were about to bite it, and Ireland was about to pass out-"

"Samurai, it was a samurai"

"And Ireland wasn't about to pass out, with the grip Pythor had on her throat she would've d-" I covered her mouth and glanced at Lloyd "Oh- ho-kay Lizzy. That's a little dark for now." She took my hand off her mouth, stuck her tongue out at me, and continued eating. He doesn't need to hear about that. He has enough darkness in his life.

"What's a sama- whatever it was?" Lloyd asked his uncle.

"A samurai. The highest level of warrior class. They would protect nobility and serve with honor on the battlefield"

Kai butt in, still under the effect of the Venomari toxin. "He was a hundred feet high, with weapons coming out of every part of him".

"Wasn't it you Kai? Who thought he was Santa" Eden asked snickering. Kai didn't hear her and leaned over to Cole "Look at Sensei's beard. It's moving like snakes". I shook my head at him and leaned with my elbow on the table and face on my palm. "If this is him now. I'd hate to see him drunk." Jay chuckled beside me.

"When is this Venomari stuff supposed to wear off? It's starting to get annoying." Nya questioned glaring at her older brother, who smacked himself in the face with a pot sticker. Liz laughed "I don't know Nya, this is pretty funny." Zane, Lloyd, and Jay gave him a weird look.

"Okay don't let this mysterious samurai cloud what's really important. All the Serpentine are out, and if Pythor can unite them the legend states some kind of Great Devourer is gonna consume the land and-" Cole explained

"Great Devourer?"

"Trust me Nya, it gets easier to say later on" I cut in.

"Whatever it is it's a can of worms, I don't wanna see open." 

"No kidding" Eden agree'd from her spot next to Nya.

"Gah, it's all my fault. If I hadn't of opened the first hatch, none of this would have happened." 

We all looked at the little blonde with sympathy. Then Sensei spoke "We cannot change the past. But we can effect the future. At least we have the Sacred Flute in our posession, so-" 

"Yeah, about that-" Jay knocked over his cup of water, I rolled my eyes and grabbed a towel, cleaning it up, I hate water on the table it ruins the wood. "Pythor, kind of... stole it" Zane stated rubbing the back of his neck. "The last Sacred Flute, gone?" Sensei Wu sighed and looked around at us. 

"You seven are Ninjago's last hope."

Suddenly the alarms started going off. "Cold vision must've caughtsomething!" Nya yelled. We looked at them confused so Liz clarified, also having to yell over the loud beeping "It means the serpentine are close!" Our eyes widened "Crap, in Ninjago City?!" We ran to the bridge and crowded around the screen. Which showed a bunch of snakes  forming a giant line into the city. 

"How many are there?" 

"Looks like all of them." 'Oh hey Kai's back to normal, the alarm must've snapped him out of it.' 

"Pythor must be trying to unite them" Liz and Zane said in unison. They looked at each other and somewhat blushed. I would probably laugh if the situation wasn't so bad. 

"GO! We mustn't let the five tribes unite!" Sensei yelled. We all nodded and ran out to another room where we used Spinjitzu and changed into our GIs. Zane looked at his which was still pink and sighed. "It's okay Zane, you actually don't look half bad in pink" I said then Liz popped up "We'll take care of later, kay?" He nodded. 

We watched as Kai spun around out of control and fell down. "It'll wear off soon, but for now your coming with me" Jay told him, while standing him up. 'I thought it did wear off- ooh after effects, right'. 

I watched with wide eyes as Kai and Jay jumped off the edge of the ship. Kai, now dressed in his GI, screamed in terror; still not having a full picture of what's happening. Everyone else got ready to jump, when Cole noticed me standing back; eyes full of fear. "You okay?" I looked at him "No, I am not okay. I have to jump of a boat that is thousands of feet in the air, with no guaranteed survival tactic." "You're scared of heights?" "It's not really heights, it's more the falling part I hate." He started walking over to me 

"That's pretty much the same thing" 

"No it's not" 

"Yes, it is" 

"No, it's not"

"Yes , it is"

"No it's no- AAHH COLE WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!!" He had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder running to the edge and jumping. I screamed as he pulled me in front of him so we could catch up with the rest of them. "I HATE YOU, BROOKESTONE!" He just laughed as we caught up to Zane. I stopped screaming 'cause I knew it was only gonna strain my voice and Cole looked up at Zane "I love the smell of land hurdling towards you in the middle of the night!" I rolled my eyes "You are one crazy mother-flipping son of a biscuit stack." He playfully smacked my head "Language." 

I couldn't help but laugh at the man child's weird antics and the fact that this is actually kind of fun. I always thought I would hate sky-diving. "See it's not that bad" Cole said. I broke away from his grip and started falling on my own. I smiled widely at him "I guess not."

We all grabbed our vehiclized weapons as we got close to the ground and used them to break our fall. I'm surprised me, Zane, and Liz didn't break anything, like a building window. After we all met up again, we walked out of the ally. We were all gocking at everything and the boys were talking about how they all dreamed of being on billboards here. "Guys, need I remind you we came here for a reason." Liz said, even though she was also mezmerized by the city. I mean who wouldn't be?

"Yeah, plus where are the snakes? Shouldn't we be in the middle of like a serpentine gathering or something?" Eden said looking around. I looked at a manhole cover on the ground "Underground."


"Underground. They're snakes. They burrow. They'd be underground, probably in an old sewage plant or something." I say looking at everyone, who then turn their heads to where mine previously was. I was about to lift the cover when Cole spoke up "I hate snakes."

I replied with sass "and I hate falling. Payback Black Ninja. Let's go."

*Time Skip*

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles, heros in half shell, turtle power. Here we go it's a lean, green, ninja team. On the scene, cool teens, doin' ninja things. So extreme, out the sewer like laser beams. Get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings. Can't stop these radical dudes, the secret of the ooz made the chosen few. Emerge from the shadows to make their move. The good guys win and the bad guys lose." I sang quietly as we walked through the sewers, thinking no one could hear me.

"What is it you are singing, Ireland? I have scanned my data base but the song does not seem to exist." Crap. My eyes widen a fraction and I look at Liz and Eden, who had the same expression. That song doesn't exist in this world, shoot. "Oh that's 'cause I, uh, made it up. Yeah, I made it up. Since I'm the master of sound, it's a... hobby of mine to write songs." 

The guys looked at me confused. So I gave them a 'what?' shrug. They just shook their heads, dropping the subject. 'Thank goodness'

We made it to where all the serpentine were and Pythor was giving some kind of speech. "That's a lot of snakes."

"What are we gonna do?"

"Well keep our voices down for one, Jay"

"I have an idea. Follow my lead." Kai started running towards the other side of the room. We followed him and after he explained his plan, the guys each went near a group of snakes and us girls stayed on the top pathway, me holding the rope Kai would hang on to. 'Just like this morning.' I smirked 'Oh this will be fun'

"-and I want to return the favor!" Pythor spat getting the serpentine riled up. I lowered Kai's rope and he slid down it, making sure not to be seen. "That sounds like a great plan, but you know the Hypnobrai will screw it up." I quickly pulled him back up as Jay popped behind the Fangpyre "Those buck teeth can bite my rear-end." I high five Kai quietly as Cole went behind the Venomari. "I bet they're drinking there own venom". 'It's working, they're getting angry.'  Zane was above the Consrictai "All that digging must have given them dirt for brains."

I could see Pythor was starting to get angry as well. I saw Liz behind him and she said something before hiding again. Whatever she said made him mad. I saw Eden doing the same to the generals. I said something in Pythor's voice and used sound to throw it to where the 'minion' serpentine would hear. "Honestly they are all a bunch of idiotic morons, I don't know why I bother". 

It rang out over the crowd and they looked even angrier. Whereas Pythor just looked plain confused and irritated. "What is happening? Who is saying all of this?" Pythor asked Scales. He shrugged. Cole started to run over to a different spot to get a better view. I tried to signal him to stay put, but he didn't see me. Apparently, Scales saw him though.

"Ninja! Don't worry. I'll take care of it." He reassured slithering away. I was looking at Cole, trying to remember what Scales did, when the ninja was pulled under the ground. My eyes widened and I felt something underneath me. I jumped away as they pulled Kai down. I started running with my sisters, Zane, and Jay, until a bunch of Constrictai came up and grabbed me, Jay, and Liz. 

I yelled at the other two "EDEN, ZANE, GO! WE'LL BE FINE!!" Eden nodded and grabbed Zane's arm pulling him, as he wanted to come and help us. I watched them run off with the snakes following them. 'Be safe sis'

They dragged us back to the gathering and tied us up together in a closet. 

We struggled, trying to loosen the ropes, when the door opened again exposing us to Pythor. I glared at the purple snake "Search every nook and cranny, they are ninja. You won't find them in plain sight." 

"Hey look, a pink ninja!" Zane came swinging down on a rope and I heard someone speak. "That's where you're wrong." Eden?! I can hear her but I can't see her anywhere.

"GO PINK NINJA, GO!" The guys yelled. I laughed at them while looking around for my sister. Suddenly Pythor gets knocked off the top of the bus and Zane kicks Scales down with him. How did... our ropes are untied? How? Gosh DANG IT. So many questions. "Let's get out of here." I heard Eden say. We all started running and I shook my head, kinda clearing the confusion "Eden?" "Yeah?" "Where are you?" "Oh yeah, you can't see me. Actually, I'm right next to you. But somehow I'm invisble." I did a weird face "oookay, let's figure this out later" "good idea"

The guys grabbed ropes and started swinging, but we decided to just run as the snakes were distracted. Eden yelled out over the crowd "They look so majestic." I laughed at her odd sense of overdramatic humor and jumped on a Fangpyre's head and onto where the boys landed. We ran along side them until we were far enough away to stop for a minute. 

"Let's blow this popcicle stand.  NINJA GO!"

"'popcicle stand' haha I like it" Jay laughed

Zane whipped out his shurikens and made the tunnel completely ice. He transformed his weapons into his bike and all the boys got on. They looked back at us, not sure what to do because there wasn't anymore room. 

"Don't worry Zane, I got dis." Eden said turning her sais into her Hovercraft and jumping in. Me and Liz jumped on the top and held on tight. "Go 'head Zane, you're leadin' us out of here." Liz said and we were off. But in the distance you could faintly hear "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!"

We finally got back to the Boutney to find that Nya had started dinner already. "Nya you are literally the best person in the world." She smiles and continues cooking. I take off my mask and start putting the pot sticker filling in the wraps. I could hear Zane and Sensei talking to Lloyd about the pink GI. 

Later on dinner was ready and we all sat down, eating. "You know, wether it was in a lesson book or not, we used the destructive power of rumors to our advantage." Cole said grabbing a potato. "And now the Serpentine are further away then ever from getting there act together." Kai said making us even more happy.

"You know, I don't think we would have gotten out of there if it weren't for Zane" Jay spoke up. "Don't thank me, thank Lloyd. If it hadn't been for his 'laundry skills', we all would have been found. We all laughed and the door opened revealing the little marshmellow we were talking about. "Well it took me about 20 loads, but your suits no longer pink" Lloyd stated holding up Zane's now white GI. I gave him a sneaky look and he nodded looking at the Black Ninja "and to show that I'm sorry Cole. I got you a can of nuts." Lloyd held out the nuts and Cole walked over chuckling.

The height difference between them is so weird. Cole's like 6'2" and Lloyd's gotta be like 4'3". "Oh heh heh yeah, don't think I don't see what this is. When I open this a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out right? Yeah, no thank you" He said walking to the fridge. Lloyd smiles and I stand next to him. Cole opens the fridge and a bunch of rubber snakes popped out and hit him and he yells. We all laugh as he sits in a pile of rubber snakes. Eventually he joins in as well. 

I grab the can of nuts and hold out a hand for Lloyd and he high fives it. I open the can and eat a few nuts, while looking at Cole. "There were actual nuts in there?!" I smiled and laughed. "Of course" He grumbled, standing up. Stomping over here he grabbed the can from me and sat back down at the table along with everyone else. As I sat down I only had one thought going through my head.

'This has been and is gonna be one exciting adventure.'

A/n: Hey guys, Episode 5 is finally done. YAY! I'm so excited, I had a really fun time writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. Also I apoligize for any mistakes, I'm only human after all. I'm not perfect. Anywho, quick note: the 'Eden's P.O.V.'s were done by my little sister. So I just wanna give a shout out to her for that. 

And that's it. Love you all! <3 Have a great day/night, depending on when your reading this. And Thank you for reading!

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