Makarovs New Student

By AngelHall6

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One day a little girl was dropped off on the steps of the fairy tail guild, Angelina was only 8 at the time... More

Welcome to Fairy Tail
A New Family
Going away
Mount Hakobe
Hargeon Harbor
Jigoku Island
The Festival
Her Powers
Kaze Valley
Only A Short Job, I Promise
Raitoningu Temple
These tears
Their Adventures
The Harvest Festival
Ms. Fairy Tail Contest
Big Meanie Weenie

A New Family Pt. 2

311 7 0
By AngelHall6

*Angelina's POV*

Over the next week I didn't see Natsu or Lizanna much, and since Natsu and Lizanna were always together he never fought with Gray. It was a huge relief to the guild, but a huge bore to me since they are my main source of entertainment. 

"Hey Angelina," calls Gray snapping me out of my thoughts, I look over to him from the table I'm sitting at. "You want me to show you basic ice make spells that you don't know? I know you asked me before, but I had to go on a job, so I figured I could show you now since I have nothing to do," he shrugs. 

"Uh, sure Gray," I get out of my seat, "thanks for this I was actually starting to get really bored."

"Yeah sure, whatever," he begins leading me out of Fairy Tail and towards the back, that's when I realize that we're heading to the meat cellar, what is he doing?! It's freezing down there! 

"Gray, why are we heading to the meat cellar?," I question frowning. 

He looks over at me mischievously, "you'll see," we go down and I'm already shivering it's so cold, I know I'm supposed to be part ice-make wizard, but the cold still bugs me. As I stand there looking around I turn back towards Gray only to see him in his underwear, AGAIN! "Alright, your turn to strip," he's joking right?! I scan his always straight face to see he has a very serious expression on. HE'S NOT JOKING!! 

"NO WAY PERVERT!," I scream kicking him away, he lands in a pile of hay not too far away from me. 

"I didn't say that to be perverted!" he screams back jumping up a bump clear on his head. 

"Then why did you tell me to take off my clothes?!," I growl glaring at him. 

"Because in order to become a good ice make wizard you have to become one with the ice stupid!" he answers as if it's obvious. Become one with ice..? But, isn't that why I'm going to Mt. Hakobe in a few years. "Look I'm not going to teach you if you don't trust me." 

"Promise you won't try anything or be weird about it?," I ask a blush coming onto my small face.

A blush also scatters on Gray's face as he scratches the back of his head, "yeah whatever I promise," he mutters. 

"Can you turn around?"  Gray nods and does as told after I undress I place my clothes neatly on top of a crate, I'm only in my training bra and undies, how embarrassing, and I'm so cold! This better, be worth it. I face Gray my cheeks heating up again even with the cold temperatures. "Alright, you can turn back around now." 

He turns around a brighter blush like mine on his face, "Alright, let me show you some basics and a couple others I know." For the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon Gray showed me a few spells, I failed, a lot, and he laughed at me a few times, but eventually I caught onto it. I could do Ice Make-Shield pretty well and he also showed me Ice Make-Floor, even though my first time actually casting it Gray slipped on it and collided right into me. It was really awkward. 

"I think that's good for today," says Gray grabbing his clothes. 

I nod in agreement grabbing mine as well, we put our clothes back on and begin heading back up to the guild, "this was fun," I giggle. 

"Yeah, it was," grins Gray, he opens the hatch only to see rain pouring outside. 

"Awe man, I didn't bring my coat," I frown, I'm going to get soaked, and probably sick since I've been in this freezing meat cellar all day. 

"Here," all of a sudden white enters my vision, looking over I see Gray covered both of us with the coat he always wears, whenever he's actually wearing his clothes. 

"Thanks," he only nods and we run back into the guild, everyone looks at us as we enter. 

"Hey Ange, hey Gray," calls Macao raising his beer mug as a greeting. 

"Hello," I call back. 

"That was really cute how you held your coat for Angelina to stop the rain from hitting her Gray, you like her or something?," teases Wakaba. Another blush comes on my face, dang it cheeks, quit blushing all the time. Gray liking me?! How stupid. 

"H-hey it's not like that okay?! She didn't have her coat and I didn't want her to get sick," he states glaring at Wakaba. I nod my head firmly in agreement, we would never like each other like that! 

"Whatever you say, kids! I just think your guy's puppy love is too cute," Wakaba chuckles going back to his drink. Looking at Gray from the corner of my eye I see he's beginning to get mad. 

"Just ignore him okay? He's old with nothing better to do other than tease us, so let's not let him get what he wants," I huff in annoyance. 

"Yeah whatever," sighs Gray, we go over to a small table near one of the guilds windows and just sit together. 

"She got ya there Wakaba," I hear Macao laugh and I smirk. 

"Hey, I'm not that old!," he argues, "and you shouldn't be saying anything Macao because you're around the same age I am!" 

Giggling quietly I turn my attention off of the bickering men and to the window outside, only to notice the rain has stopped and the sun is setting making a gorgeous scenery. "Gray, check it out," I breathe and gently nudge his leg to get his attention. 

"Huh?" he looks out the window as well, "Oh wow," I can hear the sarcasm lacing in his voice. 

"Awe come on, admit it, you think it's pretty too," I smirk, I can tell from the look in his eye. 

"Whatever," he mumbles and looks away from the window with his usual scowl, yawning I lie my head gently on the table tired as ever while I watch the sunset, slowly my eyes close. 


I woke up the next morning to the guild halls door slamming open, groaning slightly I open my eyes only to see a very angry Natsu and upset Lizanna. "Alright, which one of you stole it?!," screams Natsu looking around. What the heck could be talking about, yawning I sit up rubbing my aching forehead, did I sleep here on the table last night? 

"We don't want your dumb egg," states Gray. 

"I dunno anything about it," sighs Cana. 

"Gray your clothes," I yawn again standing up, he looks down as if shocked, I still don't get why it shocks him, he's practically naked all the time. 

"Laxus was it you?!," growls Natsu jumping up to his height. Laxus is here? That's weird, usually, he's on jobs.

"Yeah right," he scoffs. 

"Morning Laxus," I smile and wave to him, he looks away from me with a 'tch.' 

"Hey you don't have to be a big jerk!," I scowl finally fully waking up, I greet him like this all the time when he comes back, sometimes he waves, so I don't get why he would just ignore me like that!

Over by the request board, Natsu now screams at Erza, "okay Erza, out with it already!" 

"Now now, let's not jump to conclusions, it wasn't me," she says firmly. 

"Was it you Angelina?!," Natsu suddenly appears in front of me with the same mad expression he's giving everyone. 

"Hey, don't you go blaming me for this, I wanted it to hatch as much as you did," I huff pushing him away. 

"What about you Mira? Have you seen the egg," Lizanna asks her older sister with small tears in her eyes, she has to be so upset. 

"No, afraid not," she smirks, "you ate it didn't you pinkie?! Just admit it!" 

"Quit being mean Mira," I growl, she turns to look at me and I instantly sweatdrop, I shouldn't have opened my big mouth. 

"Oh yeah? You gonna make me kid?" she snarls. 

Natsu suddenly gasps, "that's it, you're going down!" he then attacks Mira taking Gray down with them. 

"Yeah?! Well bring it on I'll skin you alive twerp!" she challenges as they start fighting each other. 

"Watch where you're punching stupid!" screams Gray. Erza joins the fray trying to separate them as I sigh and sit back down, it's too early for this. I can hear Master and Wakaba talking, but I'm too close to the fight to make out anything. As I stand to go to my room an elbow suddenly hits my face. 

"That's it! Ice-Make Floor!," ice covers the floor sending everyone who's fighting on the ground. "Now don't you dare try continuing this brawl when you get back up! Let's all calm down and talk about this civilly, we'll find your egg faster this way!," I melt the ice and everyone glares at me as they get back up, but since they don't charge I can tell I calmed things down. Although, I can tell Natsu is still very upset.

"Why are you so mean? I just want my egg back," scowls Natsu holding back tears, walking over, I gently place my hand on his shoulder like Erza is doing as Mira just maliciously smirks like she always does, the witch. 

"Come on," groans Gray obviously annoyed by all this. 

"Awe, look at you crying how cute," chuckles Mira holding her elbow. 

"I'm not crying!," retorts Natsu obviously mad again, dang it, Mira! Why do you have to be so mean?! 

"You have to quit teasing him about it, now, would you please stop crying?," commands Erza now giving Natsu her usual stern look. 

"I'LL MAKE YOU CRY!," screams Natsu. 

"Hey it's okay, you just need to calm down and we'll find it," I soothe, Natsu goes back to his upset position as Mira and Erza argue over which one took the egg. 

"Poor egg," whimpers Lizanna from behind us. 

"You know Elfman told me and Angelina how jealous he was of your egg the other day," Cana realizes. 

"Oh yeah, you don't think he has it do you?," I gasp, no way, Elfy is so sweet and kind there's no way he would take it! 

"HUH?!," freaks Lizanna. 

"He's the one who ate it?!," objects Natsu now very mad again looking at Cana and me. 

"No, he would never do that," frowns Lizanna clearly not liking the idea as much as I do. 

"Hey, sorry guys," we all snap our attention towards Elfman, he's holding the egg! 

"It WAS you all along wasn't it?!," scowls Natsu. 

"The egg!," gasps Lizanna. 

Elfman is standing there holding the egg gently with a huge grin on his face, "I didn't mean to steal it or anything, it's just you toss and turn so much in your sleep I was afraid you wouldn't keep the egg warm enough," he explains casually. That's it?! That was very sweet of him to think about! 

"Wait a sec," gasps Natsu. 

"So it's okay?," innocently asks Lizanna. 

"I'm not very good with magic, but I stuck close to it all night and kept it warm with my body heat," he hands the egg back to Natsu. 

"Oh I get it now," grins Natsu. 

"Thank you," giggles Lizanna. 

"Thanks a lot! You sure are a real man!," beams Natsu hugging the egg close. 

"Yeah, that was really sweet of you to help them Elfy," I compliment. Behind me, Erza and Mira begin to argue as Natsu places the egg down WHEN IT CRACKS?! We all gasp in shock. Everyone in the guild surrounds the egg and watches it as it shakes, it's hatching! 

"It's hatching!," squeals Lisanna. The egg hatches completely and a glowing blue ball flies up into the air as we all watched amazed, as the blue ball shimmers it breaks revealing. 

"Woah, it's a freaking cat?!,"  exclaims Macao and Wakaba, a small blue cat with tiny wings is up in the air with the biggest smile on its face. Natsu and Lizanna look at it happily as it flys around the guild. 

"It has wings! Is it a bird?," Natsu exclaims, everyone in the guild looks at it happy or amazed as it flys around, HE'S SO ADORABLE! 

"No, it's a cat, a blue cat," giggles Lisanna. The cat lands on Natsu's head and Natsu's grinning like there's no tomorrow. 

"Aye!," squeals the cat sitting up. 

"He's so cute!" I smile resisting the urge to pet and cuddle him. 

"I know!" choruses the guild with seeming hearts in their eyes. Everyone begins taking turns petting or holding the kitten happily. 

As I pet the kitten I look over to the others, "my best friend's back!" laughs Elfy happily jumping around with a blue parakeet, awe how nice, he's so happy now. Looking around I see everyone smiling and having a good time, even Laxus. I walk over to Elfy to meet his new birdy friend. 

"You see that?," I overhear Lizanna say to Natsu behind me, "a minute ago everyone in here was all worked up, but now they're happy!" Natsu and Lizanna walk over and take the kitten away from the crowd as Natsu holds him gently. "He's almost like a blue bird of happiness isn't he?"

"Happiness huh? Well, in that case, I'll name him Happy!," the kittens or Happy's ear flick. 

"Aye!," he mews out opening his big eyes. 

"HAPPY THE DRAGON!," cheers Natsu jumping around with him. 

"Aye!," Happy cheers again. 

"It's not a dragon," corrects Mira. 

I roll my eyes at her and looks to Natsu and the kitten, "well, even if you're not a dragon, welcome to your new crazy family anyways Happy." 


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