Artificially Intelligent


281 20 1

WARNING!!! Mild swearing (crud) and terrible puns/humor. If you are easily butt hurt, don't sit on a chair fo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
An Open Letter

Just kidding, there's more!!!

15 1 0

         I vanish into a mist as I watch my favorite creation turn to see a fallen angel named Victoria. What fun they'll have, but now I have someone I need to meet up with. She told me to call her by her canon alias in this world so I call out to my shapeshifting parallel, "Helio!"

         "Helio?" I call, again, into the night. I'm not used to this "snow" thing, so I have trouble walking. But it's fun to feel my calves fall encased with the fine powder of ice. When I finally reach solid ground, I check my pockets for my most prized position, useful tool, and deadly weapon. Well reassured, I clench my black gel pen in my fist and set out to find my mirrored compatriot.

         The thing with us is that I can teleport myself to anyone else in this universe accept someone like me. We exist outside this world while still being able to interact. We can change this universe and morph it to our will, but it can't touch us. We're protected by our walls.

         "Don't reveal too much," a cockatiel calls out to me, "neither of us want that."

         "I know," I chuckle, reverting back to my normal form. I feel myself shrink as my hair grows down to my shoulders and darkens into a near black shade of brown. My vision blurs as my eyes revert back to their original, blue hue. I watch my vision clear as my glasses materialize on the bridge of my nose, and I hear the scratching sounds of my tiny parrot gnawing on them. "Silly Peri!" I say as my green and blue Pacific Parrotlet crawls from my glasses to my head.

         "You finally notice your bird climbing onto your head?"

         "I always notice, Woody."

         "Oh," he says sarcastically, "right." With that, my friend turns to look like me, "'Where's Peridot? I can't find him. He's on the back of my head.'"

         "I will namedrop you," I threaten jokingly at her mockery.

         "Okay, okay, fine." She morphs from the freckle covered mess of me to the even more freckle covered form of her. Her head grows her typical long, crimped hair, and her eyes turn to a greener shade of blue. Her skin turns slightly lighter, and her glasses grow slightly larger.

         "Do you think I pushed Arsenic far enough?" I stretched a little and cracked my knuckles. She tilted her head, her wavy hair bouncing a little.

         "Well yeah but you didn't have to force Arsenic to kill Bindy..." She crossed her arms and gave me her signature condemnation look. "We could have been fine with them both alive. You gave the story a sad ending, and I think everybody will hate us. Especially since Bindy was so innocent!"

         "Everyone already hates everyone, that's not new. If we're a 'someone', then the 'everyone' is prone to hate us. It's logic."

         "Well still. A good story doesn't cut someone with valuable information down before they can do anything." She glares at me turning around to pet Woody.

         "Do I look like the kind of person who writes 'good stories'? I can't even spell."

         "Well your ideas are right. Spelling doesn't really matter, it's the fact that readers will want to not tune in and what about Helio? The story kinda freezes. All we discovered is Arsenic isn't mentally stable. You were in the story, so I don't exactly truly know who the others are, and neither will the readers, or whoever finds this."

         "That's what a cliffhanger is for. Add a sequel, and you're golden. Also, you're Helio!"

         "First of all, I wasn't in any of the action! I didn't really do much other then trying to lead Bindy to Arsenic to move along the story. Second, you make no sense. I mean, at least we have a story I guess. But what about Arsenic over there?" she pointed her thumb at a flabbergasted Arsenic, about 10 feet away near Victoria but beyond the bushes that shielded us from their gaze. Doesn't mean we still didn't know she was shocked... I mean, it's our 'world' after all. "I mean, you made Arsenic almost kill me." Woody jumped to her shoulder and they both glared at me.

         "Ya know what, how about we spend book two on revealing the in-between? The background conflict."

         "There goes our entire plan. Good going 'Stanly'." Woody commented sarcastically. He moved closer to 'Helio's' neck, glaring harder at me.

         "Oh Woody give her a break! We can stop writing for now." She tapped his beak, then scratched his tiny head.

         "Guess that's all then." See you in book two!

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