Chapter 13

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         "Well, well, well..." a frustratingly familiar voice interrupts as it has many times before.

         "How many times do I have to kill you?" I return the favor.

         "Once. Twice. Never. As many times as you can."

         "Make sense!"

         "Life doesn't, does it?" he says slyly. I ponder this for a moment, before he returns, "At least, not for you. Not any more. I know this. I made you. I put you here. In a sense, you didn't kill anyone, I did."

         "What are you?" I demand."

         "Omnipotent, infinite, a window for them to see you."


         "In due time, in due time. Besides, you already know, don't you? Fourth walls, not so uncertain uncertainty. Mortals call it 'God', 'fate', 'chance'."

         "So you're not 'mortal'?"

         "In a way, yes and no. Again, trust me. You of all people should know better than I that you can't rush results. Of course, you don't. I quite literally know everything about this world. Like how that ash on the ground isn't Helio. It's a branch."


         "Yes," he answers demonically, "and how you're planning to attack me. Go on, try to kill me. See what this world becomes without me. You and I both love the... hands on learning approach. 'Trial and error' has to have error after all. Or don't kill me. Live on the safe side as you're thinking of doing now. I'd say I won't stop you, but that's just it. Everything you do is because of me."

         "Who do you think you are?"

         "Simple, in this case, I'm you. Later, I might be me. Or I could be them. I may even decide to stay as you. I'm everything and nothing. I'm everywhere and nowhere. I'm everyone and no one. Here, I'm basically a god. You haven't spoken to nor attacked me because I haven't let you. No one understands the nature of my kind unless they are one of my kind. Helio knew this. He's one of my best friends. That disheveled scientist was his creation, not mine. Anyone in this universe could drop dead and everyone would feel exactly as I want them to. Bindy, she isn't going to heaven or hell. Neither of those exist until I want them to. Everything is as I made it. The lack of hunger was me poking fun at myself."

         While Stanly rambles on his likely made up divinity, I discreetly back towards a tree, intent on destroying this place. After all, the only way to kill a weed is to destroy its roots.

         "Everything you do is because I made you do it," he continues, "but you think I'm lying. I can't blame you. I don't want you to believe me. They want to see what you do."

         My hand heats up.

         "Go ahead..."

         I try to grasp the bark, a leaf, something flammable when Stanly interrupts again, "After all..."

         Right before I can touch anything, a cold hand wraps around my wrist. Its sharp nails digging into the skin

         "You don't have a choice."

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