Forbidden love

By Prettypsycholover

5.4K 158 139

What is love when you're not allowed to..? More

You're gonna marry me, no matter what
Crossing the line
Marry me
I love you too

Forbidden love

1.6K 46 52
By Prettypsycholover

*A/N: Okay, I know I have a hell of a lot stories but I still want to start this new one because I had this idea for 2 days on my mind now and I think it's gonna be a good story :p So I'm so sorry for all the stories but I just love writing so yeah...*

Jack sat at his desk, - Jack was a man, 22 years old, he had dark green hair and emerald green eyes. He lived together with his "Girlfriend" Harleen and he was raised very (And with very I mean VERY) religious, that meant things as "No sex before marriage", "Don't love the same gender", "Don't look for The one, Just marry who you have to marry", "Only date Christians", or "Don't date if you're dependent on someone for things only God can provide" He got sick of those rules.- He was making a plan to blow up some buildings so the Batman should come and fight him, it was his favorite thing to do when he was bored.

"Harleen!" Jack yelled from his office at Harleen in the living room.

"What?!" she yelled back, her voice sweet and calm. Jack was somebody who just called your name and waited for you to come to him and it annoyed the shit out of Harleen. She walked to the office and saw a bunch of paper laying around. "What's the matter, Sweetheart?" she put on a fake smile to hide how annoyed she was seeing the mess.

"I think I have a plan, you're going with me tonight?" he smiled at her while playfully waving a piece of paper with a couple stick figures on it in the air.

"I can't sorry, I have to clean up this mess And I need to work at Wayne's." Harley worked at the big company, Wayne Enterprises. She had to clean offices so she wasn't too happy with Jack making a mess at home. She often had to work at night because then there were no employees to make more mess than needed.

"Oh..." Jacks smile turned into a little frown and looked back at the paper and then in his agenda. "Well..." he murmered. "Maybe.. I can clean my mess self this time... You have much work to do at Wayne's?" he looked up with a little smile, Harleen didn't like that smile, she knew he was on to something.

"I uh... I have to clean all the offices and the lobby... so yeah, pretty much work, why?" she looked at Jack and saw his smile getting a bit bigger when he leaned closer.

"Can I come with you?" he looked at her like a little abonded puppy.

"No." Harleen knew that wouldn't go well, and knowing Jack he would only make more mess or search around for things to steal. "I don't want somebody to see you... maybe they recognize you as the Joker!"

"Please? I'll behave! Please please Please!" If somebody could recognize him as the Joker that would be the risk, but he was willing to take the shot. "I want to see where you work, and with who you work!"

He's not coming with you, he's gonna mess things up and he's gonna get you fired! Don't be stupid, you know he's gonna steal something! "Fine..." Harleen sighed, not listening to her thoughts. "But... you stay by my side the whole time and you don't steal anything..."

"Deal!" Jack jumped up with a big smile on his face. He gave Harleen a hug befor he ran to the bathroom to fix his hair.

When they arrived at Wayne Enterprises Harleen grabbed the stuff she needed to clean up. Jack just watched her and smiled. "Could you please get that smile of your face? I don't want people to think I brought a creep..." Harleen whispered while she got a broom and handed it to Jack. "Here, you can start with the lobby."

Jack took the broom and started to move it over the floor, acting like he didn't hear Harleen say anything about his smile. When he came by the desk of the receptionist a man walked into the lobby. Jack looked up and stood still for once.

The man was a bit taller than Jack, had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He was also very muscular. He wore a black suit with a black tie and had a couple papers in his hand. Jacks mouth slightly opened before Harleen soflty slapped his arm, making him snap out of his daydream about the man.

"That's Bruce Wayne, my boss." Harleen whispered while pointing at Bruce. "You may talk to him, just don't say something that makes you look like a freak, okay?" she pat Jacks shoulder and slightly pushed him closer to the desk and the man.

"H-hey..." Jack stuttered while putting his hand up awkwardly like he would wave but decided he was close enough for just saying hi. Bruce turned Jacks way and looked at him.

"Hello, you're here to clean?" Bruce asked while putting the papers down on the desk.

"Uh n-no, well, yes but uh... you got pretty eyes!" Jack could punch himself in his face for that, he really could. He started to sweat slightly got pink cheeks.

"Well, thank you." Bruce gave a soft smile and reached ut his hand, ready to get shaken.

"Jack Napier." Jack smiled while shaking Bruce's hand. He looked into Bruce's eyes and got stuck in them.

"Bruce Wayne, but I guess you already knew that."

Jack nodded a bit and smiled even more. He grabbed the broom and leaned a bit on it, hoping to look like he had to go back to work but actually Harleen was already cleaning the lobby by herself.

"You have a job, besides this?" Bruce broke the slince and looked back to the paper. What the hell do I have to say or do? Think Bruce, Think. You've trained on this! You need to socialize more, so you don't come over like a shy little bitch!

"Oh this isn't my real job..." Jacks voice snapped Bruce out of his thoughts. "I just wanted to come and look what kind of work my girlfriend does... I actually work in cri- A lounge."

"Which lounge?" Bruce looked up from the papers and turned back to Jack.

"Uhh... I don't know... I got fired a couple days ago..?" The fuck am I doing?! This is wrong!  This is so, so wrong!  "So actually... I don't have a job" He laughed, trying to make it not as awkward as it was.

"Well then..." Bruce looked a bit confused. Harleen saw their awkwared coversation and walked over to them and grabbed Jacks shoulder.

"I'm sorry for this... He's usually very talkactive, I don't know what's wrong with him." she laughed while shaking Jacks shoulder, trying to make him say something. "Well, I think it's best to go home or start working, Honey..." she said after she knew Jack wasn't going to say something.

"I just wanted to ask something..." Bruce looked at Harleen. Don't you dare to take him away, we were just starting the conversation! "I'm looking for a personal asistant... maybe that's something for you?"

"Uhh.... Uhhh.. S-sure!" Jack smiled. Damnit, he liked him...

"Okay, nice! If you want to follow me to my office, I can show you how much you're getting paid and when you can start." Bruce turned away to the elevators and started to walk. Jack gave one quick look at Harley and smiled before walking after Bruce.

When Jack entered the office his mouth fell open. It was so nice, it was mostly old wooden furniture. Behind a big old-fashioned desk there was a giant black office chair. There hang a big painting of two people on the wall and Jack couldn't help but keep staring at it.

"That were my parents..." Bruce sighed, not annoyed or reliefed, a bit sad.

"Were?" Jack turned around and saw a sad look on Bruce's face. "I'm sorry, I get it..." Bruce nodded and smiled a bit, it felt good to have somebody who got him in this room. "So... what do I have to do?" Jack asked while still looking around.

"It's getting a bit late so I have to go... but you can start tomorrow morning at 10 am."

"Yeah, I need to go too, I've planned something..." Jack smiled and turned to the door.

"Wait!" Bruce suddenly said, he didn't even know why by himself. Jack turned back to Bruce. "Is it really important? I mean, if it could wait, we could get a drink somewhere. You know, to celebrate you have a job again?"

Jack smiled and walked back into the room. "I'd love to do that. What I've got planned can wait a day."

Bruce sat down in the booth of his private lounge and looked at Jack still standing. "Come on, sit down." he laughed.

"Don't I have to order you a drink?" Jack slowly sat down next to Bruce.

"No, I have a private waitress." he smiled and got a paper with a lot of drinks on it, Jack noticed they were all alcoholic drinks. "How old are you?" Bruce looked at Jack with a curious look in his eyes.

"Twentytwo... why?"

"Then you're old enough to drink!" he laughed and handed Jack the drink menu.

"Oh uh.. I don't drink..." Jack gave back the card. "It's against my religion."

"Oh... Muslim?" Bruce laughed while Jack shook his head real quick.

"Christian... what about you?"

"Well uh... my parents were Christians... but I don't believe in a God..." he saw Jack swallow hard. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... as long as this isn't a date." he laughed and looked down. He's a man AND a non-Christian?! I'm going to hell, I definetly go to hell... murdering people and blowing stuff up, okay, but falling in love with a non-Christian male?!

"Haha, that would be weird." Bruce snapped Jack out of his thoughts. "I'm your boss..." A waitress came to the table and Bruce ordered a whiskey and a coke.

It was 2 hours later when Bruce realized it was 1:30 am and there was still no breaking news about a lunatic with green hair killing people or blowing up stuff. He also realized he had been talking about himself and his business for 2 hours. "So... what about you? How did you and Harleen meet?"

"Well uh... it was uh... five years ago? No 6, I was 16 so 6. It was before my parents uh.. got killed, they told me I had to take Harleen as my girlfriend and had to marry her when I'd be 23, that was their age when they got married so I have to marry when I'm 23 too." Jack rolled his eyes and twirled his glass with coke before taking a sip.

"So.. you don't actually love her?"

"Did she ask anything? Is she here? Uh.. of course I love her!" he laughed nervously.

"She isn't here and she didn't ask me."

Jack let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god! I hate that girl!"

"Why are you going to marry her then? how long do you have before you turn 23?" Bruce seemed to be more interested in this than he thought.

"2 months... My parents said I had to marry in november so 4 months in total..." he saw Bruce looking down.

"You're really religious, aren't you?"

"Yes... and I hate it! It feels like I'm living in the 19th centurie!" he sighed. "I can't stare at boobs or a nice ass, I'm not even allowed to see a naked leg! You know how hard that is nowadays?!" Jack tried to laugh it off but it didn't help.

"Let me guess, you're afraid you're going to hell?" Bruce looked into Jacks eyes and for surprise, didn't see any fear.

"What? Oh no, I'm going to hell anyway. I have my reasons for it..." Jack started to laugh but quickly covered his mouth with his hand. Bruce's eyes widened a bit but he tried to cover it with a playboy smile.

He knew that laugh out of all the laughs in Gotham. How didn't he see it earlier? The hair, the body language, the eyes... he just hired the Joker  as his peronal asistant! He never knew Joker was so religious, and why he would even be a criminal if he was this religious.

"You know... I think this is gonna be a beautiful friendship!" Jack said while he put down an empty glass and looked at Bruce with a smile.

That word... Friendship... Bruce never thought to hear that from somebody as the Joker, but it just happened.

"No..." Bruce stood up.

"W-What? Did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry." Jack looked up at Bruce and tried to beg with his eyes to stay a bit longer.

Sorry? The Joker never says sorry... "I know you're the Joker..." he still looked at Jack who just opened his mouth to try to say something but he fell completely silent. He has nothing to say... the Joker has always something to say! What's he doing?

"Look..." Jack finally said after searching for the right words that felt for him like hours. "I know you probably don't want me to be your asistant anymore... and I respect that."

How can his voice be so calm? He respects it?! What's he up to?  Was the only thing Bruce could think of.

"I'm not gonna kill you or something... I don't feel like fighting that batfreak..." His hand moved to his head and his pinched the bridge of his nose. "Can we... Can we please just make this a fun night for both of us? I mean, you just got to know a shit load about me."

Bruca sat down again and quietly looked at the man in front of him. "It wasn't that much..."

"Believe me, I don't even talk to the doctors in Arkham about my personal live That much." he ordered a new glass of coke. "Besides, if I have a friend, Mr. Moody gets some rest."

"I want to be your friend..." Bruce looked deep into Jacks eyes and scanned his whole face. "But I don't know if it's gonna work..."

"I'm not crazy... believe me. I'm a normal person, just like you..." he took the glass of coke that was just placed in front of him and took a big sip. "If you didn't know I was... Him... then you would just think I'm a normal person. You spent the night with me, and you're alive... I'm not as psychotic as you think."

"Then why you kill..." Bruce looked down and played a little with his empty glass.

"You think I wanted to start killing? Killing is like a drug, it happened once as an accident but it felt... weird..." he nervously played with his fingers. "When that dude in a costume came I... I started to like the game. It's just at night, I don't know what that freak does at day but it's clearly more important than visiting me..."

"You don't kill for fun?" Bruce looked up with hope in his eyes.

"I kill because it leads me to fun! I don't kill every time, sometimes I just blow up an empty car, just to get his attention." he looked at Bruce and smiled a little, but not in a creepy way.

I know how he is when he's the Joker, but if he isn't... he's a normal person... it can't be, Joker being a real human being... it's just impossible! I need to get more time with him... he has something... special... "I want you to come to my house tomorrow... for work." Bruce said after thinking.

"Well okay... Wayne manor I guess?" he smiled

Bruce nodded and smiled. He already made a plan, and it was waterproof...

Jack stood up. "It's late, I really need to go. Can't use an angry girlfriend right now!" he laughed. His laugh was just a normal laugh, nothing crazy, nothing clown-ish. He shook Bruce's hand before leaving the lounge.

"So, you got a job and have to be at his house tomorrow?" Harleen said while she lay in bed with her head on Jacks chest. She felt Jack nodding and looked up. "You know it's against your religion if you're gonna date him right?"

"What? I'm not dating him! He's my boss..." Jack shook his head.

"Oh come on Jack! Everybody could tell you fell in love with him the moment he walked into that stupid lobby!" she put her hand on Jacks heart and felt it beating a bit faster. "Awwe, my little baby is in love!"

Jack smiled but his smile quickly turned into a frown by what Harleen said. "Too bad! You can't love the same gender! You have to marry me, or do you want to be a shame to your parents?"

"I already am. I killed them myself, remember?" He smirkt while patting Harleens head. "And you're the reason why..."

"awwe, you killed for me? That's so sweet! I knew you loved me!" She smiled.

"No... I killed because of you, I didn't want to marry you. I hate you."

"well... you're gonna marry me... no discussion, you piece of shit! and you better grab a blanket because you're not going to sleep in this bed tonight!" she pushed him out of the bed and threw a pillow to his face.

A couple minutes later Jack lay on the couch.  She'll see who I'm gonna marry...

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