
By ShawMcKnight

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Is the end of the world near? The answer to that might be closer than we thought. One thing is for sure, th... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twentyone
chapter twentytwo
chapter twentythree
chapter twentyfour
chapter twentyfive
chapter twentysix
chapter twentyseven
chapter twentyeight
chapter twentynine
chapter thirty
chapter thirtytwo
chapter thirtythree
chapter thirtyfour
chapter thirtyfive
chapter thirtysix
chapter thirtyseven
chapter thirtyeight
chapter thirtynine
chapter forty
chapter fortyone
chapter fortytwo
chapter fortythree
chapter fortyfour
chapter fortyfive
chapter fortysix
chapter fortyseven
chapter fortyeight
chapter fortynine
chapter fifty
chapter fiftyone
chapter fiftytwo
chapter fiftythree
chapter fiftyfour
chapter fiftyfive
chapter fiftysix
chapter fiftyseven
chapter fiftyeight
chapter fiftynine
chapter sixty
chapter sixtyone
chapter sixtytwo
chapter sixtythree
chapter sixtyfour
chapter sixtyfive

chapter thirtyone

1.4K 113 1
By ShawMcKnight


She owed him. That's the only reason she was wearing this damn thing.

She hadn't completely lost her mind though. She donned it for the committee meeting then again for training. That was a nice compromise, wasn't it?

She thought so but it wasn't enough, so she was also making sure to not miss any more classes. He was trying so she could too.

That didn't mean she was going to run five miles.

Running gave her too much time to think. And she didn't like where her mind kept wondering to. Why hadn't he shown up for training?

Not that she cared. She didn't, she was just curious as to why he didn't now that the touching ban had been lifted.

He was busy, maybe he just enjoyed having those two hours to himself. Or maybe he was still upset with her. He had been at meet and greet but they'd done very little talking. The same during brain mush hour. Talk about a wasted hour. And awkward. Frey and Pensley hadn't known rather to quack, moo, or use the litter box.

Jess flipped off Julian when he passed her.

All she was waiting for was all three instructors to be busy doing something then she was out of here.

She nearly tripped when she saw Kell up ahead.

He stood tall. Straight with his hands behind his back. He was clearly waiting for her.

Great. What girl wanted a guy to see her looking like roadkill? After nearly three miles her hair was sticking to her. Sweat pouring from her. She probably smelled.

She slowed to a walk.

There was no way she was crushing on him. Nope. She was smarter than that. Way smarter than that.

Yeah, not really.

Last night she'd gone to get the beer and of course who would have caught her stealing it? Johnny Shaw. Hot, fine Johnny Shaw. Older. Interesting. Very tempting.

She could tell by his smile that he wouldn't have mind picking up where they left off.

No reason not to. But she hadn't.

Damn, she was a messed-up chick.

The dude had caught her red handed; it would have been the perfect time to distract him with some kissing. But she still hadn't.

Johnny wasn't so bad. Kind of the opposite really. He'd been unhappy but hadn't jump to conclusions. He knew she wasn't a drinker. Said he knew she must have her reasons then he gave her a bag to put it in.

Hot and very likeable. Amazing kisser too. Not that they'd done a lot of it. Just the opposite actually.

Still should have been a no brainer.

Except she kept remembering Kell's reaction to her kissing someone else.

And it wasn't because she was afraid he'd hurt someone.

Why did he react the way he did?

"A meeting was called."

Jess smiled. "You mean for once you were late?"

He fell into step with her.

"For the same reason I'm usually late?"

Kell looked away. "Not at all. The advisors are being difficult."

"My fault?"

"Not completely.

"Should I be worried?"

"No. I will handle it."

She stopped so she could look at him. Regret. Yep, she would, but she did it anyway. "My aunt is cooking dinner tonight. Her way of trying to pull herself together. I haven't paid you back for all the things we were able to pick up at the store." Someone, anyone shoot her in the foot before she said more.

Freak. "So, if you wanted to, you could come over. Mel and her little friend are going to be there. The mayor and Hayden. Hayley, April, and Meg. Way too many people. So not a date or anything. It's going to be nice not having to go to the cafeteria and having a real family dinner. Give you a chance to see how we do things. My aunt has always been a good cook. You might not like it because you're weird, but it would give you a chance to try some of our food. You could bring someone."

"Are you asking because Hayden will be there?"

"I'm asking because I owe you. Because it will be a good opportunity for you to learn about us. I think you are trying to do right by us, so I want to try and do right by you. It's not a big deal and you shouldn't feel like you have to come."

"I want to."

The whole time she'd been nervous that he would say no. Now she was nervous that he said yes.

One crazy messed up chick.

Should she repeat that it wasn't a date? Or would that be overkill since she'd already said it? Did she want it to be a date?

How could she think straight with him looking at her like that?

"I'll pay you a hundred bucks if you get me out of here before one of those asses blow their whistle at me."

He offered his hand. "Your money is no good."

"That's why I don't mind offering it."

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