Can't Outrun The Past {Book 3}

By Izy_Winchester

258 68 385

(Several years later) "After all this time why would he come back now?" For a long time now, everything has b... More

Can't Outrun The Past
Chapter 1: The Call
Chapter 2: Ice Cream and Friends
Chapter 3: Breathe
Chapter 4: Two Year Later
Chapter 5: London
Chapter 6: A Small Lead To a Big Secret
Chapter 7: Finally Getting Somewhere
Chapter 8: Sister Darling
Chapter 9: Getting the Whole Truth Part 1
Chapter 10: Getting The Whole Truth Part 2
Chapter 11: Stories That'll Haunt Forever
Chapter 12: Too Old For Playdates
Chapter 14: Promise Not To Get Mad
Chapter 15: What The Bloody Heck
Chapter 16: I'm Innocent
Chapter 17: Stefan
Chapter 18: Noah?
Chapter 19: Don't Yell At Her
Chapter 20: There Is No Fixing It This Time
Chapter 21: Being Scared Is Only Human
Chapter 22: All Things Must Come To An End

Chapter 13: We Didn't Mean To Scare Anyone

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By Izy_Winchester

*Noah's POV*

I opened my eyes slowly and stretched. Everything ached and popped. Had I fallen asleep on the floor again?
I sat up cautiously, my back hitting the wall. The room was darker than I kept it.
What time is it?
I'd had yet another nightmare, and was beginning to think I was still in one.
Running my hands over the unfamiliar ground, I found a torch, or what I hoped was one.
Switching it on, I took in my surroundings. It took me a second to realize I was still in the train station, so was everyone else.
Connor laid beside me on one side and Nancy on the other, both sound asleep.
What time was it? I yearned for a watch at this moment.
"Noah." Someone whispered.
I jumped, moving the stream of light at the same time.
Levi leaned against the opposite wall. He looked as though he hadn't been asleep atal. "I didn't mean to frighten you." He said quietly.
Careful not to step on anyone, I crawled over to him. "Why are you up?" I whispered, trying not to wake everyone.
Levi shrugged. "I don't sleep much, never have." He motioned for me to turn the light out. "I guess I just like the night is all."
I turned of the torch. "Do you know what time it is?" Levi always wore a watch, even when he littler.
"It's six forty-two." He read off, his watch giving a little light.
"How long have you been up?" I inquired, still careful to keep my voice low.
"I'm not sure." He sighed. "You wanna see something cool, N?" He asked after a second or so, getting up.
"Sure, why not." I responded, following his actions.
Levi led me out the door and onto the tracks. "Levi, what are we doing out here?" I questioned skeptically.
I'd known this kid my whole life; so hopefully he wasn't planning to push me off the edge or anything. 
"Look up." It was more of a suggestion than an order.
I did as told as looked at the night sky. "Stars." I said in wonder.
I love stars. Where we lived you rarely ever saw stars, and if you did it was only one or two. Not hundreds like right now.
"You used to complain about not seeing stars." Levi stated, looking up. "Stars were always your favorite thing. You drew stars everywhere you could."
"How do you remember that?" I asked with a laugh.
Levi shrugged again. "I don't know, just do, I guess."
"You guess a lot, Lee." I sat on the tracks, my legs dangling over the side.
"You were having a nightmare in there." Levi brought the one thing I wished he wouldn't.
To anyone else I would have lied, but Levi was good at seeing straight through things and people. So there was no use lying to him. "Yeah I was." I answered honestly.
"You wanna talk about it?" He offered.
"Did we all really fall asleep in a station in the middle of nowhere?" I ignored the overstated question.
"Don't change the subject, Noah." Levi smiled. "It won't work on me."
I couldn't see him clearly, but I knew he was genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine." I lied.
"Does Connor know what your dreams are about?" Levi sudden asked.
"What does it matter." I scoffed, moving my eyes back to the sky.
Eyes were the biggest traitors. They told how you really felt when you wanted no one to know.
"Does he know you're dreams aren't about the accident most the time."
The question shocked and stunned me at the same time. "How do you know that!" I demanded.
"You talk in your sleep, N." He laughed. "Listen you don't have to talk about it, but I'm here if you want to." He sighed.
"How are you only twelve, Lee." I laid my head on his shoulder.
He only laughed. "The sun is rising." He said with a smile.
He was right, the sun had painted the sky pink and chased away the stars.
I smiled. "Thanks." I whispered. I wasn't sure what I was thanking him for but it felt right to say.
"You're welcome, Noah." He laid his head on mine.


It was a couple hours before anyone else woke up. The sun had fully risen and heated the air.
"Does anyone remember the way home?" Deanna asked.
A very good question. We all turned to Connor who just shook his head.
"Better question." Nancy began, looking down. "How do we get down from here."
"Jump." I stated matter-a-factly.
"How do you-" Connor began but decided against asking.
I hadn't known the answer myself, it had just fallen out of my mouth.
"It's like a ten foot drop, Noah, you're crazy." Nancy argued.
"No she's not." Levi said. "She's exactly right."
"You have to say that," Nancy rolled her eyes. "You're her best friend."
"And as her best friend, I trust her immensely." With that Levi ran to the edge and jumped off.
I shrugged and started to jump when Connor grabbed my arm. "Don't be stupid. There has to be a better way down."
I wiggled my arm out of his grasp. "We all have to go at some time, Con." I smirked. "See ya on the flip side, brother." With that I flipped backwards off the bridge.
I landed surprising well on all fours.
"Think anyone else will actually do it?" Levi helped me up.
"Nah, their babies."
From where we stood, we could see the other three arguing on what to do. "Just jump you dumb lot!" I yelled. "We need to head home."
Slowly but surely they all jumped, Deanna alone and Nancy and Connor together.


After half an hour of searching in the pouring rain, finally the cabin came into view.
Connor unlocked the front door, and we all crowded in, dripping wet.
"Connor! Noah!" Janna exclaimed, running up to us and throwing her arms around us both. "Where have you been?" She practically screamed, getting the attention of everyone in the living room and kitchen.
"Thank God." Mum came into sight, followed by Uncle Rafe and Mack.
"Where the bloody heck have you five been all night." Rafe demanded.
"It's a long story," I sighed. "You see, we got lost last night trying to come home in the dark." I lied. "But we happened upon a tree house near the playground, I guess, and stayed there last night."
"We didn't mean to scare anyone." Connor added.
All three adults and Janna seemed to fall for it and quickly pulled us into a million hugs.
But it didn't last long. For the minute we were left alone to change in the basement, my phone rang throughout the room.
"Would someone hand me that?" I reached for my phone as Nancy tossed it.
It was an unknown number, but I usually didn't save numbers. If it someone who mattered I had their number memorized.
Shrugging, I swiped to answer. "Hello." I greeted.
"Hello," An  oddly familiar voice said.
"Can I help you?" I questioned.
"I'm looking for my niece Noah Hendrixs." The man stated. "But I'm not sure if this is the right number, you see, when I met her. She didn't have a phone yet." He rambled.
"This is she." I answered.
"Well then, hello, Noah, it's been a while." And all of the sudden it clicked why the voice sounded familiar.

"I'll be right back." Stefan got up to answer the door.
I was only seven at the time.
From where I sat playing with Trixsy, the door was in full sight.
Stefan let the man in.
The man was tall with dark hair and eyes. He looked only a couple years older than my mother. "Who's this?" He questioned, his accent noticeably British, motioned to me.
"I'm Noah." I answered for Stefan.
"She's Ellie's kid." Stefan glanced from me to the man and back.
"Ellie has a kid?" The man sounded almost sad at this.
"She has two." Stefan sighed. "Twins."
"Tell me," the man crossed the room and bent down in front of me. "What's your last name, Noah?"
"Hendrixs." I replied, still petting the kitten.
"Is your daddy named Phillip?" He questioned again.
"You ask a lot of questions, Mister." I looked up at him. "But, yes, yes, he is."
He even looked a little like Mummy. 
The stranger smiled. "It's good to meet you, Noah." He reached out and tucked a piece of my unruly hair behind my ear. "I'm Jasper Bates. Your uncle."
I frowned at this. I had an uncle who I'd never met? Unacceptable.
"How?" I inquired.
"I'm your mother's older brother." Jasper answered.
"You look like her." I stated, returning to the cat.
Jasper got up to leave, having already gotten whatever he was buying from Stef.
"Wait!" I called after him. "Why have I never met you, Jasper?"
Jasper turned around and sighed. "It's complicated, little one." He said.
"Can you stay and play with me awhile?" I asked hopefully.
Jasper looked back at Stefan, who nodded. "I guess I could spare a minute or two." He sat down next to me. "Does the pretty kitten have a name?" He petted the spotted cat, a small smile forming.

"Uncle Jasper?"

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