My Best Friends Twin

By thedoodler97

20.5K 503 94

Violet Morris and Anna Green have been best friends for as long as they can remember. Then one day Anna disco... More

Chapter 1-Twins.
Chapter 2-The movie night.
Chapter 3- The cinema
Chapter 4- Trustworthy
Chapter 5-To flirt or not to flirt?
Chapter 7- Bring it babe.
Chapter 8- Heart ripped apart.
Chapter 9- Teenage Dream.
Chapter 10- Bang goes the theory.
Chapter 11- Redo.
Chapter 12 - Now that's not what I was expecting.
Chapter 13 - This Sucks

Chapter 6- The park in the dark

1.1K 34 4
By thedoodler97

Chapter 6- The park in the dark.

Anna POV.

-Hey, is everything ok, I mean with Jason? xxx

I looked at the text quickly and stuffed my phone back in my pocket.

“So where were you yesterday?” I said doing a cheeky grin at Jason on the opposite sofa.

“With Jack.” He said turning back to the TV.

I grabbed my phone out my pocket and sent a quick text back.

     -Well he says he was with you, and that’s not true. So he’s been with a girl. xxx

“Who are you texting?” Jason said standing from the sofa. As he walks over to me I stuff my phone back into my pocket and flop across the sofa so he can’t sit down.

“Violet, why?”

“Move your arse, and I was just asking” He picks up my legs and spins me around so there’s room for him to sit.

“Urgh I was comfy!” I moaned.

“Oh fine I see how it is, choose comfort over your own brother! Fine I’ll just go then!” He said doing a fake tantrum.

“Wow you’re more of a girl than I am! Drama Queen!” I said plonking my legs on top of him.

My phone chimes in my pocket, pulling it out of my pocket I see Jason’s eyes on me.

“Jason, why do you care whose texting me?” I said unlocking my phone.

“I don’t, I was just observing.” He said turning back to the TV.

- Well we know that’s not true, who do you think it was? Xxx

I looked up at Jason who had his eyes fixed on the TV, he was watching an American sitcom, something about a guy telling his kids about how he meet there mother. (I really need to watch more TV) Who could this mystery girl be? I’ll ask Violet if she’s seen him talking to any girls recently.

-  I don’t know I’ll ask Violet later, we still on for tomorrow? Xxx

- Yeah, meet me at the park? Xxx

- Ok, see you tomorrow xxx

-Bye xxx

“Shall we get a takeaway?” I said realizing how hungry I am.

“Yeah if you want, chines, Indian or Pizza?” He said lifting the remote and switching the program off.

“I’ll get the menu’s” I said dragging myself off the sofa.

I walked out the room into the kitchen.

I haven’t seen him talk to any one apart from me and jack and Violet, but Violet and him always argue, so that rules violet out. Maybe its Nattily Jones she’s pretty and popular. And well I really don’t know Jason’s type but I bet it’s something like Nattily.

“Anna?” Jason said shuffling into the room.

“Yeah?” I said picking up the menus out of a draw.

“I just got a phone call from…Mark.” He said looking down at the phone in his hand.

“Oh,” was all I could say.

        *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *

“So how was your weekend with your mum? Did you go see a film?” I asked Violet, on the bus.

“Oh yeah it was fine…I um I mean we didn’t go see a film in the end we just stead at home.” She said playing with her nails.

“Violet, what’s the matter?” I said bluntly.

“What do you mean?” She said looking up at me, but not quite making eye contact.

“Well you’ve been quiet and fiddling with your nails,” I said just as the bus came to a halt outside of school.

“It’s just stress and stuff, I need to start revising.” She said as we climbed out of the bus, pushing past the year sevens.

“Fine, don’t tell me.” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“Ann, don’t be like that, I’m telling the truth, why would I lie?” She said pulling at my arms as we walked toward the school entrance.

“Fine, you win, I believe you.” I said giggling and linking arms with her as we walked into the building.

“Ok I’ll see you later,” Violet said slipping her arm out of our link and walking into her class.

“Bye biscuit,” I said as she walked away.

The halls emptied and I stood by the entrance to the library.


“Nope not this time” I said turning around to find Jack in the door way.

“Ohh come on, one day I’m going to get you,” He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me softly on the lips.

“Hmm maybe, but not today.” I said giggling quietly.

“You look beautiful,” He said letting me go.

“Yeah ok, come on lets go to history.” I said grabbing his hand.

Jack smiled and we walked toward history.

“Well I’ll see you later?” He said smiling.

I nodded and I walked into history, Jack walked in five minutes later apologizing for being late.

The rest of the day past by as usual, lessons, Food (one of my favourite parts of the day), home. I got home to find a note on the table;

-          Hi hun,

Dad and I went out to see Nana.

Be back late, there’s cold pizza in the fridge,

Love you sweet heart

Mum xxxxx

Hmm well that pizzas going to go to waste.

I went upstairs to my room and got changed into a pair of ripped light blue skinny jeans, and a grey hoody, and a pair of biker boots. I grabbed my favourite necklaces and bracelets and through my black hand bag over my shoulder.

Stuffing my phone in my pocket I walked down back down the stairs and left the house.

Jack POV

-          On my way, be there in a minute xxx

 -Ok xxx

Leaning back on the tree as I put my phone back in my pocket and sighed.

Come on Anna its freezing.

“You know you look really weird standing in a park alone,”

Bouncing away from the tree I put my arms out in a karate style (even though I don’t know karate).

“Anna don’t do that!” I said dropping my arms.

“PHA-hahahahahaha, what was that,” Anna said bending over in hysterics.

“What so funny?” I said frowning at Anna.

“The little karate moves you were going to pull on me, do you even now karate?” She managed to breath between giggling.

“Well you didn’t know that, I could be a black belt.” I said winking at her.

“Oh yeah…like you could take me on.” She said putting her hands on her hips.

“Is that a challenge?” I said stepping toward her.

“Maybe,” she said mimicking my actions.

We stood there for a few minutes just looking at one another.

“Ok you win, let’s go.” I said taking a step back.

“I thought as much, so where are we going?” She said sliding her hand into mine and entwining our fingers, as we walked away from the tree.

“Where ever I don’t mind.” I said swing our arms a little as we walked.

“My parents aren’t home, but I don’t know when they’ll be back, we could go to mine?” She said shrugging her shoulders.

“Umm…I, would we…” I looked at her, my heart began to pound in my chest.

Is she saying what I think she’s saying??

“Jack! No!” She said giggling. “I meant watch a film or something stupid.” She said face palming.

“Ohh…ye sure I’m cool with that too.” I said as casual as possible. (Please voice don’t crack on me now!)

“Come on lets go.” She said speeding up and pulling me toward the direction of her house.

*             *             *             *             *             *

“Do you have to go?” Anna said leaning her head on my chest.

“Ann, my parents will be wondering where I am, and yours will be back soon, unless you want people to know I should go.” I said moving her and lifting myself from the sofa.

“Fine, come on I’ll say goodbye to you at the door.” She said getting off the sofa.

I walked down the corridor toward the door.

“Harry, wait I’ve got the keys.” A voice shouted from outside.

“CRAP! Your parents!” I said turning around to look at Anna. “What do I do?!” I said panicked.

“HIDE!” Anna said grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs.

“Where?!” I said running up the stairs, as the lock began to turn in the door.

“My wardrobe!” She said swinging her bedroom door open and shuffling me in. “Be as quite as you can!” She said before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.

"Anna!" I hissed.

Well I'm not going anywhere for a while. I moved over to Annas bed and sat down, making the whole bed creak.

"I didn't here anything," Anna shouted from outside the door.

She opened the door and stepped in.

"I said wardrobe not ridiculously creaky bed." She waked over to me and sat down next to me.

"So how am I meant to get home?" I said putting my arm around her.

"Text your mum and say your staying at Jason's tonight," She said looking up at me.

"But...but...where will I sleep?" I said looking back at Anna.

"Well you can have the floor." She said giggling.

"Oh thanks..." I said looking at the floor.

"I'm kidding, you can stay with me." She said standing.

" ok." I said smiling to myself.

"But don't get any ideas." She said obviously noticing my smirk.

"Fine, i'll text um now." I said pulling my phone out of my pocket and writing a quick text too her explaining where I was.

"Right budge, I want to get in." I looked up to find Anna already in a pair of pink floral pyjamas.

"How long does it take me to text?" I said looking in my phone confused.

"Longer then you thought apparently." She said moving the quilt and climbing in too the bed. "You getting in are our you going to sit and watch me sleep all night?" She said settling her self down.

"Yeah hold on then." I said standing.  "Look away then," I said smirking.

"Urgh what have you got to hide?" She giggled.

"Fine you can be a little perv then." I said pulling my shirt off then putting it on the chair by her desk.

Turning around I looked at Anna she ran her eyes down me open mouthed.

"Like what you see hyh?" I said posing for her.

"Yep!" She said to my surprise, most girls deny. That's one of my favourite things about Anna her honesty.

"Well it's a good thing I'm your boyfriend then," I said pulling of my jeans and putting them on the chair.

I walked to the bed and climbed in next to her. She moved her head onto my chest and moved her arm around me.

"Night Jack," She sighed.

I turned to the lamp next to the bed and switched it off.

"Night Ann," I replied closing my eyes.

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