My sisters keeper

By osounique

10.7K 274 18

This is about two Sisters named Jennifer (age 17) and Michelle (age 13). They grew up in Brooklyn, New York t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Ending Note

Chapter 13

332 8 0
By osounique

"James?!" Cara, the girls mother says in shock and you could tell fear was on her face.

"Hey baby long time no see." Their dad said to their mother. "I missed you baby." He said with a toothy grin with a sinister look. "Why didn't tell me you were back?" he said now sounding more angry and was walking towards Cara... "HUH?" He was now in her face, he could kiss her if he wanted.

Cara just had a scared look on her face, she looks as if she's scared to say something, she's choked up on her words.

"Don't you have a wife?" Maya said while running by to where her sister was.

"Shut the fuck up she's irrelevant." James shot back while looking at Cara and had a force grip on her.

"Imma tell you one 'mo time to back the hell away from my sister!" Maya said while she took a step towards James.

"Where the fuck is Uncle Mike when we need him?!" Michelle said to her sister while they were in the car, scared that their dad would spot them and drag Michelle.

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do!" James said while throwing Cara on the floor leaving her a bruised arm.

Jennifer and Michelle hate to see her mother cry... Especially Jennifer.

"Jenni, do you remember daddy beat us for no reason when we were little?" Michelle asked her big sister. Sometimes Michelle sounded like a baby again and Jennifer loved it when this happens.

Jennifer thought... Of course she remembered. Her father used to beat the shit outta there mom. 'She had a smart mouth' he would say. And Michelle and Jennifer didn't deserve beatings most of the time.


On this summer night, Michelle, Jennifer, Cassie and Kiona were outside playing in the dark.

"Michelle, Jenni, bring y'all asses on!!" Their father yelled from inside the house.

"Bye guys." Jennifer said to her friends.

"Who the fuck gave this dog a piece of my damn chicken??"

Really is he upset over some chicken?!

The two girls looked at each other. It wasn't Jennifer but she decided to take up for her little 6 year old sister.

"You gave this damn dog my food?!"

"Actually daddy it was me." Michelle said looking up at him.

"So Jenni you lyin' now?!"

He beat them so hard... Bruises up and down their legs. He gripped them so hard and threw them in the room.

"James I had enough of you abusing our kids and abusing me!" Cara their mother spoke sounding with confidence.

"Who are you raising your voice at sweetheart?!" James their dad said in a calm but furious voice.

"I'm talking to you!"

He gets up and slaps her and she falls back into the couch. Her cheek is bleeding and a black eye and bruise is forming.

"That outta teach you how not to talk back next time, bet yo 'ole ass won't talk back nomo."

Later on... (3:22 am)

Cara packs 3 bags. She packed her a duffle bag, Michelle and Jennifer one and put them in the car and go back inside and wake the girls up...

"Wake up sweetie" Cara said to Michelle and Jennifer.

"Where are we going mommy?" Michelle asked sounding very sleepy.

"Just put some shoes on but you have to be very quiet."

"Okay mommy."

They hurried and got to the car and went to Maya's house...

Flashback over

"Yeah I remember...." Jennifer said with tears forming up in her eyes...


In the car ride back to Atlanta, Jennifer couldn't help think about why Javion disappeared when she was about to leave.

("Should I text him? No... Wait 'til later... Or he should text me first..?")

"Well look, we're home!" Michelle said grabbing her bag then now glancing at the door.

She's sees Dylan and his mom there.

"Well hello there, how long have y'all been waiting here?" Auntie Maya asked politely.

"Umm for about 3 minutes." Dylan's mom said.

"Oh we were just coming back from New York.. So when Michelle moves back up there you'd have to send money!" Aunt Maya said in a sarcastic tone.

"We came to bring money to buy some clothes or whatever." Dylan's mom said while glancing at Michelle. ("She's really pretty") his mom whispered to Him.

"Go ahead, give her the money like a gentlemen."

"Here Michelle." Dylan said with the most SEXIEST smile ever and a wink. Was he trying to get back with her on the low? Hmm

"Thanks" Michelle blushed as she spoke.

("That boy is so fine") she thought in her head.


It's 9:50 at night. Jennifer can't stop thinking about Javion... And Nick. Jennifer decides to call her Bestfriend Kacey.


"Hey Kacey"

"Uhh Hi Jenni" Kaceys voice got tensed up.

"Are you okay? You sound different."

"Yeah I'm um... Fine"

"Okay just making sure, but i called because I have a question."


"So my mom is out of rehab finally, but like, it's this really cute boy up there and I was trying to see if I should move up there or stay dow-"

"Move up there!"

("Wow damn I can't even finish what I was going to say?") Jennifer thought .

"You want me gone?" Jennifer said now sounding serious and a little hurt. "Nick might miss me."

"Oh hunny don't worry about him..." Kacey said.

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