Celsius [Completed]

By Ravenreaping

51.4K 2K 339

Sexual content 18 and older advised "Asher-" I tried but he tossed over my phone in my lap "Forget my number"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Is it too late A/N
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter: 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter: 45
Chapter: 46
Chapter: 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter: Epilogue

Chapter 36

960 32 5
By Ravenreaping

Emma pov

I woke up to find myself cuddling naked next to Asher and couldn't stop the urge to cuddle closer to his coolness with a smile on my face. I'll never understand why this feels so right for some reason, why being with Asher surpasses the mate bond will always be a mystery but as long as I get to be with him I'll be fine. I just stayed there laying on his chest while his arms were around me loving the moment thinking I was going to get a good hour of this bliss

"daddy" I heard Scarlett shout from behind the door. damn it

"daddy wake up, you want me to train that women right"

"I remember when she loved to sleep in" Asher groaned

"she's only doing it cause of me you know" I sighed still holding onto him

"maybe, but I wanted to be alone with you last night" he shrugged and I smiled at the thought of last night. Sex with answer is still unbelievable

"you still suck at using the link" Asher announced and my face started to warm up

"s-shut up" I exclaimed. I can't believe I let that slip

'it ok, we understand' I suddenly heard a voice. did Asher just-

'no Luna that would be us' I heard Leos voice and went wide eyed while turning to Asher

"I might have added a few people to the link to get you used to the amount of people" and my face heated even more

'w-who's there?'

'we are' I heard through the link and knew it was all our friends. that means they all heard everything

'yup' I heard Ross and cut of the connection knowing they were all laughing at me

"why didn't you tell me anything" I shouted at Asher who only chuckled

"I just woke up"

"I can't believe they heard everything" I groaned rubbing my face

"it wasn't too bad, you've let worse slip" he pointed out

"that doesn't make me feel better" I deadpanned only to have him smile and give me a cool longing kiss


"....a little" I admitted

"good cause today we finally go down" he announced. he was just dropping bombs everywhere today.

after we were done taking a bath and getting ready I went up to the top of to do a couple of exercise with Scarlett which was pretty much the usual routine for a while

"light them all in one breath" she ordered me on the last exercise. I took in a deep breathe before looking around me and then released a steady stream of fire from my lips igniting all the candles and looked at Scarlett who examined all the candle

"84 percent" she announced

" I got all of them though!"

"you didn't get to training on time so 84%" she said glaring. was she really going to hold a grudge over this morning

"Asher" I called looking for back up while he sat there watching us

"she's the teacher" he shrugged and I pouted. I should've known that he wouldn't intervene just thought he might since it was my last day on the side lines

"thank you daddy" scarlet exclaimed and ran over to him

"you did good" Asher said smiling a little while taking out a blow pop for the both of them

"does this mean I can sleep with you tonight?" she asked hopeful

'no please no'

"ok" Asher agreed while I groaned and rubbed my face

"yay" Scarlet exclaimed happily

'I've said no all last week'

'you couldn't do it for one more?' I asked and he gave me a 'really' look while coming over to me

"fine" I sighed accepting the fact that I was really going to have to share Asher

"you ready to see the others?"

"sure" I said about to head down to the elevator only for Asher to pick me up bridal style

"too much time" was all he said before walking towards the edge of the roof

"a-Asher" I struggled not liking where this was going

"Asher the roof Asher A-" I tried only for him to jump off and we started to fall while i screamed my head off scared as hell till I felt a thud and found that we made it to the ground in one piece

"you scream too much" Scarlett said landing next to us like it was nothing

"what the hell, why did you jump?" I exclaimed while Asher put me down to my feet

"it was faster"

"what if you-" I started

"I'd never drop you" he announced before I could say anything and I just stared into his crystal blue eyes. there wasn't an ounce of doubt in them

"j-just give me a warning next time ok" I mumbled blushing a little

"alright, you all ready?" he asked confusing me till I finally looked behind us and saw the whole pack looking at us some even smirking making me blush like crazy. please don't tell me-

'yeah we were all here from the beginning" Laura announced making me blush harder

"we're ready, it's nice to have you back with us alpha" Cora smiled as Asher went up front. the thing is ever since I got my new powers Asher has stayed with me and scarlet watching over us for the past couple of weeks, to be honest I was getting worried how the others felt about it but they seem to be fine enough if they can smirk at me the way they are

'so how was your alone time' Laura asked though the link while smirking back at me

'shut up' I said stretching with the others and I saw her laugh

'still it's pretty cool that we can link now, what did Asher do to you?' she asked curious and I realized nobody knew what happened to me

'I'll show you' I linked just as we started to run into the forest in human form. Before I was only able to run behind everyone feeling like an idiot but now I was actually able to keep up with Laura and some of the other pack women shocking them

"what happens to you?" sally asked surprised while we ran

"who knows " I said smiling at the fact I could keep up now, people were doing tricks, howling and messing around while we ran and for once I had enough energy and endurance to join them in their fun. at least I did till Asher threw his blow pop stick and everyone started shifting into half form picking up the pace and I started doing my best to run with them but I started falling back but held my place for a while panting like crazy

'shift' I heard through the link and they all shifted into their wolfes ripping their clothes off and leaving me behind in the dust

"fuck" I cursed now jogging while looking at the wolves take off following the tails of fire and ice knowing that it was Asher and scarlet. looks like this is all I'm gonna be able to do

"Luna Emma" I heard from behind me only to see the kids from before catching up with me


"h-hey do we call you Luna or Emma?" a little girl asked me.

"just call me Emma" I said Running at their pace

"see I told you that shes like Asher" she said mater of factlly to a little boy.

"not uh you said we should call her Luna" he protested as they began to argue

"you've really changed" Ross announced running next to me. I always thought it was sweet how he looks after the kids like this

"yeah some stuff happened" I said while jumping over a log

"I can tell, your scents off a little" he noticed and I was going to say something when I noticed the look on a boy's face

"is he ok?" I asked concerned he looked like he was struggling a little bit for some reason

"he's fine, he's one of the kids close to shifting soon" ross told me and I looked at all the kids, there was actually a few with the same look on

"isn't that Calvin?"

"yeah, he's improved the most, but most of these kids weren't expected to shift for another couple of years, Asher really is changing everything" Ross said as we ran and I couldn't help but smile. Asher was just always doing something amazing no matter where he was

"you were pretty good out there" Cora said when me and the others finally made it back to the pack house

"you say that but I wasn't able to keep up" I said panting

"well considering that you shouldn't have been able to keep up in the begining, you did really good" Laura told me

"that seriously was a surprise" Dan said looking me over

"what exactly happen to you?" Leo asked looking just as curious, but I felt like I shouldn't say just yet

"first where's Asher?"

"him and scarlet-" Leo started till the forest suddenly went up in fire and we saw a giant dragon come out of flames

"went into the forest for a private run" Leo finished while we looked at scarlet

'stay back' Asher told everyone thought the link, but I doubt anyone of us was going to willingly go over there. it looked like Scarlett was once again on a rampage from losing control with all her stomping around and roaring

"it's seriously hard to believe this is real" Ross said looking at her just as there was a blast of ice coming from below hitting her no doubt coming from Asher. but that only seemed to piss scarlet off making her swing her tail at the ground causing a bunch of trees to fly through the air towards us

"you still having trouble?!?" Cora shouted panicking and shifting into half form with the others as they started jumping in the air and shredding the trees before they hit the pack house

"Emma" Laura shouted worried as some trees came at me but I only took a giant breath before burning them all to a crisp before they got to me. when all the trees were gone so was the dragon but now everyone was looking at me shocked

"what?" I asked nervously looking at them all staring wide eyed

"y-you just blew fire" Cora said shocked

"you're a dragon now?" Dan asked confused

"no" we heard and saw Asher coming over to us with scarlet who was eating a blow pop looking saddened while wearing Asher's shirt

"we just saw her breath fire, you can change people?" Leo asked

"n-no Asher just... marked me" I announced and they looked surprised but Dan and Laura went wide eyed no doubt shocked I did something like that

"but I don't-" Cora started only for Asher to grab my hand and have both our marks on our hands start to light up and I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his roar through my head. it was loud yet comforting

"whoa" they all said and came over to look at our hands

"so, this is how a dragon marks someone" Leo said studying it

"is it like the mate bond?" ross asked

"no, we choose the partner, they aren't chosen for us" Asher told them and they all nodded in understanding

"can I talk with Emma for a minute?" Laura asked Asher

"fine, I need to have a moment with scarlet anyway"

"I'm sorry daddy" she quickly apologized only to have him pet her head

"just shut up and follow me" he told her before going inside making her feel a little better but as I followed Laura going to her room I couldn't help but feel anxious knowing I was probably going to get it

"what the hell did you do?" Laura exclaimed once we entered her room and she closed the door behind me

"I understand that you love Asher and all but a mark, really Emma?"

"I know alright, but I couldn't help it. I love Asher Laura the fact that I had a mate and can still say that I love Asher more is huge"

"but you didn't even reject Jude properly yet" she sighed shaking her head

"if I just keep my distance it should help right? I don't even think about Jude in that way anymore" I told her truthfully. I did love Jude but the second I got my mark the bond started to diminish and I was able to really focus on Asher, the little voice in my head that said this was wrong was long gone

"I don't know Emma, he's an alpha and alpha wolfs are unpredictable sometimes" she sighed and there was a long silence

"..........how does it feel?" she asked me a little curious and I couldn't help but smile

"it's like I'm connected to him"

"so, it's like a normal mark"

"I can feel his feelings, like right now I can tell that he's doing that little chuckle of his" I said feeling the happiness

"what about touching him, sparks?"

"no, he doesn't have sparks or that warm feeling he's cold but it's a nice cold its almost warm at the same time. it just feels so....... right" I said trying to explain it to her

"better than the bond?"

"in a way. yeah" I admitted. I won't lie I do miss those sparks and the heat I got from Jude but Asher's cold was just so inviting

"dragons" Laura scoffed and I couldn't help but smile at the thought. they really were just amazing creatures

"now about the sex" she started and I felt my face heat up. she just had to go there

when Laura was done harassing me we headed over to the gym to work out with the others. they were a little surprised how much being marked changed me but I liked it. they could still lift more than me but now I was able to somewhat keep up with them and I only melted one weight by accident when I wasn't paying attention so it went pretty well.

The whole day was pretty much me just going around the pack house talking to some of the members and really getting to know them but when I saw how late it was getting I started to miss Asher so I headed up to where I was sensing him only to find him on the roof meditating with scarlett

"deep breathes" Asher instructed while I watched curiously

"focus on staying calm don't let your emotions get to you, don't go wild" he told scarlet and I saw her struggling a bit before a ring of fire surrounded her

"i-i can't" she said through gritted teeth the flames getting higher while I started to worry what she was trying to do

"you're my daughter, I know you can" Asher told her and I saw her start to focus more the flames slowly started to go down and soon go away altogether with her now panting

"good. now picture it. just the one part nothing else" Asher instructed

"i-i got it" Scarlett announced

"ok, now release" Asher shouted and suddenly the back of scarlet shirt ripped off letting giant red wings emerge shocking me

"you did it" Asher said smiling at her while she sat on the ground panting steaming coming off her wings

"I-it hurts" she whimpers only for Asher to go over to her and touch her wings using ice to cool them off that instantly melt on contact but from the look on Scarlett's face it felt good

"you'll get used to it" Asher promised before looking over at me


"that's what I want to know" I said going over to them still stunned

"it's a partial shift, wings of the dragon" he exclaimed still cooling her off

"yeah but why are you teacher her this now, isn't this one of those things you should learn when your old enough?"

"scarlet wants to gain control fast"

"why?" I

"I-if I get older I can't call daddy, daddy" she announced and I was going to say something when I saw the look in her eyes. she was determined to remain daddy's little girl

"you can let it go for now" Asher announced and the wings almost immediately retracted and scarlet passed out in Asher's arms

"is she alright?" I asked looking at her worried. she was my enemy with Asher's attention but I didn't want her getting hurt

"she's fine just over stressed" he said rubbing her back

"you knew this was going to happen and you still did it?"

"if I don't train her she'll only try and do it on her own and the last time that happened she destroyed half a village" he announced. just as scarlet tighter her grip on Asher

"besides, I want her like this too" he said smiling a little. these father daughter moments were the things that I seriously missed out on when I was a kid so seeing them now unfold in front of me made me tear up a bit

"........you're just a frozen softy"

"says the crying hot head" he said picking up Scarlett before walking towards the stairs

"who's a hot head" I exclaimed only for some smoke to come out of my mouth

"I wonder" Asher chuckled. I was seriously never going to get tired of that sound

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