SAMCRO's Hope (Breaking Bad S...

Par DestinyWriter94

138 8 2

"She was a True Warrior, you could just see it in her eyes. She was not Born Strong, She was Made Strong. She... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


52 2 2
Par DestinyWriter94

Halestorm - I am The Fire is the song I thought suited the entire story, please remember to Vote(click the 'Star' button), Comment and Share with other Sons of Anarchy fans, enjoy!
Shout out too DestinyDoragon thanks for helping make this story amazing! This story wouldn't have happened without you, loves!~Destinywriter94

Kendra's POV:

"Man it's great to be headed back home, it's so close I could almost smell it! Motor oil, burnt tires and a barbecue damn'd near every weekend. Oh man my cut is calling for me too." I sighed rubbing my hands together in glee that Home was only a matter of miles away now.

I sat in the passenger seat of my Restored Black 1934 4x4 One-Ton Dually Ford Pickup Truck while my College friends drove me home and for the most part during the whole ride home I barely spoke a word.

I didn't have much in the back of my Truck, I had My Two Suitcases of Clothes and Shoes were in the back; as well as a rubber-made of Bathroom necessities(shampoo, Conditioner, Body wash, Period stuff, etc), another rubber-made of food stuff(Ramen, Mac N' Cheese, Fruits, Vegetables, etc) and My Beautiful Purple 2001 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide Sport Motorcycle secured in the back of my truck with a tarp covering it to keep it from getting wet, or being unnecessarily exposed to the elements on the ride here.

I had an apartment near the College since I went to school in Sacramento for Six years, but about a week before I left Sacramento, I ended up selling it fully furnished to some other college girl that needed some place to stay and She got a killer deal on it, while I stayed in Rayna's dorm room for my last week there.

"You know Sweets, You keep bragging about this Home of yours yet never showed it to us, it better live up the picture you've painted for us. Your Dad tells us that it's a lovely Small town and you're saying that it's a small town that's got character. Charming is either the slums and you've got a damn'd good imagination or it's a decent place. Either way we're finally seeing where you grew up." Wyatt chuckled as he glanced at me from the drivers seat, with his arm draped over Rayna's shoulders.

"I have to say that You attended possibly three, or four parties in the Six years you were at school, I don't know how you attended college and didn't drink, or recklessly sleep with anyone! I'm pretty sure you're the only person to leave college without regrets...only you Kennie." Rayna stated and she sounded disgusted yet surprised as well.

Rayna was a beautiful 28 Year old woman, with long wavy Chestnut Brown hair, Pink Bow lips, Big Doe like brown eyes, a feminine nose, Nice Cheek Bones, an Oval Face and really I thought that she resembled Belle from 'Beauty and The Beast', at least that's how I thought Belle should look. She was a year older then me and attended the same college for a Pharmaceutical Degree and LOVES to party, she and Wyatt were actually at the school a full two years before I even got there, so if that doesn't explain how much she enjoys partying, then I don't know what does.

"Well, she did finish faster then we did, ours were only supposed to take us at most three to four years, hers was supposed to take double our time. I'm quite proud of you and I know your family will be proud of you too Kennie." Wyatt argued with Rayna and Rayna just rolled her eyes while she cuddled next to her Fiancé, holding onto his arm while looking up at him with Love clear in her eyes.

Wyatt was a handsome 28 Year Old Man, with short cropped Dark Brown hair, a Wide Strong Jaw, Slanted Brown eyes, Chisled Cheekbones, Strong Nose and all around a truly Handsome man. He wasn't too different from his Fiancée though, he went to College for a Degree in Medicine as well as Homeopathic Medicine for people who hated to take Chemicals to make themselves better. He attended parties as frequently as Rayna did which is actually how they met and when I met them after my first year in college he Proposed to her, of course they were together long before I came around but Wyatt said I gave him the confidence to finally ask Rayna to Marry him. 

After that I suggested that they quit using College as a way to fuck around and actually finish what thet initially came here to do. That way they could get married, have their certificates/degrees for whatever they wantwd to do with their lives and they'd both have successful professions that would keep them afloat in life.

I actually found out a year later that they knew of nearly all the Motorcycle Club's and had a vested interest in joining one, even if they had to be 'Prospects' for a while. All they would tell me was that Both of their parents were part of motorcycle clubs, they didn't tell me which ones(I bet it was the Hells Angels, or one of those well known MC's), but they were just as familiar with them as I was.

I didn't mind that they wouldn't tell me what MC they belonged to, they either didn't agree with their Parents MC Rules, or just didn't think it made that big of a Difference whether I knew or not about their MC. I wasn't an intrusive person, I figured they'd tell me sooner or later when they felt it was the right time to disclose it to me, but I told them the Gist of my MC because I trusted them, I knew that they would never tell anyone about My MC, they were tight lipped and very trust worthy.

Which is what made us stronger friends, I told them that I was born into SAMCRO, their parents wouldn't allow them to be part of their MC, they wanted their kids to be well educated and not part of any MC's, they wanted their kids to have a better life, what their parents didn't realize was that they pushed them right into being part of their world. 

Rayna and Wyatt wanted badly to join an MC, one that would accept them and treat them like family. They have been searching long and hard for a loyal, tight-knit, trustworthy group to join. Which is why they've joined me on my trip back home, so they could meet my Family and MC, to gauge whether or not they wanted to join SAMCRO.

"Yeah, they certainly will be, I just hope that Jax is there, I did this for him and Our MC. Maybe I can actually tell him how I feel, now that I can actually contribute to the group. You know aside from occasionally joining them on select missions and Blowing shit up." I sighed and looked out the window, excited yet wary about coming home after being gone for so long.

After that Rayna turned on a Pop/Top Forty Radio station and that was what filled the silence, they decided to leave me to my thoughts about Jax. They knew about my feelings for Jax, he was the only thing that kept me away from any guys at College, of course the thought of being useful to the SAMCRO was what also motivated me, but hoping that Jax would see me as more then just a 'Woman Friend' is what pushed me to 'soldier on' during all the hard days at school; as well as my Cut that I left in my room at my house in Charming.

Twenty minutes later and we were pulling up to the SAMCRO compound, butterflies were fluttering about in my stomach, would Jax hate me for being away for so long? Would there be a rift between us that would never heal?

I guess I didn't have to worry too much, because he had texted me every Six months, or so to see how I was doing, but it never came off as anything more then Friendly and straight to the point like: 'how's school', 'how are you' and stuff like that; which left me to wonder where we stood now.

"See that big gate with Barb wire on it, turn in there and honk twice, I'm sure that we needn't honk because they know my Truck, but I'm never sure if anyone is by the monitors ready to signal anyone to open the gate." I instructed Wyatt and he did as I had told him, we waited patiently for a minute then the gates opened by a skinny Guy with the Cut on, new guy?

"Park over by the wall, then I'll introduce you to my rowdy family, they haven't seen me since I left Charming, so be ready for anything and make sure to introduce yourself as my friends they'll find it simpler to trust you. My Dad should be able to help to, the rest I leave up to my favorite social butterflies." I instructed with a laugh before I hopped out of my truck and wasn't terribly surprised to see everyone walking towards the truck. 

I stood in front of my truck in the sweltering yet muggy heat of California warming my skin, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I nervously slipped my hands into the back pockets of my Jeans, anxious to see how they'd welcome me and waited for them to bombard me with hugs and questions. 

"My Girl is back! Move outta my way, I get to greet her first." My Dad yelled and shoved through Bobby, Juice and the workers. Though why Jax wasn't here I wasnt sure, because I knew that I had seen His bike among all the rest of the guys Bikes, though I also noticed that Clay's bike was gone, the only thing I could figure was that he must be out with Gemma, or dealing with something on his own.

Dad quickly wrapped me in his arms throwing any thoughts about Jax from my mind and twirled me around, as he kissed my cheek and smiled down at me like only a father could. I missed him so badly, as well as SAMCRO and of course Jax.

"Rayna, Wyatt you remember my Dad Alex Trager, Dad you remember my friends from your last visit a couple months ago." I stated and swooped my hands out gesturing to my friends. "Hello Mr. Trager, great to see you again and we look forward to getting to know the rest of her family, we've heard a lot about you guys in the last six years." Wyatt and Rayna spoke in perfect unison as they smiled and waved at the big group of people.

"All good things I hope?" Dad jested while holding me close to his side and facing my friends with a thousand watt smile. "Of course, Wonderful things about her Dad, her family and of course The Club." Wyatt replied and Dad leaned forward to pat Wyatt on the shoulder while nodding his head at Rayna.

My Dad has always been cautious around Rayna, probably because she is more like a female version of Himself than even me and likely because he doesn't know what's appropriate and what's not with her, which is why he just keeps it polite with her.

Even though Rayna is more like my Dad and I'm the complete opposite, my Dad never stopped telling me how proud he was to have me as his daughter and that I took after my Mother. Though he never talked much about my Birth Mother, I don't know her name either, it was a very touchy subject for him probably because she died from a Motorcycle accident... sadly my Dad was part of that accident, he was the driver and while my Dad lived; my mother didn't, they had perform an emergency C-section to save My Twin Brother and I, though my Brother Didn't survive either, I was the sole survivor of the C-section. My Dad was left a Single Father to the Daughter of the only woman he ever loved and he was never really the same since my Birth Mothers death, or so I've been told by Bobby, Clay and some of the other SAMCRO members.

"I missed you Dad, sorry for not calling but I wanted it to be a surprise... I'm back for good, I've graduated a whole year or two early and I've got my Doctor Degree!" I screamed in excitement while Rayna held up my Degree for my Dad to see, my Dad looked at it, yelled in excitement and did his weird happy dance while I did mine too.

"Jesus Christ, my Baby girl is all grown up! She's got her degree and doesn't need me anymore. What the hell am I supposed to do now?" My Dad groaned, stopping his dance as though realizing that with my Degree I'll be able to do anything and in his mind assuming that I don't need him anymore.

"Not true at all Daddy, I'll always need you. A Daughter always needs her father and I'll always love you. Overbearingness and all." I reassured him and he let out a sigh of relief while pulling me into another hug, likely for his own piece of mind.

"Come on now Tig's, don't hog her, we want to congratulate our Girl as well and give her a proper welcome home." Bobby 'Elvis' spoke up while he softly pulled my Dad away from me and yanked me into a bear hug, man these guys certainly never forgot how to give hugs, I'll give them that.I'd been passed around to almost everyone but I noticed that Clay and Gemma still weren't here, but just as that thought popped into my mind Jax strutted up and a smile spread across my face as I threw myself into his arms and kissed his cheek.

"Hey there Stranger, been quite a while hasn't it, I was startin' to wonder whether or not you were ever coming back." Jax teased while chuckling, as we stood in front of each other, he looked down at me with this goofy smile on his face and he had this odd twinkle in his eye when he looked at me, but maybe I was just hoping though.

"True, it has been too long... Yeah well, I had a great reason to come back here, you know the Club and You. Also I've completed my Doctor Degree and I'm here to stay now." I explained to him, whilst also nonchalantly flirting with him and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Wow, you did it? Congratulations Kennie, now you can help out with the club just like you wanted too." Jax spoke with pride, as he pulled me into another hug and kissed the top of my head.

"All right, All right Let's take this inside, Clay is on his way back and is calling a meeting in the 'Chaple'. You know Kennie, It really is great having you back, My Sweet girl." Dad told me and pulled me into a side hug, away from Jax whilst dragging me inside beside him.

"Hey Kendra can I ask who those two are over there, is he your boyfriend or something?" Juice asked over a bottle of beer as he gestured to Wyatt and Rayna, while I sipped at a bottle of water, one I almost spit in Juice's face had I not just swallowed it.

"Yeah we're all wondering Kennie, who are they and why did you bring them here?" Jax added as he cast a dark look towards Wyatt and I shook my head at how Thick they were being about my Friends, did they not see how Love struck those two were with each other and were they not there for their introduction?

"Yeah, sure let's just not see the rings on their fingers meaning that they're due to be Husband and Wife sooner or later and let's just assume that I'm the logical candidate for being his girlfriend; cause that makes a lot of sense." I sarcastically stated, while laughing. 

Juice and Jax weakly laughed while scratching the backs of their necks feeling dumb and not sure what else to say. They looked at Rayna's hand then Wyatt's and they both shook their heads at not noticing that earlier. While Bobby and everyone else laughed at them for overlooking that. I smiled as I looked at my MC Family, made sure My College friends were fairing all right and finished what was left of my water.

"You're beautiful, would you like something to drink, or do you want to get out of here and acquaint yourself with me?" The New guy who had opened the gates for us, asked as he leaned against the bar and smiled at me.I mean he was cute and it was flattering that he was flirting with me, but I still only had eyes for Jax. 

He had blonde curly hair, he was really rather on the skinny side and didn't have much muscle, though I may be comparing him to Jax which isn't fair at all. This guy had the whole 'Boy Next Door' thing going on for him which is fine if you were into that, sadly for him I wasn't into that but I could see having him as a great friend, he seemed fiercely loyal which is hard to find in this day and age.

"Hey, Half-Sack you're flirting with Tig's Daughter and My Girl, I don't want to have to teach you a lesson so remember your place, Prospect." Jax warned and it made my belly clench when he said 'my girl'. 

"I appreciate the thought Half-Sac--do you have an actual name because I feel like a bitch calling you that." I asked while wincing at his Code name, Half-Sack laughed and shook my hand.

"I appreciate your concern over my feelings but I don't mind the name, it certainly beats 'Prospect' doesn't it? Though if you really want to know my name is Kip Epps, but you can call me Kip if you'd feel better about it, just not while we're out, you have to call me Half-Sack, all right?" He explained to me and I nodded in understanding as I flashed him a smile.

"Kips, it's nice to meet you, as I was saying I'm sorry but I'm not the right kinda Girl for you, I'm waiting for someone to show their interest, but if I may trouble you for another water I'd appreciate that." I told him and he smirked while he also nodded his head in understanding and went off to grab me my water.

"Jax Teller, I'm barely here an hour and you're all ready telling people I'm 'your Girl' sadly I don't see your cut on my shoulders and as far as I knew we were just friends." I queried, while I turned towards him and gave him some Sass, feeling more bold and sure about showing him how I felt.Just as he opened his mouth to reply Clay walked through the door and all the guys stood to attention, leaving me wondering what Jax might've said had we not been interupted.

"Yeah well, long before you left I've wanted you as My Girl and I think, given time you'll get My Cut on your shoulders, but we need to date first and I need to lay things out on the table, big things-" Jax was explaining to me when Clay laid a hand on Jax's shoulder effectively cutting Jax off.

"Yeah, those big things are going to have to Wait until after the meeting. Oh yeah, great to see your back Kendra and congratulations on getting your Degree." Clay tersely told us, with a fake smile in my direction, while he interrupted Jax's and my conversation and I smiled tightly at him.

"Tell me you've at least Mulled over my Idea since Six years ago? You know I don't just mean allowing me on missions that you deem right for me." I asked him, going from happy to serious far too quickly for my liking but that was how it always worked with Clay and I, we just couldn't get along.

"Yeah I have, it seems Tig's and Jax won't seem to let the idea go either they brought it up at nearly every meeting since the Six years you've been gone. Also, you're lucky you've been on any missions we don't allow any women on missions because you're important to not just the group but your Father as well. So you know what my Answer is every time?" He told me sounding irritated and I raised an eyebrow at him while standing up with my arms crossed against my chest.

"Like the Old Guy that you are, you probably said something along the lines of 'That you'll think about it'? Well then, I believe that you thought it over long and hard since the Six Years I've been gone. You know what I think Clay?" I asked him a rhetoric question while everyone watched with baited breath to see what would happen.

"Oh do tell Kendra, Lord knows that even if I don't want to know, nor do I care, that you'll tell me anyway." Clay growled while we stood nose to nose and I smirked up at him.

You are not supposed to speak out against the Leader but he just pissed me off and I've always challenged him. There wasn't a day that went by since I was an infant and raised by my Dad, Gemma and SAMCRO, that I never Not challenged him.

"Hey back off Clay-" Jax and my Dad were trying to step into our argument, they were mad at how Clay was talking to me. When I held up a hand stopping them from interfering in this, much like Gemma does when she's dealing with something on her own and both of them stepped back allowing me to deal with Clay on my own.

"You're right Clay, but you know the only reason I act the way I do is because you never try to hear me out when I am polite to you. So, I have to come off as a bitch and confront you in front of everyone, I don't know why we can't settle this in 'Chaple'." I boldly spoke my mind, though my voice was Taut with anger, my hands were clenched and shaking from the effort of not punching him in his big face for being a Chauvinistic pig.

"As I was saying before you rudely interrupted, I believe it's time to put it to vote, because despite what you may think I wasn't just fucking around at school, I got my Doctor Degree so I could contribute to Our Club. You know the one that I was born into just like Jax, but I have to work a helluva lot harder to prove myself to you that I belong here just as much as Jax does." I stated my point while barely holding myself back from throat punching him for not even being the least bit polite to me.

I had thought that after being away for so long that he'd find it in his Cold, shriveled heart to at least show me the respect that he shows to everyone else, but I guess I was hoping for too much from a Dickless Oldman.

"I don't have time for this shit, we'll deal with this another Day. Right now we need to go to Church and deal with shit that actually matters." Clay growled, his voice gruff with barely withheld Anger and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Tch, Yeah like I haven't heard that before, but fine I'll let you run away, for now, but mark my words Clarence We will talk about this another time. However the next time we get the chance to actually talk about Bringing women into the group, not just as 'Old Ladies' but letting us be an integral part of the club. I swear to you that this will be put to vote because this IS shit that actually matters, it concerns the well being of All the 'Old-Ladies' and soon to be 'Old-Ladies'." I vowed and flippantly waved him away because I was done with this conversation, otherwise I'd mouth off at him all day and I'd never get anywhere with it.

"Right, fine whatever you say Princess-Tig's get your daughter in line-Now Let's get this meeting started." Clay disregarded me as he walked to their Meeting room and everyone followed behind him, while casting a Sympathetic glance my way.

"He'll come around Kennie, Tig's and I have been working on getting him to accept your idea, if we can get everyone to agree with you before we take it to Vote, then before you know it the rest of the women will be part of SAMCRO." Jax told me, as he placed a chaste kiss to my forehead and ran to catch up with everyone for the meeting.

The door to the Chapel closed, leaving me to my thoughts. I shook my head, pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation, It wasn't that I didn't believe Jax and My Dad, it was that it shouldn't take this long for someone to be heard. 

Six years, they've been working Clay, while I've been asking him two years before I left for Medical School, so a grand total of Eight years of trying to get him to understand the idea and it seems to have gotten us nowhere.Sure, I've got a Cut but I am rarely invited into Chapel and only allowed on Select missions that Clay deemed 'simple enough' for me to join and it was pissing me off. I was born into this just as Jax was yet, I'm being treated worse than a damn'd Nomad!

I growled, everything close to me was swiped off the Bar in my anger, I heard Rayna gasp in surprise at my outburst, but I couldn't find it in me to explain to her right now and I paced around trying to get the red haze of anger to go away. I was livid, it shouldnt be this hard to be excepted fully into SAMCRO I have been working my ass off to prove myself to Clay! That Chauvinistic, Pig Headed, Bastard! I was just trying to keep the women of SAMCRO safe, I wasn't trying to Ursurp him from his spot as King of SAMCRO.

As far as I was concerned he could have his throne(for now), I'm much to young and inexperienced to handle that shit just yet. All I care about right now, is getting him to agree to allowing women to be an Integral part of the group, such as allowing the 'Old-Ladies' into church because we have good, level headed ideas.

I was tired of seeing Gemma direct Clay from the Sidelines and him taking the credit for her ideas. In the time I was away, I'd seen how other Motorcycle Club's worked, quite a few of them actually had women as rulers and they worked smoothly, why couldn't Clay just agree with me?

"Oh man, what happened this time?" Half-Sack sighed as he handed me my water and scratched the back of his head while also grabbing a brook.

"Oh God, Kips I'm sorry, I was so pissed off at Clay that I forgot that you were the one that'd have to clean up the mess I'd made. Let me help and again, I'm sorry." I apologized profusely as I knelt down and picked up all the bigger stuff while Wyatt held the trash bin close to me, being sure to keep Rayna clear of the debris and Kips just chuckled.

"You didn't have to help Miss Trager, I'm used to cleaning up after these guys, it's the only way I can prove to them that I have earned my spot in SAMCRO. Also you could've just blamed one of the guys and I wouldn't have known." Kips told me and I laughed as I stood up after picking up everything that wouldn't cut my hands.

"You don't have to call me that Kips, Just call me Kennie or whatever comes to mind." I informed Kips while smiling at him and he smiled back at me, I couldn't handle how cute he was, he even had a dimple!

"Sexy Kendra, Kennie-Kiss, Lovely Kennie, Sexy Thang-" Kips was throwing names out there and I literally covered his mouth while looking around making sure no one had heard him. "As flattering as those names are I'm pretty sure my Dad and Jax would beat you up for those names. Let's keep it neutral, I don't want to see my favorite Guy all beat up." I explained to him whilst nervously laughing, worried for his safety and he smiled bigger while he pulled my hands off his mouth.

"Yeah, I know those perfectly describe you, but I see what you mean... Then I'm going to call you KT, I haven't heard anyone else call you that." Kips told me as he finished with sweeping up the smaller pieces of glass and switched the broom out for a Mop.

I grabbed a napkin, wrote my number and name down on it, then kissed it leaving my lipstick behind. I bit my lip and smiled at how cheeky I was acting, then folded the napkin up and clasped in my hand waiting for the right moment to give it to Kips.

"Sounds good to me Kips. Now Wyatt and Rayna I want to show you my beautiful home and you guys can help me get unpacked?" I asked them as Wyatt put the Garbage down, dusted his hands off, nodded his head at Kips and looped his arm through mine, while Rayna did the same.

"If anyone asks where I went Kips, tell them I went home and don't let them bully you around too much, just find me, call me or text me, if they have you doing obscene shit and I'll make sure they treat you right." I promised him with a wink, while holding his hand and discreetly slipping him my number.

I didn't wait around for Kips reaction, I walked out the door with Rayna and Wyatt towards my truck. Funny, it seemed that College gave me more Confidence and Sarcasm than before I left for college.

The talk with Clarence was far from over, because I would do whatever I had too to keep the women of SAMCRO safe, even if I had to talk to Clay until I was blue in the face, more than likely I'd end up throat punching him before I talked my voice away and after I'd throat punched him I'm sure he'd be more than willing to hear me out, maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part though.

Craftsman Homes; 2 Level, 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 1 1/2 Bath, 2 Car Garage, 4,100 Square feet

"Holy shit, you own this home, it's beautiful Kennie." Rayna gasped as Wyatt pulled into the drive way and I just nodded in agreement with a proud smile on my face.

I hadn't looked up to see my Old run down home, I was too busy replying to Kips who had texted to make sure I'd given him the right number and of course I rushed to reassure him that this was really me, by snapping a quick photo as proof.

The inside of the home was old, The floor was creaky, it smelled kind of musty, it was a well lived in home, but I loved the home and I was glad that they found it beautiful. "Yeah, My Dad gave it to me, apparently it was My Grandmother's home and he wanted me to have a piece of my history, because my mother used to live here too. It's not my dream home, but it certainly holds memories and that's far more important then appearances for me." I informed them as Wyatt clicked the button to open the Garage and pulled in.

I stepped out of my vehicle, slipping my phone into my purse and was immediately enveloped in the feeling of peace. This was the one place where I felt truly at peace and comfortable, before I left six years ago, I held dinner parties for SAMCRO and had The 'Old Ladies' over for Tea or Coffee parties, those were fun days.

"Miss Trager, you're finally home!" Neeta Powell gushed as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen and Garage with a duster in her hands, she was a Maid/Nanny that I had hired before I left to keep my home in nice shape.As payment she stayed at my home free of charge but got paid Two thousand dollars every month for taking care of my home. 

I had met her when I was Nineteen years old in the Supermarket and she was looking for a job to help take care of her family. I had given her my number as well as two hundred bucks, because I would never want to be in that situation and told her that I'd contact her if I had any work for her, that was when she told me that she was a hard worker that she could do maid work as well as be a Nanny, whatever was needed she couldn't do.

So, a year later when I was Twenty years old Dad signed the house over to me and I found it was too much for me to take on, on my own so I called up Neeta and hired her that day. I mean a 2,865 Square foot home with four Bedrooms and four bathrooms was ridiculous for a single woman, but it'd be perfect if and when I started my own family.

"Neeta it's so good to see you, how's everything with you and the house?" I asked her as we pulled each other into a hug. She was a kind, hard working African American Woman that was in her Early to Mid-Forties and was like a Mother to me, much like Gemma was.

I noticed that the garage didn't smell old like it did when I left, it actually smelled like fresh wood as well as fresh paint and it wasn't as dark as before either, seems like someone was busy while I was away... must've been my Dad, or Jax.

"Oh sweetheart, it's comforting to know that your home safe and sound. I couldn't be any better, I'm not struggling anymore and I can't thank you enough for changing my life. The house is in better shape than what you left it in, for the last four years Jax has been here with a construction crew and his friends fixing the house up, but he stayed true to the original home design." Neeta informed me and I could all ready see what he's done, he's had the house completely fixed.

It must've cost him a pretty Penny to fix my home, I have to remember to thank him for putting that much effort into my home, is this his way of saying that we were good as friends, or that he sees a future with me?

"Come on inside and see what your friend has done, your home is beautiful. Oh, be sure to take off your shoes in the mud room Darling, I just mopped an hour ago so the floors are sparkling. That's right, I just made some snicker doodles and Apple pie too. I'll pour you and your friends some sweet tea while you get comfortable." Neeta beamed while she ushered My friends and I inside.I unzipped my boots, hung my jacket on the coat hanger and started to re-familiarize myself with my beautiful home. 

It was WAY different from how it used to look, before it had wood floors that hadn't been polished or taken care of and you could see the wear and tear from the years of no care.The walls used to be the color of the wood, the kitchen was bare minimum, the bathrooms as well and it used to have Lots of spiders and various other insects around the house, likely because the wood was decaying and must've left room for them to sneak inside.

Not now though, now instead of the dreary home I once knew, I was looking at Polished Warm Oak Hardwood floors, Black, Green, Navy, Red and white interior Colors, with White Walls to maximize Light, as well as lots of windows. 

As far as I could tell there wasn't a spider or insect in sight and I almost ran out of the house because I didn't recognize it. If Neeta wasn't here to greet us, I probably would've ran out of the house, then called Gemma or Jax telling them that my house was torn down and sold or something.

Standing in the mud room, you could see the modern Washroom with a first class Stainless Steel Samsung Washer and Dryer, as well as a big sink to soak dirty clothes in, an area to sort your clothes into the three hampers (whites, reds & darks), a bench to sit at if you were waiting for something and a drying rack, it was a beautiful washroom.

As you walked from the Mud room you walked through a Huge Kitchen that a Chef would be jealous of, it had stainless steel counters, all the Appliances were Samsung such as the Fridge, Oven, Microwave, toaster and every other appliance I might need, there were even shock absorption pads all through out the kitchen.

The home was nearly open floor planned, you walked from the kitchen right into the Big Comfortable Living Room/Family Room with an Eighty Inch HD Vizio TV, Big Black Recliners and a Navy Blue love seat, with a refurbished Barn door coffee table in the middle of the room, it even had touches of Motorcycle memorabilia. I'd say that so far Jax really updated the place and he did it just how I'd like as well.

The Dining room was just as breath taking, it had a modern look to it with touches of refurbished things, Motorcycle memorabilia and comfortable looking chairs that could seat up to Twenty people, maybe more. On the other side of the Family room was a Nook, with a wall of My Books and floor to ceiling windows, with a comfortable Red love seat to in front of the window, with doors to the left onto the screen porch to spend hot summer days drinking iced sweet tea and reading a book.

Behind the TV was the master bedroom where I slept and I nervously made my way into the room. Though I was excited to see a beautiful wrought iron bed frame, a King sized bed, a Refurbished Barn door with SAMCRO Burned into it as the headboard. My room Had a door that went out to the screen porch and the room had a few windows, a big closet with a few of my older clothes in it, a Floor to Ceiling mirror to check out my outfit, my room even had a seventy inch Vizio HD TV on the same wall as the Eighty Inch TV in the living room. 

Jax went very eclectic with the style of the home, he didn't quite stick with one theme, which I'd normally hate but I found he did very well with making them work together. What I liked most about what he's done to my home is that he kept the Ceiling and Walls all white so that all light, be it natural sun light, or otherwise would bounce off the walls and keep the room bright.

As I wondered from the room to the Master bath, I found that it followed the theme of the master bedroom and the Kitchen, It had a lot of Wrought-iron, refurbished wood and even some stainless steel.

The bathroom had a huge walk in Shower, with rotating shower heads, the color scheme was Black, Warm Oak, Gray, turquoise and White. He even managed to put round Stones in the walls of the Shower. Around the rest of the bathroom on the floor black & Turquoise tiles and silver trim with Faux Gold edging, it was truly wonderful what Jax managed to do with the house.

"Holy mother of God, this isn't your dream house? Man I'll buy it from you, because just from what I've seen so far, this is most certainly MY dream house." Rayna spoke in amazement as she looked around the main floor of the house and I shook my head unable to find words for how I felt about the house now.

"I have a feeling it looked much different then it does now and she didn't have the slightest clue about what Jax and whoever else helped did to her place." Wyatt replied and I nodded my head in agreement while I looked on in complete amazement.

The Second Level of the house was more suited to children and had neutral colors, the second bedroom was furnished and followed the same theme as the main floor with a full bathroom outside the room. While the Third and fourth bedroom were unfurnished and painted yellow. The third bedroom over looked the front yard, this was the first room that I imagined an infant living in, while the Fourth overlooked the right side of the yard and the big area in between the rooms would sooner or later be the playroom for any children that might visit, or live here.

There was even access to Attic storage, but with all the Closets and nooks, I probably wouldn't need to use the Attic. Though I could see using the attic to hold Holiday stuff and other things that didn't have to take up room in any of the Closets or nooks.

I never thought Jax had listened to me when I talked about the layout of my future home, but apparently he had and he'd brought it to life for me in a very big way and better then I could've ever imagined.

The home was mediocre before, but now it was my dream home, I'd never move from this home because this was more than I could've hoped for. I'd never be able to thank, Jax and whoever helped make my dream home come alive, enough.

Just as we made our way downstairs to enjoy some pie and cookies in my wonderfully remodeled home, my phone rang. I ran down the rest of the stairs and since I was still wearing my socks I slid across the floor to my purse

."Hello-" I barely managed to say when I was cut off. "Kennie, it's me Gemma, I was informed that you're back and I'm sorry to greet you this way but I need your help. I was told you start work tomorrow, but I need you to help my grandson, please get to St. Thomas as soon as you can." Gemma threw information at me almost faster than I could process and had me scrambling to get my shoes and coat on.

"Don't worry I'll be there ASAP Gemma-- Hey, Wyatt did you get the stuff out of the back of my truck?" I asked as I covered the speaker of the phone while Wyatt nodded his head 'Yes' in response to my question.

"I'll see you in ten minutes tops, brief me when I get there and stay strong Gems." I told her as I stumbled through the mud room to the Garage and climbed onto my Bike because it'd be faster and simpler to park. 

"We'll follow you to the hospital in your truck incase you need it and you don't have to worry about us. We can entertain ourselves here in that guest bedroom upstairs." Rayna told me while they climbed into my truck and I nodded as I slipped my helmet on and peeled out in my haste.

My mind was racing a million miles a minute, Gemma has a grandchild? Something is wrong with said grandchild and she knows about my job at the hospital... so if Gems has a Grandchild that means that Jax has, or had a child- What the everloving fuck have I missed in the Six years that I've been gone?

Thank you so much for reading my story, please vote (click the 'Star'), Drop a Comment(tell me your thoughts) and Share with other Sons of Anarchy Fans! ~Destinywriter94

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