The Tutor // l.s.

By foreverme20

2.1M 75.4K 175K

[Completed] Louis Tomlinson needs a biology tutor. But will his biology tutor just teach Louis about biology... More

The Tutor (Larry Stylinson AU) {Punk! Louis}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 21

65.6K 2.4K 8K
By foreverme20

Louis'  POV

Harry and I were snuggling on the couch in my house. My mum and sisters aren't home so we took the opportunity for our advantage. We've been dating for about a week and a half now, so I was thinking I should take it to the next level. I finally built up the courage and paused the t.v.

"Hey!" Harry pouted. I kissed the pout away and smiled at him, "Yes, Boo?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked bluntly. Harry's eyes went wide and then he smiled.

"I'd love to!" Harry beamed and I kissed his lips. He was about to pull away but I put my hand on the back of his neck and Harry put his arms around my neck. I moved my hands down to his hips and kept them there while I slid my tongue along his bottom lip asking for entrance which he immediately granted. Our tongues fought for dominance then Harry gave in and let me explore his mouth. I was so into snogging Harry that I didn't hear the front door open and close. But I did hear the gasps. Harry and I pulled away wide-eyed and I turned and saw Lottie and Fizzy.

"I told you he was gay!" Fizzy exclaimed.

"We don't know that for sure!" Lottie shouted.

"Then ask him."

"Harry, are you by any chance like girls at all, or do you full blown like sucking cocks?" Lottie asked casually and Harry's breathe hitched and he stared at Lottie wide-eyed and blushing.

"Lottie!" I shouted and she sighed.

"Let me rephrase that," She started, "Are you by any chance bisexual or pansexual or are you gay?"

"Gay." Harry mumbled.

"Told you! You owe me ten pounds!" Fizzy exclaimed and Lottie huffed digging into her pockets. The girls walked out the room and up the stairs, talking about girl things.

"Umm... Lou you never told me what you were." Harry said.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you bi, pan, or gay?" Harry asked.

"I'm gay," I started, "For you." I smiled warmly at him and he blushed.

"R-really?" Harry asked and I nodded pecking his lips and un-paused the telly. Harry snuggled into my side and I put my arm around his shoulder and kissed his head of curls with a smile and Harry snuggled closer to me.


"Are you sure about this? You shouldn't put your reputation on the line." Harry said worryingly.

"Harry, I like you and I'm not ashamed of you. I don't care if my reputation is put on the line. I like you and shouldn't have to look around me if I want to peck your cheek or something. I want the world to know, that you. Are. Mine." I stated genuinely.


"Babe, please." I begged. Harry sighed but nodded, "And if anyone gives you shit about this, tell me. Okay?"

"Yeah..." Harry sighed looking down. I put two fingers under his chin and kissed him.

"I don't care about what anyone else thinks. For all I know they could just be jealous because they don't have a cute adorable boyfriend like I me." I smiled at him and he blushed smiling also.

"Thanks Lou." Harry said quietly.

"No problem. Let's go." I said getting out my car and walking over to Harry's side then opening his door. He blushed and mumbled a 'thank you'. I grabbed his hand and walked through the corridor. Once I stepped in people started whispering and staring. I could hear what some people were saying.

What is Louis doing with that!?

I knew Louis was friends with the fag but dating him!? That proves my point that being gay is contagious.

Louis rejected me for that queer!?

Because of that fag, they're both going to die in hell. Might as well die together, or at least the queer should.

Harry kept his head down the whole time but I didn't I kept my head high but at the last comment I turned to face the guy, my hand still gripping Harry's, "What was that?" I asked.

"That thing you're holding should rot in hell. If you hang out with him long enough you'll deserve it too." The kid spat.

I let go of Harry's hand and slammed the guy against the lockers, "Oh really? Say something like that again and I'll make you regret it. Actually, Liam, Zayn, Niall and I will make you regret it. Got it!?" I asked before punching him in the stomach, "If any of you talk bad about me or my boyfriend I will also make you regret it. And don't think just because you're a girl, you're off the hook. I'll find a way." I threatened them all before grabbing Harry's hand again and walking away.

I was walking in the direction to our lockers but Harry pulled me down the opposite hall and into a janitors closet. He closed the door then hugged me tight and I hugged him back, "Thank you." He whispered in my ear. His breathe hit my neck and I shuddered.

"For what?" I asked.

"For standing up for me." Harry said hugging me tighter.

"What are boyfriends for?" I asked chuckling and he chuckled slightly as well. When he pulled away he had tears in him eyes, "Don't cry, love."

"They're tears of happiness." Harry explained with a smile.

"C'mon. We don't want to be late for class."  I said putting my arm around his waist and leading him out the closet.


Everyone was at Zayn's house. We were all watching the telly and I had Harry on my lap. All the guys made a comment on it but we waved them off. I liked Harry in my lap and I could tell he liked sitting on me.

"I'm hungry." Niall whined.

"When are you not, Nialler?" Liam asked patting Niall's thigh and Niall smiled and then looked away blushing. I looked down at Harry who was smirking at Niall. I've never seen Harry smirk but it was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

"Why have I never seen you smirk?" I whispered in Harry's ear and he shuddered.

"I don't know," He shrugged, "Never had a reason too." He whispered back.

"What's your reason now?" I kept my voice low.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone." Harry whispered back.

I looked him dead in the eye before saying, "I promise."

Harry leant forward to my ear and whispered, "Niall has a crush on Liam." He pulled back and looked at me expectantly. I put my hand over my mouth to hold in a gasp.

"Really?" I asked astonished that my best mate is gay and likes my other best mate. It feels so weird. This is probably how the guys felt.

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"How do you know?" I asked still whispering.

"Well, when Niall showed me the video of us snogging, I told him about all my feelings for you. Soon after he told me about his feelings for Liam." Harry informed me.

"Well, it's kind of because of Niall that we're together, so...."

"Operation Niam?" Harry asked beaming at me, struggling to keep his voice low.

"Niam?" I asked.

"Niall and Liam." Harry said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What are the two love birds whispering about?" Zayn asked.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked smirking at him.

"On second thought, no I do not." Zayn said turning back to the telly. I looked at Niall who had a longing expression on his face. I held back a sympathetic smile and looked down at Harry and whispered,

"When do we start, Operation Niam?"

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