bionic besties 1 | lab rats

By Ann_and_Nikki

20.9K 335 72

S•E•A•S•O•N• 1 Leo and his best friend, Delta James meet Leo's new super sibs, Adam, Bree, and Chase Davenpor... More

Zadie Wesley//Delta James
total re-cast!
The One With The New People
The One With the Recycling
The One With The Commando App
The One With Leo's Jam
The One With the Runaway Train
The One With the Smart and Smarter
The One With the Exoskeleton
August 5
The One With the Bionic Birthday Fail
The One With the Dates
The One With the Death Spiral Smackdown
The One With the Helicopter
The One With the Donuts
The One With People From the Future
The One With the Chip Switch
Not an Update:)
The One With the Drone
The One With the Great Prank War
an open letter//a.n
The One With the Fears
The One With July 4
The One With the RV Lab
The One With Air Leo
The One With the Living Virus
The One With the Mission Invisible
The One With the Concert in a Can
The One With the Space Mission
a minor change

The One With the Chore War

374 8 1
By Ann_and_Nikki

Delta's POV:

I was still trying to un-stain my skin from the KOOL-aid shower. It was a bright red and was clearly not 'blush'. I went over to the Davenport's like always, and Zadie was already there.

"What's up, peppermint?" Zadie laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny. This isn't coming off you know."

"Ha ha, that makes it ten times better!"

"Why are you even here so early?"

"My mother is home."

"Oh, makes since. Where's Leo?" I asked.

"He is cleaning the house from our prank war."

"Ooh, that is not fun."

"No it is not." Zadie agreed.

"Ugh, okay, toilet's clean. Bathtub's clean, sink is clean, and may I just say, you people are disgusting." Leo said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Here is your chore money." Tasha said, handing him a small wad of cash.

"Sweet! I have enough money to see the new Pig Zombie movie and get a T-shirt. Pig Zombie: Cruise Ship Massacre in 3-D. Hungry hogs on the high seas."

"Why would you want to see that?" Zadie remarked. "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter sounds way better."

"Oh please, I would rather see TED. And that movie sounds like it will make me throw up...twice." I declared.

"Leo, I don't want you wasting your brain, your money, or your time on that trash. You are not going to see Pig Zombies. End of discussion." Tasha decided.



"Can I-"


"Glad to see we were able to talk this out!" Leo shouted.

"Leo, I know you want to be a superhero, but that's the worst costume ever." Adam said, walking in the room with Bree and Chase.

"I was cleaning the bathroom, so I could get some money to see my favorite movie. But someone who shall remain nameless...won't let me go." Leo pouted.

"Wait a minute, you get paid money just for cleaning stuff?" Chase asked.

"Oh, yeah. Most kids have chores. You clean things around the house, and then you get an allowance from your parents." Tasha explained.

"Why wasn't I ever given chores?" Zadie asked, looking to Tasha.

"Your mom knew that you wouldn't do them."

"Ah, right you are."

"I want chores!" Bree said.

"I want money!" Chase shouted.

"I want a big furry hat so I can wear it to scare animals." Oh Adam, you are one of a kind.

"You can finish my chores" Leo huffed. "There's no reason for me to have money since Miss Bank-Manager put a freeze on my fun account."

"So where should we start?" Bree asked.

"Just look around the house and see what needs to be cleaned." Tasha explained.

"I got this." Adam said as he lifted up the couch with one hand. "Oh! That's where I left my lucky floss!" Eww, Adam.

"If you use that, I will hurl." Chase said.

"I second that." I agreed.

"And then Adam can clean up that hurl." Zadie pointed out.

"Ka-ching!" Adam said.

Zadie and I then sat down on the couch and watched as the three intensely cleaned. Not too long after, they finished; literally they took three minutes to clean. The house was spotless.

"You could eat off of this floor." Bree stated.

"Could? Can and will." Adam said.

"Wow, you guys just did a day's worth of chores in three minutes. You know, if this whole mission thing doesn't work out, I can buy a minivan, and we can open up a cleaning service." Tasha jokingly suggested, as she handed the three their money. "Here you go."

"Oh, mama just got a new pair of shoes." Bree said, fanning out her money.

"I am now worth seven dollars." Chase smiled.

"I wish I knew how to count." Adam smiled as well.

"Just make sure you all spend your money responsibly." Tasha advised.
Zadie and I were sitting on the couch with Chase and Bree when Adam came in.

"Oh, hey guys!" He greeted. "I got my new spray-on jeans!" He then sprayed on a pair of jeans. Yes, sprayed on.

"How is that responsible spending?" Chase asked, judging.

"27 pairs in one can. That's one for every day of the month." Adam explained. "Wanna try it, Deli?"

"You know, I already have a skirt on; I'll pass this time." I answered.

"Well, if she doesn't wanna test 'em out, I will!" Zadie said, as Adam happily gave her the can.

"Zadie, you're wearing overall shorts." Chase informed her.

"Oh true." She looked down. "Idea!" She took her shoes off and sprayed the jeans up to her knee. "They're knee-jean socks!"

"That looks motarded." I joked.

"I like it; and that's my word." She stupidly smiled.

"I'm just curious how did you end up with him? And how did you end up with her?" Bree asked me and then Chase.

"I'm still trying to figure that one out." I laughed.


Bree, Chase, and I were sitting at the kitchen bar talking. I started to wonder where my boyfriend and Zadie were. I trust Zadie, so I wasn't worried about her doing anything. What I was worried about is that her and Adam aren't the brightest pair and them together could end in a catastrophe.

Adam then burst through the door, but Zadie wasn't there. "Hey, guys, The neighbors are selling their stuff in the front yard so Zadie and I stopped to look around. I spent my last five bucks on this whole basket of used socks!" Adam exclaimed. Oh boy.

"You don't even wear socks." Chase deadpanned.

"Hello! Sock puppets."

"Okay, so where's Zadie?" Chase asked.

"Oh, she's coming." Adam smiled.

"Sorry guys, I had a load to carry." She said, halfway through the door. A few seconds later, she brought in a six-foot tall Dean Winchester cardboard cutout. "It's beautiful." She said as she placed her hands on her hips and admired the cutout.

"Zadie, you bought a cardboard cutout of Dean Winchester?" I smiled.

"Duh. Who wouldn't?"

"Who is that?" Bree said, interested in the cutout of Dean.

"Dean Winchester." Zadie said, nodding.

"Well, he is very nice to look at."

"I know."

"Really?" Chase asked.

"Chase, look at him; he's beautiful." Chase rolled his eyes.

"You should've bought a Sam one."

"I would've but he was missing an arm."

"I spent my chore money starting my hideous babies collection." Bree said, showing off her freaky looking dolls. "There's Lip-Sore Lizzy, Pink-Eye Peggy, and limited edition Triple-chin Chuck."

"What'd you buy, Chase?" Adam asked.

"Probably something for his wonderful girlfriend." Zadie said, putting the back of her hands under her chin.

"Uh no, I bought financial security." We looked at him. What? "That's right. Just me and my money for the rest of my life."

"I'm actually really offended." Zadie laughed.

"I'm saving every last dollar. Friends come and go, but money is forever." Chase finished.

"Well, what about girlfriends?" Zadie snarled. "Because this girlfriend's about to go."

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you food."

"He understands me."

"Hey, guys. How's it going?" Tasha asked.

"Great, now that you're back. Money, money, money, money." Chase said.

"Is someone cooking bacon?"

"Oh, turkey bacon. I'm cooking it in my new bacon pack." Adam turned around to show us his backpack that doubled as a grill. "It's a bacon cooker! On my back in a pack in case I wanna snack."

"I'm glad you guys all love your chores, but you already did everything. You're gonna have to wait until next week." Tasha informed.

"What? No, no way. I'm down to my last two and a half pairs of spray-on jeans." Adam said.

"Two and a half?" Tasha asked.

"Check out my socks." Zadie said, showing off her spray-on jean socks.

"And I have to get that Drooling Debbie doll. She's part of a set with Barfy Betty." Bree said, as her doll...threw up. "How cute is she?"

"That's disgusting," I said.

"Now, now, now. If only you had saved your money. You'd be feeling as secure as-oh, who am I kidding? I need more money too." Chase said.

"Wait a minute. Why don't we just sell our things like the neighbors did? There is plenty of stuff around here that no one uses." Bree gave her idea.

"Well yeah. Like this figurine or this book or this pillow." Chase stated, walking around to each object.

"Hey! That's a great napping pillow!" Zadie protested.

"I'll give it to you for 10 bucks." Adam said.

"That's a bargain." She said, looking at me. This is not going to end well.

About an hour later, the house was filled with strangers. I'm pretty sure someone's gonna rob them.

"Welcome to our indoor yard sale. Nice to touch, pretty to hold, but if you break it consider it sold."

"That was good rhyming, Adam." Zadie complimented.

"I thought so myself."

"Now this is a rare jar of peanut butter. Expired almost three years ago." Chase said to a stranger. "I don't know if you remember, but 2009 was a fantastic year for peanuts."

While the three were selling the most random items around the house, Zadie and I got bored, so we decided to venture the Davenport house. We got lost a few times.

"Ooh, Zadie, what's in here?" We walk in and see hair salon chairs up against the wall.

"I think you meant to say: 'what's in hair?'" Zadie laughed.

"Okay, we're done in here."

We went into a few more rooms. Each room having a different style. This house is absolutely crazy. We finally came to a room with a wooden door and we found out, it was a sauna.

Hours later, Zadie and I finally went back downstairs, wrapped in a towel. Zadie's hair was wrapped in a towel while mine was in a bun.

"Where have you two been?" Leo asked.

"We decided to adventure." I said.

"The sauna is amazing, but now I'm really prune-y." Zadie said. "Why is there a broken jewelry box on the ground?"

"Don't ask." Tasha said.

A/N: Okay, so to be totally and completely honest...Chore Wars is one of the most boring episodes and I really didn't wanna write it so I had Zadie and Delta do their own thing. It was a kinda boring chapter and I'm really sorry about that. The next chapter will be better. I promise. Thanks:)

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