Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

128K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Four-Part Four
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Two
Chapter Eight-Part Three
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Nine-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part Six

Chapter Ten-Part Three

1.7K 43 30
By ApplePie0097

"We may stumble and fall but shall rise again; it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle."

(Mahatma Gandhi)

Two weeks later
Haesung Hospital
   Yoon Mi was all alone in the cafeteria without her fellow colleagues during lunch break, which was rather unusual as her colleagues had never missed their lunch. Nevertheless, she sat down at her usual spot and enjoyed her lunch. It had been a busy morning for her–with two surgeries to participate and later on, a report regarding a patient with a problematic heart which was needed by one of her superiors by day's end. Today was the last day to hand in the report and she was in a hurry.

   Fortunately, she still had some time for lunch, albeit a short one. For sure, she was not going to waste it.

   She was halfway through her meal when she suddenly felt something overshadowing her from her left side. It was strange how her area got slightly darker all of the sudden while the rest didn't, which led her to assume that there was somebody beside her. Nervously, she slowly turned her head around towards the shadow, heartbeat racing and breathing all erratic.

   Her heart nearly dropped out of her mouth when she realised that the person standing next to her was none other than Yeung Joon's father–all dressed in a black suit and a red tie and with a sincere smile on his face. "May I sit?" He asked without hesitation.

   Of course, Yoon Mi couldn't reject the request, especially from a man with a billion dollars in his name; not to mention that he was her boyfriend's father. And then, it hit her–she had never met his father up-close and personal. Plus, she had never heard of him speaking about his family. Well, generally from the tabloids, she knew a thing or two about his family–they are rich. One more thing that made her shudder was the fact that the man speaking to her right now had been involved in a scandal previously, but the scandal was already history. Compared to her ordinary background, Yeung Joon's image had already shrouded her so much that she saw no place within his family. Even in the hospital she knew so well, she felt so out of place with that man present right now.

   The man simply took a seat opposite her without even waiting for her nod or even a word. Yoon Mi realised that he was not carrying a tray of his own meal, which meant that he was not hungry. If he was not here for lunch, then why was that man sitting in front of her right here, right now? Did anything happen to Yeung Joon? Apparently not. His father was still smiling, which might have meant that nothing was wrong or probably, he was trying to convince her that he was of no harm.

   "You are Jung Yoon Mi, correct?" The man's inquiry shook her away from her reverie all of the sudden, causing her to blur out for a moment. He never seemed to care though. "And you're my son's yeoja?"


   "Oh, that's good then!" The old man chuckled. Soon after that, he noticed her awkward behaviour. "Mianhamnida. Did I make you uncomfortable?"

   "Oh, aniyo! Jal jinaeyo! It's just....I didn't expect myself to see you right now!" She quickly pressed her left fingers against her lips. "A..ani, I mean, I...uh...I–"

   Her nervousness only serve to make the father chuckle even more. To him, it was quite funny to see her cute face. He had to admit, she's pretty. Not only that, she's so honest. "Don't be nervous! I'm not going to eat you. All I want is just to see the person who has hooked my son's heart." He smiled widely. "I must say, you are too pretty to be a doctor. How old are you, if I may ask?"

   Yoon Mi scolded herself internally to cool down. "I'm twenty-six." She answered with a slight blush. Although the term 'hooked' sounded a little bit unusual compared to the word 'attracted', she actually liked it. In an instant, her naughty mind began its play, but she immediately suppressed it before it went out of hand. Plus, his father complimented about her beauty! Who wouldn't like to be called a beauty. Still, this was his father she's dealing with, and there's probably something he needed from her, which was why he came to her in the most unexpected of moments. She had the thread carefully if she wanted to give a good impression to him.

   "Uwah! So young! You must have a bright future ahead!" He praised, causing her cheeks to turn red even more.

   "Ka..kamsahamnida." She bowed her head slightly. "D..dare I ask, why do you....want to see me? Did something happen to Yeung Joon? Shall I call him down right now?" Yoon Mi quickly took out her phone.

   Just as she was about to call Yeung Joon, his father stopped her. "Don't have to. I bet he's busy right now." He spoke with a sudden switch of tone–a depressed one. "And you're right, something had happened; not him, but me." He went silent for a while as he tried to put the words he wanted to say in his mind as Yoon Mi placed her mobile on the table, eyes staring straight at the face of a man whose smile had faded and replaced with a saddened expression. "You see, I'm retiring, and I need a perfect replacement for my company. There's no one else in the world I can trust other than my true son, Yeung Joon. So..." He arched forward slowly, his hands slowly encompassing her right hand, "...I really hope you can convince him to come back."

   Yoon Mi was surprised. He was pleading her to do something she was unfamiliar with. She knew she shouldn't get involved in Yeung Joon's family matters but...

   "Butakamnida. I'm old and I can't last long anymore. Can you do it for me? I know he will listen to you. Just tell me what you want, I'll grant it. Anything you want. If it's money that you want, I will give you. A car, a house; I can do that as well. All your expenses will be dealt with. Just help me–"

   "It's not that I want your riches, sir, but you're asking me to do a difficult task. I'm not sure if I can do it." She spoke with doubt.

   "If you can't , who will?"

   "I....." She suddenly paused, her mind went blank. Honestly, she had no idea how to reject that plea. There was nothing she could do, given that the situation was not in her favour. Besides, there were eyes watching them already, and she felt really uncomfortable. If this went on, for sure she would appear on every headlines in the newsreels tomorrow morning. She hated unwanted attention, but at the same time, she couldn't reject his plea. She was stuck between a cliff and the rocky bottom.

   The father slowly let go of her hand with a sigh. Yoon Mi couldn't figure whether it was a dejected sigh or what. All she knew was that he slowly stood up. He fumbled his breast pocket and then took out a name card before placing it next to her tray. "I know you can do it." He spoke with a small smile. "Once you've succeeded, the number's the person you need to talk to."

   Curiously, Yoon Mi picked up the card and read the name written in bold characters.

   Go Kim Young

   "He's my bodyguard, and a close associate. You can say that he's part of our family." He placed a hand on her right shoulder. "And you are, too."

   With that, he walked away just like that, leaving Yoon Mi all alone to wonder what had just happened.


Downtown Seoul
   Si Jin and Dae Young decided to spend their off-day back at the shooting arcade, attempting to avenge the 'humiliation' they had suffered in the past. As they walked through the lane in their civilian clothing, without any radios and sidearms to carry by their sides, they immersed themselves into the free world around them. Nothing had changed since the last time they came here. Everything was where it was before.

   Being free from the hassle of military protocols was one thing servicemen like them had been waiting for a long time. Now that they had their wish, it was time to make sure that this day would be a blast for them. Free from their stressful work and also the prying eyes of their girlfriends, it was time to let their inner child go loose. The first place to do that was the arcade. Luckily, the man running the shooting arcade was still there, tall as ever and still dumb as ever.

   Needless to say, after witnessing the two men's actions previously, the shooting arcade owner shuddered upon seeing the two soldiers appearing at his arcade. As if he had seen a ghost, he actually retreated a foot backwards, his toy gun glued to his chest like his life depended on it. He didn't realise that he had actually knocked a player in his back, causing the poor teenager in blue shirt and green shorts to miss a target. The same sound rang in the air. "Did you shoot with your eyes closed? Your rank is Private."

   "Ah, damn it!" The teenager fretted as he stormed out of the arcade with fury. The arcade owner could only look on curiously as he wondered what had happened. If only he knew exactly what he did...

   "Looks like your guns need some repairing." Si Jin spoke casually to the owner with a smirk, hands on his sides. "Let us play for a few rounds." He nudged Dae Young's left shoulder. "What do you say? Want to relive the good old days?"

   "I believe I'm still the best sharpshooter." Dae Young cooly pulled up his collar, winking at the Major with a smirk of his own. "Loser pays the drinks!"


   "Then, let's do this!"


Several hours later
   "Feeling sleepy already?! Come on, it's only the fifth bottle!" Dae Young actually shouted at the visibly sloppy Si Jin. "Loser pays the drinks, remember?!"

   Si Jin slammed the table hard with the bottle of soju in hand, his face red in fury–or maybe just drunk. There's no way he was going to let himself fall into Dae Young's 'abuse'. He's a Major, for crying out loud! No one is supposed to outrank a Major, Dae Young included! "Who says I'm sleepy?! I think it's you who's sleepy! Come on, pour more soju! Let's see who will pay all these!"

   "Fine by me!" Dae Young poured a glass for the Major and another for himself, and the two of them gulped it all in one go. They slammed the glass on the table in unison.

   The deal was that whoever loses the shooting arcade would have to pay for the drinks, but with a catch; if during the drinking match, one became totally out and about, the person–regardless of who won or lost the shooting arcade, will pay for the total number of sojus they had drank. This was nearly similar to their 'three days, zero nights' challenge, but with an added difficulty. They were indeed pushing their bodies to their next level and this time, no one would give up. Si Jin might have lost the arcade match, but as long as he could stay sober long enough until Dae Young's body couldn't take it anymore, he still had a chance. All he needed was just a little boost to keep himself sober.

   And for that, he enlisted a perfect person to be his greatest supporter–Kang Mo Yeon.


   It was already half past eight when Mo Yeon finally arrived at the restaurant Si Jin said he was at through the phone, but by then, he and Dae Young were all but drunk. Needless to say, the moment Mo Yeon heard her fiancée's voice all but globbered, she quickly rushed from her workplace to the restaurant. The restaurant was the same place where Si Jin and Dae Young once did their nonsensical challenge, which made things easier for her. The problem was that when she got there, Si Jin was glancing at an empty cup like a little child while Dae Young was licking the tip of the green bottle like a baby boy. No one could imagine how horrified she was to see how drunken the boys were.

   It was the same incident all over again. This time, they had doubled their alcohol intake by two times the amount they had taken the last time. Now, Mo Yeon was in a daze. Just how in the world was she going to clean up that mess and take those two men home? For sure she could take Si Jin back to her home, as long as he doesn't like, but what about Dae Young?

   Then, an idea hit her–Yoon Myeong Joo.

   Just wait, you two! You're going to get it from us!

   Reinforcement needed, she quickly took out her phone and dialled Myeong Joo's number. Myeong Joo picked up the call after three rings. "I need reinforcements. Meet me here at the restaurant." Mo Yeon spoke straight away without even waiting for the junior to greet her with great urgency.

   "Mwo? What restaurant?"

   "The restaurant they got drunk the last time. No time to explain. I NEED YOU HERE, NOW!"


Some time later.
   "You pabo! How could you do this to yourself?!" She scolded the drunken Si Jin as she drove back to her home. Si Jin was sitting at the front passenger seat, his body all but beat. He was dazed all over, his smile appearing for no reason even with his eyes closed and he was notably chuckling about something. She prayed for dear life that he wouldn't puke in her Big Boss. If he did, she swore she would skin him alive and throw it for the dogs to savour it.

   "Soju.....more sojuuuu....." He muttered out. Then, he chuckled. "I want more soju... More....more..."

   "Aish, this pabo! All he could think of is soju! Just why did I accept his proposal in the first place?!" She smacked her forehead softly. "Aish, what a fool I am!"

   She eventually reached her house after a drive that was unusually long. After she parked the vehicle, she quickly worked on carrying the drunken officer into her home. Carrying him by the shoulder, it was a miraculous thing that she actually made it to the front door. He was just too much for a small-sized woman to handle.

   The moment she unlocked the door, the first thing she wanted to bring him to was her bedroom. Using one leg to kick the front door close, she carried on dragging Si Jin to the comfortable mattress of her bedroom, and once she reached there, she let go of her grasp and allowed Si Jin's body to fall onto the soft material on his back. Fatigue consumed her instantly and she found herself crashing into the mattress as well, beside Si Jin. With all the day's work in the hospital, which was exhausting to the core, all she really wanted was a good rest. Si Jin's actions had spoiled her plans and now, she was just too lazy to climb up her bed and have a shower. If it wasn't for him, she could have showered by then and probably, enjoy some time together with him. Now, she was lying next to a man who preferred to get drunk above everything else.

   The thought of it only serve to make her feel agitated. She rose from her bed, supported only by her right elbow as she looked over to his face. She smacked his chest hard twice, but her actions did nothing to jolt him awake. "You pabo, pabo, pabo! Useless namja!" She hit a few more times on his chest. It was worthless.

   Realising that smacking would do no good, for the man might already gone asleep, she let out a dejected sigh. She let herself rest on his outstretched left arm, sleepiness slowly consuming her thoughts and coaxing her to shut her eyes. Somehow, she didn't want to, and didn't feel like sleeping yet. It was as if there was something she wanted to convey to him, but she couldn't figure out what she wanted to say to him. Besides, he was drunk. He wouldn't pay attention to what she would say to him anyway. It would be a waste of breath to just do that. Still, the urge never ceased. In fact, it grew stronger as time past by.

   Unable to keep her mind quiet, once again, she rose from her position and this time, she stared straight at the face of the person she loved so much.

   Seeing his handsome face when he was sleeping was nothing new to her; she had seen it a few times already. However, this time, there was a different vibe to it. As she studied every contour and every line on his face, she noticed how peaceful he was in his sleep. His face was expressionless, no smile whatsoever, skin lightened by the soft reflection of the light outside which penetrated through the window, creating a blueish hue in her room. She paid attention to his breathing, and the rise and fall of his chest as his lungs operated biologically. She didn't know why and how she could miss such a view even after a few nights together, and she blames herself for being so ignorant about it. If she had taken some time to appreciate the face before she slept, for sure, she would have been absolutely smitten.

   She subconsciously began to form a smile on her face, her agitation fading the more she studied his face. She drew her left fingers close to his face and using his left index finger, she touched the left side of his face all the way from his cheek down to the chin, feeling the smooth texture of his masculine skin running across her finger as the sensation sent waves of unexplained motions in her brain. For sure, it was not hormonal, but rather, a wave of appreciation which filled her mind. Her index finger continued to explore his face even further, ending the exploration with a touch on his lips. It was at that moment when her finger touched his lips, she felt a rising urge to kiss him. At first, she tried to fight it, but it resisted and soon it clouded her mind. She wanted to kiss him badly, for no reason whatsoever.

   And so she slowly crawled up to his face, and then without any further doubt, she planted a kiss on his lips, ignoring the smell of alcohol on his body.


   Si Jin found himself in a dark environment, black all around. He was standing in the middle of the dark environment, clad in his military uniform. He didn't know how he got there, or when he arrived there. All he knew was that he was stuck in that strange environment with no end in sight. There was only him alone–sidearm in hand and his rifle slung to his back.

   He walked around, eyes peeled to every corner of the area. However, in total blackness and no tracks in sight, Si Jin had no idea where he was going. He might be walking in circles, for all he knew. There's simply nothing to see, nothing to feel and nothing to touch. It was an empty space. Slowly and ever steadily, the feeling of isolation crawled into him, making his heart beat a little bit faster than usual. The air was thin too, he discovered. It made his breathing all laboured. Each breath he took was like pumping a small amount of air into a bicycle tyre. There was no noise around him, only his heart eat, his erratic breathing, and the sound of his footsteps.

   He wandered around for God knows how long, and soon, he became claustrophobic for no reason. He had never been so claustrophobic on his life. Even in his solo training in an isolated, dark corner, he actually made it through with relative ease. His mind began to go wild as his body became so sensitive that he nearly lost control of his senses. It bore down on him like a large stone, and slowly, his soul crumbled to the extreme claustrophobia that consumed his body in a whole. He fell to his knees, while his right gloved hand reached the area of his heart. By then, his heart was pumping like a bullet train, threatening to burst anytime soon. It was as if a facehugger from the Alien movie franchise had planted a chest buster into his soul, and the now-matured creature was attempting to burst out from his chest.

   Then, amid all the chaotic mind torture, he remembered something–his night vision goggles.

   How come he could miss that?

   He touched the front side of his helmet, and fortunately, it was there. He pulled it down to his eye level, and soon, everything around him turned green. As he looked around him, he could finally see fine details of the world in darkness. Although there was no corner or door to be found, he could at least see a rectangular figure in front of him that resembled that of a door. He was just a few feet away from it.

   Gathering what's left of his strength, he got up, and with laboured steps, he walked towards the door. The moment he grabbed hold of the doorknob, he wasted no time in opening it, and all of the sudden, a bright flash of light invaded his goggles in one strike, blinding him on the spot and causing his to retreat and pull his left arm to cover his eyes from the invading light. He pulled up the night vision goggles instantly, and then slowly, as his eyes adjusted to the light, he made his approach once again to the door. He stepped into the light, walking into the unknown.

   Once the contrast settled down, he eventually was able to see the world around him, but this time, it was all white. Similar to the dark environment before, there was no end in sight.

   He took one step at a time as he glanced his sides. When he turned back, the door was all gone, leaving him alone once again in the white space. It was at that exact moment where he felt a sudden grasp on his left ankle. Instinctively, he looked down.

   Shock took over his mind when he saw a familiar face of Gwang Nam–in his military uniform and all bruised from head to toe, lying flat on his stomach while his two hands grabbed Si Jin's left ankle for dear life. His face was all bloody. "Soryeongnim......." He muttered between grunts, "...we've failed you.... I can't....go on anymore...."

   Si Jin instantly went down to pull the man up, but before he could do so, Gwang Nam collapsed, his hands releasing his ankles as he slowly dissipated like dust in front of Si Jin's eyes. Si Jin watched in horror at the scene, and for a moment, he froze on the spot as the body of Gwang Nam disappeared from his sight, leaving only traces of blood that stretched from somewhere.

   Nervously, he followed the trail of blood to his left, and his will was broken into a million pieces when he saw his fellow comrades of Alpha Team, including everyone he knew, all lying on the floor with blood pulling out from their bodies. They were scattered all over, but they were all visibly alive. Quickly, Si Jin rushed to their aid.

   As he approached, he could hear soft groans and shouts calling for his name in desperation. Fighting back his nauseating feeling that welled up in his stomach, as well as the deeply broken-hearted feeling in his soul, he rushed to the first person he came across–Dr Song. However, before he could even touch the doctor, he dissipated in front of his eyes. Horror clouded his mind, but he fought it hard as he forced his body to move and save the other one, who was none other than Sergeant Major Han Yeol. Mysteriously, the same thing happened–he disappeared just before Si Jin could touch the man.

   "You will never reach them." A disembodied voice echoed in the space around him.

   At first, he was searching for the voice that echoed around him, but he shifted his focus back to the task in hand. Ignoring the voice, he approached the next one, Min Hi, and then Chi Hoon, and then Gong Cheol Ho, and then the next. All of them disappeared into thin air before he could save them. This sudden and abrupt dissipation of his friends he knew so well made his heart sank, while frustration kicked up in his soul. In the end, there were only a handful left–Lieutenant General Yoon, his father, Dae Young, Myeong Joo, Mo Yeon's mother, and finally, Mo Yeon herself.

   Knowing that it would only be a matter of time before they disappear before his eyes, he ran towards them.

   However, like before, one by one, everyone disappeared, leaving only bloodtrails on the white floor. Mo Yeon was the only one left, her body lying motionless on the floor with blood pouring out of the place where she got hurt before. Tears forming in his eyes out of sheer anxiety, fear, and every dark feeling that filled his heart, he rushed to her aid, praying hard that he could reach her before she became dust. At the last few metres, his legs failed him, and he fell forward.

   Andwae! Mo Yeon-ah, andwae! ANDWAE!

   "Si Jin-ah..."

   The moment he heard her voice calling him, he froze on the spot. Everything around him became slow, as if time had paused itself.


   A loud shot filled the atmosphere the moment Mo Yeon said that, and Si Jin was forced to watch in horror as the shot hit its mark on her head, blood splattering out of it. And just like that, Mo Yeon's body vanished into thin air, leaving only a pool of red blood just like the rest. Now, everyone around him had disappeared, and he alone stood in a quiet environment. He felt like screaming it out, venting his frustration for not being able to save them in time, and for not being able to save Mo Yeon when she needed him the most. Tears fell in streams from his eyes, letting it drop to the floor freely. He was on his knees now, fists balled up in anger and vanguish. Sadness broke his heart into a million pieces.

   "You deserve it."

   His soldier mode immediately sent Si Jin turning his back swiftly with his sidearm in hand, ready to shoot the voice behind him. However, the sight of the person behind him made him shudder to the core.

   It was Mo Yeon–in her usual medical attire, and yet holding a sidearm in front of his face. Si Jin watched in utter disbelieve as Mo Yeon let out a devilish smirk. "Mo Yeon..." He began. "Mwo...mwohaneungoya?"

   Mo Yeon unexpectedly chuckled as she took a few steps closer towards him, sidearm not moving whatsoever. The next thing that really shocked him was the way she spoke. It was not her natural feminine voice. Instead, it was somewhat.....masculine. "Don't you know who I am?"

   It was at that moment Si Jin realised, that the person holding the gun was not Mo Yeon, but a virtual shadow of the nemesis, Sun Yang. Forcing his mind to stay vigilant, he raised his sidearm at the...ghost who's using his fiancée. "Get away from her, Sun Yang! I'll shoot you!"

   "Shoot me, then. Your gun's empty."

   As if to prove the man wrong, Si Jin pulled the trigger, but he was dead wrong. His sidearm indeed had no bullets in it. Now, Si Jin was in a bad situation.

   "Now, it's time to meet your maker!"

   Before Si Jin could react to anything at all, the virtual image of Mo Yeon fired the shot, and all that he knew next was just pure darkness...



   Si Jin rose from the mattress, eyes wide and panting. He was sweaty all over. Instantly, his eyes searched and scanned the entire room, making sure he was in the real world and not in that vicious dream he had just experienced. Realisation hit him when he finally noticed that he was in fact in Mo Yeon's bedroom. The sight of all the furniture's and things in her room proved to him that he was not dreaming at all. He was back to the present, away from that scary dream.

   However, when he noticed that someone was missing, he began to tremble.

   His anxiety was cured shortly after that when Mo Yeon came rushing through the door, concern evident on her face. Mo Yeon sat next to him as she held his left arm. Seeing her alive and well made him sigh in relief, but he soon realised that what he did moments ago might have spooked Mo Yeon to the core. "Gwaenchanayo? What happened?" He heard her asking in a soft tone. Just as he was about to answer, she began wiping his face. "Why are you sweaty? What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

   She continued to wipe his face with her hands without waiting for him to answer, concern plastered all over her face. Seeing that she was not going to stop, he grabbed hold of her left hand and then he hugged her tightly in a warm embrace. The sudden act left her frozen for a short moment, but he didn't care. As long as he knew she was safe, everything else never mattered. He hugged her so tightly that she began to suffocate under his arms, which caused Si Jin to reluctantly release his grasp before he choked her with his body. "Mianhae. I had a nightmare." He squared his arms as he looked down to the floor. "I saw everyone–all the people I know dying and disappearing in front of my eyes! I saw blood everywhere! I don't know what happened but I tried to save them! However, when I tried to reach them, they dissipated into thin air like dust! You, Dae Young, Myeong Joo–they are all there! I couldn't save them! I couldn't–"

   "Don't blame yourself. It's just a dream." Mo Yeon embraced him to comfort him, guiding his forehead onto her chest where her heart would be. "It's not real." Never in her life had she seen Si Jin so shaken by a nightmare. He was actually tearing up about it, which told her that whatever nightmare he had just experienced, it must have scarred his heart deeply. Something told her that the nightmare he was having was not a simple one as well. He did mention about everyone he knew, including Myeong Joo and Dae Young, and also the pool of blood. "Now, do you feel uncomfortable? Anything wrong with your body?" She asked the sobbing man, her doctor mode on. Right now, he looked perfectly spent and exhausted, but to what extent, she didn't know.

   "My head. My head hurts." Si Jin rubbed the bridge of his nose. "It's so real..."

   "You drank too much yesterday." She said. "I'll get you a towel."

   The moment she got up, Si Jin quickly grabbed her right wrist. He gave her a pleading look. "Gajima. Just stay. I don't want you to leave me."

   His plead crept into her soul, making her feeling so uncomfortable. Not that she wanted to leave him, she just wanted to get a wet towel to cool his body down. However, it seemed to him that her act of getting up was equivalent to that of attempting to abandon him. Of course she wouldn't leave him, but he assumed it the other way. That nightmare must have affected him deeply. Still, he needed to cool down. "I won't leave you. I'm just going to get a towel."


   Before Si Jin could say any further, he was rudely interrupted by the sudden ringing of his mobile. Hesitant at first to answer the call, he finally relented with a dejected sigh as he took the mobile out of his right pocket and stared at the screen. His daze immediately went away when he saw the caller's name on the screen–Sergeant Major Choi Woon Geun. Normally, the Sergeant Major never called him, but for the first time he did that, Si Jin wondered what had happened that the senior needed to call the Major directly.

   "I have to answer this." He said to Mo Yeon as he got up and walked to the edge of the room near the window. He swiped the 'Call' button and placed the phone on his right ear. "Yeobosaeyo?"

   "Soryeongnim, forgive me for calling you like this, but you need to come here now!" Woon Geun spoke in a desperate tone.

   Now, Si Jin was getting very curious. "What's going on?"

   "Seo Jungwi and Yoon Jungwi have gone missing!"

   "MWO?!" He actually yelled out loud, but he soon realised his folly when he stared at the surprised Mo Yeon, who probably was wondering right now what was going on. "When did this happen? Have you reported it to the Command?"

   "I already did, sir. We lost contact of them ten hours ago at 2234 hours last night. We've tried locating their trackers but there was none."

   Now, this was dead serious. Ten hours is a long time, and he was furious that it took them so long to inform him that they were missing. If they had at least called him some hours earlier, the situation could still be saved. However, given that he was drunk, it wouldn't matter if they actually did tell him anyway because he was too drunk to even pick up the phone. At that point, he blamed himself for being so careless. Anger flared in his heart as he clenched his fist and closed his eyes, struggling to cool off. He as a soldier, knew pretty well that being angry could not solve problems, but at that moment, his houghts were still blurry by the effects of the alcohol in his system.

   Then, he glanced at Mo Yeon. "I'll get back to you. Where are you?"

   "At the headquarters."

   "I'll see you there. I'm on my way. Send me a vehicle to Kang-sonsaeng's house, ASAP." He ended the call and then walked towards Mo Yeon. Seeing how confused she was, and how dire the situation was right now, the one thing that he really needed was his fiancé to be safe. He grabbed both sides of her arms. "I need to go to headquarters now. There's some trouble I need to deal with." He spoke with urgency.

   "What's going on?" She asked.

   "Dae Young and Myeong Joo are missing."


   "That's why I need to check it out." He paused for a moment when a thought crossed his mind. "Don't go to work today. Stay here. I'll see if I can get some men to cover the house."


   "No buts! Listen to me now!" Si Jin shook her slightly as he interrupted her. Right now, there's no time for arguments. The real threat was out there, threatening his friends, and for sure he's not going to let them suffer. If that threat was indeed Sun Yang, Si Jin just go out there and take him out. As for Mo Yeon, he knew it was no coincidence that the two of his friends got missing just like that. There's some relation to it, and he feared Mo Yeon would be next. "Dae Young and Myeong Joo are soldiers! They don't just disappear like that, and if this is Sun Yang's work, I don't want you to be the next one! Just do as I say!"

   Mo Yeon was now nervous to the core. Sun Yang's back, and for sure the bad guys not going to play nice anymore. After a few weeks without news, Sun Yang had finally chosen the moment to show up and haunt them again. All those horrors she had been through flashed back into her mind like a storm, shaking her soul to the core that she actually trembled. Those memories made her body shake as if she was cold. "Ahrasseo..." She subconsciously agreed, nodding her head frantically.

   "Great. Now, I need you to turn off your phone, your telephone, and anything that is trackable. Shut everything off. Sun Yang might be tracking everyone down right now." Si Jin took out a small, circular device with a flat bottom from his pocket and then handed it over to her outstretched left palm. "Keep this close to you. This is a tracker. This will allow me to track you. That way, if anything happens to you, I'll be there in a jiffy." He closed the palm. "And I promise you–I'll be back."

   "What if you don't, like the last time?"

   That question made him froze instantly. What she asked wasn't false at all–what if he didn't make it back? Both of them knew how terrible Sun Yang could be. He was a heartless, bloodthirsty devil who knew no boundaries and out for revenge. There's a high chance that he would not make it back this time, because this time, Si Jin would have to confront the devil face-to-face.

   However, he had made a vow to her–that no matter what, he would always come back to her. Even if he wouldn't be here physically, his soul would come back to her. That was his responsibility, and forever will be.

   "Then, remember me through this–"

   She couldn't react to anything in time, when he cupped her face and then planted a kiss on her lips. He didn't hesitate anymore. If this was the last kiss he would ever give to her, then he wanted her to remember it for life. He didn't want to leave her just like that with regrets. Then, in some ways Si Jin didn't actually expect her to do, she kissed him back passionately even though it ended no longer than a minute later. As they pulled away, they stared deeply into each others eyes for a moment. "Fulfill your promise to me, Soryeongnim. Marry me when you come back."

   "I will."

   "Go on. Save our friends."

   "Roger." He managed to pry out a smile on his face before he finally left the room.


707th Special Mission Battalion
   Sun Yang: Annyeong, fellow soldiers! This is the most wanted terrorist in the world after Osama, Sun Yang–aka, Ghost by the CIA. If you read this message, then you should know that I came bearing 'gifts'. Two of your soldiers are in my hands now, and I will not hesitate to kill them. That is unless, somebody surrenders to me.

   You know who you are. Don't try to hide it. Hiding is something I didn't like to do. If you want to save them, meet me here, at the old house where we last met. Let's end this, right here, right now.

   I know how much you value your comrades like I do. Don't worry about that, because I will 'treat' Seo Dae Young nicely, including his lovely girlfriend over here. No hard feelings, Si Jin. I hear then scream, and I seriously wanted them to right now. However, it wouldn't be fun unless I let you see it yourself.

   Their lives, and Mo Yeon's life, depends on you. Let's see who survives this time.

   Lieutenant General Yoon shut the blue recorder off, his hands trembling in fear. He had never experienced such a thing before. This was his first time.

   However, he couldn't show then he was weak right now. His daughter needs him now, and he had to be strong. There's no way he's going to let that maniac terrorist win the day.

   "This recorder was discovered in Myeong Joo's vehicle one hour ago, parked outside Bukhansan National Park. The plate number matched, and the DNA samples in the car confirmed that the two of them were in the vehicle prior to their disappearance." The NIS agent spoke. "It's clear that Sun Yang is making it personal. He talked about ending it now, which–"

   "I know what he is trying to say, agent." Si Jin interjected. "He wants to end it all with me."

   "It's not just that, Jungjangnim. Apparently, he has made it public as well." The agent added. "Our sources from the MSS confirmed that they too received the same message. He's sending it all to every associate Si Jin is acquainted with. Sun Yang is clearly giving everyone a warning not to interfere with this issue between Yoo Soryeong and Sun Yang."

   Not only that. The Blue House was informed as well. Due to the severity of the issue, it had become a national crisis. So far, no one in the world had dared to challenge the best warriors of South Korea, but right now, somebody just did. It not only tarnished South Korea's apparent invisibility of their Special Forces, it also challenged the nation's national defense measures. It was clear that he was challenging everyone, not only Si Jin. Only a fool would do that, and Sun Yang was that one fool.

   Lieutenant General Yoon didn't care whether it was a national issue or not. All he cared about was the safety of his two most precious people he had ever known. He didn't want to lose them both. He fought to control his emotions before he burst. The good thing was that the Blue House had granted him the authority to command a joint coalition force with the Chinese following the report, and right now was the best moment to get things going. Someone had started a war with Korea's best forces in the military, and for sure he's going to give that terrorist a good fight to the finish.

   "Well save our soldiers, and we'll get this guy." Lieutenant General avowed as he stood up in a commanding posture. "Yoo Soryeong.."

   "Ne, Jungjangnim." Si Jin answered the call. He was now back into his uniform.

   "You will coordinate with the Chinese in this. I'm sure you know what to do."

   "We'll bring them back. I promise." With that, he ordered what's left of Alpha Team and left the room.

   Destination, China.


Suwon Air Base
   The morning sky was filled with dark clouds and not long after that, it began to rain heavily. The unfulfilling weather would have hampered any civilian activity by then, but to Si Jin and Alpha Team, the weather couldn't stop them. No matter what, they will go to China, coordinate with Hong Guan's forces, and save Dae Young and Myeong Joo.

   The transport aircraft they were taking for the ride to China was already at the tarmac prepped for takeoff, only that it was waiting patiently for its precious cargo to board it. In the hangar, the already geared-up men of Alpha Team were awaiting their commanding officer, who was on the phone trying to contact Mo Yeon before he left. The fact that no one in the team had had the time to say goodbye to their families and friends made them feel guilty, but they pushed that thought behind their heads. They could always come back and explain to them, if they ever survive this. However, for Si Jin, whose girlfriend had suffered together with them, every word mattered to her. So, it was understandable that the lady at least needed some comfort before the battle starts.

   Although Si Jin was certain that she would have followed his advice to turn off her mobile, he hoped internally that he could still get through to her. Surprisingly, he did. Mo Yeon answered his call after two rings. "Si Jin?" He heard her voice, which immediately made his heart heavy. He didn't want to leave her.

   "Hey, love."

   "Are they found?"

   "Ne, they are. However, I have to go somewhere and rescue them." He paused eventually, emotions threatening to overrun his mind. He tried his best to control them for it was not the right time to demoralise his men with his emotions right now. He knew she was expecting this due to the long silence from her side, so he continued. "I'm going to China to save them."

   Silence followed for some time before she said a soft 'oh'. The sound of dejection was evident in her voice.

   "It won't be long, I promise."

   "Gwaenchana." She spoke, trying to sound calm, but he swore he heard her sniffling. "Do your job. I'll be right here waiting for you until you come back to me. Just....don't forget your promise. Ahrasseo?"

   Si Jin closed his eyes, his walls nearly crumbling. He could feel his eyes starting to get wet upon hearing her words. There's no question about it–her loyalty to him was undeniable. It made him feel comforted to have a woman like her, but at the same time, it hurt him so bad to leave her alone in the house in a short notice. If only he had the time to set things straight, but unfortunately, time was not on his side. "Ahrasseo. I will." He replied. "I have to go now. Plane's waiting. Turn off your phone after I end the call."

   "I will." She replied flatly. "Goodbye."

   The word 'goodbye' meant so much to him in a bad way. There were a lot of words to explain the meaning of it, but it was nothing compared to the hurt he was feeling in his heart. Saying goodbye to his liver was the hardest and the most cruelest thing to do, but he had no choice. "...Goodbye..." He reluctantly released the phone from his ear, hesitating for a while before he forced himself to end the call. Then, he switched off his mobile.

   It was at that moment where he heard the sound of engines coming from a direction he didn't know. He was certain that he heard the sound of a few vehicles–probably two, coming straight to the hangar though. Si Jin and the team glanced to the left side of the opening of the hangar door, and true to his thoughts, two military vehicles drove into the hangar. What caught his attention was the passengers in the vehicles.

   When the passengers got out of their vehicles, Si Jin was surprised.

   It was First Lieutenant Baek Joong Shin and his Delta Team from the 13th Special Forces Brigade, also known as the Black Panthers. He had returned from his UN mission along with the second batch seven days ago. Along with the Black Panthers were the legends of the Republic of Korea's special forces unit–the famous UDT/ SEALs of the Republic of Korea Navy. The commander of the seven-men team was one of Si Jin's close acquaintance–Lieutenant Kang Soo Hyung, who was also the son of Rear Admiral Kang Seung Hae, Lieutenant General Yoon's close friend. Si Jin couldn't hide the surprised expression on his face as he approached to greet them.

   "Heard you need some help." Lieutenant Kang shook Si Jin's hand. First Lieutenant Baek did the same soon after that.

   "I didn't ask you to get involved in this." Si Jin said worryingly. He didn't expect them to come and offer their assistance. "This is my fight and Sun Yang's, not yours."

   "Come on, your problem, is our problem. Besides, how can we leave our comrades to suffer all alone? We are supposed to be together, united as one." Lieutenant Kang replied. "Plus, Sun Yang has challenged the integrity of our military by kidnapping your friends. We couldn't just sit idly by and let you fight him alone."

   "We don't leave our friends behind, Soryeongnim." First Lieutenant Baek supported. "Command us. We are here, and will follow your command till the very end."

   That was the moment where Si Jin felt so privileged. He had met so many good friends along the way, and now, when the world was against him, they came to his aid in the moment he needed it most. His confidence grew. He was certain now that he would be able to finish this endless duel. With his allies by his side, there's nothing he couldn't do.

   And so, he decided to give a good fight to Sun Yang.

   "We go....and end this once and for all."

   Together, the mixed batch of specially-trained soldiers of the South Korean military boarded the military aircraft under the pouring rain.
The final battle is coming up. Who will win?

Wait for the next part to find out!

Happy reading!

Korean military ranks
Jungjang=Lieutenant General
Jungwi=First Lieutenant

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Yeoja: Girlfriend
Ne: Yes
Mianhamnida: I'm sorry
Ani: No
Jal jinaeyo: I'm fine
Uwah: Wow
Kamsahamnida: Thank you
Butakamnida: Please
Mwo: What
Pabo: Fool
Andwae: Impossible/ No
Mwohaneungoya: What are you doing
Gajima: Don't leave
Jaebal: Also means Please
Annyeong: Hello
Gwaenchana: It's okay
Ahrasseo: I understand/ Okay



New book cover for the last Descendants of The Sun novel.

What do you think?


Congratulations to Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo for their engagement. Will they have a blessed future together and live happily as one.


"A happy marriage is about three things: memories of togetherness, forgiveness of mistakes and a promise to never give up on each other."

(Surabhi Surendra)


And enjoy the music!

*This album artwork is strictly private.*

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