Powers - D.Dixon

By tessassunflower

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Book 1 Harlyn had it rough growing up which gave her the best but worst gift ever. Which was supposed to be h... More



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By tessassunflower

As i walk down the stairs to go outside i was stopped by a little hand grabbing my arm and pulling my back. I turn around to see Carl.

"hey Squirt" i say with a smile.

"Please be careful" was all he said to me

" hey " i said and got down to his level" i always am" I smile extra big for him, even though the nervousness is in the back of my head.

"is there anything you would like, I could grab it for you" i asked him changing the subject

"if you can find any comics that would be great" he tells me with a small smile of appreciation

"you got it" i tell him with a wink before shooing him off

"Tank" i called out making it echo through out the walls

As i hear the pitter patter of dog feet i turn around to see the hippo like dog coming towards me.

"ok Tank your coming with me" i say to the pitbull, he just wagged his tail at me

"Ok....Lets go" i said to the dog and started towards outside to Daryl

Once i was outside i see Daryl next to a car. I walk up closer only hearing the crush of the gravel below my feet.

"hey" i say making him look up at me then to my dog

"your not bringing your Dog. That dog will get us killed" he said looking at tank

Rolling my eyes, ignoring the partially rude comment. I then pointed to the open back window, Tank already know what that meant so he ran and jump through it and then put is head out the window.

"good boy" i said while i pat his head before jumping in the passenger seat

i rolled down the window to see Daryl looking at me

"well come on" i said smiling to him

He just grunts, rolling his eyes and made his way to the driver seat. He throws his crossbow in the back almost hitting Tank making him growl slightly as Daryl starts the car from the drivers seat. He then signaled them to open the gates which they did and we drove off.

After a moment of silence he breaks it by asking me a question

"so where we going" He asks

"what" i say back

"You know any places" he said answering me

"oh " was all i said and gave him the directions back to store we went before

It was silent so i decide this was the best time to get a reading on him, being that i could concentrate without other people or noises around.

I already know just based on the rough exterior he presents, he hasn't had it great. Maybe a tough childhood or maybe he lost someone close to him. I can tell that most of it is to protect himself. Maybe he has a soft side, they way he stares at Carl and Judith tells me he does. I shake my head from the thoughts and turn to him.

"Are we just gonna have awkward silence this car ride because i do not want that" i say breaking the silence

he just stared at the road

"ok then" i say, not wanting to even try again knowing i'll get the same silence.

Then i turn around and grab my journal and open it up and start writing in it

"whats that" Daryl asks, warily. If this what it took for him to talk I would've pulled it out 20 minutes ago.

"my journal" i say back, continuing to write, not bothering to look up. He grunts looking quickly to me and then back to the road

"what do you write in it" He then asks another question while he drives. He picks at his lip with his free hand, a nervous tick I've caught on to.

"how feel that day, how i feel in general or i write Lyrics" i say, answering him. I look to him and see him look to me before looking to the dusty road again

"Lyrics" he asks

I could see his expression, he is interested in this for whatever reason.

"yeah" i say, staying silent for a second before speaking again

"Would you like to hear" I ask hesitantly

He just look at me then back at the road saying nothing.

His silence meant yes to me so i skim through out all the pages looking for something short and quick to sing to him.

"well this ones not finished because i just started to write it but.." i trail off before shaking my head and just singing the song in a quiet voice

"i remember tears streaming down your face when i said i'd never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
i remember you said dont leave me hear alone
But all thats dead and gone and passed tonight
Just close you eyes , the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and i'll be safe and sound" I sing quietly before the last word fades from my mouth

I look up at Daryl to see him looking at me through the corner of his eye.

"that all i got so far" i said looking down at my book

"its alright" he mumbled, his way of a compliment. I try not to chuckle at the attempt and decide just the mumble a thanks with a nod.

We drove a bit more then turn down the street that seemed to be completely untouched, just like before

"how did you find this place" he asked while parking next to the still boarded up store

"i was just walking and found that it is was completely untouched, took it as a sign and ran with it" i said back to him

"well stay by me" he said looking at me and then hopping out of the car, not caring for a response.

i just nodded and whistled letting my dog know it was time to get up and go. He jump out the window and to my side looking around to see if there was any walkers anywhere, a trained action.

"Why do even have the dog" Daryl asked me

"i didn't want to be alone and when i found him, he was just a pup, not even 5 weeks old" I say looking at him

"He was being cornered by a few biters, I took them out before they got to him. He was so scared and wouldn't leave my side after that, so I kept him" I finish. I get a scoff from the man

"i bet he does nothin' but follow you around and eat your food"he say

"yeah" i challenged him, taking offense to the comment

I turn my head when i hear a grunt and growl come from down the street.

"The dead keep raging" Daryl grunts, as he raised his crossbow out the walker but i put my hand on it and push it down he looked at me as if i was crazy

"what are you doing" he asked with a glare

"let Tank handle this one" i said, with a cocky smile

Tank looked at me quickly sensing the walker, i just nodded at the dog and then Tank runs towards the direction of the walker. I look to see Daryl watching the dog, slightly tense.

I look back at my dog to see him jump on the walker knocking it off its feet. Tank quickly grabs one of the walkers arms , tearing it off and quickly does it to the other arm and two legs. Avoiding the mouth of the walker so not to get but. Once he was done he sat down next to the walker and looked at me panting and wagging his tail, blood mixed with his drool dripping from his mouth

"come on " i tell Daryl then make my way towards the way of my dog and the walker

As we get there Daryl speaks up

"why didnt he kill it " he asked looking at the walker as it bites the air

"because they leave that to me" i say and look at him

"so they can only get rid the of limbs " he says pointing to paralyzed walker

"no" i frown at him before I nod to Tank making him grabs the top of the walkers rotting skull with his teeth and crushes it with one bite down. Tank looks up at be with blood all over his body and mouth area making me cringe like it always does.

"good Boy" i say and pat his head and getting down to Tanks level to clean his mouth.

I stand up and look to Daryl who nods to the dog then look back up to me

"Good, they're useful" he grunts. I smile and nod, looking to the dog

"You ready" Daryl says making me look up at him

i nod and get up but only to fall, tripping over one of the ripped limbs of the walker and be caught by waist. i look up to meet a pair of blue eyes which are very close to mine. We are about two inches away from each other but we both didnt move we just stared at one another for what seemed like forever. Daryl cleared his throat and started to walk off into one of the store while i just stood there.

" Watch your feet, are you trying to get us killed" he growls as he walks away

Thats when i realized the chances of falling for this man, Daryl Dixon will be easier than I had hoped.

As we were done it was dark outside so we got in the car and said nothing to each as we drove back to the prison. He drove and i just finish that song that i had sang to Daryl. Right as i was done with the song we pulled into the prison. We got the stuff we had found which contain of food, ammo, weapons and other things people had asked for.

As we walk to the prison we stopped to see everyone outside in the court yard so we walk towards them, As we start to get closer I see Carl look up to see me

"HARLEY" he yells and gets up to run to me as does Maggie

i hug the both of them before pulling away and seeing a ad Maggie

"we thought we weren't ever going to see you guys again" Maggie stated glaring at the both of us

"Why" Daryl speaks up

"whys...because you guys were almost gone for 10 hours" she yell as she hit my arm

"ow...Sorry" i said rubbing my arm

"Why were you guys gone that long" Rick asks

"We found more stores to go to. So we went to all of them" i say innocently with a small shrug

"How much did you guys get" Glenn says as he gets up to hug me

"Alot" i said pulling away from the hug

"and theres still alot more to get" i say

Everybody helps out and begins to unload the truck and luckily in one run we got everything out.We all go and sit down. As i sit next to Carl i remembered something

"oh... i have something for you Carl" i said as i look through my bag.

Once i had found what i got him i told him to close his eyes as he did i pulled out a bag of comic books and set it in front of him.

"ok...open " i tell him and he listens

He looks down in awe at all the comic books i had got him. He smile up and hugs me mumbling "thank you" many times

"so Har got any songs you would like to sing tonight" Hershel said looking at me while very one just nodded

"umm yeah i just finish one in the car" i said a started to sing it

As i finish i look down to see Carls head layed on my lap and he fast asleep. Everyone quietly clapped....well except for Daryl he just started at me

"Well im going to take Carl in and go to bed myself " i said while grabbing my stuff and trying to grab Carl

"let me help" says a deep gruff voice. Everyone turned to Daryl with wide eyes, while Rick just smirked and me on the other hand just blushed and nodded as Daryl Grabbed Carl. After we got into the prison we put Carl in his cell and i turned to thank Daryl for helping me but he was already gone

"again" i thought as i walk in to my cell

As i walk into my cell i turn around and close the curtain i had made with a blanket. I turn to see a figure sitting on my bed, I jump back with a little gasp and grab my chest, as i look closer to see who it was, i see Daryl just looking at me

"Jesus Daryl you scarred the hell out of me" i say dropping my arm from my chest

"what was that" He partially growls to me

"What was what" I ask him, confused

"The song, The words you took from my mouth and put into that song" He says stands up facing me

"You making a big deal out of nothing. Is it wrong to take inspiration from other people cause if so you need to stop inspiring people but your just taking one of things things i like about you away" I tell him

"One of the things" He asks me quietly

"Yeah just one of the things" i say staring at him

He stares at me not saying anything so i take my chance and begin to talk

"Look Daryl, I know i haven't been here for long, two days but in those small two days i can tell that from what ive seen, you just dont inspire me, you inspire others, you go out on runs risking your life just so you can help others and I can tell that half the time you dont even do anything for yourself. When you get food its for everyone else but you, you dont eat shit because you put everyone before yourself. You made me feel strong at a time where all i wanted to do was only give up, and its not just me you made feel as though i wasn't just another a waste of space. You make everyone Healthy, safe and most of all you made me feel happy and i've havent been happy in years. I finally get to know how it feels to be happy again just because you trusted me and brought me to a place i can call home.......So what im saying is i love the way you put others before yourself. I love they way you inspire others. I love the way you risk your life everyday to keeps us safe. And most of all i love the way you make others happy." i say to him

"That right" he whispers looking me in the eye

"Yes" i say quietly with a single nod

we stare at one another for a good 15 seconds

"can i hug you now"i smile

He stands stiffly so I take my chance and wrap my arms around his waist. He stays stiff for a few moments before wrapping his arms lightly around me.

"thank you" he mumbles into my hair

" you don't need to thank me Because its the truth" i tell him

He pulls away and looks at me. I smile at him before i pull away and stare at him for a second. I step away from him and lay down to on the bed. I look to him as he stands there and stares at me. I pull the covers over me and smile at him.

"Go get some sleep Daryl" i tell him, sending him one more smile before closing my eyes.


" get some sleep Daryl" she says

She sends me a smile, Then close her eyes and falls into sleep right away. I look at her for some more time before shaking my head and leaving her cell. I lazily walk to bed and sit myself down. Groaning I rub my face with the both of my hands and lay myself down. Sleep takes over me at the thought of her gentle voice and lyrics she dance tonight.

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