
By Davidpgbooks

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Go through the life, motions, and eyes of Josh Heartland as he tells the story of his life from the choices h... More

Echoes From The Past
The Hunter's Game

The Point of No Return

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By Davidpgbooks


                                                 The Point of No Return

The wedding day was on a beautiful spring day at the old church held in New York City. Carly and I said our vows as the power invested within the church and the priest made us husband and wife. The years passed as I've become much older, and finally I started my own family raising a daughter Carly and I had together.

My daughter Laura is now eighteen just graduating high school. I never told my daughter the truth of my past with my real last name. I was still concealing my true identity with the false name Zodcoff, as my daughter would frequently ask about her family's history considering she didn't have many other family relatives like most of her friends.

I'd tell her the little things like about my mother and brother but I told her things that were half true. I felt bad as now I understood why my mother hid my father's involvement with the mob so many years ago. Once you have a family of your own everything changes you'll do anything in your power to keep them safe.

My wife Carly would also tell Laura half true facts about her side of the family. Laura knew that my wife came from Germany and about Carly's life before she joined her family's secret business. She told her about her brother Jessie and her father but like me she gave Laura false information like her maiden name, how Jessie died, and her father.

Laura is currently dating a young man named Craig Walters, he used to go to high school with my daughter but he graduated two years before my daughter did. From what I know about Craig he's a musician, has a band with three of his buddies, some of his family relatives live in London, England, but him and his parents moved to United States in the state of New Jersey when he was little and moving to New York later on in his early teens.

Craig is two years older than my daughter; he's a kind gentleman that has been with my daughter for quite some time. His parents however, aren't around anymore for they both died in a car accident while he was in school during his junior year of high school. That's how I figured my daughter and he became close when she heard on the news that Craig's parents died.

Life was going well I still have my job at the NYPD and Carly still had hers being a writer for the New York Times. It was my daughter's graduation ceremony as I've never seen anyone look more happy than today.

"What do you think Dad?" asked Laura with a bright smile on her face twirling herself around showing me her graduation robe she had on. Carly and I took the day off for this special day as I couldn't help but smile seeing my daughter in those robes.

"You look beautiful sweetheart I'm so proud of you" I replied. Laura gives me a hug as Carly comes into the parlor with a camera. "Smile you two" she said with Laura and I standing close together by the fireplace smiling. Carly took the picture and next Laura went over to take a picture with her mother.

I took the picture of them both smiling. We weren't living in the small apartment anymore for after the Jones Hunter case I got a raise and it was enough income with Carly's to live in a house for three. Soon the three of us hear a car coming up our driveway with the sound of the car shutting off along with the car door slamming.

Laura got excited for she knew who it was "he's here!" she replied heading out the front door. Carly and I walk behind to follow looking through the front door window as we saw Craig Walters coming toward the house giving Laura a loving hug.

"I'm so happy you're here!" said Laura. "I wouldn't miss this for the world" replied Craig as you can hear the slight British accent with a charming smile showing his dimples. Soon Carly and I came out the front door and both Laura also Craig turn to face the door. I still had the camera in my hands and I got ready to take a picture.

Craig and Laura got ready for the picture with Craig putting his arm around my daughter's shoulder along with Laura placing her arm around Craig with a smile. I took the picture and afterward Craig spoke "hello Mr. and Mrs. Zodcoff" said Craig coming toward Carly and I. "Hello Craig glad you could make it" said Carly giving him a hug as then Craig looks over to me shaking my hand.

I looked at my watch "oh well look at the time, you should get going to the school for the ceremony" I said. "I'll meet you guys up there" replied Craig heading for his car. Laura looks at Craig then back to Carly and I "can I ride with him please?" she asked.

"Sure" I replied as Laura gave me hug then giving Carly one "thank you!" she said heading to Craig's car. In a few moments Craig and Laura took off heading toward the school as Carly and I took our car to follow.

We arrived at the school parking in the visitor's parking lot and we met up with Craig. "She's in the school now with the rest of the graduates that are getting ready for the ceremony" said Craig as Carly and I met up with him.

"How does it feel to be back in school Craig?" asked Carly jokingly. Craig chuckles "strange I guess, but I'm glad I am here for this moment" he replied as we were walking toward the visitor's entrance.

"Yes, I agree Laura deserves this" replied Carly walking in the school. We went down the hallway towards the auditorium as I held on to my wife's hand for I couldn't be more proud. When we got to the entrance we showed our tickets and we got in sitting in our assigned seats for the ceremony.

Within the next couple of minutes going by the auditorium seats were all filled with the introduction of the graduation ceremony followed by. The principal of the school started the ceremony giving an introduction speech.

"Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and parents I am proud to represent this year's graduating class of Brook High School. Today is officially the first step these graduates will par take in the real world making choices that will affect their lives for better or worse.

I am proud and cannot wait to see what these graduates will accomplish in their future with the education they acquired here at Brook High. I am honored and privileged to be standing here today in this moment as I will now present many of our staff and students with their advice to give to our graduates" concluded the principal.

The ceremony felt like it went on for hours with all the long speeches presented by the staff and some of the students graduating. Finally the moment came and each graduate was called upon the stage to receive their diploma.

The last name that was called was my daughter as I saw her walk on the stage receiving her high school diploma. When she received her diploma everyone cheered and clapped with joy just like everyone else did for the other graduates.

After she got off the stage the president of the board concluded the ceremony with his last words as everyone in the auditorium cheered with all the graduates tossing their caps in the air. Like many parents Carly and I stood up from our seats proud for this special once in a lifetime moment.

Getting out of the school was crazy as I felt like I was in a cattle herd going to a certain direction. Despite with all the commotion Carly and I managed to squeeze our way through meeting up with our daughter.

"Daddy!" she shouted running hugging me tightly as you can hear the loud voices within the hallway. I placed my hand against her cheek "I'm so proud of you let's get out of this zoo" I replied with Carly giving Laura a hug.

Carly and I had our arm wrapped around our daughter's shoulders heading out another entrance. We were outside now heading toward the visitor's parking lot as we saw Craig waiting by his car. Craig looks up and sees Laura with a welcoming smile giving her a proud hug along with a kiss to the cheek.

"You did it Laura you're finally graduated!" he shouted as we all headed back to the house. We arrived back home sitting in the dining room talking about the graduation ceremony as Laura speaks changing the subject. "Mom, Dad may I ask you something?" she replied.

"Go ahead honey what is it?" said Carly sitting down next to me. Laura holds Craig's hand tightly with a pause looking back at Carly and I. "Craig and I are wondering if it would be all right with your permission if I could go to London, England with him to visit his family while he performs at a few shows he has booked in the city" stated Laura as she was afraid of Carly's answer or mine. Carly and I look at each other for a moment then Craig spoke for further detail.

"I haven't seen my uncle in a long time since I graduated high school that summer, and my band mates Dale and Jerry have a couple of shows booked in England. I would love your daughter Laura to come along with me to meet some of my family" he stated.

"You would be staying at your uncle's?" I asked. "Yes, sir, also Dale and Jerry would be there with Laura and me if she came along" he replied. "How old are they?" asked Carly. "Dale is twenty-one and Jerry is nineteen" added Craig still having my daughter's hand hoping for the best.

"When will you be going to England?" I asked. "I will be going in two months from now and I will be back in two weeks" said Craig. I thought for a moment for I wasn't sure what the answer would be. "Please mom, dad may I go?" asked Laura once more.

With the tone of her voice I could tell she really wanted to go as I look at Carly wondering what she thought. "Do you have your passport Laura?" asked Carly "Also what about paying for a ticket?" I added. "Yes, I do it's in the desk upstairs, and Craig told me he can buy my ticket when he gets his" stated Laura. "You can afford two tickets to London, England?" I asked Craig.

"Yes, sir my music sales are going great over in the United Kingdom that's how my shows got booked in England along with the rest of the United Kingdom of Great Britain" stated Craig. "The rest of Great Britain," replied Carly "including Ireland?"

"Yes, maim my uncle told me that he will be with me in the few shows I have in Ireland" said Craig. "What does your uncle do for work?" I asked for I felt uneasy considering Craig could afford two plane tickets to England so he says.

"My uncle owns a bar in Manchester, England called The Moonlight Tavern, he's the main manager that runs the bar," added Craig. I leaned back in the chair thinking "What is the address of your uncle's residence?" I asked leaning forward.

Craig grabbed a pen and paper from the dining table we sat at writing the address down. "Here's his address for you and the phone number to call him also on there is the number of the bar he owns" said Craig shifting the paper toward me.

I took the paper glancing at it reading the information as my eyes shifted back to Craig staring at him. Soon Carly gave her answer "You may go" she replied then Laura started getting excited. I still stared at Craig as I look over to Laura with her bright smile with her eyes sparkle, I made my choice. "You can go" I finally said as I saw Laura getting up giving me a hug and a kiss on my forehead.

I stare at Craig as I heard Laura thanking Carly giving her a hug and kiss on the forehead. Craig knew by the expression on my face the message I was telling him. He surely knew that if anything happens to my daughter I would personally deal with him.

The two months passed and Craig had the two tickets to England. It was the beginning of August as all of us were at the airport of New York. Dale and Jerry took care of the luggage with Jerry's bass guitar along with Craig's guitar with the suitcases followed by.

Laura, Craig, Carly, and I were waiting for the ticket man to announce when the plane is available for boarding. Soon the ticket man announced the flight is available for boarding and we had to say our goodbyes.

"I love you mom" said Laura hugging my wife tightly as Craig shook my hand to say goodbye. Laura goes over to me "I love you Daddy" she hugging me tightly "I love you too sweet-pea have a good time" I said to her. Dale and Jerry come up to Craig "The luggage is all taken care of all aboard!" said Dale boarding the plane "England here we come!" Jerry said following behind Dale.

I saw Craig turning back to me as he reaches for my daughter's hand. "Ready to go?" asked Craig to my daughter "You bet I am!" she replied staring at Craig's eyes with Craig smiling at her looking back. For a moment Craig looks back at me as then both Laura and him walk away to finally board the plane.

After they got on the plane Carly noticed there was something wrong by the expression on my face "Josh what's wrong?" she asked for she could always tell when I'm troubled. "I don't know Carly for some reason I have an uneasy feeling about this something doesn't seem right about Craig, I'm doubting my trust with him, I don't think he's the man that I thought he was then again I worry too much" I told her. "we've known Craig for a while since Laura started high school they've been together since then he's been a good man to her" she replied.

"Yes I know he's been a good man to our daughter but another side of me tells me otherwise" I added. Carly cuddles up to me "She's a big girl now she can well handle herself she's got some of me within her you know" she said soothing my worry.

I took a deep breath "You're right I need to stop being over fatherly and have faith" I replied putting my arm around her. Carly kisses me on the cheek as we heard the plane take off departing New York.

The two weeks passed by as I was already worried enough as it is. When the two weeks passed one day passed after and I did not hear any word from Laura or Craig. The last time I had contact with Laura was the Friday of the second week and they were supposed to be arriving back to New York on Sunday.

"Josh I'm worried we haven't heard anything from Laura or Craig" said Carly as we were in the parlor. I was pacing back and forth knowing it was Monday and they haven't been back. Suddenly the phone rings as I rushed to it picking up.

"Yes, Laura?" I answered as I choked a bit. "Is this Mr. Zodcoff I'm speaking to?" asked a British voice. "Yes it is where's Laura?" I asked the person on the phone. "Mr. Zodcoff this is Eric Walters Craig's uncle who owns The Moonlight Tavern in Manchester. I haven't seen Craig or Laura and they were suppose to show up at my bar on Saturday, Craig and his band were suppose to perform their last show here at my bar" replied the British voice.

"Did you contact the police?" I asked him as I saw Carly getting up close to me with concern when I asked the question. "Yes Mr. Zodcoff I contacted the police after I tried calling Craig's mobile phone several times leaving voicemails he never returned my calls" said Eric.

"May I please have your nephew's mobile number?" I asked him. "Sure" stated Eric as I went over to the table in the kitchen writing it down on a piece of paper. Carly followed me into the kitchen "Ok I got it" I replied. "I will keep in touch on news the British police find, may I contact you with this number or email?" he asked. "Yes you may I have an email address you may write to I check it very often" I said to him giving him my email address.

"I will talk with you soon Mr. Zodcoff, I'm worried about my nephew" concluded Eric. "I will do what I can here" I replied as we both hung up. After I hung up I look to Carly and she heard the whole conversation, she gave me a worried expression on her face like if her whole world just ended. "We have to find her" she said almost breaking to tears. I went up to her holding her trying to comfort her, and be strong as it was hard to conceal my emotions.

I went to the NYPD to give the commissioner the number of Craig's mobile phone as I told him the situation. He told me the NYPD cannot do anything except contact the Federal Government and they would contact the CIA.

The commissioner told me to go home, stay with my wife, and pray to God for the best. I drove back home as I realized while driving that I can't just sit at home to wait I had to do something. I parked in the driveway and I came up with the idea of going to England myself.

I walked in the house and I told Carly there was nothing the NYPD could do except contact the Federal Government and the CIA.

I told Carly my idea of going to England to find Laura "I'm coming with you!" she said as I thought about trying to make Carly stay in New York, but knowing Carly all these years it would be pointless.

We booked an immediate flight to London, England and the only flight available was a plane located in New Jersey. Within the next few hours Carly and I made it to the airport of New Jersey heading off to London, England.

Sixteen hours passed by from the flight as we arrived in the London International Airport. Carly and I went out of the airport to take a taxi cab to take a bus as we went to Manchester. In Manchester we took another taxi to Eric Walters's residence to see if he was home.

We arrived at the apartment but nobody seemed to be home and his neighbor told us he was working at the bar he owned in Manchester.

We took another taxi to the bar as we looked inside searching for Eric. An employee came up to Carly and I then asked what we needed. I told her I was looking for Eric Walters as the employee went to go get him.

Soon I see Eric walking towards Carly and I "How can I help you?" he asked for he didn't know it was me. "Eric Walters I'm Josh Zodcoff we spoke on the phone not too long ago about my daughter Laura and your nephew Craig" I replied. Eric took a moment as he was shocked "you came all the way over here?" he said. "Yes, now has the police told you anything new?" I asked.

"No, I'm afraid not it’s like my nephew and your daughter vanished without a trace. I haven't been sleeping at night as you can probably tell" replied Eric. I grabbed one of the chairs close to one of the tables throwing it violently to the floor.

"Calm down Mr. Zodcoff we'll find them" said Eric trying to calm me down. After I threw the chair I felt an extreme amount of pain in my chest as I started breathing harshly falling to the ground.

Carly looks over to me as I collapsed "Josh, Josh!" she shouted with everything becoming a blur with my heart pounding profusely "call the ambulance!" yelled Eric as I could hardly hear him. Everything around me was spinning and I don't remember what happened next.

Who knows how long I was out I awoke to a constant beeping sound like a metronome keeping time. I felt woozy as I saw Carly sitting in a chair by my hospital bed.

"What happened?" I asked with Carly stroking my hair. "You're at the Manchester Hospital, you had a heart attack" she told me as there was a moment of silence. "We have to find Laura!" I tried yelling out wanting to get up. "No, Josh," replied Carly "you're in no condition."

"Then you must find her for me please Carly help me find our daughter" I asked her. Carly touches the side of my face "I will Josh, I will. I was thinking to talk to Valentino who still lives in the country of Austria" she told me.

"Valentino, why what would he know?" I asked. "I remember a long time ago when he used to work for my father, him and I were close as he told me he was born in Sicily." "You think the Italian Mafia had something to do with this?" I asked.

"I don't know Josh, but I'm sure Valentino may have useful information to help us find who's responsible." I nodded my head for I didn't know what else to do. "So let me guess this straight" I said "you want me to stay at this hospital while you go to Austria to talk to Valentino?" I asked.

"Yes, that's right" replied Carly. I sighed as I hated staying at hospitals but I didn't want to argue with my wife because I knew I couldn't change her mind about me coming along with her. "Don't worry I will come back here to let you know what I find out" she replied giving me a kiss on my lips.

I stayed at the Hospital in Manchester I hated spending my time there, but I managed to fall asleep that night. I stayed there for a couple days worrying about my daughter and what news Carly would find in Austria talking to Valentino.

I awoke suddenly one night when someone called for my name "Josh Heartland" said a British voice. My eyes focused as I was waking up "detective Lee Homer of the British Intelligence" said the British voice showing his badge.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him playing dumb. "Yes, Mr. Heartland I do know it's you which is why I'm here bothering you at this time of night. You need to leave this country you are not welcomed here" said Lee as he quickly took all the sheets off of my bed.

"How do you know it's me?" I asked him "somebody turned in evidence to the British Police as then we got the information" he answered. I sat up on the bed "who is this somebody?" I asked. "That's classified information" he replied throwing my civilian clothes at me.

I started getting my clothes on and when I got them on we started leaving. I was immediately taken to a plane and shipped back to the United States.

After the plane ride home the NYPD was there waiting for me as they arrested me for they too got the information of my true identity from the British officials. I was taken to a federal court to stand trial for the crimes I committed working with Montez.

The lawyer attorney I had was great but even the lawyer couldn't make a strong defense for me. I was charged guilty sentenced to the federal prison of Chicago for ten years.

I guess ten years would be better than the rest of my life, but being put behind bars in the worst place of all I felt hopeless of finding my daughter Laura.

I was taken to the federal prison as I got my head shaved and wore the federal prison's jail attire. One of the officers lead to me to my new home for the next ten years and there were others in different prison cell within the prison walls.

They had every criminal you could think of in the prison. I sat in my cell as the guards shut off the lights realizing all the choices I made in the past have finally caught up to me.

The next morning I woke up to someone yelling at me "Get your ass up dirt bag we have work to do!" said the guard making a loud ruckus. I sat up getting on my feet and the cell door opened "follow me" said the guard as he started to walk.

The guard led me to the shower room and he turned around to talk to me. "Now Heartland I want you and this other runt Billy to clean all these walls in shower room they're dirty, I better be able to see myself when you're done cleaning now get going! If I hear any talking I'm going to make your ass run laps around the prison building until I feel you've had enough now move it!" shouted the guard. I saw a bucket and sponge next to me as I grabbed it to start cleaning. Billy and I started on the walls and the guard went over to the entrance of the shower room to stand guard.

A few minutes pass by as Billy whispers to me "hey you're the famous Josh Heartland aren't you? I'm Billy Gage" whispered Billy next to me. I was still cleaning but Billy spoke again "You're the famous cop too that took care of that Jones guy too" he said.

I finally whispered to him "How do you know all this kid?" I asked him. "Hey news travels fast around in this prison I've been here for five years still have to wait four more." he said.

"At least you have four more I'm not getting out of here anytime soon" I said. "Maybe I can help you with that" replied Billy as I looked over at him interested. When Billy was about to whisper back the guard caught on to us whispering. "I thought I told you no talking, outside the both of yeas!" shouted the guard whacking our heads.

Soon Billy and I were outside and the guard made us do laps around prison with other guards with rifles watching us from the towers above. Minutes pass as I gave up counting how many laps I did running around the prison with Billy.

I'd kept passing the guard as he told me to keep going until he said stop this continued on for a long while. Soon I started to become drained and tired gasping for breath. My heart was pounding as I thought I would have another heart attack. The guard finally shouted "Alright that's enough back to the cells!"

It was the same thing everyday cleaning, washing, doing laundry, being watched, but I haven't seen Billy since my first day in prison. Two years go by as I kept thinking about my daughter Laura wondering if she was still alive, and if my wife Carly was doing ok. I was in my cell lying down as one of the guards started making noise to get my attention.

"Hey Heartland you got a visitor follow me" said the guard opening my cell following him. Soon I was in the visitor's wing and I sat down on a chair looking through a glass window. A few moments go by as I saw a man walking up towards the glass window sitting in the chair looking at me.

I recognized him it was Valentino as we both picked up the phone "good to see you Josh" replied Valentino. "Have you spoken to Carly about my daughter, are they both alright, what's going on?" I asked him anxiously.

"Calm down Josh it's what I'm here for" stated Valentino as he continued to speak. "Your wife came to visit me in Austria and told me about what happened to your daughter Laura. Whoever took your daughter has a vendetta against you, but I do not know who. I sent Carly to Italy to talk to my cousin Eddie Santoro.

My cousin's father is a mob boss in Italy who has well received resources. We soon heard that you were sent here in the federal prison of Chicago. Carly asked me to visit you to let you know that she is fine and that we're still searching for Laura" said Valentino.

"Two years have passed since I've been in this hellhole, and you haven't found any trace of my daughter?" I asked him. "We have some information that the Russian Mafia might be involved with the kidnapping of your daughter and the man that she was with" replied Valentino.

"Nevsky" I said as I thought back to Jones's last words before he died "you may have won this game, but the true hunter you have not slain" it started to make sense.

"Nevsky?" replied Valentino "The Nevsky Mob isn't as strong as they used to be. Do you think they are behind the kidnapping?" he asked.

The guard next to me taps my shoulder "I have to go Valentino tell Carly I'm alright, and please find my daughter" I said to Valentino hanging up the phone walking away with the guard escorting me back to my cell.

I was in my cell sitting thinking now about my conversation with Valentino it made sense to me but there was one thing missing I didn't quite understand.

I started thinking about what Jones told me about his story of how he killed the Nevsky family at the Russian compound. Now that I thought about it Jones never mentioned him killing Don Nevsky.

He just tormented him to get the information he wanted, but after he was done did Jones spare Don Nevsky's life? If the Nevsky family did kidnap my daughter there has to be a reason for it. I was still thinking on what the vendetta could be as then I saw a guard with a set of keys coming toward my cell in the middle of the night.

He started unlocking my cell "I told you I would get you out of here" said the guard as he opened my cell looking at me with a smile. I looked at his face realizing it was Billy Gage. "Billy is that you?" I asked with a whisper.

"Yeah it's me I took the keys from the guard that made us run those laps along with his uniform" replied Billy as I walked out of my cell. "Now come Mr. Heartland you'll have to pretend you were causing trouble with me in order to get pass security to get out of here" said Billy.

"Alright sounds like a plan" I said putting my hands and arms behind my back for Billy to grab me to pretend he was escorting me somewhere to teach me a lesson.

Billy was pushing me around to act tough "your ass needs to be taught a lesson on how to keep your mouth shut!" he shouted making a scene.

After Billy pushed me to the ground he escorted me to the main security entrance. A security guard stops us "Hey Martin where are you taking this prisoner?" asked the guard thinking Billy was an actual prison guard.

"This pig right here needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut during bedtime, needs to be taught respect" said Billy still acting. The security guard looked at Billy a bit more "aren't you bit young to be a prison guard" said the security guard taking out his pistol realizing that Billy was a fraud. When the security guard's gun clicked Billy pushes me into the guard knocking him down.

The two security officers at the front door of the prison saw what happened as they started taking out their handguns. Billy took his pistol out first shooting them both dead and then the alarm goes off after the echo of the gun shots.

"Damn it Josh we have to get out of here!" shouted Billy. I was still struggling with the security guard that Billy knocked me into trying to take his weapon.

Finally I punched the guard's face taking his pistol with one shot to the head. I got up with the pistol in my hand as I turned around to face Billy.

When I looked at Billy three other guards were running down the hallway "take cover" I shouted jumping behind the security desk. Billy followed by and the three guards were shooting.

Soon the gunfire ceased as one of the guards radioed "We need reinforcements, I repeat reinforcements prison break request backup" he said. "Look out!" shouted one of the other guards as I heard gunfire. I heard three shots fired "Josh Heartland!" shouted someone down the hall where the three guards were.

I slightly look up from the security desk and I saw the three guards dead along with a prisoner walking towards the desk. I saw with a glimpse Mitchell Montez coming toward the desk calling my name "Josh Heartland, come out you coward!" I duck slightly back down looking at Billy as he nodded his head at me.

I took a deep breath ducking up to shoot at Montez, but Montez fired before I did causing me to duck down behind the desk. "There's nowhere for you to go now Josh you can't cheat death this time" said Montez coming closer. When Montez came closer more guards approached from his left. "Damn it!" said Montez running out the front door escaping. "Come on Josh we have to make a bail for it there's another way out in the basement" replied Billy.

"Where's the basement?" I asked him "don't worry just stay close to me, on my count we'll run" he replied. Billy counted off "one, two, three!" he shouted as he came out from behind the desk running down the hallway.

I followed Billy close by with the guards shooting at us. We made to the end of the hallway taking a right down to the basement.

Billy and I made to the basement as we found a cop car along with a garage door. "Here's our way out I'll drive" said Billy going in on the driver's side. I followed going to the passenger's side. When I went in I saw that Billy was hot-wiring the car "you know how to hot-wire?" I asked him. "Hecks yeah I do hold on this is going to be a bumpy ride" he said with the car starting up.

I look behind seeing the guards taking aim from the basement entrance. "Go!" I shouted as Billy shifted the car to drive slamming his foot on the accelerator. Bullets started hitting the car and the car went through the garage door "yahoo!" shouted Billy with laughter. We made it out of the garage heading toward the front gate to escape. As we approached the gate it started closing "hurry up!" I shouted to Billy.

"Don't worry we'll make it" he said getting more speed. I started to become nervous closing my eyes hoping that we'll make it through. I could hear the car's engine roaring "yew-ha!" screamed Billy. I felt the car hitting a bump and something smashing the back of the vehicle.

Billy took a sharp turn causing the wheels of the car to squeal. I opened my eyes to take a peak as I saw we made it out driving through the city streets. "Holy crap" I said with relief "don't get too comfortable" said Billy gaining more speed with police sirens shortly following behind.

"I'm getting too old for this" I said slamming my hand against my forehead. I turned on the police radio to listen in on the units chasing us. "Two fugitives in a Chicago Police Department vehicle number twenty-five please engage with extreme caution." "

Roger unit seventy- two engaging police vehicle unit twenty-five." "This is where the fun begins" said Billy with a sly smile. Soon Billy took a left down the next street then taking a quick right onto another street.

With a glimpse of my eye I saw a sign for construction work ahead road closed. "The road is closed ahead" I said to Billy "oh well" he replied gaining more speed. I saw on the gage he had the car up to one-hundred as I glace up to the windshield seeing a ramp ahead.

"Hold on" said Billy going faster up towards the ramp. The car went flying into the air further across the closed road coming down. The car crashes hitting my head against the dashboard everything went black.

I felt someone hitting the side of my face "Heartland, Heartland, come on wake up we have to move!" said a voice. Awoke noticing I was out of the car "You blacked out for a couple of minutes when we crashed. I got you out, but we have to keep moving before the cops catch up to us" said the voice as it was Billy.

Billy helped me up but I lost my balance and he placed my arm around his shoulder. "Let's go I got you" he said to me as we started moving.

We went further for I had no idea where we were going "alright I hate do to this but we'll lose the cops this way" said Billy setting me on the ground squatting down to open up a sewer hatch. I was still dazed from the crash but had enough sense to see what Billy was doing.

"What a sewer, forget it!" I shouted "look I know it's not the best place to go explore right now but it's the best way to lose the cops" he said placing the hatch lid on the ground.

I started smelling the awful stench "oh Jesus!" I shouted "I know, I know" replied Billy putting my arm around his shoulders. Billy pushes me down the sewer as he jumps down from behind. I fell into a small liquid stream of sewage face first and Billy landed on his feet.

"Sorry about this Heartland it's the only way" said Billy as he helped me up placing my arm around his neck to help me stroll along. It was dark I couldn't see a thing but we kept going further down not knowing where we were going.

The smell was unreal I thought I would vomit from the fumes of the smell. We continued onward with the minutes passing on. Eventually Billy stops to look up "Hey I see a small light looks like another sewage hatch that leads back to the streets. Let's see where we are" he said.

"Sorry to do this again Heartland" he said placing me down. I could feel the wet sewage all over my back when he set me down. Billy walks forward as he felt a ladder "here's the ladder to go up" he said. He went up the ladder pushing the sewage hatch up to see where we were.

Soon he moves the hatch over then comes back down "alright Heartland we made it a friend of mine lives on this street he can help us leave Chicago" said Billy helping me up. "Grab the ladder and climb" he said to me.

I started climbing heading up to the streets with Billy behind me. We finally made it out of the sewer and Billy closes the sewage hatch. "My friend's house is a bit further down this street" he said helping me up going quickly as we could.

Billy knocks on the door when we arrive at the house. A colored man answers the door "holy shit Jesus ah dude!" shouted the man holding his nose with his other arm waving around. He looks at Billy "Billy" he said with a pause "Billy is that you?" he shouted.

"Yeah Russ it's me" replied Billy "ah, man you smell like shit" he said as his eyes started to tear up from the smell of Billy and I. "I need to talk to you can we come in?" Billy asked. "Hell naw, you and your friend wash your whitey selves in the back yard with the hose, I'll get the air freshener" said Russ going in the house.

Billy and I went to the back to spray off all the sewage as Russ came with the air freshener, a set of clothes, and matches. Russ sprayed our clothes with the air freshener "Alright now I suggest you change the clothes you're wearing and burn them in the trash can. You can take turns changing in the garage" he said pointing to the garage. I went in the garage first taking off my clothes and changing into the set Russ gave me.

I threw my sewage clothes in the trash can "ugh who wears these kinds of shirts?" I asked myself seeing that the clothes Russ gave me was a pink button down shirt with yellow teddy bears on them. I had this shirt on along with black Dockers pants, and black used sneakers. I came out of the garage and Billy went in after me to change. A few minutes pass as Billy comes out with white pants and a red shirt with small Scottish dogs on it.

"Did you burn those clothes?" asked Russ. "Yeah I did" said Billy as he looks at me and chuckles "at least I'm not wearing what you're wearing Heartland" he said. "Heartland?" asked Russ for he knew the name by the sound of his voice.

"Ain't you that famous mobster and dirty cop?" he asked me. "Yes, that's me except for the dirty cop part" I replied. "Naw, it's not what the news said about you" said Russ. "The news will always tweak the truth to make a better story for their news ratings" I said.

"Listen Russ can you help Heartland and I out?" asked Billy. "Well, how can I help you? I mean you two just broke out of a federal prison. Every cop in town is going to hunt your ass down. If I get involved I'll get in trouble too especially with you hanging around Heartland who is in a lot more trouble than you are Billy" said Russ. "Russ come on we've been friends since we've been kids growing up here in Chicago" said Billy.

"Yeah I know Bill I know" said Russ "I need your help Russ we have nowhere to go. You're a taxi driver you can at least take us out of Chicago" said Billy. "I know Bill but even if I take you out of Chicago or Illinois for that matter cops all around will come after you especially with this guy around you" said Russ looking at me.

"Look Russ I don't work for the mob anymore, I put that life behind me and I became a cop of New York" I said to him. Russ didn't believe me "Look Heartland I don't trust you, you're a mobster, a false dirty cop. You changed your name so your mob family can have control over the law in New York City" stated Russ.

"That's not why I changed my name" I said "it's what the news said from the evidence that police have on you" said Russ. "What that's false information" I shouted. "Well I'm sorry Heartland it's what I've been hearing on the news, and I'd rather believe the news than you. It's all over the news even the international news and they say the same thing" said Russ with a pause.

Russ looks over to Billy "That's why Billy you shouldn't be around this dude. I know you've done some wrong in life Billy but as your childhood friend growing up this guy Heartland will get you in a deep grave hole you can't escape. Haven't you seen any of the gangster mafia movies before? People that work in that line of work always die no matter how hard they try to escape it. You live by the gun you die by the gun" Russ said.

"Damn it Russ!" I shouted at him grabbing him by his shirt. "You're going get us out of this city, my daughter is out there somewhere in this world, and I need to find her she's been kidnapped!" I said throwing him to the ground.

I went over to Russ to beat him as I lost my temper. Billy stopped me holding me back "That's enough Heartland I'm not going to let you push Russ around anymore, take it easy" said Billy. "Yeah take it easy Michael Corleone!" shouted Russ.

I tried going after him again but Billy still held me back "enough Josh!" said Billy. Russ got up "Look Josh I'm sorry about your daughter whatever happened to her I'm sorry but you're a dead man walking" said Russ.

"Then let me save my daughter if I'm already a dead man, let me save her before it's too late" I asked him. "Before it's too late," said Russ "look man once you get captured again you'll probably get the death penalty for all that you've done.

I mean come on a made man mobster, a dirty cop who falsely gave oath to serve and protect, and now you just broke out of a federal prison. Listen you can tell me all you want about your reasons for becoming a cop saying you left the mob, and that you changed your name not for the reason to control the law, but it's not what everyone is saying with the evidence they have against you" said Russ.

"It’s false evidence, whoever turned in the evidence that revealed my true identity of my past tweaked false information in it. I did not join the force while working for the mob to manipulate the justice system, I did not change my name to do that" I told Russ.

"Maybe someone did plant false information but there is not any evidence of that, nobody is going to believe you because of what you are, or in your case what you were and what you have done" said Russ.

"If that is my fate from what you're telling me then at least before I die let me find and save my daughter" I asked desperately. Russ heavily sighs shaking his head "Ok fine, I'll help you but only for your daughter's sake because I used to be a father. My daughter got killed in a school shooting, and I understand how you feel about going after the ones who have taken your daughter.

I wanted to go after the student, and kill him myself for taking my daughter away from me. I didn't though my wife kept me in check before she died from cancer, and the police found the student who killed my daughter dead.

The student shot himself while he was on the run from the police. So I'll help you Heartland but only because of your daughter" finished Russ. "Thank you Russ, thank you" I said to him. Russ just waved his hand as he shook his head.

"Alright so what's the plan?" asked Billy to Russ and me. I stood there trying to think as Russ spoke "well, do you know where to go to find your daughter?" asked Russ to me. "I have no idea, my wife is in Italy right now" I replied.

"I'll take you guys to my father he works on a ship cruise line in New York. He told me last week his next trip is to Italy. We'll go to my father in my car as you two have to stay low in the backseats so nobody sees you.

When we get to the dock where my father works I'll make sure we get there early before the boarding starts. The ship will be there you just have to sneak on the ship and stay hidden with your identity the entire time on the ship" said Russ.

"When does the ship leave?" asked Billy. "It leaves in two days" said Russ with a pause "I'll call my dad up and say I want to stop by for a visit before he goes to Italy. Before I go to my father's house I'll drop you two off at the docks where the ship is."

"How can we get into Italy without passports?" I asked. "They'll check for passports when we arrive in Italy."

"Yes they will do that, but I have an idea for that" said Russ. "What are you thinking?" asked Billy with interest. "My dad's cruise ships normally have lifeboats on board, so at night while on the ship you guys take a lifeboat to finish your route to Italy" stated Russ.

"Ain't that a bit risky?" I said "What if we get caught." "Well, it's a risk you're going to have to take. If my father knew I was bringing you and Billy on his ship he'd call the police" said Russ.

"Let's do this, I'll come with you Heartland and help you find your daughter. The police will be looking for me because I broke out of the federal prison with you anyway" said Billy. "Are you sure you want to come with me? If you do come with me there's no turning back, you'll be as dead as me" I said to Billy.

"Yes, it’s my choice" replied Billy as I nodded my head. Russ had a sour look on his face from what Billy said about coming with me, but Russ didn't try to stop Billy from his choice for he knew that everyone has to deal with what they decide.

Russ drove us to the docks of New York and now it was almost a day before the ship sets sail to Italy. Russ dropped Billy and I off at the docks, pointed to the ship that we need to get on, and said to us good luck with finding my daughter. Russ left soon after he said good luck giving a knife, a deck of cards and a bottle of liquor for Billy and me.

Soon Billy and I head inside the ship's cargo to stay hidden. Nobody was around the ship it was silent as Billy and I took out a lantern from the ship playing cards while drinking hard liquor in the ship's cargo room.

We talked while waiting, Billy finally told me how he got sent to the Federal Prison of Chicago. He robbed a bank in town because he didn't have enough money to pay to keep his house in Chicago. While he was robbing the bank he was stopped by a police officer in the bank telling him to put his gun down with his hands up.

Instead of doing what the officer told him to do he shot and killed the officer running off with the money. Within ten minutes after the robbery Billy got caught and arrested sent to the federal prison for killing the officer. Billy told me before he got arrested he was going to get married to his high school sweetheart Nicole.

They lived together in Billy's house in Chicago, but as time went by Billy lost his job and a week later his aunt died. He told me he didn't give up on searching for another job, but he didn't get any calls back for a job.

He got called for a few interviews but they didn't give him a job. With all of this going he missed payments for his house and after he got a letter notice of foreclosure, he turned to drinking after he got the letter.

A few days later Nicole left him because she couldn't deal with his drinking, and with the house being collected by the government. After she left that's when Billy went to rob the bank. He told me that he ran into Mitchell Montez a few times while in the federal prison with a few other guys.

One day Montez spoke about me because he still wanted revenge on me. I told Billy about my daughter Laura and how she went to England with her boyfriend Craig when he and she went missing. We drank half of the bottle of liquor and we decided to call it a night. I hid inside one of the crates with Billy in another crate waiting to get to Italy.

In the morning I awoke inside the crate hearing the cargo men finishing up with the cargo as the people started boarding the ship. Within a few hours the ship went off, now there was no one in the cargo room. I popped out of the crate taking a stretch "we'll get there" said Billy walking up to me. "Hope so remember the plan" I said to him.

"Yeah I know we'll be leaving this ship tonight" he said. Many hours pass as the night approached; Billy and I continued to wait until three in the morning to leave the ship.

We sneaked up on the deck heading toward a life boat. "We have to do this delicately as possible don't want to cause too much noise" I said to Billy. "I got ya give me a hand" he said to me.

Billy and I start lowering the lifeboat "alright easy, easy now" said Billy as then the lifeboat quickly goes down halfway making a loud noise. "Crap let's go" I said climbing down the rope to get to the lifeboat. I got on the boat but Billy still tried to lower the boat a bit more.

Soon watchmen of the ship started to come because of the loud noise. The boat was almost on the water "hey what are you doing?" shouted one of the watchmen seeing Billy lowering the boat. Billy grabs his handgun killing the two watchmen.

The loud shots cause more attention but Billy still continued to lower the boat and the boat was finally on the water. "Ok let's go!" I shouted to Billy as this time three other watchmen came with their handguns. Billy grabbed the rope sliding down the rope with shots followed by from the watchmen.

Billy made it to the boat cutting the ropes with the knife Russ gave us. I started the motor on the boat moving the lever on the motor to get away. The watchmen saw us getting away but there was nothing they could do.

"You know they'll report what they saw right?" said Billy. "Yeah I know but we still have to keep going" I told Billy. I don't know how long we rode but by sunrise we made it to a coast. "There it is Italy" I told Billy arriving on the shore.

We docked walking around the coast "Where do we go now?" asked Billy "come on let's go to the small bar stand, and ask around" I told him heading up further away from the coast. Billy followed by as we made it to a small bar stand

"Cosa Posso farti signori?" asked the bartender. "What, I don't understand" I replied to him. The bartender sighs "I should have known you Americans don't know how to speak Italian" he replied "what can I get you gentlemen?" "Nothing really, but I'm looking for someone. Do you know where I can find Eddie Santoro?" I asked.

The bartender looks at me for a moment "wait a second I know you now" he said with a pause "You're the famous mobster from America, the dirty cop who tried to take over the law. What are you doing here don't you know you're a wanted man internationally from the business you did back in Germany and the many other countries?" he said.

I didn't answer his question "look sir I'm looking for Eddie Santoro do you know him?" I asked him once more demandingly.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulder "why, yeah he's me Valentino sends his love" said the person that grabbed my shoulder. I turn around as he gave me a hug "my cousin has told me a lot about you, and you've been getting around quite well in the news on T.V." said Eddie.

Eddie looks over to Billy "Who's this guy?" he asked "Eddie this Billy, Billy this is Eddie" I said. "Great, great, great this ain't no freakin tea party. I'll take you over to the compound, come on" said Eddie as he started walking away. Billy and I follow Eddie into a car driving away.

Eventually we made it to the organization getting out of the car. "Alright come on there's drinks waiting, and your wife is inside" said Eddie to me walking to the door. He opens the door leading us into the parlor where my wife Carly sitting there.

When I walked in the room she saw me as she ran up to me giving me a hug holding me tightly. "I heard everything that happened, I'm so glad you're here I miss you so much" said Carly giving me several kisses.

I touched the side of her face locking my lips with hers "alright, alright, get a room" said Eddie with a drink in his hand giving me a drink. Valentino walks in the room "Josh great to see you again" he said giving me a hug as Eddie's father Don Santoro walks in sitting his chair.

"Pap" said Eddie kissing his hand. Don Santoro nods his head and begins to speak "first off I want to say welcome to our guests. Now I know there's been trouble with finding Laura, Carly and Josh's daughter. However thanks to the hard work from my son Eldorado and my men, also when Josh told my nephew Vincetora about the Nevsky family, we now know where she is being kept. She is being held in Moscow by the Nevsky family and as for the other young man that was with her Craig, he is nowhere to be found" said Don Santoro.

"Are your men still searching for Craig?" I asked Don Santoro. "Yes, some of my men are still searching for him in Moscow, or anywhere nearby. We know where your daughter is now, and I believe this the right time to eliminate the two remaining families" replied Don Santoro. "Eliminate the remaining two? I thought Nevsky and us were the only two mob organizations left" said Valentino.

"No, there's still Don Montez even though he is weak, and has nothing left of his organization, I do not want to take the risk of him rebuilding his organization" stated Don Santoro.

"Pap we should take out Nevsky first he's stronger than Montez, and I'm sure Josh and Carly want to save their daughter as soon as possible" suggested Eddie.

"Yes, I agree" said Don Santoro with a pause. "Vincetora I want you to find Don Montez, find out where he is located since he escaped the Federal Prison of Chicago. Find out where he goes, what he does, everything; once you gather all the information report back to me. I want everyone else to go to Moscow to save Josh and Carly's daughter, also put an end to Nevsky" finished Don Santoro.

"So let me get this straight Valentino searches to where Montez is hiding while Carly, Eddie, Billy, and I go to Moscow to take care of Nevsky?" I asked.

Don Santoro nodded his head "yes that is correct" stated Don Santoro. I took a sip of my drink "ok pap it will be done" said Eddie. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest dropping my glass as it shattered, I was breathing like I ran twenty miles. Everyone looks over "Josh!" shouted Carly quickly coming up to me as I fell to the floor.

Everything sounded like it was fading my heart pounding profusely. Carly was still shouting my name stroking the side of my face as I saw Billy and Eddie coming toward me.

Billy grabbed me from underneath my arms with Eddie grabbing my legs to carry me over. I could hear Carly getting more upset; my chest was still in constant agonizing pain, my heart beating profusely like no tomorrow with everything going blank.

Sometime later I awoke on a bed to a constant beeping noise and I glance over seeing a screen of my heart rate. "How are you feeling?" asked someone. I look over it was Valentino checking on my progress "I feel drained like I ran twenty miles or something" I replied.

Valentino nodded his head checking my diagnosis on the screen. "Carly told me this wasn't the first time that this happened to you. It happened while you were in England too right?" he asked.

"Yes it did" I said "I hate to say this Josh, but you have heart disease. You suffer from severe chest pain angina, shortness of breath, symptoms of a heart attack, and from looking at the screen here your blood pressure is really high" said Valentino.

"I've never had this problem before until I went to England with Carly to find Laura" I said. "Well, heart disease is common for Americans and your age has a factor for the disease. If you have another episode like that you could possibly die of heart failure. I'm going to give you some treatment take these pills they will help lower your blood pressure and treat heart failure" said Valentino tossing me a bottle of pills.

"Never abruptly stop taking these pills your angina can become worse" said Valentino as I opened the bottle. Valentino grabs a small cup of water and hands me the cup for me to drink to take the pills.

I took a pill and drank the water handing the cup back to Valentino. "Good" he said throwing away the cup "now you must stay here and rest." "What, no!" I yelled "I have to go help Carly rescue my daughter!" I told him taking the covers off.

"No you can't leave your body needs to rest. Carly and the others have already left they are on their way to Moscow, they left a few hours ago" said Valentino. I laid back down on the bed putting the covers back on me.

There was a moment of silence "now if you'll excuse me I have to start looking for Montez, I'll come back here in a few hours to check on you" said Valentino walking out the room. After he left I heavily sighed worrying about Carly and most of all my daughter Laura. Soon I found myself drifting off to sleep.

"Daddy, dad" said a crying voice "please I need you" said the voice again. I saw the image of my daughter Laura she was crying with tears in her eyes reaching her hand out to me. I ran to her but when I got closer she was sinking like quicksand. I was a few inches of reaching her hand and suddenly she was completely gone.

I smashed my fist on the ground it was dark there was nothing in site. Soon out of nowhere a bloody burned hand grabs my hand squeezing it violently and I struggled to get my hand free. My hand started bleeding, I shouted in pain the bloody burned hand was still squeezing my hand violently until it let me go sinking back down to the ground. I look at my hand with my blood all over it as I felt cold suddenly looking behind me.

When I looked behind me a black figure was standing there with no face. The figure spoke in a dying voice "you will join us, join us" said the figure. It took out its hand it was burned and bloody just like the hand that grabbed me earlier taking hold on my hand with blood as I awoke.

I was breathing harshly when I woke up and I could hear the quick constant beep of the machine analyzing my heart rate. I looked at my hand noticing it was fine and normal. I began to look around noticing I was still in the same place and bed when I talked to Valentino.

I wept having my head buried in my hands and I still had the feeling of that dark figure looming around me. I don't know what it was it couldn't be the angel of death could it? I eventually calmed myself but I was still worried about my daughter. I decided to go Moscow to find to find my daughter that night.

I took a set of spare keys hanging on the wall because the Santoro Organization has a well sized car lot in the organization. I took one of their cars driving off to Moscow, Russia to help the others save Laura.

Hours pass and I went pass through the welcome sign into Russia then later into the city of Moscow. While driving through the city something caught my eye as I drove by slowly. I saw a young man walking into a hotel on the street.

When he walked in he looked like Craig Walters the man that was with my daughter her boyfriend. I took the car in the parking lot going walking to the hotel to check if it was really him.

I walked in and the young man that looked like Craig took the elevator. After the elevator door closed I looked up to see what floor he was going up which was the twenty-seventh floor.

I took the other elevator going up on the twenty-seventh floor. I arrived on the floor as I started looking around for the look alike Craig.

After searching around I came to finding a hotel room with its door left ajar. I peaked in and I saw a man in the room. The man turns to the bed packing as it looked like he was about to checkout.

When he turned to face the bed I saw his face, it was Craig Walters packing his guitar in his case. I got my gun out clicked it back barging in the room pointing the gun at him. He was startled having his hands up giving me a funny look. "What, wait is that?" he asked himself in his British accent.

"Yes, it's me Craig where's Laura, and what are you doing here?" I asked. "They took her Mr. Zodcoff that's why I came here" he told me.

"What happened weren't you with her the whole time?" I asked. "I was we got departed once we reached Poland, they shot me and left me to die, taking Laura away from me. I knew it was the Nevsky Russian Mafia family so I came here to look for her" he said.

"Where's your mobile phone your uncle is worried about you" I said. "They took my mobile phone and I called my uncle when I came here" he said. "How did you get here?" I asked him for I didn't understand his whole story. "I hitchhiked my way over I have to save her I love her, I'll do anything in my power to rescue her" said Craig. I lowered my gun "alright get packed we're leaving" I told him as I walked further in the room.

"Ok lass will do" he replied finishing up packing his guitar. I went out the balcony to look outside then I turn around seeing Craig with a gun in his hand pointing it at me.

I was going to go for my gun "don’t even try I'll blow your brains out before you even aim Mr. Zodcoff or should I say Josh Heartland" said Craig still pointing the gun at me.

I noticed Craig was uneasy by the way he was slightly shaking nervously. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him "I have to do this I have to. If I don't they'll kill me and end my music career" said Craig as he continued to explain.

"The summer I graduated high school I went back to England to visit my uncle like I told you before. At that time my music career wasn't going anywhere and I was still dealing with the death of my parents. I was playing at a bar in town and after the performance this business man came up to me.

He had a Russian accent telling me he liked my music. He told me has major record label connections and that he can present my music to them promising a spot to a major record label for my music. I was over thrilled and excited that I accepted his offer. After I shook his hand he told me that I needed to work for him. If I worked for him he can keep my music on the label and pay not only from what my music makes but pay me with the job.

He set me for life to be successful and I took advantage of that. I asked what the job was and he told me to stop by at an address in London for an interview. I came to the address and I met up with the Russian man that offered me the job. We sat down as he introduced himself as Don Nevsky.

He started to go into detail about his business as I felt uneasy, but I knew in the back of my head I have to do this job so I can be successful take my music to new standards. Nevsky told me that I had to hunt down a man named Josh Heartland. He gave me a picture of you and my heart sank deep inside because I knew who you were.

Not as a mobster I had no clue about your time with the mob, but Nevsky went on told me your false identity as Josh Zodcoff telling me where you live and everything. The more he told the more I felt guilty because I knew your daughter in school whom I adore more than anything in this world. He told me he wanted you to suffer and take away your daughter just like how you took away his step son Ivan Smirnov. In my mind I didn't want to do it because I love your daughter.

He told me it would be too simple to just kill you so he came up with the plan of kidnapping your daughter. He gave me paper documents and false written statements about you to turn it into the British police station after I take your daughter to England. Within the documents they state that your real name is Josh Heartland the mobster from the Montez Organization and that you changed your name, which is true.

However, the files still stated that you worked for Montez just like they did in your time overseas before you settled in New York. Don Nevsky tweaked your file to make it state you changed your name to Josh Zodcoff so you can join the NYPD to have control over the law of New York City for Montez to expand his business. With this information I gave to the British police they transferred the false file to the British Intelligence.

This explains why the United Kingdom shipped you back to the United States and as you were being shipped back the file was transferred over to the NYPD. That's why you were sent to the federal prison and Don Nevsky wanted you there to rot away. Of course you escaped but that worked in Nevsky's favor because now you're an international wanted fugitive it will be only a matter of time before everyone knows who you truly are" finally finished Craig.

"So let me guess this straight you helped Nevsky to set me up so you could stay successful with your music career?" I asked him. "Yes, I did I had no choice!" shouted Craig getting upset because of his guilt. "You could have walked away Craig" I told him.

"I had no idea he was a mafia boss until I got to the address he told me to go to for the job interview. He told me he'll kill me if I didn't carry the task and put my music to an end. I felt guilty the whole time I didn't want to do it, because I love Laura" said Craig as he started to cry.

"Laura loved you Craig she would always talk about you, but now it's all over for you and her because of the choice you made. Now you'll have to live with that choice you can't get her back" I told him. Craig had tears in his eyes and he knew I was right "I have to kill you because if I don't Nevsky will kill me" he said to me.

I pulled out my gun and Craig pulled the trigger from his gun, but it didn't go off. Craig tried but the trigger on his gun wouldn't move. He dropped his gun down breaking down crying to the floor. I picked up his gun looking at it "you left the safety on" I told him. I tossed his gun away from him and me pointing my gun at him.

"I've never fired a gun before" said Craig still sobbing "please don't kill me!" he pleaded. I still held my gun pointed it at him. I grew angry inside because of all the trouble he caused my family, but I put my weapon down. Craig looks at me still crying as I put my gun back in my pocket.

"I'm not going to kill you Craig" I told him taking my hand out. "You’re not," he asked teary eyed "no" I replied. Craig took my hand and he got back on his feet.

When he got back on his feet I shook his hand "it's alright" I said placing my other hand on his shoulder. After I placed my hand on his shoulder I was still shaking his hand with my other hand on still on his shoulder. Then quickly with my strength I violently toss him off the hotel balcony. I could hear Craig's loud scream as he was falling. I look down seeing his body land on top of a car going through the windshield he was dead.

I knew there would be a lot of attention after what had just happened. I took Craig's gun placing it in my pocket exiting the hotel room. I took the elevator heading back to the main floor. When I got there the employees and many other people from inside went outside for you could hear the car alarm go off loudly when Craig's body crashed into it.

I went out the front entrance walking casually to the other direction to not walk by the accident. While I was walking police cars along with an ambulance came driving by with their lights and sirens on.

I went further down the street taking a left and I randomly went into a bar to stay low for awhile. When I went in I sat at one of the tables putting my head down trying to think on where I could find Laura. Soon I look up as I saw a man in a suit pointing a shotgun at me a few tables down.

To my reaction I ducked down flipping the table over to take cover. When the first shot fired off everyone within the bar started running exiting the place and I took my gun out as I appeared up to take a shot at the man in the business suit.

When I look I found myself ducking again as the man shot another shell. Soon I hear him reloading his shotgun, taking another look I fired at him. I hear the man in pain along with his shotgun falling to the floor.

I quickly run up to him shooting him in the legs. After shooting him I kicked his weapon away from his reach grabbing him. I pushed him up against the bar holding him by his shirt pointing my gun. "Are you one of Nevsky's men?" I asked him. The man didn't answer as I hit the side of his nose with my gun. "Answer the question!" I shouted demandingly.

The man had a bloody nose from me striking him, he began to talk. "Yes, I am" he replied "Nevsky wants you dead, hell the all law enforcement wants you dead" he said. "I don't care I just want to know where your boss is keeping my daughter, talk where is she?" I yelled.

"Go to the Nevsky organization. It's five blocks up from here, take a left, then you'll see it; you can't miss it with the gates being there" said the man. "You there stop!" shouted someone from behind. I toss the man that worked for Nevsky to the ground as I look over to see a policeman standing by the front doorway of the bar.

I ran for it going through back of the bar out the backdoor. I cut through alleyways going up five blocks taking a left at the fifth block. I came to a long narrow paved path running down I saw in front of me the gates to Nevsky's domain.

I was short of breath when I arrived at the gates from running up the five blocks. The pain in my heart started acting up again kneeling down holding my chest. It felt like someone physically squeezing my heart as I went for my pills from my pocket.

I opened the bottle taking one pill swallowing it down. Afterward I sat down leaning against the wall connected to the gate trying to lower my heart rate. I was still holding my chest sitting there for a couple of minutes to catch my breath.

Suddenly I hear gunfire coming from the inside the lot of the organization complex. I didn't move I still sat there listening to all the gunfire going off like fireworks. I brought my gun out ready for anything just in case I was spotted.

Soon I hear an explosion and I slightly move over to the gate to see what was going on. Covering behind the wall I peer over noticing a car had exploded engulfed in flames. There were many of Nevsky's men dead with bullet holes in them and looking further I saw Carly, Billy, and Eddie going inside the compound. I clicked my gun heading toward the compound. I go through the front door seeing more of Nevsky's men dead on the floor.

I head up to the second floor hoping to find Don Nevsky. I was finally on the second floor as I saw a closed door ahead. I was walking toward it until I heard someone's gun click. I turned around seeing it was Carly "Josh what are you doing here? You scared me half to death I thought the person coming up the stairs was someone working for Nevsky" she said lowering her gun down. "I couldn't stay in Italy I had to come here to help save our daughter" I told her.

"We'll talk later hun come on let's go" she said going towards the closed door. I walked up to the door right next to her "on three" I told her. "One" I said counting "two" followed Carly "three" we both said together kicking the door down. The door fell to the ground as both Carly and I went in pointing our guns ready for anything. "Drop your weapons the both of you" said Don Nevsky in the room.

Nevsky had a magnum holding my daughter hostage. "Laura, it's going to be alright sweetheart" I told her. "Mom, dad" she yells franticly as Nevsky placed his hand over mouth clicking his gun pointing to her head.

"Let her go Nevsky, this place will blow up soon" said Carly. Don Nevsky smiles "then I guess we'll all die together" he said not caring what happens. "Just like old times right Mr. Heartland? This is sort of similar to the time when my old friend Joey Mason held a gun to your first love's head. Katie was her name correct?" he stated with a sinister smile of enjoyment.

I tightened the grip on my handgun and Don Nevsky could see the frustration of my emotions. Nevsky laughs with a smile "I love seeing you this way Mr. Heartland such meaningful feelings" he said.

"Now what are you both going to do? Pull the trigger to kill me I'll pull my trigger killing the one you care for most. You better decide quickly or we'll all be nothing but ash when this place explodes" he said. A moment passes and I drop my gun to the floor.

Carly looks over at me still pointing her gun Nevsky "Josh" said Carly. "Just drop your weapon Carly I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of my loved ones getting caught in the crossfire over a choice I made many years ago. Our daughter doesn't deserve to go through this because of the lifestyle we chose long ago. I'm tired of all the pain, the suffering, the running, the constant living of fear, the fact that we tend to lose everyone we love, and all the death that comes along with the burden of this lifestyle. This isn't the life I wanted to live.

I chose this life because I needed the money, I knew from the start what the costs were, but I did it anyway because I felt I didn't have a choice. I mean I'm happy that my choices lead me to meeting you Carly, that we're married, and have the most beautiful daughter I could ever ask to have, but with every choice there's always a price to pay.

Russ was right about this lifestyle you live by the gun, you die by the gun. This is the price that everyone has to pay for this lifestyle. I tried running from it by starting my life over even changing my name but with all my efforts I've reached the point of no return" I finally finished.

Don Nevsky laughs "looks like your luck has finally run out Mr. Heartland" he said with a smile. Carly places her gun down "now I'll take away your daughter's life just like you took away my step son's life" said Nevsky.

"Your step son killed half of your men that one night he lost it, yet you want to take vengeance especially after what he did to you to get information to find me" I replied. "I tried to protect Ivan because I love him. Yes, I know he lost his mind that night because of what one of my men did to his mother, but he was angry.

I understand from his point of view now wanting to find his father's killer; I made the mistake of concealing the truth. Weren't you the same Mr. Heartland when you wanted to kill the man responsible for your father's death? Now stare and watch as your daughter's brains splatter" said Nevsky.

Suddenly Laura elbows Nevsky in stomach causing him to let go as she pushes him to the wall. After she pushes him to the wall Laura runs over to Carly "mom" she cried running into her arms. Carly held on to her tightly as Nevsky came up from the wall aiming his magnum at Carly and Laura. When he aimed I took out Craig's handgun I had in my pocket.

Turning off the safety I fired with a bullet going through Nevsky's chest. Nevsky fell off his feet with his body up against the wall. He tried taking another aim of his magnum this time at me but without hesitation I fired again. My second shot went through his head it was over he was dead. "Daddy!" shouted Laura running giving me a hug.

I gave her a kiss on her forehead as I wanted to break down to cry for finally I had my daughter back in my arms again. "Hey what's taking you so long come on this place is going to blow in two minutes!" shouted Eddie coming up on the second floor. The four of us ran out of the organization pass the gates.

When we all got to the gates Billy was there in Eddie's car ready for the getaway. We got in the car as a loud explosion followed by with Billy driving us away. I look behind me for a second seeing the place in flames. Laura was sitting between Carly and I in the back cuddling up between us both.

We drove back to Italy to the Santoro Organization to tell Don Santoro the job was done and to see if Valentino had any leads on Montez. All of us were in the parlor as Carly and I couldn't be happier to see our daughter. I couldn't tell who happier Laura, Carly, or me, but we are all finally back together as family.

Soon Don Santoro came into the room sitting in his chair, now it was time to talk business. Carly took Laura out of the room into the kitchen so Eddie, Billy, Valentino, Don Santoro, and I can plan the next move on Montez. "I heard what happened in Russia excellent job gentlemen, now Valentino has some important information about Montez" said Don Santoro letting Valentino explain his research.

"Yes, I have found Don Montez he's on his way to Florida to keep a low profile. I have found and traced his bank account records he bought a huge house in Miami. He's going to move in three days from now. My uncle and I have devised a plan to take him out" said Valentino.

"The plan is simple we take him out when he arrives in Florida. Montez will arrive at the Miami airport roughly around two in the afternoon that's when his plane will arrive in Florida. Valentino traced a call he made for a limo driver to drive him to his new home when he arrives at the airport. We have the limo license plate number and the driver's name along with the address of the limo service.

Three people will go to the address where the limo service is and drive the limo to pick up Montez. One person will meet up with Montez in the airport escort him to the limo, one person will be the driver, and the other will kill him.

When we pick up Montez the one that will kill him will be sitting in the back of the limo. After Montez gets in the driver drives off locking the doors so he can't get out. Drive somewhere where you can kill him and dispose of the body" finished Don Santoro. "I'll be the one to kill him" I replied to everyone.

"What, no not with your health Josh and the fact that all the police is after you" said Valentino. "Hey cousin let Josh do it alright I'm sure he's healthy enough to pull a trigger on someone it's not like he's on his death bed ya know, he can handle himself" replied Eddie. Valentino sighs "Josh are you sure you want to do this?" he asked me.

"Yes, yes I do" I said to Valentino. "I'll drive the limo" replied Billy "ok I'll meet up with the bastard and escort him to the limo" followed Eddie. "Alright it's settled then after this is all said and done you three come back here" said Don Santoro.

After talking about the plan I went into the kitchen to see Carly and Laura. They both were sitting at the kitchen table talking "Dad is it true what Nevsky said about you being in the mob?" asked Laura. I looked away for a bit as I gave my daughter the straight answer "yes, I was in the mob many years ago back in the place I was raised and born Seattle, Washington" I told her.

"Your last name, my last name isn't Zodcoff, you lied to me?" she asked. I paused for a moment "yes" I finally said. Laura became upset "You lied to me all this time since the day I was born. You lied about everything?" she asked. "Yes," I told her feeling guilty.

"Why would you do such a thing, why?" she asked getting more upset. "I did it to protect you Laura, I didn't want you to fall like I did, I want you to have a better life than I did because I love you more than anything in this world" I replied.

"That doesn't give you the right to lie to me about who I really am, where I come from. How did you and mom meet?" she asked me. Carly and I told her the story of how we met and everything including about my father, my mother, and brother. Carly explained the truth about her family about her father and brother.

After we told Laura the truth she was livid with tears. She got up and started leaving the kitchen as before she walked out I spoke. "Laura, once you have a family of your own everything changes you’ll do anything in your power to keep them safe. You'll understand that one day when you have children of your own, I love you" I told her.

Laura still had her back to me listening to what I said, but she didn't look back at me. She was too angry to look at me and she walked out the kitchen. I leaned against the counter rubbing my hands against my forehead as Carly comes up to me placing her hand on my shoulder. I turn around facing my wife and we hugged each other. "I'm going to Florida to finish Montez off, put a bullet in his head" I finally said after we hugged.

Carly held my hand "I don't think you should go, but I'm not going to argue with you, you're a grown man it's your choice" she told me. "I'm sorry" I told her. "Don't be I'll be right here waiting for you to come back" she said. I touched the side of her face as we pressed our lips together locking mine with hers.

A day goes by and on the second day Billy, Eddie, and I left for Florida. Within sixteen hours we arrive at the airport disguised as different people to not attract any attention with created passports to get pass security. The passports worked our way pass the airport and we stay at a hotel not too far from where the limo service is located.

That night Eddie, Billy, and I ordered some booze drinking, smoking, and talking at a table in our room. "So you two, what are you going to do after this job?" asked Eddie with a cigarette in his mouth lighting it.

"I don't know" replied Billy pouring bourbon in our glasses. I didn't reply as Eddie spoke "hey why not come work for my father we can clear your fugitive record; start fresh with a new life." "Yeah sure" replied Billy setting the bottle down taking our drinks.

Eddie chuckles with a smile "ok" he said with Billy and him shaking hands. I took a sip of my drink not saying a word. "Hey Josh why are you so quiet?" asked Eddie shifting over to me. "Thanks for the offer Eddie but no thanks" I told him. "Hey it's alright I understand you have a family, just thought I'd ask" said Eddie patting my back. "So this is your last job with us?" asked Billy taking a sip of his drink.

Eddie took a sip from his glass "yeah this is it" I said. "Hey I'll drink to that my friend" stated Eddie. Billy picks up the bottle filling up our glasses. After Billy filled our glasses we raised them up. "Cheers" said Billy, "cheers" I followed "salute" ended Eddie dinking our glasses.

The next day we got up around eleven-thirty heading out to the limo service two blocks down from the hotel. Eddie and I waited by the limo that is going to pick up Montez and Billy crept in the back of the service building going through the back door. 

Within a few minutes later Billy comes out from the back door with a limo driver uniform on, a cardboard sign underneath his arm, along with the keys to drive the limo. He gives Eddie a limo escort uniform and the cardboard sign.

Billy gets in to start the car as Eddie and I get in the back to get ready to pick up Montez. From the service limo building it took close to thirty minutes to arrive at the airport. When we got to the airport I sat on the other side so I can have a clear shot facing Montez to kill him when he gets in the back.

Eddie was dressed in his limo escort uniform carrying the cardboard sign getting out of the car. He heads to the driver's side of the car to talk to Billy. Billy rolls down his window "alright we have to wait awhile for Montez to land. You have the car parked in the parking lot while I wait inside for Montez. His flight number is three- forty-three I'll be waiting for him in the waiting area. When he comes in the airport I'll have this sign here with his name on it so that way knows his ride is here. When we come out drive the car around to the front so we can just let him in, got it?" said Eddie.

"I got it Eddie we can do this" replied Billy "good see you and Josh back in Italy, good luck" said Eddie heading towards the airport going inside.

Billy drives the limo to the parking lot taking a parking space to wait for Eddie and Montez to come out. Billy turns off the car to talk to me "how do you feel Josh, you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied to him. I felt nervous and eager knowing I was about to put an end to everything. Mitchell Montez the man who gave my father and brother a job that ended up killing them; the time has finally come for him to get what he deserves a bullet in the head.

More time went by as the tension started to become almost unbearable to me. Soon in the distance of the main entrance of the airport Billy and I saw Don Montez with Eddie coming out. Billy started the car taking it around like Eddie told him to.

Billy stopped the car at the front of the airport as Montez and Eddie came closer to the limo. Eddie spoke hearing him say "enjoy your time Mr. Montez." Eddie opens the back limo door for Montez to get in.

Montez didn't pay attention with me being inside he didn't notice "thank you" he said to Eddie getting in. Eddie closes the door and Billy started to drive locking all the doors. When the doors locked Montez saw me as we look at each other face to face.

I pulled out my gun pointing it at him. "You" said Montez with a pause "I knew you'd come for me." "It's over Montez I'm not going to let you take in and destroy anymore lives" I said. "Take their lives?" replied Montez laughing at me.

"Josh it wasn't my choice to place people in my line of work. I just offered it; it was their choice to join my organization just like your father, your brother, and you. They killed themselves from the choices they made. They could have walked away but they didn't, and as you well know once you step in there's no turning back, it's the point of no return until you're dead with a bullet in your skull" said Montez. I clicked my gun "a bullet in your skull suits you Montez" I said.

Montez gives me a grin from his face "it doesn't surprise me that my brains being blown out is my fate. So go ahead pull that trigger so I'll pay for all my sins, you'll pay for all of yours in the end Josh Heartland that I can promise you" said Montez. I studied Montez as he spoke again "see you in hell."

"Maybe" I replied shooting Montez in the head with his blood splattering everywhere on the back windshield and on the seat.

After I killed Montez Billy and I were near a docking peer in Miami. We got out of the limo dragging Montez's dead body throwing it into the water. As soon as we disposed the body a team of police cars surrounded us.

"Freeze put your weapons on the ground with your hands up now!" shouted an officer as Billy and I were held at gunpoint. There was nowhere to run and a helicopter surrounded us from behind in mid air. Billy and I placed our guns to the ground putting our hands up.

"Lay on the ground with your hands behind your back now or we will open fire!" shouted the officer. We did what the officer told us to do and we were handcuffed. After being handcuffed we were transported to the Miami Police Department.

At the station they confiscated all the items we had on us including my medication to treat my heart disease. Within several weeks the police department transported us to Washington DC for our trial considering we broke several federal laws, and caused havoc internationally; all the evidence was there on the table. Everyone knows the whole story. I was stuck in a jail cell in DC separate from Billy waiting for my court trial to start.

I had two visitors while waiting for my court trial but visitors could only go one at a time. My first visitor was Valentino "Josh, I heard what happened your wife Carly is with me but she wanted me to talk to you first. It's about what happened" he said continuing to speak.

"Mitchell Montez was under federal protection, they had him wired under surveillance so they could capture you. After Montez escaped the federal prison in Chicago a few days later he was picked up by federal agents of the FBI.

When they picked him up they told him they needed him to draw you out so they can finally capture you. The Federals told him if he didn't do it he would be prosecuted by taking the death sentence. They told Montez if he helped them put you away they would clear him and allow him into exile to live in another country" stated Valentino.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked him "my uncle had someone working for him on the inside. We didn't figure it out nor get this information until the day you killed Montez" said Valentino.

I pounded my fist on the concrete wall throwing a fit cursing to myself. A moment of silence goes by "what are my chances?" I asked finally. Valentino had a blank look on his face "death" he finally said. I lightly hit my head against the bars leaning against them.

"In your trial the judge and the jury will decide your fate but with the charges they have against you they'll more than likely sentence you to death. I am well qualified to do everything in my power to make a stand with you as your lawyer" said Valentino.

I nodded my head trying to take everything in as Valentino left so Carly could see me. I heard Carly's footsteps coming down the hall. I glance up seeing her in tears "does Laura know?" I asked. Carly took a moment to hold herself together so she could speak.

"Yes, she knows do you want to see her?" she asked me. "No," I replied "I don't want Laura to see me this way nor see me at my trial. She doesn't need to see the last image and memory of me behind bars or in my death trial" I told her on the verge of crying.

"Don't talk like that Josh please there's still hope there has to be" replied Carly. "No this is it Carly I have to accept the consequences of all my actions and choices" I said. "Josh no I can't live without you, I just can't" Carly replied with her hands on the bars.

"Yes, you can, you have to, please you have to do it. Do it for me for my last request before I die, do it for me and for our daughter Laura. She needs you, you need to be there for her please" I asked her.

Carly broke down sobbing nodding her head. "Carly you still have the chance to walk away to be free with all the mob organizations dead, and Don Santoro on a low profile you're free. You don't have to run anymore, you can live a normal life" I told her putting my hand between the bars to touch the side of her face.

"Promise me?" I asked her. Carly put her hands between the bars around my waist wanting to hold me one last time "I promise" she replied. I put my hands around Carly the best I could with the bars between us as we both cried knowing this is our last goodbye.

Carly stayed with me as long as she could until visiting hours were closed. The guard came in and told her she had to leave as he started escorting her out the jail. As Carly was walking away she looks back at me giving me the look she gave me back in Germany when the fireworks were blazing in Berlin that one night.

After she left I cried for hours knowing that this would be the last time I'd ever see her. Two days later my trial came, and Valentino tried his hardest giving everything he had to make a strong case in my defense.

As the court trial went on everything wasn't going in my favor. Within a few more hours the jury came up with a choice "guilty" they all said. The judge laid it all to rest sentencing me to death and my trial was over.

When I started walking out the court room with handcuffs I saw Eric Walters, Dale, and Jerry there sitting in the public stands with pleasing smiles. I guess they figured that I was the one who killed Craig. I was sent back to my jail cell waiting to receive the day I would be executed.

While I was waiting day by day my heart disease became more excessive. I wasn't taking my medication anymore because the police confiscated them a while ago. Finally the day came when I got news of my execution date.

The 16th of September a month from now is the day I will be put to death. The next day after my notice Billy was put to death by a lethal injection. The following morning I had one last visitor Vicky Merez Katie's best friend. "Josh Heartland?" asked a voice that sounded familiar to me.

I got up from my jail bed going over to the bars to see who it was. She was a nun and right then I recognized her "Vicky, is that you?" I asked her. "Yes it's me Josh" she said to me. I was surprised to see Vicky as a nun now.

"It's been so long since we've last seen each other" I told her. "Yes, since Katie's funeral" added Vicky. "I wanted to see you Josh, I've heard everything about what has happened to you" she said. "Including my sentence to death?" I asked her.

"Yes," she replied "there's still hope for you" she added. "Hope," I said doubtfully "I can't be saved from my sentence" I told her. "Yes you can" said Vicky "how, who's going to save me?" I asked her.

"God can save you Josh" she replied. "How can God save me when he's not even here?" I asked. "God is with you Josh he's always been there for you waiting for you to accept him through his son Jesus he loves you" she said. "I've done so much wrong in my life I've killed so many I've done many awful things. How can Jesus and God love me?" I asked her as I confessed all my sins.

"I killed countless people while in the mob, Katie got killed from the choices I made, my mother killed herself because of me leaving, I killed Craig Walters throwing him off the hotel in Russia; I've hurt so many people the ones I love, my daughter hates me because I lied to her about everything in her life. How can Jesus or God accept me even love me?" I told Vicky as I cried.

"Josh you may have sinned with all those choices and actions you did, but Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Give him your whole heart, accept him into your life, and talk with him. He'll give you all the love, the support, and a special place for you in the Kingdom of Heaven only if you accept him and give him everything you have. He's waiting for you" said Vicky. "He's waiting for me, how do I talk to Jesus will he listen even after everything I've done?" I asked.

"Yes, Jesus will always listen to what you have to say. He sees everything, and knows everything." "How do I talk to him, I don't know where to even start" I replied. "Pray to him, believe in him, and give him your whole heart" said Vicky taking out a bible.

I was convinced wanting to surrender and believe in him “I want to meet Jesus" I said to Vicky. "Put your hand out on the bible and repeat after me." said Vicky. I took my hand between the bars placing my hand on the bible repeating the words of prayer giving my heart out. That day I made my very first prayer I have ever made to God.

The next few days I prayed believing in Jesus to do what is best for me despite everything I went through my whole life. Later I felt the angina within my chest again being the most severe it's ever been. I fell off my bed crawling on the floor suffering signs of a heart attack.

I wanted the pain to stop as everything around me started fading in and out. I look at one of the corners within my jail cell seeing a figure. I kept looking at the figure as the figure looked like my dad. "Dad, daddy?" I cried out crawling reaching my hand out to him. "Everything is alright my son" said the figure gently taking my hand.

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